How to celebrate the New Year of the Dragon 2025 to please the symbol of the year

The most magical, long-awaited and magical night is rapidly approaching us. New Year is a favorite holiday of childhood, which is expected by absolutely everyone - both adults and children! During the New Year holidays, all cherished dreams come true, and wishes become reality. The house will be filled with the smell of tangerines and Christmas trees.

New Year holidays are ahead of us. This is the best time to spend with family and friends. On these wonderful days, even adults become children - they walk, ride sleds, tubes, ice-skates and skate.

Our children experience very special feelings on New Year's Eve. After all, it is to them that the kind winter wizard Father Frost will come on the night of December 31 to January 1 and put a long-awaited gift under the tree!

How to Celebrate New Year 2024

The coming year 2025 will be held under the patronage of the Green Green Wooden Snake. This creature has a special status in eastern countries. The dragon is a symbol of imperial power. You can still find figurines and images of the Dragon on ancient palaces and castles in China. Astrologers say that the New Year is the most successful of all.

The dragon will be the main symbol in the next 12 months. In order for luck to accompany you in 2025, and for the totem animal to provide assistance and attract luck, it is necessary to meet it according to all the rules of the eastern horoscope. It will be necessary to observe all signs, rituals and customs, Then the Dragon will be favorable to you and your family.

Each year has its own characteristics - symbols, design style, holiday menu. On this page we will tell you in detail how to properly celebrate the New Year 2025 - what to cook, what to wear on New Year's Eve, what to give to family and friends, how to properly compose a menu and what entertainment to offer guests. Also on this page you will learn what colors to use in the decor of the room and table setting to please the main totem of 2025 - the Green Wooden Dragon.

Beautiful New Year pictures with the symbol of 2025 - the Dragon

After reading this article, you will answer the most important question for yourself - how to celebrate the year of the Green Snake so that 12 months pass productively, successfully and unforgettable, taking into account all the recommendations of astrologers.

There are no minor moments in preparation for the holiday. Each factor complements the other in a complex. To understand how to properly celebrate the New Year 2025, you need to know the features of the symbol. Therefore, we will begin the article with a description of the characteristics, color and element of the patron of the year.

When does the New Year come according to the Eastern calendar

Beautiful New Year pictures with the symbol of 2025 - the Dragon

The coming 2025 will be held under the sign of the Green Green Wooden Snake. According to the eastern calendar, the celebration of the New Year does not have a permanent specific date. Its celebration takes place over the course of two weeks, expressing their respect and honor to this sign. The coming New Year will begin on the night of February 9-10, 2025. This date falls on the second new moon after the winter solstice.

From February 10, 2025, the Green Green Wooden Snake will come into its legal rights.

Green Green Wooden Snake will rule until February 28, 2025. In China, they will celebrate the meeting of the 4722nd year, and not like us, 2025. It should be remembered that each of the representatives of the Eastern calendar comes to us once every 12 years. However, the combinations of the elements and the sign are repeated only once every 60 years. The last time the Green Green Wooden Snake was the main symbol was in 1964. And the next time the patron will return to us only in 2084. During this time, we will meet Dragons in combination with other elements and colors.

The coming year of the Green Green Wooden Snake promises to be unusual and unforgettable in every sense of the word!

2025 Year of the Snake according to the Chinese calendar

Chinese New Year 2025

In European countries (including Russia), it is generally accepted that the symbol of the year comes into its legal rights on New Year's Day - January 1. But this is not so. According to the Chinese calendar, the Dragon will begin its rule only on February 10, 2025. In eastern countries, the celebration of the New Year is determined by the lunar calendar. On this day, people strive to spend time with family, parents and closest friends.

New Year in China is the most important holiday. The inhabitants of this country celebrate the holiday for 15 days. During this time, they express their respect and reverence to the totem animal. The meaning of this is to win its favor. In eastern cultures, New Year is the longest holiday. In China, great importance is attached to it.

Over time, old Eastern traditions have taken root in our European countries. Only here the New Year holiday comes on the night of December 31 to January 1, according to the Gregorian calendar. We also perceive the New Year as a great opportunity to spend time with family, congratulate relatives and friends and give them gifts.

If the New Year 2025 celebration goes well, cheerfully and in a good mood, then this will greatly please our eastern patron - the Green Green Wooden Snake, who will take you under his wing in the coming year!

Characteristics, elements, color of the New Year 2025

Color, element and characteristics of the New New Year 2025

According to the forecasts of authoritative astrologers, the coming year 2025 should be one of the happiest and most successful! The symbolism of the Snake attracts good luck and the fulfillment of desires! Indeed, we have had enough of world upheavals, it is time to live for ourselves and enjoy life to the fullest! What else is important for us to know about the main symbol of 2025 - the Green Wooden Dragon?

According to Chinese beliefs, the Dragon is the most powerful and mysterious totem. This is the fifth zodiac year according to the Chinese calendar. The Year of the Green Green Wooden Snake comes once every 60 years.

