International Mother's Day 2025

Mother's Day is a worldwide holiday dedicated to the fair sex. But unlike March 8 – International Women's Day, on this solemn date only mothers and pregnant women receive gifts and congratulations.

The holiday is still not very popular among Russians, although the decree of the first President of the Russian Federation B. N. Yeltsin on increasing the social significance of motherhood was approved on 30.01.1998. Order No. 120 "On Mother's Day" was adopted at the federal level.

According to the law, it must be celebrated at the end of the last month of autumn. More precisely, on the last Sunday of November. So, to decide what date Mother's Day is celebrated in Russia in 2025, it is enough to look at the usual calendar - it's November 26th.

The idea of appointing an official holiday for mothers in the Russian Federation belongs to the State Duma Committee on Youth, Women and Family Affairs. And the roots of the international holiday go back to the distant past.

What is Mother's Day?

Mother's Day is a touching and emotional holiday celebrated in honor of women who are mothers.A child raised by a caring mother in a close-knit family will grow up to be a decent person in the future, bringing prosperity to the whole society.

That is why the state pays special attention to these honorable individuals who patiently carry a baby under their hearts throughout the entire pregnancy. They are ready to sacrifice themselves for the sake of their children. And there is no material price for their love, care and devotion.

Motherhood awakens kindness and tenderness in the soul of every woman. It is not necessary to give them expensive gifts on this holiday, although they deserve them more than anyone else. But this day is not dedicated to luxury, but to sincerity. Therefore the main thing is to show your love and respect for them, express gratitude and show deep warm feelings.

In fact, the solemn date should only serve as a "signal" reminding us that there is no more important thing in the world than giving love and tenderness to mothers. And taking care of them and surrounding them with attention is almost always necessary.

The holiday is dedicated to all mothers, even those who are no longer in this world. After all, in the soul, everyone keeps bright memories of the days of their beloved childhood, where their mother gave them endless love, tenderly caressed them and surrounded them with care day and night.

History of origin

Since ancient times there has been a holiday in honor of motherhoodFor example, in the ancient Greek era, the inhabitants of Greece held events dedicated to the goddess Rhea. Her husband was the god Kronos. She was recognized as the mother of many ancient gods.

Every spring, a festival was held for her. The Romans celebrated the Great Mother's Day, paying homage to the goddess Cybele. And according to ancient Celtic culture, the celebration of Mother's Day is dedicated to the goddess Bridget.

In 1600, Mothering Sunday began to be celebrated in England. Traditionally, the holiday occurred on every fourth Sunday of Lent. As a symbol, it was customary to prepare a mothering cake and pastry during the ceremonial events.

These sweets were given to mothers to receive their blessing. 12 marzipan balls decorated the surface of the cake. They symbolized the 12 zodiac signs.

The history of the origin of the holiday in Great Britain can be called the most touching. It was celebrated throughout the 17th-19th centuries. During that period, children had to work far from their homes.

The money they earned was sent to their families. Only once a year could they visit their home. This day was like a holiday for them and the children did not return home without a gift for their mothers and grandmothers. The gifts, of course, were not precious, they brought flowers, sweets or fresh eggs.

The initiative to celebrate Mother's Day in the territorial districts of the United States belongs to Anna Jarvis. The American lost her mother in 1905. Her name was Ann Reeves Jarvis. Therefore, from this year, Anna actively began to promote the idea of appointing a holiday for mothers.

She celebrated the service at St Andrews Church in Grafton and treated wounded soldiers in the Civil War. Her idea appealed to another pacifist, Julia Ward Howe. They were keen to organise a "Mother's Day for Peace".

Julia and Anna intended to call on all mothers to appeal to the state and to the whole world to stop military battles in which their sons and husbands are dying and losing their health.

The first holiday in the United States in honor of mothers was organized in 1907 at St. Andrews Church.And now this church serves as the heart of festive events.

It was Anna who criticized the companies that decided to turn the touching holiday into a commercial business. They produced various souvenirs and cards with Mother's Day thematic signs. But Jarvis urged everyone not to buy them, but to simply make a gift for their mother with their own hands and write a letter expressing their feelings.

International Mother's Day in 2025 is also planned to be celebrated in a classic style in all countries of the world. After all, the main goal here is to give joy to women who have already become mothers or are expecting a baby.

In Russia, the first events aimed at valuing maternal work took place on December 1, 1915.The holiday was organized by scouts (young scouts) of the Petrograd detachment under the leadership of Ragnar Fernberg, who was their guide.

At the end of December 1915, a congress on scoutism was held. At this meeting, a decision was made to celebrate Mother's Day among all scout units of the Russian Empire.

