Cool quizzes for the New Year 2025 with answers for adults and children in verse and prose

New Year 2025 is a long-awaited holiday, and you can spend it not only sitting at the festive table with treats, but also with fun quizzes. They will help introduce new members of the company to each other and amuse relatives. The main thing is to choose the right quizzes for the New Year 2025 with answers, and the entertainment program for the holiday is ready.

Quiz with the symbol of 2025

Questions for the New Year's quiz 2025 can be very different. You need to think them through in advance, and just give the guests a little hint about what the theme of the games will be, and then let them prepare themselves.

It is better to choose fairly well-known and popular topics. Such as the holiday itself, its symbol or everyone's favorite New Year's movies from childhood. You can compose yourself or use our tips.

So, first of all, the symbol of the year. According to the Chinese calendar, this will be the year of the dragon. Information about this is known to everyone, as well as many facts about these animals, so it will not be difficult to make up questions for the quiz.

And we will suggest several options for a New Year's quiz for the year of the dragon:

  1. In which country is the Dragon Boat Festival held annually? (China).
  2. Who are considered relatives of dragons? (crocodiles).
  3. Where did most of the dragon population live? (North America).
  4. What did the dragon guard in the ancient Greek myth of the voyage of the Argonauts? (the golden fleece).
  5. Can a dragon swim? (yes).
  6. What miraculous properties are attributed to the blood of the Serpent? (immortality).
  7. Which saint kills the dragon in the famous icon? (St. George the Victorious).
  8. How many heads did the Serpent Gorynych have? (3).
  9. What hero saved a whole brood of hares during a flood (Grandfather Mazai).
  10. Who was kidnapped by the Serpent Gorynych in the Russian fairy tale (Vasilisa the Beautiful).

Don't forget about the outgoing year and its symbol, because according to the Chinese calendar, January 1st is not the end of the year, so you can make a separate quiz about the tiger for the new year.

New Year's Quiz with Questions and Answers

Of course, on a festive evening, one should not forget about the holiday itself. Questions about New Year's fun and traditions.

Although modern children do not know many of them, but still it is necessary to invite them to participate in the quiz for the New Year 2025 with answers for the whole family, so that introduce you to the peculiarities of the Russian winter, and maybe even interest you:

  1. What was used to decorate the Christmas tree before glass balls and toys appeared (nuts and fruits).
  2. In which country did people first start putting up a Christmas tree (Germany)?
  3. What is the name of the old Russian winter clothing that looks like a sheepskin coat? (tulup).
  4. How Santa Claus gets into the house (through the stove).
  5. What is the name of Santa Claus's "magic wand"? (staff).
  6. Which city is considered the birthplace of Snegurochka? (Kostroma).
  7. What bribe should you give to Santa Claus for a gift? (poem).
  8. A favorite winter pastime in Russia and beyond (playing snowballs).

Quiz for the whole family

You can prepare such a quiz with the whole family for guests or ask children to write down questions for everyone for the holiday. Or prepare a quiz for the New Year 2025 with answers for children.

Such entertainment helps to unite the family and find common topics for conversation:

  1. The first sleds of Soviet children. (Portfolio).
  2. What holiday is celebrated twice a year? (Old Year and New Year).
  3. Before Peter the Great, the New Year began… (in September).
  4. A winter phenomenon that leaves people stranded even with warnings. (Black ice).
  5. What kind of decoration appears on windows in winter (frosty pattern).
  6. What tradition did the Soviet government abolish? (The tradition of decorating a Christmas tree).

Quiz about New Year's films and fairy tales with answers

There are many films and fairy tales dedicated to the New Year or that have become traditional for this holiday. These are both domestic and foreign works, there is plenty to choose from, but for now we Let's offer a few questions to get you started:

  1. What was the name of the main character of the fairy tale Morozko? (Alyonushka).
  2. What plant did the stepmother send her stepdaughter into the forest for in the winter in the fairy tale 12 months? (snowdrops).
  3. In which cartoon is the song "If there was no winter" heard? (Winter in Prostokvashino).
  4. What material did Kai use to form the word "eternity" in the Snow Queen's palace? (ice floes).
  5. Which New Year's movie has a talking cat? ("Wizards").
  6. In which New Year's film is a rug with a mermaid sold at the market on a holiday? ("Operation Y").
  7. In which film does the main character, after celebrating the New Year, find himself in another city? (The Irony of Fate).