In Eastern culture, the Dragon enjoys special honor. Its image was used to decorate state flags and the clothes of monarchs. And in China, the Dragon is considered a symbol of imperial power. Its statues decorated the palaces and estates of the supreme rulers. Nowadays, you can find many monuments decorated with the symbols of the coming year.

In Chinese astrology, the Dragon symbolizes power, strength and transformation.

The Dragon was the patron of 1916, 1928, 1940, 1952, 1964, 1976, 1988, 2000 and 2012. The Year of the Snake brought the world a huge number of favorable events, such as the birth of jazz music, the appearance of the cartoon "Mickey Mouse", the publication of the novel by Gabriel Garcia Marquez "The Old Man and the Sea". On New Year's Eve, the famous film "King Kong" was released, the computer game "The Sims" was created and the era of Elon Musk began.

The symbolism of the Snake unites the spirit of the earth and the sky, brings prosperity and luck! The year under its patronage is considered the most prosperous among all 12 signs of the eastern horoscope.

Talismans of the Year of the Snake

  • Zodiac sign - Aries.
  • Color - gold, silver, gray, white.
  • Flower - clerodendrum and snapdragon.
  • Happy days — 1st and 16th of the lunar month.
  • Lucky numbers — 1, 6 and 7, as well as their combinations.
  • Cardinal directions - north, south, east.
  • Months of the lunar calendar — 3, 4 and 7 months of the lunar calendar.

The element of the Snake 2025 is wood, it represents growth and development. Green is associated with positivity, the blossoming of nature and new life. The number 2025 is 8. Practicality and material well-being are important for the eight. Each of us will feel the enormous powerful influence of the Green Green Wooden Snake. This year, everyone can find themselves in the center of large-scale events that can become fateful. The Dragon will give the opportunity to make a big leap forward to achieve the desired result!

The number of 2025 is 8, practicality and material well-being are very important for the eight. What will the Green Wooden Snake bring? Everyone will feel its powerful influence, everyone will be able to find themselves in the center of large-scale events that can become truly fateful. It will give the opportunity to make a big leap forward to achieve popularity and make a profit.

People born in the year of the Green Green Wooden Snake have outstanding leadership qualities. They are often innovators. They are characterized by determination and nobility. They strive for power, freedom and respect. Their unpredictability and love for acting make them the center of attention in any setting.

How to please the Green Dragon

Beautiful New Year pictures with the symbol of 2025 - the Dragon

As astrologers promise us, the New Year will be filled with bright and spontaneous events. But all these events will be positive.

You can attract luck to your side if you know what will please our totem - Green Green Wooden Snake. You should decorate your house correctly, choosing suitable colors in the interior, choose outfits and decorate the Christmas tree.

The most banal, but effective way to appease the symbol of the coming 2025 is to buy a talisman in the form of a Snake figurine in a store. Place it on the New Year's table during the celebration.

If you have talismans from previous years at home, it is better to hide them. The Dragon does not tolerate competition around itself.

A pendant, brooch or phone charm can also be used as a talisman.

The year 2024 will be under the sign of the Green Green Wooden Snake. It will bring good luck and success to all those who will celebrate the New Year correctly.

We will talk about how to celebrate, what to cook for the New Year's table, what to wear, what to give and how to decorate the house in this article below. In the relevant sections of the article, you will find answers to questions on each of the points. By following these simple rules, you can appease the main symbol of 2025 and attract good luck!

What to do before the Year of the Snake

What needs to be done before the New Year 2024

To celebrate the New Year correctly, you need to prepare for it. Many things need to be done before the holiday to appease the Dragon.

Before the New Year 2025, we strongly recommend that you do some things. Then the Dragon will be pleased and will reward you with his care. Here is a list of such simple tasks:

  • Before the New Year, pay back all debts to friends, relatives, colleagues. As a result, your energy base will be renewed and life will receive a new round of development.
  • Do a general cleaning of your house or apartment. Get rid of everything unnecessary. There should be space for new things and thoughts even on a physical level.
  • Thank all those people who deserve it. The Universe gives generous gifts to grateful people.
  • Improve your relationships with everyone around you. On New Year's Eve 2025, there should be no grievances or unresolved issues. Otherwise, the crack will only grow in size.
  • You must manage to do everything you planned for the past year before the chimes on December 31. Don't miss even the smallest things.
  • All these tasks must be done in a good mood!


Where is the best place to celebrate New Year 2024

Where is the best place to celebrate New Year 2024

In order for the New Year 2025 to be successful, it is necessary to celebrate it as astrologers recommend. This way you can secure the favor of the symbol of the year. The rest of the plan items depend on the place where we will celebrate the holiday - the New Year's menu and the choice of New Year's outfit.

If you take into account the Snake's preferences, New Year's Eve is best spent in a noisy and cheerful company. And it doesn't matter where to hold a party - in a restaurant or at home. The most important thing is company. The more fun and noisy your surroundings are, the more prosperous 2025 will be.

It is worth paying attention to the holiday scenario in advance. Carefully think over various entertainments for guests of different age groups, so that no one gets bored on New Year's Eve. This is what astrologers recommend.

