How to choose the right Christmas tree for the New Year 2025: live and artificial

What is the main attribute of the New Year? Of course, a green fluffy Christmas tree brought from the forest with a fragrant pine scent and decorated with bright shining garlands with a large number of Christmas tree balls.

New Year's Eve is an indescribable night of magic, creating a fairy-tale atmosphere filled with special children's happiness. Twinkling Christmas tree lights, toys and balls, sparkling garlands turn the ordinary world into a huge magical fairy tale with its heroes and events. The main event of this fairy tale is December 31. The closer this day is, the more worries and worries come to our home. On this day, the main guest comes to someone from the forest, and to someone from the store - the New Year tree.

But before our guest appears on the threshold of our house, many of us are haunted by the question of how to choose a Christmas tree. We want it to be beautiful and fluffy, to please guests and hosts, to always be fragrant with branches smelling of pine needles. The desire of adult family members, and especially children, is for the tree to please everyone as long as possible and to be with them until the end of the New Year and Christmas holidays, and maybe for more than one year.

Which one to choose: live or artificial?

But in order for the tree to serve for more than one year, you need to think and make the right choice - artificial or real. It is clear that on the eve of the New Year there are many disputes and opinions on this matter. The opinion of some people who like the artificial tree for its practicality. And it looks like a real New Year tree and lasts for years.

But many have another opinion on this matter. Well, how can you imagine the New Year without the aroma of pine needles in the apartment. Therefore, they come up with and look for different ways to extend the life of the tree, they are even ready to remove the shedding trees every day.

Undoubtedly, the natural aroma of a living spruce is its main and fundamental advantage. Entering from the street and crossing the threshold of the home, you are enveloped in a cocktail of smells, from which a pleasant dizziness and a feeling of bliss occur. The smell of a freshly baked pie with lemon and cinnamon, the smell of tangerines complements the forest aroma of resin - all this creates a festive atmosphere that is associated with magic and childhood.

How to choose the right Christmas tree?

But like every living creature, a living Christmas tree has its downsides. It is not a fact that the beauty that came to us from the forest can stand in the house not as long as we would like, but only two, maximum three weeks.

Then, on the third or fourth day after installation in a warm room, our tree will begin to shed its needles, which, with or without the help of slippers, are carried throughout the entire apartment, and the housewives have to use a vacuum cleaner to get them out of the most hidden corners.

In addition to the corners with needles, we can expect another not very pleasant "But". Insects can live in the bark of a living tree, which, getting into our home, can damage furniture. Although the bark of a tree can be treated with special means, but the resin, which melts in the heat and can get on the carpet and wallpaper, is difficult to remove.

And yet, most people prefer to buy a living tree. If you can say so, then it has become almost a family tradition. Green beauties smelling of the forest, bright toys, blinking garlands - this is a whole family ritual of decorating the Christmas tree with the whole family, all this plays a decisive role in choosing the main symbol of the New Year holidays.

But an artificial Christmas tree does not pose any special problems - the branches do not go bald, harmful insects do not bother. Naturally, the fact of the advantage is great: it is practical, fire hazard, hypoallergenic and even ordinary diversity.

Naturally, the modern market for artificial New Year trees is large, and the range of trees is huge and for every taste.

Unfortunately, such trees have their disadvantages. The biggest one is the difficulty of storing the tree. Large dimensions, even when disassembled, complicate the storage process.

An artificial Christmas tree is an expensive product, the cost of which is much higher than that of its natural sisters. Therefore, it is necessary to take seriously the storage of trees on balconies or in a damp basement, it is better not to store them, as this can lead to damage to the product. But in spite of everything, an artificial Christmas tree lives a very long time. If you love and properly care for it, then the earthly tree will celebrate the New Year with you for more than a dozen years.

How to choose a natural Christmas tree?

If you decide to choose a natural spruce, you should pay attention to some rules, thanks to which your tree will definitely last until Christmas or Old New Year.

The most convenient time to choose a tree is during the day. In daylight, all the flaws and shortcomings of this tree are visible. We buy a tree no earlier than December 25-26, and if you want, then buy it at a specialized market or in a nursery for New Year trees. When choosing a purchase, pay attention to the trunk at a height of the tree of 1.5 m, the diameter of the trunk should be at least 6 cm. There should be resin on the cut of the trunk - this means the tree is healthy. If there are dark spots, fungus or mold on the cut, you cannot take such a tree. Now shake the tree - the needles should not fall off and also be bright green. The lower branches of the tree should look up. And the last: pick a few needles and rub them in your palms. If you feel a pronounced aroma - the tree is yours.

The spruce's sister is the pine. Both trees are green, fragrant with a pleasant pine scent, and you need to choose a pine for the holiday according to the same criteria as a spruce. The most basic condition for choosing is the freshness of the pine, which is: the color of the needles is bright green without yellow and brown spots. If the pine was cut down very recently, then it may have a waxy coating, but there is no reason to refuse, such a tree can be bought.

  • Run your hand along the branches of a pine tree - not a single “hair” should fall from it.
  • If you lift the tree, it will be quite heavy.
  • Elasticity of branches by touch.
  • If you have a lush tree in front of you, imagine it in your home and it is yours.

How to choose an artificial Christmas tree?

If you have nevertheless chosen an artificial New Year attribute, then consider that you have made the right choice - this tree will delight and warm your soul for many years. But in order to avoid any problems with installation and maintenance, you need to choose it correctly.

  • Is it convenient to assemble a Christmas tree? This is the first aspect when choosing what you need to pay attention to. The most convenient, but unfortunately also expensive, are considered to be the trees that can be assembled instantly, like an umbrella. But there are trees with more complicated assembly - into tiers and branches.
  • The quality of the New Year tree should be checked by pulling on the corners. The corners should not fall out, straighten out or change their shape under any circumstances.
  • We examine the joints very carefully: the reliability of the fastening of the needles to the branches and the branches to the trunk.
  • A quality artificial tree made from good and quality materials should not smell of anything.
  • To avoid any further problems in future use, when buying, ask the seller to provide you with a quality certificate to make sure that the tree is made of safe and fire-resistant materials. Whatever tree appears in your home on New Year's Eve, a live spruce, a pine tree or an artificial spruce, it is important that your choice is made with love and brings pleasure to you and your family.