New Year's letter to soldiers 2025 - with drawings and postcards from children

New Year's holiday is the brightest and most magical! Unfortunately, not everyone has the opportunity to celebrate it with family and close friends. Our soldiers valiantly defend the interests of the border and the interests of our homeland! Russian soldiers are conducting a special military operation (SVO) on the territory of Ukraine, performing a combat mission, risking their health and life.

New Year 2025 is coming very soon! For this holiday, all our military personnel - soldiers and officers, contract soldiers, mobilized and volunteers, need to prepare original congratulations, congratulate them on the upcoming holiday and note their military merits and the importance of their work for the country, society and family.

Therefore, on this page we will tell you how to write a letter to soldiers for the New Year 2025 from children, we will give several examples in verse and prose. We will show several examples of drawings and postcards that you can make with your own hands.

There are currently a large number of events in schools to support our fighters in the SVO zone. Support Russian soldiers and officers - send them a letter and congratulate them on the New Year 2024!

Congratulations to soldiers on the New Year 2025 in verse for writing

Congratulations to soldiers on the New Year 2025 in verse for writing:

New New Year 2024

Well, hello, hello, dear soldier!
There is snow outside, a blizzard, and snowdrifts.
And everyone will soon be happy
The arrival of a festive person.

We will decorate the Christmas tree with our family,
We'll hang garlands on the house,
Let's set a wonderful table with our family
And we will sing quite a few songs.

And kind Grandfather Frost
Will bestow a radiant gaze on everyone.
He will give away a load of gifts
And he will sing with us in choir.

Then he will go away through the snows
To other cities and villages.
He will also look in on the foresters,
He will give them a radio.

It will reach each of you.
Will bring peace on the battlefield.
And it will be joyful immediately
And the people will live in peace.

And now I wish you
Good health... great health.
Let the war go away through the snows,
Taking all the bad things with him.

And there will be peace in the world again,
And the nations will be happy,
And the rowdy will be cursed,
And the skies will be clear!

New New Year 2024

Congratulations, brave soldier!
I want to wish you a happy New Year,
So that you never know any troubles or obstacles,
May great success await you!
Let them send you on leave sooner,
So that you can rest at least a little bit!
I wish you a lot of strength and patience,
May you walk this path with dignity!

New New Year 2024

I will pray for you,
And let a miracle happen on this holiday
You will serve your Motherland
Cherish your victory!

In battle, soldier, don't give up.
Come back home soon –
I congratulate you on the New Year
And may the holiday come to you!

New New Year 2024

I give you my congratulations,
Soldier! With special pleasure!
You will serve in the army.
Cherish your beloved country!

Be the strongest or the bravest
I will never tire of appreciating you
Let this holiday be New Year
It will bring a little happiness!

New New Year 2024

Happy New Year greetings
Helmet to the soldiers with pleasure -
Let miracles come,
Eyes glow with happiness!

New New Year 2024

Defender! You are the strongest!
I will never stop wishing you health!
Be steadfast in any battles,
To defeat them with dignity!

I'll send you a message
And I will congratulate you on this New Year
So that troubles go away
And the Lord was able to help you!

New New Year 2024

I embrace you with all my soul
And Happy New Year!
Soldier! You have a soul.
And go into battle slowly!

Let the chimes strike twelve
You won't be able to give up at all.
You will return home alive
To my beloved mother!

New New Year 2024

Soldier! May you reach victory.
How our grandfathers fought!
May you not be wounded in battle.
You love your homeland!

Let your lights become light
And hello to the bright New Year
Please accept my congratulations
Raise your spirit on this holiday!

New New Year 2024

You serve your country well.
And bring Victory
May this New Year,
Let life turn into paradise!

New New Year 2024

Soldier! I respect you.
And Happy New Year!
I'll send you a letter now
I am at this very bright hour!

I wish you were home soon
Never surrendered to enemies
I will hug you
And I wish you bright happiness!

New New Year 2024

I dream of a bright victory,
Receive gifts today
And may your spirit be lifted,
May sadness go away forever!

I wrote a letter to the soldier –
So that there is enough strength for all enemies -
I only wish to win
And serve the Motherland faithfully!

New New Year 2024

Hold on, my wonderful soldier!
And know that you are not serving in vain!
Good health now,
I wish you this at this hour!

Happy New Year to all
They fly from the heart, without a doubt
In battles you deserve,
May all your dreams come true!

New New Year 2024

Let all misfortunes go away
On this brightest holiday
The New Year is coming –
Good luck to you, soldier!

New New Year 2024

We do not forget the soldier
And Happy New Year!
A worthy son of the Native Country –
You stand by her like a rock!

May your health be excellent
There will be no shortage of victorious rewards,
Let all enemies disappear in an instant,
So that all the sadness goes away from your face!