How to Decorate Your Home for New Year 2025

How to Decorate and Prepare Your Home for 2025

The most important aspect of preparation for the New Year of the Snake 2025 is proper preparation and home decoration.

The dragon is very sensitive to the decoration of its home. This animal has a bright temperament, so in the decor of the room for the New Year 2025 it is necessary to use colorful and provocative colors.

Any preparation of a house or apartment for the New Year holidays must begin with cleaning the space. Sort out all things, equipment and accessories. Throw away all unnecessary things or give them to reliable hands.

The dragon will not tolerate a house that is not clean.

Green The Green Wooden Snake loves luxury and wealth, so you need to take the decoration of your house or apartment very seriously. You need to beautifully decorate the Christmas tree, decorate the room where the celebration will take place, properly set the table and decorate the house outside in the colors that the symbol of 2025 will approve.

Coloristics of the year 2024

The Eastern New Year is always a combination of bright red and luxurious gold. The choice of these shades is not accidental, red is considered the color of hospitality in China, and gold is a symbol of wealth and luxury.

If you want good luck in the coming year, surround yourself with a palette of colors that will please your new patron. Here are the favorite colors of Green Green Wood Snake:

  • all shades of scarlet;
  • sunny yellow and its variation – gold;
  • cold and warm green (from mint to emerald);
  • orange tones including soft cinnamon and rich terracotta;
  • brown tones of varying intensity

It is best not to use blue in the interior. The dragon does not like it. However, you can choose turquoise or light blue. The patron of the year will not like too much gloom. Black should be diluted with motley splashes of bright tones.

How to decorate a Christmas tree for New Year 2025

It is impossible to imagine a New Year's holiday without a decorated Christmas tree! A New Year's tree is the main symbol of the holiday, which charges with a positive atmosphere and magic, you can't do without it!

The dragon doesn't care what it is - alive or artificial. Much more important is what colors it is dressed in. The dragon is a big fan of bright, colorful colors and shades.

Key colors that will be relevant when celebrating the New Year:

  • Scarlet
  • Gold
  • Green
  • Orange
  • Brown

Try to decorate the tree in these colors, combining shades correctly. The patron of 2025 will definitely thank you with luck in the coming year!

It would also be very symbolic to hang a figurine in the form of a Snake on the Christmas tree.

Photo ideas for decorating a Christmas tree:

How to decorate a Christmas tree for New Year 2025

How to decorate a Christmas tree for New Year 2025

How to decorate a Christmas tree for New Year 2025

How to decorate a Christmas tree for New Year 2025

How to decorate a Christmas tree for New Year 2025

How to decorate a Christmas tree for New Year 2025

How to decorate a Christmas tree for New Year 2025

How to decorate a Christmas tree for New Year 2025

How to decorate a room

It is best to decorate the room for the New Year with the whole family. Assign roles in advance. Let the children make interesting crafts for decoration, and let the adults do the cleaning and the actual decoration. The Dragon will approve of such a collective approach. At the same time, preparation for the celebration should take place in a friendly atmosphere.

The place where the party for the New Year 2024 celebration is planned should be decorated in a special way. It should be decorated in bright and colorful colors, which are preferred by the symbol of the year, the Dragon.

If you have a fireplace in your room, you can make it the main focus. It can be decorated with various compositions of pine branches, candles, cones, etc.

Photo of fireplace decoration:

Photo of fireplace decoration

Photo of fireplace decoration

Photo of fireplace decoration

Photo of fireplace decoration

Photo of fireplace decoration

The ceiling can be decorated with LED strips.Photo

It is customary for the New Year decorate windows. This can be done using New Year's stencils or colored LED garlands.


How to decorate a room for New Year 2024

How to decorate a room for New Year 2024

How to decorate a room for New Year 2024

How to decorate a room for New Year 2024

DIY Christmas Decor Ideas

How to decorate a room for New Year 2024

How to decorate a room for the New Year 2025 photo

How to decorate a room for the New Year 2025 photo

How to decorate a room for the New Year 2025 photo

How to decorate a room for the New Year 2025 photo

How to decorate a room for the New Year 2025 photo

How to decorate a room for the New Year 2025 photo

How to decorate a room for the New Year 2025 photo

How to decorate a room for the New Year 2025 photo

How to decorate a room for the New Year 2025 photo

How to decorate a room for the New Year 2025 photo

Astrologers' Forecasts for the New Year 2025

What do astrologers predict for the New Year 2025?

The Year of the Snake always brings with it a huge number of changes. So 2025 will be a year of radical changes and transformations. Many spontaneous events will occur, but most importantly, they will all be positive.

In 2025, you can count on complete harmony with yourself and the world around you. Green The Green Wooden Snake will promote social and economic changes, as well as the spiritual development of society. This period can be the beginning of a new stage in the development of humanity.

The New Year will bring many bright events that will affect people's financial and emotional state. Useful acquaintances are very likely.

Astrologers recommend devoting the first half of the year entirely to work. There is a high probability of getting a large project. The first half of 2025 will be an excellent period for starting your own business. You can also completely change your field of activity. This will lead to emotional upheaval, but the result will not take long to come.

