What and what color to wear to celebrate the New Year of the Dragon 2025

The Eastern horoscope is so subtly integrated into our lives that we often do not realize it. Each year is declared the year of a certain animal. And not just any animal, but always of some color and quality.

The Chinese horoscope is based not only on the twelve animal symbols, but also on the five elements. Each element has a corresponding color. The ratio of the animal symbol and the element determines what the coming year will be like. Therefore, the nature of the influence and the prediction will only apply to a specific year. For example, 2025 is the year of the Green Wooden Snake. In general, the New Year is always considered lucky for many areas of life. But certain features will be inherent only to 2025.

If a person was born at the end of January or in February, then his belonging to the symbol of the previous year.

What and what color to wear for the New Year 2024

Characteristics of the Year of the Snake 2024

The full cycle of the Eastern calendar is not twelve, but sixty years. Almost a whole human life! This is symbolic, since each year of life is rarely exactly the same as the previous ones.

The Chinese New Year does not fall according to the Gregorian calendar. Unlike the Gregorian calendar, it is calculated according to the lunar calendar, and falls between the twentieth of January and the twentieth of February.

The color assigned to the symbol of the year characterizes the element to which a specific period (year) belongs. For example, the year of the Green Snake indicates the element of Wood in Chinese astrology.

By the way, the five elements are water, earth, fire, wood and metal. Each element has its own qualities and imparts them to those who are under their influence. For example, water is mobile and flexible. It imparts creativity and sociability to people. Earth gives prudence and reliability, as well as practicality. Fire is ingenuity and determination. Wood gives compassion, virtue and self-confidence. And metal is strength and individualism.

What and what color to wear for the New Year 2024

Water corresponds to black, earth to yellow or ocher, fire to red, wood to green (blue-green, since in China these colors are not shades of the same spectrum) and metal to white.

Animals exert the greatest influence in their season. For the Snake, this time will be spring. Therefore, this period will be the most favorable for the implementation of conceived plans. It is believed that people born in this year are endowed with outstanding abilities and innovative ideas.

The Year of the Snake according to the Chinese calendar is considered the most successful of all.

According to the Chinese calendar, the Dragon is the fifth symbol. At the same time, it is also the only mystical creature among the signs of the calendar. It combines the harmony of Heaven and Earth. The Chinese Dragon is different from the European one, it does not have wings, but it can fly. It has small horns like a red deer, eyes like a demon, tiger paws with eagle claws and iridescent scales like a carp.

What and what color to wear for the New Year 2024

The Snake symbol has many meanings and is the most powerful creature. It represents strength, power and wisdom. And also power, luck, fearlessness, self-confidence.

The Dragon is the Cosmic Breath that infuses Life Force into all living and inanimate things. He plays with a fireball, in the center of which is a pearl, Life, the purest energy in the Universe. (picture – dragons with a ball)

The Dragon also gives leadership ambitions, foresight. But this animal also has negative sides. He is hot-tempered, can easily cross the line and react too aggressively if his pride is hurt. He is characterized by arrogance and rejection of criticism.

The coming year is the year of the Green Wooden Snake, so the elements and color also have an influence on the energy of time and space.

The tree symbolizes growth, development, reliability, faith, tranquility.

Green color means prosperity, new life, flexibility, positivity, but it can also mean troubles in the family.

What and what color to wear for the New Year 2024

Power, positive experiences and energy.

Adding up all the manifestations of the Green Wooden Snake, we get the kindest and most patient of all Dragons. He also embodies the masculine principle of Yang, a strong will. Spreads the energy of kindness, sociability, diplomacy. His sharp mind and sensitive intuition help him find the best way out of any situation. At the same time, his endless curiosity pushes him to incessant development and striving forward.

Astrologers say that this year will bring good luck and prosperity. Especially in matters related to self-development, the search for new knowledge and broadening one's horizons. The Green Wooden Snake will help those who improve their spiritual qualities, learn to control their emotions, learn the lessons of their past mistakes. In general, those who try not to stand still and take the path of knowing themselves and the world around them.

What and what color to wear for the New Year 2024

The excessive impulsiveness of the Snake will be balanced by the calmness and reliability of the Wood element. The year promises to be harmonious and active. Pleasant changes may occur, and in business, development and a favorable outcome.