New New Year 2024

My dear soldier! For consolation,
I will send you congratulations
I will wish you health,
So that you can always stand strong!

Enjoy your victory,
Come back home soon
May this glorious New Year
It will bring you success!

New New Year 2024

I don't want to see enemies,
Soldier, I congratulate you!
He deserved many warm words,
Don't be left without strength!

After all, it was often not easy
The earth has not forgotten you
Let this New Year holiday
Only courage will come to you!

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Congratulations to soldiers on the New Year 2025 in prose for writing

Congratulations to soldiers on the New Year 2025 in prose for writing:

New New Year 2024

Dear soldier!

Happy New Year 2025! I wish you good health and safety during your service. May every day be filled with good mood and hope for the best. I wish that in the new year you reach new heights in your service and feel proud of your country. May you be surrounded by true friends and warm support at home. May your dreams come true and luck always be on your side. Happy New Year, brave defender!

New New Year 2024

Dear military personnel!

With all my heart I congratulate you on the upcoming New Year 2025! I wish you good health, reliable protection and a peaceful sky above your head.

You, courageous and selfless defenders of the Motherland, perform real miracles, providing us with security and peace. Your devotion, discipline and professionalism are a true pride for the country.

May the new year bring you well-being on the personal front, success in your professional activities and joy from the results achieved. Your friendly teams and solidarity with each other are a great force that makes our army one of the best in the world.

May good luck always accompany you in your service in the new year, and may your brave deeds be noticed and appreciated by your compatriots. You are heroes not only of war, but also of peacetime, and your work is immensely appreciated.

With gratitude, respect and best wishes!

Happy New Year 2025! Happiness, health and prosperity to you and your loved ones!

Your faithful ally and support.

New New Year 2024

Dear soldiers of Russia! We are sure that only victory will come over the ruthless neo-Nazis of Ukraine, from whom our people, our beloved Motherland, suffer. Your professionalism, tireless efforts, selfless determination of fearless war heroes, instill in us faith in the triumph of justice. We wish you good health, soldier's luck, patience, will and a speedy victory! Happy New Year, dear defenders of the Fatherland!

New New Year 2024

Thank you for your dedication and willingness to serve our country. I wish you to celebrate the next New Year at home, with your family. Take care of yourself and return home with Victory as soon as possible. Happy New Year, valiant soldier of the Fatherland!

New New Year 2024

May the coming year be filled with good health, happiness and lots of time with your families. We appreciate all your efforts! Happy New Year!

New New Year 2024

Even though you are far away, serving your country, putting your life in danger, I just want to wish you a safe return home. We keep you in our daily prayers.

New New Year 2024

I wish you all a safe return. You are all in my thoughts! I want to wish you that bullets and shrapnel pass you by, and that the enemies flee. May the soldier's luck always be on your side. Happy New Year to you, our beloved defenders!

New New Year 2024

I would like to wish all the soldiers of the special military operation in Ukraine a peaceful New Year and hope that you will return home soon. God bless everyone!

New New Year 2024

Happy New Year to all the brave men and women out there. May God watch over you all and return you safe and sound to the loving arms of your families.

New New Year 2024

I wish all the best to all the soldiers of Russia during the New Year holiday. It is a pity that you could not be at home with your families. Soon, I hope, victorious times will come for all of you. Always thinking about you, soldiers. Thank you for your valiant soldierly work!

New New Year 2024

Dear soldier!

Happy New Year! In these difficult times, when you are at war, I want to convey to you my sincere New Year wishes. Your professional dedication and courage deserve the deepest respect and recognition.

First of all, I want to wish you strength and courage during the difficult trials that you encounter on your way. Your determination and readiness to stand in defense of our homeland is a true example of high professionalism and dedication.

New Year is a time of hopes and wishes, so I sincerely wish you to return home, surrounded by your loved ones. I wish you that peace will be found in the new year and the war will end. I hope that your efforts and sacrifices will not be in vain, and we will be able to enjoy peace and prosperity.

Also, I want to wish you good health and safety. Being in dangerous areas and experiencing stress, you continue to do your duty. I wish you always remain unharmed and return home in good health.

New Year is a time of changes and opportunities. I want to wish you to reach new heights in your professional activity. I believe that your skills and experience will help you achieve victory and bring peace to people who need it.

You are a true hero, and I am proud that we have such strong and determined defenders. I want to wish you moral support and understanding from those who are close to you. May you always know that your efforts do not go unnoticed and that you are important to each of us.

In conclusion, may the coming New Year bring you new hopes and opportunities. May your valor and courage be rewarded and may peace come to every home. Take care of yourself, soldier, and know that we all believe in you and await your return.

Best wishes, (Your name).