In the second half of the year, the Dragon may prepare some tests for people that need to be overcome with courage.

New Year 2025 is perfect for starting a family and having children!

Astrologers do not predict any serious global or political upheavals in 2025.

New Year 2025 Horoscope for All Zodiac Signs

New Year 2025 Horoscope for All Zodiac Signs

Before you learn how to properly celebrate the New Year 2024, we recommend that you know the astrologers' forecast for each zodiac sign. New Year Horoscope 2024 will help you decide on plans for the coming year and avoid many mistakes.

Green The Green Wooden Snake relates differently to different zodiac signs. Some will be lucky and successful throughout the year, while others will have to make an effort.

If you know the New Year's horoscope, then you can draw your own conclusions on how to properly celebrate the New Year in order to appease him.


2024 will be the most favorable year for Aries. However, in order to maintain their privileged position in society, they will have to make some efforts. When making important decisions, you should act slowly and not impulsively.

Important decisions are best made in a state of clarity of mind, weighing all the pros and cons. The most successful time for Aries will be spring. This period will return you to a state of equilibrium and balance.

Astrologers recommend Aries to make sports a part of their lives. New Year 2025 will be very romantic for Aries. If you already have a relationship, it will only get stronger. The Dragon will give lonely Aries a chance to meet their soulmate. The main thing is to be open to new acquaintances.

2024 could be a great time to start your own business and grow your career. Feel free to reach professional heights, but don’t step on others.


Astrologers predict the implementation of all plans for Taurus, but there will be many pitfalls on the way to achieving goals. You should be careful, negative emotions can become a serious obstacle, and the fear of failure will not allow you to start what you have planned.

The astrological forecast recommends Taurus to plan important matters for the end of spring - beginning of summer. The stars give the "green light" to all undertakings. Promotion up the career ladder is expected. The natural shyness of Taurus can interfere with this. You need to be patient and not doubt your success.

In the spring, Taurus can expect changes on the love front. Natural charm and charisma will help. However, the stars recommend being careful when choosing a partner, as disappointments are possible.

In autumn, a series of unforeseen situations is possible.


The horoscope for 2025 says that Gemini will have a period rich in positive moments! You will have success in your career and society. It will directly depend on the skills and abilities you have developed in advance. At the beginning of the year, a slight feeling of fatigue and anxiety is possible, but the stars recommend that you stick to your course of action. You have the opportunity to turn your life in the direction you want.

Your dreams will definitely come true, the most important thing is to plan your next steps well and make efforts to achieve them.

The Year of the Green Green Wooden Snake will bring luck to Gemini in love affairs. You will be drowning in awakened or rekindled romantic feelings. Marital bonds will become even stronger, and single representatives will have increased chances to meet their soulmate.


According to the horoscope for 2025, Cancers can expect a successful period in many areas of life. Health will please you throughout the year. Closer to summer, you will have great motivation, thanks to which you will achieve great success in your career. Intuition will work well. Travels and trips of various kinds will be successful.

In autumn, inner anxiety may manifest itself. This may cause quarrels with loved ones. Try not to give in to these emotions. Be honest with yourself and with your other half.

Single people can meet a partner for a serious relationship. Unmarried people can expect an increase in romantic feelings.


In 2025, Leos can expect career growth. For single representatives of the sign, there is a high probability of meeting their soulmate. Many Leos will decide to legitimize their relationship.

The stars will support any of your undertakings. Don't miss the opportunities provided to you. No serious problems are expected in the health sphere.

In the summer months, there is a high probability of making new friends who will come to the rescue in any difficult moment. If you are involved in investments, then summer is a great time to receive dividends.

A radical change in activity is possible, which will bring success in the future.


Virgos' practicality will help them achieve their goals in 2025. Don't try to avoid obstacles - they will show you the right path. The astrological forecast recommends taking care of your health.

In winter, astrologers recommend being more diplomatic to avoid problems in the work team.

Summer in the New Year promises to be active. It is necessary to distribute time so that it is enough for communication with loved ones, creativity and work.


The astrological forecast for the New Year 2025 predicts a bright period in life for Libra! The Year of the Green Green Wooden Snake is a very good time for planning and achieving your goals.

Don't be afraid to radically change your field of activity if your soul asks for it. Don't be afraid to take risks, plan and go towards your goals, which at first glance may seem unrealistic.

Lonely representatives of this sign will meet their soulmate. Physical and emotional health will be fine. No serious problems are expected.

In 2025, career growth is possible.


New Year 2025 for Scorpios will be truly happy! This is a time of pleasure for this sign! Already at the beginning of spring you will be able to fulfill an old cherished dream! Astrologers predict an improvement in relations with relatives and friends.

In 2025, Scorpios will have a white streak in their lives! All the bad things are left behind. Problems can only arise for people who like unjustified risks. This can end badly.

In 2025, astrologers recommend being more self-confident, but less emotional. Uncontrolled outbursts of energy can ruin relationships with others.

In the middle of the year, an event may occur that will turn your life upside down and bring important changes to it. You should not resist it. You have long needed changes.