Quiz in verse

This is one of the most difficult options, but also the most interesting. If you manage to compose the poems yourself, it will be a lot of fun. But if not, then you can use our option:

There are many traditions for the New Year,
We must not forget them.
At exactly midnight we all must
What?.. (make a wish)

He hurries to come every year,
Bring a lot of gifts,
Comes eternally renewed,
A special holiday, always new. (New Year)


The New Year is already in full swing,
Everybody's dancing, everybody's in good spirits.
And it flies up with a bang
Multicolored… (Fireworks)

To avoid getting sick in winter,
So that you don't get chills,
Sleep in a salad on New Year's Eve,
Don't go to bed in... (a snowdrift)


Today we will go, my friend,
With you to the city skating rink.
There is cheerful laughter and lights.
And we will take with us… (skates)


It was summer - there was one,
And when winter came
Children swarmed around her
And he goes down with a cry of "Hurray!" (slide)


The beautiful Christmas tree sparkles
Among the coniferous tinsel,
They shine with all their colors
New Year's… (Balls)


It rustles on the branches -
And the kids are happy,
Even children know it:
It's just... (tinsel)


There is one magic fruit,
Everyone is waiting for him on New Year's Eve,
With him there is fun and comfort -
I'll eat it in a couple of minutes! (Mandarin)


They will decorate any room,
They will give us all a good mood.
More of them for the New Year
There was no need for lighting.
They flicker and glow
And they delight our eyes. (candles)


It is needed for the New Year,
Although not elegant,
Its task is important,
What serves as truth to children.
There will always be a poem on it
To Santa Claus, baby.
There will even be a gift later.
Thanks to … (the stool)


They save us in the cold,
They warm you up very much,
They sing a song about them,
And in them we feel comfortable. (felt boots)

Music Quiz

For a musical quiz, you can use melodies from different years associated with the holiday.. There are quite a lot of them. You can select music from films related to the New Year. There are quite a lot of them, and ask to name the film. The same can be done with New Year cartoons.

Or choose a line from a New Year's song and ask her to continue it. Only you should not choose the very beginning of the text, but something from the middle, which people remember less. This way you can make the task more difficult.

Another option is to make a reverse song, in which the lyrics are the opposite of the real ones:

  1. In the desert the cactus died, in the desert it dried up (In the forest the little fir tree was born, in the forest it grew).
  2. The big cypress is hot in summer (The little fir is cold in winter).
  3. We threw away the clips, lay down in a row, sadly, sadly we say goodbye to the old day (We hung up the beads, stood in a circle dance, we will merrily, merrily celebrate the New Year).
  4. The brave black wolf sat on the oak tree (The cowardly little gray bunny jumped under the Christmas tree).
  5. The rain whispered a poem to him: “Get up, oak tree, come on, come on” (The snowstorm sang a song to her: “Sleep, little Christmas tree, bye-bye”).
  6. Oh, the heat, the heat! Cool him down! Don't warm him and his elephant (Oh, frost, frost! Don't freeze me).
  7. The old day is slow to us, slowly nothing happens. (The New Year is rushing towards us, everything will happen soon).
  8. The fog falls, falls, falls (The snow swirls, flies, flies).
  9. Red, red rain rose from the road (Blue, blue frost settled on the wires).
  10. The floor is on fire, the window is smeared (the ceiling is icy, the door is creaky).
  11. He will give us a report for two hours (I will sing you a song about five minutes).
  12. Ah, water-water, black pollen, I keep quiet about what I hate, but he hopes (Oh, snow-snow, white blizzard. He says he loves, but I don’t believe it).

Quiz "Yes" or "No"

The easiest and funniest way to make a quiz where you can only answer yes or no. Especially If you read the questions quickly, you can get very unexpected options:

  1. Is it true that all countries celebrate New Year on the first of January? (no).
  2. Is it true that no two snowflakes are alike? (yes).
  3. Is it true that hares move by galloping? (yes).

New Year 2025 Quiz for Adults

If you came to a corporate event and decided to hold a quiz for those sitting at the table, you can choose more interesting questions, even 18+.

Believe me, even grown-up uncles and aunts love to take part in quizzes, you just need to ask the right questions:

  1. In which country can you celebrate New Year 10 or even more times a year? (In India, since each state has its own date of celebration).
  2. Who doesn't need a diet, either in winter or in summer? (Yolochka: in winter and summer she was slim...).
  3. The location of the long-awaited joy for people who have survived until winter? (Bag).
  4. A fun drink to drink on New Year's Eve? (Champagne).

New Year's quizzes are a great way to celebrate with family or friends. They will help stir up guests, highlight interesting topics for conversation and leave a pleasant impression of the holiday.

We have offered you some interesting questions, and then you can come up with new topics and quizzes yourself.