New New Year 2024

On the occasion of the New Year, we send you all warm greetings from our class for the New Year to all the warriors. May this year bring you more happiness and peace.

New New Year 2024

May the coming year be filled with the warmth of love for you and your family… May God bless your life with everlasting peace and happiness and bring you success in every step of your life…. Wishing you a happy and successful New Year!

New New Year 2024

Dear soldiers, we cannot imagine a peaceful life without you, without your ability to win. We wish you a peaceful New Year. May you always be winners and always be a source of inspiration for love of the Fatherland for all of us… Thank you very much!

New New Year 2024

We are happy because you are keeping us safe, fighting the deadly battle with neo-Nazis… We wish you a safe and happy New Year and many warm wishes to your family members who miss you every day. They are looking forward to seeing you… Happy New Year!

New New Year 2024

Our dear and respected soldiers! May your life soon be filled with eternal joy and happiness. We believe that you are worthily defending us from enemies, we believe that soon you will raise the banner of Victory over the burning Maidan! We wish you a peaceful New Year, without explosions and shooting!

New New Year 2024

May the coming year bring more peace to the world so that you can enjoy these special moments with your family…. May there be no wars in our lives this year, but only harmony…. Heartfelt wishes to our soldiers on the occasion of the New Year!

New New Year 2024

New Year is a new beginning, new hopes and new aspirations... May every day of this year be lit with happiness and good fortune, safe life and victory for our warriors.... Sending best wishes to you and your families on this special day.... Happy New Year to all!!!

New New Year 2024

May each day of this coming year bring more happiness, more smiles and more success into your life… May you be showered with eternal joy and surprises that will make this year the happiest for you… Wishing you a very warm and happy New Year, without bombings and shootings. God bless you.

New New Year 2024

Dear soldiers, you protect us day and night, you fight for us at the most inopportune hours…. Thank you very much for being by our side… We thank you for giving us a safe 2023 and we wish that God always protects you and makes you happy…. Happy New Year to you and your loved ones!

Short New Year Wishes 2025 for Soldiers to Write

Short New Year Wishes 2025 for Soldiers to Write:

New New Year 2024

Soldier, it's so hard for you,
You are far from us, my dear,
But we want the New Year now
We wish you all the best from us.

May the sky always be peaceful,
Let there be lots and lots of bread,
Let the bombs not explode,
Well, dreams will start to come true.

New New Year 2024

Even though you're not at home on New Year's,
But I know that in spirit you are with us!
Soldier, hold on, go forward,
After all, your demobilization is just around the corner!

May you have a happy new year
Success always accompanies,
All kinds of victories await,
Let the strength of spirit help!

New New Year 2024

Happy New Year,
Our dear soldier.
To defend our native country,
Of course, the guy is happy.

I wish you strength and health,
To serve honestly and faithfully,
Don't give up, be brave,
Believe in your strength, don’t be depressed.

New New Year 2024

Come on, boy, stand still,
Listen quickly to my order:
Enter the New Year happy!
Do it in one go.

Take aim at joy!
Step by step march towards your dream!
Let in love and military service
Good luck to you, soldier!

New New Year 2024

Happy New Year, dear,
Our brave little soldier,
So that you serve conscientiously -
We wish you strength!
Eat deliciously with appetite,
Deal with the political officer!
You'll be home soon -
All dreams will come true,
In the meantime, Happy New Year,
Be happy and healthy!

New New Year 2024

Happy New Year!
Let the service go on peacefully,
I wish you happiness and joy,
Ringing laughter and friendship.

Let there be warmth in your heart
Even in severe frosts,
And love is cozy in the soul
Blooms brighter than a rose!

New New Year 2024

You carry out your term of service boldly,
To make the blood boil in your chest,
So that the enemy doesn't even try
Break through to our borders!

Let the chimes strike twelve,
And dreams will start to come true,
And in the future they are waiting for you
Only true friends!

New New Year 2024

The chimes are ringing at the training ground
You will hear, boy, at night.
May the New Year bring you joy
And let all your dreams come true.

Be healthy, soldier, be strong in spirit,
Go ahead and win,
You are responsible for your homeland, after all.
Don't give up your positions.

New New Year 2024

I, a soldier, am sending today
Happy New Year,
Let the service not be stressful,
The joy in the heart does not go away.

I wish to carry it out clearly
And diligently follow the entire charter,
Let the body become stronger,
The proud character will be tempered.

New New Year 2024

Let the army New Year
Will bring hope into life,
After all, it's only a short time to serve,
Let's dream about the road home.

May you have health and success
They lead you by the hand,
And sorrows and obstacles
Let them bypass me forever.