The Year of the Snake is a favorable time for Sagittarius. Moreover, success will accompany you in various areas - career, financial plan, love relationships and family. Luck and self-confidence will become your usual companions for the next 12 months.

Only minor troubles are possible, which will not have a significant impact on your life.

Emotionally, Sagittarius will feel great. Depression and stress will pass you by. And your creative abilities, on the contrary, will be on the rise!

2024 will bring many interesting things: acquaintances, ideas, hobbies, business plans. The main thing is not to miss the opportunities provided.


2024 will be quite interesting for Capricorns. The stars will give you a lot of energy to implement any plans. In 2025, there will be many interesting meetings, and single people will have romantic relationships.

What to expect from 2025 for Capricorns:

  • career growth or change of field of activity;
  • useful connections for professional growth;
  • a huge number of interesting events;
  • romantic relationship (for singles) or marriage proposal;
  • expanding social circle; many positive changes.

The stars recommend not to plan any serious expenses for the New Year 2025. It is better to postpone them to a more favorable period.


The astrological horoscope for 2025 for Aquarius says that they will be able to get what they want in a short time, without putting in much effort. If you manage to track this opportunity and take the necessary actions in a timely manner, then many things will turn out much easier. The stars will give you such a chance at the beginning of spring. During this period, pay special attention to new acquaintances, colleagues, and management. Success will come from those people who value your professional qualities.

In summer, there is a high chance of meeting your soulmate. You just need to take the initiative.

Meeting new people will give you a pleasant experience.

Try to spend the whole year with your loved ones and with people you value.


The stars recommend Pisces to be more confident in themselves and their decisions in 2025. This is especially true for career issues. In the first months of 2025, success in love relationships is expected. There is also a high probability of career advancement.

The year will be rich in interesting events and vivid impressions!

How to set the New Year's table

During a home feast, family and closest friends usually gather. New Year is a great opportunity to have fun, chat and sum up the outgoing year. Beautifully served dishes and a successful table setting will give everyone a great mood and make the winter holiday more magical!

Photo of table setting for New Year 2024

Decorating the New Year's table 2025 is just as important as choosing a festive outfit. Particular attention should be paid to the choice of color. Green The Green Wooden Snake prefers golden shades, as well as bright and colorful colors. In a stylish interior, every little detail plays a role.


When setting the New Year's table, professional designers recommend paying attention to the following points:

  • When setting the table, use no more than 3 bright colors.
  • Preference should be given to 2 contrasting tones
  • Consider the color scheme of the dishes
  • The New Year's table setting should fit harmoniously into the interior of the room.

When setting the table, astrologers recommend sticking to the following color scheme:

  • Red
  • Gold
  • Silver
  • Green
  • White
  • Brown
  • Orange
  • Blue

Photo of table setting for New Year 2024:

Photo of table setting for New Year 2024

Photo of table setting for New Year 2024

Photo of table setting for New Year 2024

Photo of table setting for New Year 2024

Photo of table setting for New Year 2024

Photo of table setting for New Year 2024

Photo of table setting for New Year 2024

Photo of table setting for New Year 2024

Photo of table setting for New Year 2024

How to decorate your house from the outside

Green The Green Wooden Snake loves luxury and wealth! He likes bright and aggressive colors. Therefore, it is necessary to brightly and harmoniously decorate the facade of the house. This can be done with the help of special garlands. Such decor will distinguish your house from others.


How to Decorate Your House Outside 2024

How to Decorate Your House Outside 2024

How to Decorate Your House Outside 2024

How to Decorate Your House Outside 2024

How to Decorate Your House Outside 2024

How to Decorate Your House Outside 2024

How to Decorate Your House Outside 2024

How to Decorate Your House Outside 2024

The front door should also be beautifully decorated.

Photo of front door decoration:

Photo of front door decoration

Photo of front door decoration

Photo of front door decoration

Photo of front door decoration

Photo of front door decoration

Photo of front door decoration

Photo of front door decoration

Photo of front door decoration

Photo of front door decoration

What to wear for New Years Eve 2024

What you wear to celebrate the New Year is what you will spend it in! The New Year 2025 will be one of the most successful in recent times. It is the symbolism of the Snake that will contribute to this. Preparing for the New Year's holiday is a difficult and responsible task. A very important question is - What to wear for the New Year 2024?

Everything will be important - style, cut, color. You should choose an outfit taking into account the preferences of the symbol of 2025. This is the only way to enlist the support of the patron and ensure yourself good luck for the next 12 months.

What colors to give preference to in outfits for the New Year 2024:

  • Black
  • Grey
  • Red
  • Gold
  • Tiger
  • Silver
  • Green
  • White
  • Blue

These colors will appeal to the Green Dragon.

Try to create your own unique image for the New Year. The symbol of the year really respects the individual approach.

Astrologers advise choosing the color of your outfit depending on what you dream about in the coming year. If you want to grow financially in 2025, then it is recommended to choose a silver or white outfit. If you want to raise your authority in society, then your choice is black or dark-saturated.

Anyone who can please the patron of 2025 in choosing an outfit will gain his support and will be doomed to success.

Below in the article we will show you ready-made clothing images for both men and women.