The dragon will help you make a big leap, a breakthrough in business, which will lead to fateful events.

This could be career growth, advancement in business, improvement of financial situation. Stable growth, reliability, excellent results – these are the energies of this year. For this period, you can plan to build a house, add to the family.

However, you should not break away from the Earth and make impulsive decisions. Astrologers recommend keeping your "finger on the pulse", as the Green Wooden Snake is touchy. He is stubborn and too sensitive when his pride is hurt. At the same time, his faith in his own strength fades, optimism evaporates. If we draw an analogy with events in life, then we can understand it this way: you should not take criticism, failures and attacks of enemies to heart. It is necessary to maintain an optimistic outlook on life and faith in yourself.

What and what color to wear for the New Year 2024

This symbol will have the greatest influence on those born on New Year's Eve.

Of course, the Green Wooden Snake will share its energy with everyone. However, in order to implement as many plans as possible during this period, you can tune in to "sound" in unison with the Dragon. A good start can be celebrating the New Year in the range that the eastern patron likes. The familiar phrase "as you meet the year - so you will spend it" has a basis, because faith is capable of much.

What to believe in is up to everyone, of course. Often the holiday mood doesn't just come, and choosing an outfit for New Year's Eve will help create it.

What color to wear for New Year 2024

Every personality has preferences in everything. So the patron of the coming year, the Green Wooden Snake, loves certain colors.

Oddly enough, green does not belong to them. In addition to positive symbolism (harmony, prosperity, new beginnings), this color, in Eastern culture, has a negative association with troubles in family relationships. However, it can be used in small details.

White, yellow, blue, dark brown also belong to this category.

White in China is the color of mourning. It is associated with decay, the end of the life cycle and old age. It is associated with metal, cold and chaos. Although it also symbolizes purity.

What and what color to wear for the New Year 2024

Yellow, all its shades (ochre, dark brown, mustard and others), as well as gold - was the color of rulers, emperors, belonging to a noble family, chosenness. Ordinary mortals were forbidden to use this color in clothing and even punished by death.

Blue in Chinese culture is related to green, so it has similar meanings. This color is changeable, fickle. It can bring both creation and destruction.

Now let's focus on the Dragon's preferred colors:

  • red and its shades (burgundy, wine, pink);
  • grey;
  • silver;
  • violet (lilac, purple, fuchsia).

Red is the most beloved and revered color in China. The color of Life, Fire and the Sun. It represents joy, celebration, auspicious signs, success and many other bright manifestations of life. It symbolizes the fullness of energy, justice and enthusiasm. Even the bride dresses in red. This color brings prosperity and happiness.

What and what color to wear for the New Year 2024

Silver, gray is associated with metal, with the monetary sphere. Also associated with reliability.

What and what color to wear for the New Year 2024

Purple is the color of nobility, wisdom and spiritual development (has a religious meaning). In addition, like red, it carries love and a romantic flair.

What and what color to wear for the New Year 2024

Also, the Dragon will not be offended if other colors are used in the New Year's costume. After all, all elements of nature coexist in the Universe at the same time, constantly changing their main positions.

What to wear for New Year 2024

The Dragon is a noble and aristocratic creature. Therefore, you need to choose an outfit for the holiday accordingly. You can rely on the fashion trends of the season, but you should not betray yourself. After all, the Dragon is self-sufficient and self-confident, and he expects the same from people. You need to choose what you like.

The image for the celebration should be bright and outstanding, but also verified, chosen with taste. It can combine modern trends and traditions of the past.

Rich images are welcome, synthetic and cheap fabrics should not be used. It is recommended to give preference to satin and silk. Guipure, velvet, lace, knitwear and even tweed. Lace, fur, braid, tassels and fringe are suitable for decoration.

Shine and shimmer, like the scales of a snake, are also a good option for a New Year's look - crystals, rhinestones, sequins, beads, gimp.

When choosing an outfit for celebrating the New Year 2025, you can rely on the advice of fashion experts.

Women's suits

A suit is a special element of a woman's wardrobe. It is also a stylish look for New Year's Eve. The set can consist of different elements: trousers, skirts, shorts. And also jackets, blazers, blouses, shirts.