Happy New Year 2025 Cards for Soldiers

Happy New Year 2025 Cards for Soldiers:

Happy New Year 2025 Cards for Soldiers

Happy New Year 2025 Cards for Soldiers

Happy New Year 2025 Cards for Soldiers

Happy New Year 2025 Cards for Soldiers

Happy New Year 2025 Cards for Soldiers

Happy New Year 2025 Cards for Soldiers

Happy New Year 2025 Cards for Soldiers

Happy New Year 2025 Cards for Soldiers

Happy New Year 2025 Cards for Soldiers

Drawings for soldiers for the New Year 2025

Drawings for soldiers for the New Year 2025:

Drawings for soldiers for the New Year 2025

Drawings for soldiers for the New Year 2025

Drawings for soldiers for the New Year 2025

Drawings for soldiers for the New Year 2025

Drawings for soldiers for the New Year 2025

Drawings for soldiers for the New Year 2025

Drawings for soldiers for the New Year 2025

Examples of beautiful letters to soldiers for the New Year

Examples of beautiful letters to soldiers for the New Year:

New Year's holiday is the brightest and most magical! Unfortunately, not every person has the opportunity to celebrate it with family and close friends. Our soldiers valiantly defend the interests of the border and the interests of our homeland! Russian soldiers are conducting a special military operation (SVO) on the territory of Ukraine, performing a combat mission, risking their health and life. New Year 2025 is coming very soon! For this holiday, all our military personnel - soldiers and officers, contract soldiers, mobilized and volunteers, need to prepare original congratulations, congratulate them on the upcoming holiday and note their military merits and the importance of their work for the country, society and family. Therefore, on this page we will tell you how to write a letter to soldiers for the New Year 2025 from children, we will give several examples in verse and prose. We will show several examples of drawings and postcards that you can make with your own hands. Now in schools there are a large number of actions to support our fighters in the SVO zone. Support Russian soldiers and officers - send them a letter and congratulate them on the New Year 2024! Congratulations to soldiers on the New Year 2025 in verse for a letter Congratulations to soldiers on the New Year 2025 in verse for a letter: Congratulations to soldiers on the New Year 2025 in prose for a letter Congratulations to soldiers on the New Year 2025 in prose for a letter: Dear soldier! Happy New Year 2025! I want to wish you good health and safety during your service. May every day be filled with a good mood and hope for the best. I wish you to reach new heights in your service and feel proud of your country in the new year. May you be surrounded by true friends and warm support at home. May your dreams come true and luck always be on your side. Happy New Year, brave defender! Dear servicemen! With all my heart I congratulate you on the upcoming New Year 2025! I wish you good health, reliable protection and a peaceful sky above your heads. You, courageous and selfless defenders of the Motherland, perform real miracles, providing us with security and peace. Your dedication, discipline and professionalism are a true source of pride for the country. May the new year bring you well-being on the personal front, success in your professional activities and joy from the results achieved. Your friendly teams and solidarity with each other are a great force that makes our army one of the best in the world. May good luck always accompany you in your service in the new year, and may your brave deeds be noticed and appreciated by your compatriots. You are heroes not only of war, but also of peacetime, and your work is immensely appreciated. With gratitude, respect and best wishes! Happy New Year 2025! Happiness, health and well-being to you and your loved ones! Your faithful ally and support. Dear soldiers of Russia! We are sure that only victory will come over the ruthless neo-Nazis of Ukraine, from whom our people, our beloved Motherland, suffer. Your professionalism, tireless efforts, selfless determination of fearless war heroes, instill in us faith in the triumph of justice. We wish you good health, soldier's luck, patience, will and a speedy victory! Happy New Year, dear defenders of the Fatherland! Thank you for your dedication and willingness to serve our country. I wish you to celebrate the next New Year at home, with your family. Take care of yourself and return home with Victory as soon as possible. Happy New Year, valiant soldier of the Fatherland! May the next year be filled with good health, happiness and plenty of time spent with your families. We appreciate all your efforts! Happy New Year! Even though you are far away, serving your country, putting your lives at risk, I just want to wish you a safe return home. We keep you in our daily prayers. I wish you all a safe return. You are all in my thoughts! I wish you that bullets and shrapnel pass you by, and that the enemy takes to flight. May