To a man

To celebrate the New Year of the Snake 2024, astrologers recommend that men wear strict, luxurious suits that will emphasize their status.

Photos with beautiful male images for the New Year 2025:

How to Celebrate New Year 2024

How to Celebrate New Year 2024

How to Celebrate New Year 2024

How to Celebrate New Year 2024

How to Celebrate New Year 2024

How to Celebrate New Year 2024

How to Celebrate New Year 2024

How to Celebrate New Year 2024

How to Celebrate New Year 2024

How to Celebrate New Year 2024

How to Celebrate New Year 2024

How to Celebrate New Year 2024

To a woman

Bright and colorful images will be relevant for the New Year 2025. Particular preference should be given to green and red colors. In addition, the Dragon really likes the gold color. These colors harmonize well with each other.

The dragon loves the color red. If you wear a red dress, you will bring happiness and hope into your home.

Your New Year's look should have some highlight - a beautiful brooch or other decoration, a bare shoulder, etc.

Photos of beautiful female images for the New Year:

Photos of beautiful female images for the New Year

Photos of beautiful female images for the New Year

Photos of beautiful female images for the New Year

Photos of beautiful female images for the New Year

Photos of beautiful female images for the New Year

Photos of beautiful female images for the New Year

Photos of beautiful female images for the New Year

Photos of beautiful female images for the New Year

Photos of beautiful female images for the New Year

Photos of beautiful female images for the New Year

What to cook for the festive table 2024

What to cook for New Year 2024

The owner of the coming year is Green Green Wooden Snake, who is not picky about food at all. Therefore, you will be able to include your favorite dishes in the menu list when you are thinking about the menu for the New Year 2025.

Since ancient times, it has been customary to celebrate the New Year holiday on a grand scale! New Year's table should be filled with various dishes. And the guests are always in a good mood.

As we have already said above, the Dragon is omnivorous, so you can cook your favorite dishesThe main thing is that the products are fresh and it turns out delicious!

The dragon is a fire-breathing creature, so all dishes should be seasoned with pepper. It is desirable to have one very spicy dish on the table.

What you shouldn't cook on New Year's Eve

The dragon is absolutely unpretentious in food. He loves everything - meat, fish, fruits, vegetables, and greens. Therefore, there are absolutely no restrictions. There are no forbidden dishes! The main thing is that the food is tasty.

As strange as it may sound, there are no restrictions on alcohol consumption.

What should be the menu for the New Year?

The Dragon loves to eat - a lot and tasty! Therefore, the menu for the New Year 2025 should include a large list of rich and varied dishes. You can cook any recipe you like! For the Snake, the main thing is that the resulting dish is tasty! The New Year's table should be made as diverse as possible - hot dishes, meat, snacks, salads, greens, fruits, vegetables, drinks, etc.

The dragon is a fire-breathing animal. So be sure to cook at least one spicy dish. This way you will appease the symbol of 2025.

The New Year's menu should include:

  • Garnish
  • Meat dish
  • Several salads
  • A few snacks
  • Dessert
  • Drinks
  • Slicings

Below you will see a specific plan for the New Year's menu. You can change it at your discretion by adding your own recipes.

Spicy Potato Side Dish for New Year

Spicy Potato Side Dish for New Year

At least one spicy dish must be present on the table for the New Year! We suggest preparing a spicy potato side dish for the New Year 2025.

Ingredients for cooking:

  • Potatoes - 1 kg.
  • Tomato (large) - 2 pcs.
  • Red bell pepper - 2 pcs.
  • Olive oil - 100 ml.
  • Red pepper (ground)
  • Black pepper (ground)
  • Chili pepper (ground)
  • Caraway
  • Onions (dried, ground)
  • Garlic (dried, ground)
  • Salt

Cooking process:

  1. First, you need to prepare the seasoning for the potatoes. Mix dried peppers, cumin, and dried onions with garlic. Cut the potatoes into large cubes and roll them in the seasoning. Fry in olive oil, over high heat, stirring occasionally.
  2. Clean the pepper and cut it into strips. Remove the seeds from the tomatoes and cut into strips, add to the potatoes and salt.
  3. Fry everything together for a couple of minutes until done, add parsley. Everything is ready!

Bon appetit!


Chicken meat with spicy sauce

Chicken meat with spicy sauce

As a meat dish, we suggest preparing chicken breast with a spicy sauce. The meat turns out very tender, with a fragrant piquant sauce.

Ingredients for cooking:

Chicken broth:

  • Chicken breast (small) - 1 pc.
  • Leek
  • Star anise - 1/2 pc.
  • Allspice peas - 4 pcs.
  • Ginger - 1 teaspoon
  • Salt - to taste
  • Carrots - 1 pc.
  • Bay leaf - 2 pcs.


