Interior design of an apartment according to Feng Shui: tips and recommendations

Feng Shui – an ancient Eastern teaching that tells how to properly organize the space in your home.

The adherents of the teaching believed that the room where you are should be arranged in such a way as not to create obstacles for the circulation of energy flows. It is believed that all people have an individual energy field, with which we subconsciously charge our home, and it boomerangs it to us and our household members.

Feng Shui of the apartment says that our home can have a significant impact on energy, actions, and therefore on the fate of a person. According to the teaching, the environment in your home can contribute to the release of positive energy that affects your health and well-being.

In almost any apartment there are so-called positive (favorable) and negative (unfavorable) zones. The nursery, living room, and bedroom must be located in sectors with positive energy. In order to attract beneficial energy, called Qi, into your home, you often cannot do without a global rearrangement of furniture and things in the apartment. To begin with, you can at least do a major cleaning, freeing up space from things that you have not used for a long time. This will be the first step to fill your home with fresh air and sunlight, as well as open access to Qi energy. Clean up your apartment, and you will see that good events in your life will begin to happen more and more often!

In the morning hours, open the curtains, invite the sun to visit! There should be as few dark corners in your apartment as possible, because they serve as a shelter for negative energy. Clean the toilet and bathroom regularly, eliminate the smell of dampness. Special stores will help you choose sticks, incense, candles and other aromatic products. Use them. Feng Shui of an apartment involves the use of rattan and bamboo in the interior. These are “live”, natural materials.

If possible, get rid of heavy carpets, bulky decorations, souvenirs and other accessories, strive to make the interior simple but interesting. Feng Shui also places special emphasis on objects endowed with the energy of the five elements, which will reduce the impact of unfavorable energy, correct the energy field of your home. If you want more detailed recommendations and information, a specialist in Feng Shui of the apartment will come to your aid, who will help identify possible problems and give advice on how to avoid them.


According to Feng Shui, the kitchen is the most important room in the house. It affects the well-being and prosperity of the residents, their financial well-being. A clean, bright, well-equipped kitchen will tell others that you live without financial complications, and misfortune bypasses your home. And an untidy, poorly furnished kitchen, on the contrary, will attract even more negative energy to your apartment.

The above does not mean that your kitchen should be large in size or filled with the most advanced equipment. Everything should simply be in working order, clean and tidy. Feng Shui includes the teaching of the four elements - Water, Fire, Earth and Air, all of which have different nature and energy, and they cannot be combined. For example, a gas stove, bread maker and toaster belong to the element of Fire, and a refrigerator, dishwasher and sink are already the element of Water.

Try to create a kitchen layout so that the stove is not next to the sink, and the microwave is not on the refrigerator. This is not as difficult as it may seem. Use the walls, put the microwave on a shelf or bracket, put the refrigerator next to the sink, and place a kitchen cabinet between the sink and the stove.

Pay close attention to the serviceability of objects and the cleanliness of the surroundings. Keep in mind that by accumulating dirt and broken household appliances, you are blocking the path to happiness and financial prosperity!

Install a quality hood and good lighting. Hang shelves on the walls to help you organize the ever-growing rows of jars and containers. Kitchen utensils scattered in every corner can create complete chaos and drain good energy from your home. Don't clutter your kitchen with unnecessary things.


We spend a third of our lives in the bedroom. This room is the second most important, according to the feng shui of the apartment. Give more importance to the entrance to the bedroom. The bedroom door should be located as far as possible from the front door and the door leading to the toilet.

The most important piece of furniture in the bedroom is, of course, the bed. And Feng Shui gives its recommendations about it: Firstly, the bed should touch the wall on one of its sides. This symbolizes support - at home, even the walls help. The bed should not be opposite the door, and certainly never sleep with your feet towards the door.

Feng Shui of the apartment draws your attention to the ceiling beams, it is believed that these supports carry a negative charge. Try to decorate them, for example, with climbing plants. And the optimal solution will be a stretch ceiling - even and smooth.

Mirrors are prescribed a mystical effect on a person. The laws of Feng Shui also require excluding the use of mirrors in the bedroom. If you are reflected in a mirror in a dream, this will have a negative impact on your mental and physical health, leading to fatigue and nervous disorders.

Try to surround yourself with pleasant energy from the very morning. To do this, you can place a chest of drawers opposite the bed, and put photos of people dear to your heart, pleasant and memorable things, and simply beautiful decorative items on it. But remember that everything is good in moderation. A special place in the culture of Feng Shui is given to the sun. It should freely illuminate the bedroom during the day, pull back the curtains as soon as you wake up. This will invigorate you and give you a good mood!

The bed itself should always be made with clean linen, the bed drawers should not contain anything that is not related to sleep, and if your bed has legs, then regularly clean underneath it, making sure that dust and dirt do not accumulate there.

Do not clutter the space under your bed, so as not to impede the circulation of positive Qi energy. Put a single mattress on a double bed, so as not to allow discord between spouses. Feng Shui does not recommend having flowers in the bedroom. If you do have flowers, it is better to place them on the windowsill and fence them off with a curtain at night.

Living room

We assign several functions to the other rooms in our house. The best thing to do would be to zone the room, to separate the places for rest and work. Put upholstered furniture and a TV on one side, and a computer or desk on the other. Lighting will also help to plan different zones. In the rest area, you can place lamps with soft, diffused light, and it is better to light the work area brighter. Human psychology is such that he wants to feel protected.

Feng Shui of the apartment dictates the same rules. Try to place sofas and armchairs with their backs to the walls, and not to the windows or other objects. Experiment with different options for arranging furniture in your home, so you can find the most suitable option for yourself.

Feng Shui of the apartment will help with recommendations, not strict instructions. Try to surround your family with not just necessary, but also beautiful objects, get rid of junk, and if you feel sorry to throw away these old things, just give them to those who really need them. Do not allow the accumulation of bad energy in your home, call favorable Qi energy into the house with your actions, and you will notice changes in your destiny for the better!