Lunar Eclipses in 2025

Lunar eclipses occur with a periodicity of 128 days. In 2025, there will be 2 events: total and partial. The total eclipse on March 14 will occur over the North American continent, where it will be observed by residents of Mexico. In Europe, it will be possible to see the eclipse, during which the Earth's satellite is in the penumbra. The date of occurrence is the night of September 7-8.

Meaning of a lunar eclipse

Scientists are confident that the astronomical phenomenon does not have a major impact on the human body. However, it is possible that people with a high anxiety threshold will feel a little discomfort. In many ways, the condition is determined by the mass media coverage of the event and astrological forecasts.

moon at night

It is believed that during the lunar eclipse, secret forces of nature awaken, awakening negative qualities in a person. Therefore, people with a weak psyche should take care of taking mild sedatives in advance. Also, minor health problems can arise in hypertensive patients, as well as in patients suffering from thyroid pathologies.

In order not to provoke a deterioration of the condition, it is advisable to exclude training with high physical load. It is better to devote more time to spiritual development, to spend time calmly.

When will the lunar eclipses be in 2025

The movement of celestial bodies causes the Earth to periodically appear between the Sun and the Moon, preventing the satellite from being illuminated by sunlight. For an observer on Earth, the process appears as a change in the phases of the satellite's waning and growing.

Tower under the moon

How does an astronomical phenomenon occur:

  1. The Earth's shadow slowly covers the left edge of the lunar disk. Visually, you can see how a thick shadow in the form of a circle, the diameter of which is approximately 2.5 times larger than the lunar one, creeps onto the white ball. At this time, the Moon is in a waning phase.
  2. Gradually the shadow recedes and a new moon appears in the sky, becoming fuller with each night. This phenomenon indicates that the Moon has entered its waxing phase.
  3. A total lunar eclipse occurs when the Earth's shadow covers the entire disk. A similar event occurs when there is a full moon.
  4. A partial eclipse is characterized by the fact that the Moon is in penumbra - one of its sides remains illuminated by the sun's rays.

A total lunar eclipse lasts up to 3 hours. Often during the event, the satellite is painted in a red shade, which can resemble rust or blood. The intensity of the color varies, as it largely depends on the transparency of the atmosphere, the time of year, and climatic conditions. Such a change in color does not occur during a partial eclipse.

Lunar eclipses occur with a cycle of 128 days. In 2025, 2 events are expected:

Eclipse type Date Maximum phase according to international time
Complete March 14 05:08 — 08:49
Partial From September 7th 16:26 - 19:57

The nearest total eclipse, which will occur on March 14, can be observed from the territory of North America, in particular in Mexico. The maximum phase will last 1 minute 18 seconds. The partial lunar eclipse will be clearly visible in the countries of Asia, in the central and eastern parts of Europe, in Africa. The duration of the maximum phase is 1 minute 36 seconds.

Also on September 7 you can see the full moon - the event will occur at 21:08.

Ways to see a lunar eclipse

The Earth's satellite does not emit its own light. The brightness of the Moon is due only to the reflection of the sun's rays, which lose their intensity in the process. Therefore, to observe the astronomical event, no special devices are needed - glasses, a camera obscura or a welder's mask. You can watch the fascinating phenomenon without fear of damaging your eyesight.

Telescope at night

But those who want to see all the details of the celestial show are better off using a telescope. The astronomical instrument will allow you to significantly enlarge the image and observe how the Earth's shadow will move along the surface of the satellite, gradually "absorbing" craters and lunar seas.

What you can and cannot do during lunar eclipses

Vedic psychology Jyotish assures that any astronomical events affect a person. Lunar eclipses are difficult periods for the psyche, so you should prepare in advance:

  • analyze what mistakes were made in the period between the events;
  • rejoice in your success in achieving your goals;
  • rethink your life path;
  • understand what actions prevent you from achieving spiritual perfection.

It is better to spend time quietly, observing the event or reading spiritual literature.

A man is reading a book

It is advisable not to attend noisy parties, not to provoke conflicts. Drinking alcohol can provoke the development of alcohol addiction. It is not worth playing weddings during a lunar eclipse - such a marriage will not last long. Also, astrologers do not recommend having sex, since it is likely to conceive a child with a problematic character. It is very difficult to neutralize the negative qualities of such children.

Signs of the day

Since ancient times, there have been popular beliefs associated with the movement of celestial bodies:

  • clarifying relationships during a lunar eclipse leads to tragic events, to a complete breakdown of ties;
  • receiving or giving an expensive gift increases the risk of ruin;
  • Traveling involves a high risk of accidents;
  • Changes in appearance and sports activities provoke serious diseases.

In 2025, on March 14, there will be a total lunar eclipse. No equipment will be required - a lunar eclipse, unlike a solar one, does not pose a danger to vision.