  • Vegetable oil (odorless) - 2 tablespoons
  • Ginger - 1 teaspoon
  • Garlic - clove
  • Leek (white part) - 1 tablespoon
  • Chili pepper - 1/4 pc.
  • Sugar - 1 pinch
  • Soy sauce - 2 tablespoons
  • Broth - 3 tablespoons
  • Salt - to taste

Cooking process:

  1. Place carrots, onions, black pepper, star anise, ginger and bay leaf in a saucepan. Pour boiling water over, add washed chicken breast, bring to a boil and cook over medium heat for 20 minutes. Add a little salt before cooking.
  2. Now we need to prepare the sauce. Pour vegetable oil into a saucepan and heat over low heat. Grate the ginger on a fine grater and add it to the oil. Fry a little (no longer than 5 minutes). Chop the garlic, add to the ginger and fry lightly, add hot pepper. The main thing is not to overfry.
  3. Cut the leek into any shape, put everything after the pepper and fry until done. Turn off the heat. Add sugar, soy sauce and broth. Mix everything thoroughly.
  4. Remove the meat from the broth, place it on a plate and cut into pieces. Pour hot sauce over it.

Bon appetit!

Salad in the form of a Snake (symbol of 2025)

Salad in the form of a Snake (symbol of 2025)

Create a real culinary masterpiece on the New Year's table! We suggest you turn the classic herring under a fur coat into an amazing spectacle! Prepare a salad in the form of a Snake - the main patron - for the New Year 2025!

Ingredients for cooking:

  • Potatoes - 3-4 pcs.
  • Carrots - 1 pc.
  • Beetroot - 2 pcs
  • Salted herring - 1 pc.
  • Chicken eggs - 2-3 pcs.
  • Pickled cucumber - 1 pc
  • Fresh tomato - 1 pc
  • Mayonnaise - 200-300 grams
  • Olives - for decoration
  • Hard cheese - for wings
  • Onion - 1 pc.

Step by step cooking process:

  1. Boil potatoes, carrots, beets and eggs. Cool and peel. Grate the potatoes.
  2. On a large flat plate, arrange the grated potatoes in the shape of a dragon.
  3. Greasing each layer with mayonnaise, lay the layers in the following order - herring, finely chopped onion, chopped eggs, grated carrots and grated beets. Form the Dragon's legs and head.
  4. Use a tomato to make the Dragon's mouth. To do this, cut the tomato, clean it inside and use it as part of the head.
  5. Use a pickled cucumber to make the Dragon's spine. Use tomato and olive pieces for the eyes. Use carrots for the tongue and tail.
  6. Teeth can be made from mayonnaise. Wings can be cut from cheese.

The New Year's salad is ready! Enjoy your meal!

Salad with red caviar

Salad with red caviar

What New Year without a red caviar salad! A bright, spectacular and original salad for the festive table! A salad with red caviar will become the main decoration of your feast, not only due to its appearance, but also due to its taste. At the same time, the ingredients in it, except for the game, are the most ordinary. It is the red caviar that adds zest and piquancy.

Ingredients for cooking:

  • Potatoes - 2 pcs.
  • Chicken eggs - 4 pcs.
  • Cucumbers - 2 pcs.
  • Red caviar - 100 g
  • Mayonnaise - 3 tbsp.
  • Dill - to taste


  1. Prepare all the ingredients. Boil the potatoes and eggs and cool. Wash and dry the cucumbers and dill.
  2. Cut the cucumbers into cubes.
  3. Cut the eggs into cubes. Set aside the whites of two eggs, you will need them for decoration.
  4. Finely chop the dill.
  5. Add dill to mayonnaise and mix. You can also use just mayonnaise without dill.
  6. Using a culinary ring, lay out the salad in layers. Put the potatoes as the first layer and tamp it down with a spoon.
  7. I served the salad layered using a culinary ring. But you can just mix it and serve it in a salad bowl. Or you can layer it already mixed using a ring. Take a plate, put a ring on it.
  8. Grease a layer of potatoes with mayonnaise and dill. Put a layer of caviar on it. There is no need to spread it with mayonnaise.
  9. Next, place the sliced cucumbers and coat them with mayonnaise.
  10. Place the eggs on top of the cucumbers.
  11. Brush the egg layer with mayonnaise.
  12. Grate the remaining egg whites on a fine grater and place on top of the salad.
  13. Remove the ring from the salad. Decorate the top with caviar and herbs if desired.

Bon appetit!

Cheese balls as an appetizer

Cheese balls as an appetizer

This is a very simple and delicious appetizer for the festive New Year's table, prepared from available ingredients. Crispy cheese balls will not lie on the table for long, this is a great New Year's appetizer!

Ingredients for cooking:

  • Cheese - 200 grams
  • Chicken eggs - 3 pcs.
  • Flour - 7 tbsp.
  • Vegetable oil for frying
  • Salt - 1 pinch

The cooking process step by step:

  1. Separate the whites from the yolks. You won't need the yolks at all.
  2. Add 1 pinch of salt, beat the whites into a foam with a mixer for 4-5 minutes.
  3. Add 4 tablespoons of flour and mix well.
  4. Grate the cheese on a fine grater.
  5. Add cheese to the bowl and stir until smooth.
  6. The dough is very sticky. Roll small cheese balls with wet hands. Place on a plate sprinkled with flour. Roll each ball in flour.
  7. Deep fry the balls. No need to turn them over. There should be enough oil for the balls to float.
  8. Place the golden balls on a plate lined with napkins, removing excess oil.