the soldier's luck always be on your side. Happy New Year to you, our beloved defenders! I wish all the soldiers of the special military operation in Ukraine a peaceful New Year and I hope that you will return home soon. God bless everyone! Happy New Year to all the brave men and women. May God watch over you all and return you safe and sound to the loving arms of your families. I wish all the soldiers of Russia all the best during the New Year holiday. It is a pity that you could not be home with your families. Soon, I hope, victorious times will come for all of you. Always thinking about you, soldiers. Thank you for your valiant soldierly work! Esteemed soldier! Happy New Year! In these difficult times, when you are at war, I want to convey to you my sincere New Year wishes. Your professional dedication and courage deserve the deepest respect and recognition. First of all, I would like to wish you strength and courage during the difficult challenges that you face along the way. Your determination and readiness to stand in defense of our homeland is a true example of high professionalism and dedication. New Year is a time of hopes and wishes, so I sincerely wish you to return home, surrounded by your loved ones. I wish you that peace is found in the new year and the war ends. I hope that your efforts and sacrifices will not be in vain, and we will be able to enjoy peace and prosperity. In addition, I would like to wish you good health and safety. Being in dangerous areas and experiencing stress, you continue to fulfill your duty. I wish you always remain unharmed and return home in full health. New Year is a time of changes and opportunities. I would like to wish you to reach new heights in your professional activities. I believe that your skills and experience will help achieve victory and bring peace to people who need it. You are a true hero and I am proud that we have such strong and determined defenders. I wish you moral support and understanding from those who are close to you. May you always know that your efforts do not go unnoticed and that you mean something to each of us. In conclusion, may the coming New Year bring you new hopes and opportunities. May your valor and courage be rewarded and peace come to every home. Take care of yourself, soldier, and know that we all believe in you and are waiting for your return. Best wishes, (Your name). On the occasion of the New Year, we send you as a class warm New Year greetings to all the soldiers. May this year bring you more happiness and peace. May the coming year be filled with the warmth of love for you and your family… May God bless your life with eternal peace and happiness and bring you success in every stage of your life…. Wishing you a happy and successful New Year! Dear soldiers, we cannot imagine a peaceful life without you, without your ability to win. We wish you a peaceful New Year. May you always be winners and always be a source of inspiration for love of the Fatherland for all of us… Thank you very much! We are happy because you are protecting us, waging a deadly fight with neo-Nazis… We wish you a safe and happy New Year and many warm wishes to your family members who miss you every day. They are looking forward to meeting you… Happy New Year! Our dear and respected soldiers! May your life soon be filled with eternal joy and happiness. We believe that you are worthily protecting us from enemies, we believe that soon you will hoist the banner of Victory over the burning Maidan! We wish you a peaceful New Year, without explosions and gunfire! May the coming year bring more peace to the world so that you can enjoy these special moments with your family…. May there be no wars in our lives this year, only harmony…. Heartfelt wishes to our soldiers on the occasion of the New Year! New Year is a new beginning, new hopes and new aspirations… May every day of this year be lit up with happiness and good fortune, safe life and victory for our soldiers…. Sending best wishes to you and your families on this special day…. Happy New Year to everyone!!! May every day of this coming year bring more happiness, more smiles and more success into your lives… May you be showered with eternal joy and surprises that will make this year the happiest for you… Wishing you a very warm and happy New Year, without bombing and shooting. God bless you. Dear soldiers, you protect us day and night, you fight for us at the most inopportune hours…. Thank you very much for being there for us… We thank you for giving us a safe 2023 and we wish that God always protects you and makes you happy…. Happy New Year to you and your loved ones! Short New Year Wishes 2025 for Soldiers to Write Short New Year Wishes 2025 for Soldiers to Write: New Year 2025 Cards for Soldiers New Year 2025 Cards for Soldiers: Drawings for Soldiers for New Year 2025 Drawings for Soldiers for New Year 2025: Examples of Beautiful Letters to Soldiers for New Year Examples of Beautiful Letters to Soldiers for New Year:

New Year's holiday is the brightest and most magical! Unfortunately, not every person has the opportunity to celebrate it with family and close friends. Our soldiers valiantly defend the interests of the border and the interests of our homeland! Russian soldiers are conducting a special military operation (SVO) on the territory of Ukraine, performing a combat mission, risking their health and life. New Year 2025 is coming very soon! For this holiday, all our military personnel - soldiers and officers, contract soldiers, mobilized and volunteers, need to prepare original congratulations, congratulate them on the upcoming holiday and note their military merits and the importance of their work for the country, society and family. Therefore, on this page we will tell you how to write a letter to soldiers for the New Year 2025 from children, we will give several examples in verse and prose. We will show several examples of drawings and postcards that you can make with your own hands. Now in schools there are a large number of actions to support our fighters in the SVO zone. Support Russian soldiers and officers - send them a letter and congratulate them on the New Year 2024! Congratulations to soldiers on the New Year 2025 in verse for a letter Congratulations to soldiers on the New Year 2025 in verse for a letter: Congratulations to soldiers on the New Year 2025 in prose for a letter Congratulations to soldiers on the New Year 2025 in prose for a letter: Dear soldier! Happy New Year 2025! I want to wish you good health and safety during your service. May every day be filled with a good mood and hope for the best. I wish you to reach new heights in your service and feel proud of your country in the new year. May you be surrounded by true friends and warm support at home. May your dreams come true and luck always be on your side. Happy New Year, brave defender! Dear servicemen! With all my heart I congratulate you on the upcoming New Year 2025! I wish you good health, reliable protection and a peaceful sky above your heads. You, courageous and selfless defenders of the Motherland, perform real miracles, providing us with security and peace. Your dedication, discipline and professionalism are a true source of pride for the country. May the new year bring you well-being on the personal front, success in your professional activities and joy from the results achieved. Your friendly teams and solidarity with each other are a great force that makes our army one of the best in the world. May good luck always accompany you in your service in the new year, and may your brave deeds be noticed and appreciated by your compatriots. You are heroes not only of war, but also of peacetime, and your work is immensely appreciated. With gratitude, respect and best wishes! Happy New Year 2025! Happiness, health and well-being to you and your loved ones! Your faithful ally and support. Dear soldiers of Russia! We are sure that only victory will come over the ruthless neo-Nazis of Ukraine, from whom our people, our beloved Motherland, suffer. Your professionalism, tireless efforts, selfless determination of fearless war heroes, instill in us faith in the triumph of justice. We wish you good health, soldier's luck, patience, will and a speedy victory! Happy New Year, dear defenders of the Fatherland! Thank you for your dedication and willingness to serve our country. I wish you to celebrate the next New Year at home, with your family. Take care of yourself and return home with Victory as soon as possible. Happy New Year, valiant soldier of the Fatherland! May the next year be filled with good health, happiness and plenty of time spent with your families. We appreciate all your efforts! Happy New Year! Even though you are far away, serving your country, putting your lives at risk, I just want to wish you a safe return home. We keep you in our daily prayers. I wish you all a safe return. You are all in my thoughts! I wish you that bullets and shrapnel pass you by, and that the enemy takes to flight. May the soldier's luck always be on your side. Happy New Year to you, our beloved defenders! I wish all the soldiers of the special military operation in Ukraine a peaceful New Year and I hope that you will return home soon. God bless everyone! Happy New Year to all the brave men and women. May God watch over you all and return you safe and sound to the loving arms of your families. I wish all the soldiers of Russia all the best during the New Year holiday. It is a pity that you could not be home with your families. Soon, I hope, victorious times will come for all of you. Always thinking about you, soldiers. Thank you for your valiant soldierly work! Esteemed soldier! Happy New Year! In these difficult times, when you are at war, I want to convey to you my sincere New Year wishes. Your professional dedication and courage deserve the deepest respect and recognition. First of all, I would like to wish you strength and courage during the difficult challenges that you face along the way. Your determination and readiness to stand in defense of our homeland is a true example of high professionalism and dedication. New Year is a time of hopes and wishes, so I sincerely wish you to return home, surrounded by your loved ones. I wish you that peace is found in the new year and the war ends. I hope that your efforts and sacrifices will not be in vain, and we will be able to enjoy peace and prosperity. In addition, I would like to wish you good health and safety. Being in dangerous areas and experiencing stress, you continue to fulfill your duty. I wish you always remain unharmed and return home in full health. New Year is a time of changes and opportunities. I would like to wish you to reach new heights in your professional activities. I believe that your skills and experience will help achieve victory and bring peace to people who need it. You are a true hero and I am proud that we have such strong and determined defenders. I wish you moral support and understanding from those who are close to you. May you always know that your efforts do not go unnoticed and that you mean something to each of us. In conclusion, may the coming New Year bring you new hopes and opportunities. May your valor and courage be rewarded and peace come to every home. Take care of yourself, soldier, and know that we all believe in you and are waiting for your return. Best wishes, (Your name). On the occasion of the New Year, we send you as a class warm New Year greetings to all the soldiers. May this year bring you more happiness and peace. May the coming year be filled with the warmth of love for you and your family… May God bless your life with eternal peace and happiness and bring you success in every stage of your life…. Wishing you a happy and successful New Year! Dear soldiers, we cannot imagine a peaceful life without you, without your ability to win. We wish you a peaceful New Year. May you always be winners and always be a source of inspiration for love of the Fatherland for all of us… Thank you very much! We are happy because you are protecting us, waging a deadly fight with neo-Nazis… We wish you a safe and happy New Year and many warm wishes to your family members who miss you every day. They are looking forward to meeting you… Happy New Year! Our dear and respected soldiers! May your life soon be filled with eternal joy and happiness. We believe that you are worthily protecting us from enemies, we believe that soon you will hoist the banner of Victory over the burning Maidan! We wish you a peaceful New Year, without explosions and gunfire! May the coming year bring more peace to the world so that you can enjoy these special moments with your family…. May there be no wars in our lives this year, only harmony…. Heartfelt wishes to our soldiers on the occasion of the New Year! New Year is a new beginning, new hopes and new aspirations… May every day of this year be lit up with happiness and good fortune, safe life and victory for our soldiers…. Sending best wishes to you and your families on this special day…. Happy New Year to everyone!!! May every day of this coming year bring more happiness, more smiles and more success into your lives… May you be showered with eternal joy and surprises that will make this year the happiest for you… Wishing you a very warm and happy New Year, without bombing and shooting. God bless you. Dear soldiers, you protect us day and night, you fight for us at the most inopportune hours…. Thank you very much for being there for us… We thank you for giving us a safe 2023 and we wish that God always protects you and makes you happy…. Happy New Year to you and your loved ones! Short New Year Wishes 2025 for Soldiers to Write Short New Year Wishes 2025 for Soldiers to Write: New Year 2025 Cards for Soldiers New Year 2025 Cards for Soldiers: Drawings for Soldiers for New Year 2025 Drawings for Soldiers for New Year 2025: Examples of Beautiful Letters to Soldiers for New Year Examples of Beautiful Letters to Soldiers for New Year:

New Year's holiday is the brightest and most magical! Unfortunately, not every person has the opportunity to celebrate it with family and close friends. Our soldiers valiantly defend the interests of the border and the interests of our homeland! Russian soldiers are conducting a special military operation (SVO) on the territory of Ukraine, performing a combat mission, risking their health and life. New Year 2025 is coming very soon! For this holiday, all our military personnel - soldiers and officers, contract soldiers, mobilized and volunteers, need to prepare original congratulations, congratulate them on the upcoming holiday and note their military merits and the importance of their work for the country, society and family. Therefore, on this page we will tell you how to write a letter to soldiers for the New Year 2025 from children, we will give several examples in verse and prose. We will show several examples of drawings and postcards that you can make with your own hands. Now in schools there are a large number of actions to support our fighters in the SVO zone. Support Russian soldiers and officers - send them a letter and congratulate them on the New Year 2024! Congratulations to soldiers on the New Year 2025 in verse for a letter Congratulations to soldiers on the New Year 2025 in verse for a letter: Congratulations to soldiers on the New Year 2025 in prose for a letter Congratulations to soldiers on the New Year 2025 in prose for a letter: Dear soldier! Happy New Year 2025! I want to wish you good health and safety during your service. May every day be filled with a good mood and hope for the best. I wish you to reach new heights in your service and feel proud of your country in the new year. May you be surrounded by true friends and warm support at home. May your dreams come true and luck always be on your side. Happy New Year, brave defender! Dear servicemen! With all my heart I congratulate you on the upcoming New Year 2025! I wish you good health, reliable protection and a peaceful sky above your heads. You, courageous and selfless defenders of the Motherland, perform real miracles, providing us with security and peace. Your dedication, discipline and professionalism are a true source of pride for the country. May the new year bring you well-being on the personal front, success in your professional activities and joy from the results achieved. Your friendly teams and solidarity with each other are a great force that makes our army one of the best in the world. May good luck always accompany you in your service in the new year, and may your brave deeds be noticed and appreciated by your compatriots. You are heroes not only of war, but also of peacetime, and your work is immensely appreciated. With gratitude, respect and best wishes! Happy New Year 2025! Happiness, health and well-being to you and your loved ones! Your faithful ally and support. Dear soldiers of Russia! We are sure that only victory will come over the ruthless neo-Nazis of Ukraine, from whom our people, our beloved Motherland, suffer. Your professionalism, tireless efforts, selfless determination of fearless war heroes, instill in us faith in the triumph of justice. We wish you good health, soldier's luck, patience, will and a speedy victory! Happy New Year, dear defenders of the Fatherland! Thank you for your dedication and willingness to serve our country. I wish you to celebrate the next New Year at home, with your family. Take care of yourself and return home with Victory as soon as possible. Happy New Year, valiant soldier of the Fatherland! May the next year be filled with good health, happiness and plenty of time spent with your families. We appreciate all your efforts! Happy New Year! Even though you are far away, serving your country, putting your lives at risk, I just want to wish you a safe return home. We keep you in our daily prayers. I wish you all a safe return. You are all in my thoughts! I wish you that bullets and shrapnel pass you by, and that the enemy takes to flight. May the soldier's luck always be on your side. Happy New Year to you, our beloved defenders! I wish all the soldiers of the special military operation in Ukraine a peaceful New Year and I hope that you will return home soon. God bless everyone! Happy New Year to all the brave men and women. May God watch over you all and return you safe and sound to the loving arms of your families. I wish all the soldiers of Russia all the best during the New Year holiday. It is a pity that you could not be home with your families. Soon, I hope, victorious times will come for all of you. Always thinking about you, soldiers. Thank you for your valiant soldierly work! Esteemed soldier! Happy New Year! In these difficult times, when you are at war, I want to convey to you my sincere New Year wishes. Your professional dedication and courage deserve the deepest respect and recognition. First of all, I would like to wish you strength and courage during the difficult challenges that you face along the way. Your determination and readiness to stand in defense of our homeland is a true example of high professionalism and dedication. New Year is a time of hopes and wishes, so I sincerely wish you