Decree No. 532 on holding Mother's Day on the 3rd Sunday of October was approved on September 2, 1993. At that time, events were held on the territory of Sakha - the Republic of Yakutia.

Traditions of the holiday

Festive events dedicated to maternal work are officially held in more than 25 countries around the world. But each nation has its own traditions and cultural foundations. In many countries, the carnation is recognized as a symbol of Mother's Day.. That's why the flower is pinned to clothing on the chest.

The Japanese decorate the clothes of children whose mothers have passed away with white carnations. And the red flower is pinned to the chest of children whose mothers are still alive. The white flower has ceased to be used as a mourning symbol since the 1960s.

In Helsinki, people visit the "Working Mother" monument to honor motherhood. And in Serbia it is celebrated in a slightly strange way. Early in the morning, while the mother is sleeping, her children will quietly enter the bedroom and tie the hands and feet of the sleeping woman.

When she wakes up, she must act as if she is surprised by what happened. Then the mother must offer the children gifts that she hid under her pillow at night. The children happily receive toys or sweets and untie the "captive".

In England they bake special sweets - cakes and marzipan cake, also on this day men free women from household and economic chores. And they themselves prepare dinner. This custom also exists in Russia.

Russian women love to receive flower bouquets, cards and various gifts for the special occasion. In many regions of the country, the heads of state institutions give mothers-heroines monetary incentives and award them medals or certificates of honor.

And state events are held under the slogan "Thank you, Mom!". Also in honor of the touching holiday, a social campaign "Mom, I love you!" is planned. The symbol of the day in the Russian Federation is the forget-me-not flower.

Date of Mother's Day 2025

According to the adopted law and ancient traditions, in the Russian Federation the date of glorification of maternal labor occurs on the last Sunday of the autumn season. According to the calendar calculation, Russian people will celebrate Mother's Day in 2024 on November 26.

Mother's Day in Ukraine, Russia, Belarus

Ukrainians began celebrating the date named after mothers in 2000. But in Ukraine, as in the Russian Federation, not everyone in the family circle organizes celebrations dedicated to the day of respect for maternal labor. And the question of when Ukrainians will celebrate Mother's Day in 2024 can only be answered after looking at the calendar.

Every year, they celebrate Mother's Day on the 2nd Sunday of the month of May.. This means that in 2025 it is celebrated on May 14. On the same calendar date, events to honor mothers are also held in China.

The first such holiday was organized by Ukrainian women in Canada. The event took place in 1928, and since 1929, ceremonial events dedicated to mothers were also held in Lviv. Since 1939, the authorities of the former Soviet Union banned the holiday.

But since 1990, the "Union of Ukrainian Women" has again begun to celebrate the date that allows us to appreciate the work of mothers. In 1999, the order of the President of the Ukrainian Republic "On Mothers' Day" was approved. And in Russia, the decree aimed at highly appreciating the social significance of motherhood has been in effect since the beginning of 1998.

In Belarus, Mother's Day began to be celebrated a little earlier, or more precisely since 1996. It takes place annually in the middle of the autumn season – October 14. At this time, the Orthodox holiday of honoring the Patroness of the Holy Mother of God will also take place.

The celebrations are aimed at strengthening family ties and awakening tenderness and kindness towards mothers.

Mother's Day in Europe

In European countries, events are actively held aimed at glorifying and respecting the work and care of pregnant women and mothers. Mother's Day 2025 in Europe will be celebrated on the 2nd Sunday of the last month of spring – May 14.

On this calendar date, it is also planned to celebrate it in Germany and the country of Finland. In Finland, the holiday existed as early as 1918, but was officially recognized only in 1927. There, children and men usually prepare cards and other gifts by hand, and hang out flags.

Mother's Day in the USA

In 1912, Anna Jarvis managed to open the International Mother's Day Association. The official celebration of the date began in America in 1914. National Mother's Day is held here in late spring..

In the United States, as well as in Italy and other European countries, celebrations will begin on the 2nd Sunday of May.

Celebrating Mother's Day in Other Countries

World Mother's Day in 2025, as an ancient tradition, will be celebrated in many countries around the world. Georgia will celebrate this touching date dedicated to pregnant and mothers on March 3, and Armenia on April 7.

In Turkey, it is celebrated in the family circle on the 2nd Sunday of May.. And stores arrange sales and offer various promotions for mothers. In Latvia, too, on the second Sunday of the last month of spring, events are organized to honor the work and care of mothers.

Residents of the country have officially celebrated the date since the 1920s and 1930s, and a state law was adopted in 1992.