The cheese balls are ready! Enjoy!

Spicy mushroom appetizer

Spicy mushroom appetizer

The dragon loves everything spicy. We suggest preparing a spicy appetizer from champignons. The finished appetizer is served on the table immediately after preparation.

Ingredients for cooking:

  • Fresh champignons - 0.5-1 kg
  • Butter - 50 grams
  • Olive oil - 5 tablespoons
  • Garlic - 3-4 cloves
  • Red hot pepper - to taste
  • Salt - to taste
  • Parsley (fresh or dried) - 1 tablespoon
  • Lemon juice - 1 tablespoon

The cooking process step by step:

  1. Clean the champignons, cut off the stem right under the cap. Rinse with water and dry on a towel.
  2. Finely chop the garlic and red pepper.
  3. Heat butter and olive oil, add garlic and pepper and fry for half a minute. Add champignons. Fry on medium heat on all sides for 5 minutes.
  4. Remove from heat, add salt to taste, parsley, lemon juice and mix thoroughly. You can sprinkle chopped dill on top.

Bon appetit!

Apple Jam Marshmallows

Apple Jam Marshmallows

The New Year's menu must include dessert. We suggest making a delicious and healthy dessert - marshmallow from apple jam. It is prepared on the basis of agar-agar. This is a natural gelatin, which is practically not absorbed by the body, but gives a feeling of satiety and speeds up metabolism.

Ingredients for cooking:

  • Apple jam - 250 grams
  • Protein - 1 pc.
  • Agar-agar - 4 teaspoons
  • Water - 150 ml
  • Sugar - 400 grams
  • Vanillin - 1 pinch

Cooking process:

  1. Be sure to prepare a work surface for piping marshmallows and a pastry bag in advance. Cover two baking sheets with baking parchment. Since you won't have enough time for this later, because agar-agar hardens quite quickly at room temperature.
  2. Prepare all ingredients.
  3. Soak agar agar in cold water for about an hour.
  4. Then bring the mixture to a boil. Add sugar and vanilla, stir, bring to a boil and simmer for 5-10 minutes over low heat until a thin thread, which quickly hardens, follows a spoon taken out of the syrup. Remove the syrup from the heat.
  5. Beat the apple jam with the egg white until fluffy and light in color for 5 minutes.
  6. Without stopping whisking, add the hot syrup in a thin stream. Whip for 7 minutes, until the mixture holds its shape.
  7. Fill a pastry bag with the warm mixture and quickly pipe the marshmallow onto parchment. I got 52 halves on two baking sheets. Place the baking sheets with marshmallow in a dry place to harden for 24 hours.
  8. Then sprinkle the marshmallows with powdered sugar, fold the halves together and serve.

Bon appetit!

New Year's Eve Drinks

New Year's Eve Drinks

There must be drinks on the New Year's table. Both non-alcoholic and alcoholic. Moreover, the Dragon treats alcoholic drinks very cordially.

There must be good champagne on the table. It is poured for each guest during the chimes. And after the New Year 2025, the guests must clink glasses and say a toast!

Among strong alcohol, preference should be given to elite drinks - cognac, whiskey, tequila, etc.

There should also be juices or natural compotes on the table.

New Year's table slicing

Be sure to put a variety of cuts on the New Year's table.

These are the kinds of cuts you can put on the festive table:

  • Cheese
  • Sausage (without beef)
  • Vegetables
  • Fruits
  • Berries
  • Green
  • Sandwiches

Examples of serving cuts in photos:

New Year's table slicing

New Year's table slicing

New Year's table slicing

New Year's table slicing

New Year's table slicing

New Year's table slicing

New Year's table slicing

New Year's table slicing

New Year's table slicing

New Year's table slicing

Tangerines are a must-have on the New Year's table.

What to give for New Year

What to give for New Year

Everyone associates the New Year holiday with gifts. It is pleasant not only to receive gifts, but also to give them. What can you gift for New Year 2025to appease the owner of 2025?

For the New Year 2025, it is best to give practical and original gifts.

  • Food
  • DNA test
  • Stickers for Telegram 
  •  Education
  • Money
  • Fairy tales
  • Joint trips

Signs and customs for the New Year

"As you celebrate the New Year, so you will spend it!" Here is a list of current signs for the New Year 2024:

  • To attract good luck in the coming year: it is best to celebrate with family or closest friends, the main thing is comfort.
  • Buy a new broom, tie it with a ribbon and leave it in the corner of the kitchen overnight with the broom facing up.
  • Draw a circle using candles along the table's parameters and light them.
  • Remove from the table all damaged dishes, those with shards or cracks.
  • As I said above, you can put a small coin under the plate, which will also bring good luck to your home.
  • Keep your pet (if you have one) with you, never chase it away and give the remaining food to your pets.
  • Place a prepared dish containing carrots on the table for each guest.
  • When the chimes strike, you can take a candle in your hands and say to yourself: “As sweet as this juice is, so my life will be sweet and my luck will be strong!”