Epiphany 2025: what date does ice-hole bathing take place?

The Epiphany of the Lord is the oldest Orthodox holiday, which all believers await. It is traditionally celebrated in winter. Its main feature is that people, forgetting about race, lifestyle and values, become one whole, celebrate the holiday of the true faith of the Lord.

But in addition to swimming in the ice hole, Epiphany has many different traditions and rituals that are filled with deep meaning and history. We will tell you when Epiphany bathing is in 2024, traditions, rituals, and the history of the holiday.

History of the holiday Epiphany

Epiphany is one of the most important Christian holidays.. The sacrament was performed before Jesus Christ was born. It is performed to cleanse the soul and body from negativity and sins. A person opens his soul to God.

John the Baptist was the first to perform ablutions in the river. This process became known as Baptism. The holy river, according to John, was supposed to help people cleanse themselves of the anger that overwhelmed them. The prophet was believed, he had a great power of persuasion.

At the age of 30, Jesus Christ came to John to perform the Sacrament. As soon as the purification of the soul was performed, the heavens parted and the Holy Spirit came to earth. The story goes that he appeared to the Baptist and Jesus in the form of a dove. He said that Jesus was the son of God the Father.

It is through him that goodwill comes. That is why Previously, and even now, Baptism is also called Grace. It is difficult to say exactly on which river the Sacrament was performed. Some old writings indicate that it was Bethabara by the Jordan. At the moment, this place is most likely already dry land.

This holiday has been celebrated for a long time, even during the lifetime of the apostles, Epiphany was held every year. Only at that time this holiday fell on Christmas. In the 9th century, Epiphany was moved to another date.

All countries where the main religion is Christianity, honor this holiday and necessarily hold it. But Epiphany bathing 2024, rituals and traditions may differ.

Date of Epiphany in 2025

What date is baptism in 2024? Our ancestors celebrated the Feast of Grace on January 6. But the date was moved in the 9th century.

Please note that the date of Baptism varies among the branches of the Christian Church:

  1. Orthodox Christians traditionally celebrate Epiphany on January 19. This is because according to the old calendar, this is January 6.
  2. The Apostolic Church of Armenia celebrates Grace on January 6, that is, both Christmas and Epiphany fall on the same day.
  3. Catholics celebrate Epiphany on the Sunday following Christmas. According to the old calendar, the holiday fell on January 13.

Today, there are still discussions about the date of Christmas and Epiphany. The different branches of the Christian church have not yet come to a single celebration.

What day is Epiphany 2025? This year the Christian holiday falls on Thursday.

Traditions for the holiday

In addition to traditional swimming in the ice hole, Goodwill has a large number of different rituals and traditions. When people dive into the ice hole for baptism, the soul and body are purified, and a person becomes closer to God. But Baptism begins with the so-called night vigil, and a liturgy is held in the morning.

On this day, priests wear white cassocks and conduct services.. The water is blessed. To obtain it, you need to visit the church on the holiday. Note that holy water is stored for about a year.

It is best to keep it in a special container, which can be taken from a church or a regular glass jar without any inscriptions or labels. You can sprinkle the corners of the room with it. Priests claim that this helps to get rid of evil spirits, filth and protects the owners of the house from everything bad.

You can also drink it in the morning on an empty stomach. Blessing of water is the main and most important tradition of Epiphany. Holy water has many useful, healing properties. It is best not to just take water in the Church, but to stand and serve.

From the 6th, carols and baptism are held. But on the 19th, you should never do this. This day is best spent with your family at a warm, cozy table.

In ancient times, the blessing of water took place in two stages. The first time it was done in the church, the second - in an open body of water. Since Epiphany falls in winter, which is harsh in Russia, they make an ice hole.

It has long been believed that those who sinned during Christmastide should bathe in it. For example, very often told fortunes. Bathing in the ice hole on Epiphany 2025 will also be held.

In Rus', frosts are usually observed during the period of Beneficence. That is why bad weather and low thermometer readings are also called Epiphany frosts. There is even a popular expression: "Crackling frost, or not cracking, but Epiphany has passed."