The following models will look especially advantageous:

  • with flared trousers;
  • with cropped trousers;
  • with a cropped jacket;
  • with floral prints;
  • with stripes along the side seams.

It is also worth paying attention to the popular models with a comfortable Oversize cut. In such a suit, a woman can feel comfortable, since the cut does not restrict movement.

Fashion trends also offer the following options:

  • three-piece suit;
  • suit with faux leather trousers;
  • suit with a vest;
  • suit with a long jacket;
  • men's style suit;
  • and even a sports-style suit.

Overalls with an unusual cut, voluminous sleeves and a fitted bottom will also look interesting.


What and what color to wear for the New Year 2024

What and what color to wear for the New Year 2024

What and what color to wear for the New Year 2024

What and what color to wear for the New Year 2024

What and what color to wear for the New Year 2024

What and what color to wear for the New Year 2024

What and what color to wear for the New Year 2024

What and what color to wear for the New Year 2024

What and what color to wear for the New Year 2024

What and what color to wear for the New Year 2024

New Years Dresses

Feminine looks with dresses are back in fashion. With smooth lines and flowing light fabrics.

Some ideas for choosing a dress:

  • slits on the hem or sleeves;
  • asymmetrical cut;
  • off shoulder;
  • neckline or open back;
  • sheer sleeves and ruffle sleeves;
  • frills, ruffles;
  • wrap dresses;
  • using a corset;
  • knitted dresses.

Pleated fabric in the cut will look elegant, and fabric with sequins will attract attention. Satin, velvet, silk - always look advantageous.


What and what color to wear for the New Year 2024

What and what color to wear for the New Year 2024

What and what color to wear for the New Year 2024

What and what color to wear for the New Year 2024

What and what color to wear for the New Year 2024

What and what color to wear for the New Year 2024

What and what color to wear for the New Year 2024

What and what color to wear for the New Year 2024

What and what color to wear for the New Year 2024

What and what color to wear for the New Year 2024

What and what color to wear for the New Year 2024

What and what color to wear for the New Year 2024

New Year's shoes and accessories

Confidence, diplomacy and stability are some of the main qualities of the coming year. The main thing is to feel confident and stable in shoes. And what it will be - stilettos, pumps or sandals, everyone decides for themselves and their preferences.

If the choice falls on shoes with heels, then in 2023, models with heels of unusual shapes and materials are gaining popularity. This trend will continue into 2025. Or the heel can be covered with sparkling paint or rhinestones.


What and what color to wear for the New Year 2024

What and what color to wear for the New Year 2024

What and what color to wear for the New Year 2024

What and what color to wear for the New Year 2024

What and what color to wear for the New Year 2024

What and what color to wear for the New Year 2024

The patron will also be pleased to see sparkling elements on the shoes: buckles with crystals, silver and gold threads in embroidery.

Jewelry should also be selected to match the aristocratic nature of the Wooden symbol. He loves pearls, precious metals and stones. Costume jewelry is also suitable, but only if it is of high quality and looks neat.

The same rule applies to handbags and reticules - convenience, functionality and style. This accessory should reflect the individuality of the owner.

What and what color to wear for the New Year 2024

What and what color to wear for the New Year 2024

What and what color to wear for the New Year 2024

What and what color to wear for the New Year 2024

What and what color to wear for the New Year 2024

What and what color to wear for the New Year 2024

What and what color to wear for the New Year 2024

What is not advisable to wear on New Year's Eve 2024

Of course, someone may call it prejudice and superstition. But it won't hurt to play it safe from the very beginning of the year, setting yourself up for good luck and well-being. And when a person dresses up, he creates a festive mood for himself.

Colors that the Green Wood Dragon does not like (gold, yellow, green, etc.) are undesirable in the image. White should also be ignored for the celebration. You can replace it with cream, beige, champagne shade.

You shouldn't celebrate the New Year in sloppy and undressy clothes.

It is worth paying close attention to the choice of outfit - think through the image in detail. Pay attention to each element of the appearance: well-groomed skin, manicure and hairstyle. And also harmonious and beauty-emphasizing makeup.

It is important that the image pleases the woman herself, that she feels dazzling and, at the same time, comfortable.

What and what color to wear for the New Year 2024

What and what color to wear for the New Year 2024