This sign is true because the Goodwill falls in mid-January. According to meteorologists, this period is considered the coldest of the year. They also note that the temperature is at its lowest on January 19. But this trend does not "work" every year.

What should not be done on Epiphany?

Grace is one of the most important holidays of the Christian church. That is why on this day people There are some prohibitions that must be followed:

  1. It is best to leave any work, especially difficult, physical work, for another day. The only exceptions are urgent, pressing matters.
  2. Fortune telling on such a big holiday is a great sin.
  3. It is forbidden to have noisy parties, pass out, or drink alcohol.
  4. Give expensive gifts.
  5. Quarrelling, swearing, fighting, or sorting out relationships is also prohibited.
  6. To be offended, to curse, to wish evil.

On Epiphany one could do needlework, but only those who made their dowry in this way. It was believed that the dowry made on Epiphany would help make the family strong and happy.

But in addition to the prohibitions, there are also good traditions associated with the great Christian holiday:

  1. If the Sacrament of Baptism is performed on this day, then the person will be happy and will always be protected by God.
  2. If matchmaking takes place on Epiphany, the future family will be strong, friendly, and the spouses will be faithful to each other.
  3. You can and should wash yourself with Epiphany water. They say that it helps preserve youth, strength and beauty.
  4. It is even recommended to make deals. They will be successful and profitable.
  5. If you bathed in an ice hole on Goodwill, you will have health and success for the whole year.

What is the correct way to bathe on Epiphany?

Bathing at Epiphany 2025 is an important tradition for the Favor. Since ancient times, there have been long queues of people wanting to plunge into the ice hole at the open water body from the night. Among them were not only young people, but also elderly people, parents with children. The ancient tradition continues to this day.

In an open body of water, if it is frozen, they make a hole in the ice. But they do not just make a hole, but a cross. After this, the ritual of blessing the water takes place. It is believed that on this day the Jordan itself heals sins and helps get rid of ailments.

But before you go and plunge into the ice hole, you must confess and go to church for communion. If you don't do this, there will be no effect. Maybe your immunity will be strengthened a little.

When to swim in an ice hole in 2024? This should be done on January 19, immediately after the priests have consecrated the water in it. When bathing, you should adhere to the following rules:

  • you can't undress completely;
  • be sure to be sober;
  • If you have heart problems, it is best to avoid diving;
  • If the child is about to be baptized, the mother should hold him in her arms;
  • Before touching the water, you need to cross yourself and read the prayer “Our Father”;
  • You need to dive into the water 3 times.

Who can and cannot swim on Epiphany?

Only healthy people can dive into cold waterDoctors say that swimming in ice holes should be avoided, especially by those who have problems with the heart and blood vessels.

If you have recently suffered a heart attack or stroke, you should also refrain. But if you really want to cleanse yourself in holy water without harming your health, it is best to consult a therapist.

So, you can’t swim in cold water on Epiphany:

  • those diagnosed with hypertension or other cardiovascular diseases;
  • with problems of uneven system;
  • pregnancy at any stage;
  • infectious diseases;
  • inflammation of the urinary system and reproductive organs;
  • chronic diseases in the acute phase;
  • diabetes mellitus;
  • significant excess weight;
  • to a person in a state of alcoholic intoxication.

It is best to focus on how you feel. If there is severe frost outside, then children and the elderly should also avoid diving.

How does diving into an ice hole affect the body?

In general, diving into cold water has a positive effect, but only for healthy people:

  1. Strengthening the immune system. It has been proven that cold water hardens a person, and therefore improves the immune system. But keep in mind that hardening should be gradual. If you have never done this, then strengthening the immune system will not occur or will be minimal.
  2. The condition and functioning of blood vessels improves. Cold water makes the blood "drive" through the vessels more strongly. Due to this, the vessels work harder, improving blood circulation.
  3. Bathing has a positive effect on a person’s general condition and mood.
  4. Burning excess calories. A person in cold water begins to actively release heat, which entails burning calories. This requires energy.

So, Epiphany is a big Christian holiday, which in the Orthodox Church falls on January 19. We told you when baptism is in 2025 in other branches of Christianity, what can and cannot be done.