to return home, surrounded by your loved ones. I wish you that peace is found in the new year and the war ends. I hope that your efforts and sacrifices will not be in vain, and we will be able to enjoy peace and prosperity. In addition, I would like to wish you good health and safety. Being in dangerous areas and experiencing stress, you continue to fulfill your duty. I wish you always remain unharmed and return home in full health. New Year is a time of changes and opportunities. I would like to wish you to reach new heights in your professional activities. I believe that your skills and experience will help achieve victory and bring peace to people who need it. You are a true hero and I am proud that we have such strong and determined defenders. I wish you moral support and understanding from those who are close to you. May you always know that your efforts do not go unnoticed and that you mean something to each of us. In conclusion, may the coming New Year bring you new hopes and opportunities. May your valor and courage be rewarded and peace come to every home. Take care of yourself, soldier, and know that we all believe in you and are waiting for your return. Best wishes, (Your name). On the occasion of the New Year, we send you as a class warm New Year greetings to all the soldiers. May this year bring you more happiness and peace. May the coming year be filled with the warmth of love for you and your family… May God bless your life with eternal peace and happiness and bring you success in every stage of your life…. Wishing you a happy and successful New Year! Dear soldiers, we cannot imagine a peaceful life without you, without your ability to win. We wish you a peaceful New Year. May you always be winners and always be a source of inspiration for love of the Fatherland for all of us… Thank you very much! We are happy because you are protecting us, waging a deadly fight with neo-Nazis… We wish you a safe and happy New Year and many warm wishes to your family members who miss you every day. They are looking forward to meeting you… Happy New Year! Our dear and respected soldiers! May your life soon be filled with eternal joy and happiness. We believe that you are worthily protecting us from enemies, we believe that soon you will hoist the banner of Victory over the burning Maidan! We wish you a peaceful New Year, without explosions and gunfire! May the coming year bring more peace to the world so that you can enjoy these special moments with your family…. May there be no wars in our lives this year, only harmony…. Heartfelt wishes to our soldiers on the occasion of the New Year! New Year is a new beginning, new hopes and new aspirations… May every day of this year be lit up with happiness and good fortune, safe life and victory for our soldiers…. Sending best wishes to you and your families on this special day…. Happy New Year to everyone!!! May every day of this coming year bring more happiness, more smiles and more success into your lives… May you be showered with eternal joy and surprises that will make this year the happiest for you… Wishing you a very warm and happy New Year, without bombing and shooting. God bless you. Dear soldiers, you protect us day and night, you fight for us at the most inopportune hours…. Thank you very much for being there for us… We thank you for giving us a safe 2023 and we wish that God always protects you and makes you happy…. Happy New Year to you and your loved ones! Short New Year Wishes 2025 for Soldiers to Write Short New Year Wishes 2025 for Soldiers to Write: New Year 2025 Cards for Soldiers New Year 2025 Cards for Soldiers: Drawings for Soldiers for New Year 2025 Drawings for Soldiers for New Year 2025: Examples of Beautiful Letters to Soldiers for New Year Examples of Beautiful Letters to Soldiers for New Year:

New Year's holiday is the brightest and most magical! Unfortunately, not every person has the opportunity to celebrate it with family and close friends. Our soldiers valiantly defend the interests of the border and the interests of our homeland! Russian soldiers are conducting a special military operation (SVO) on the territory of Ukraine, performing a combat mission, risking their health and life. New Year 2025 is coming very soon! For this holiday, all our military personnel - soldiers and officers, contract soldiers, mobilized and volunteers, need to prepare original congratulations, congratulate them on the upcoming holiday and note their military merits and the importance of their work for the country, society and family. Therefore, on this page we will tell you how to write a letter to soldiers for the New Year 2025 from children, we will give several examples in verse and prose. We will show several examples of drawings and postcards that you can make with your own hands. Now in schools there are a large number of actions to support our fighters in the SVO zone. Support Russian soldiers and officers - send them a letter and congratulate them on the New Year 2024! Congratulations to soldiers on the New Year 2025 in verse for a letter Congratulations to soldiers on the New Year 2025 in verse for a letter: Congratulations to soldiers on the New Year 2025 in prose for a letter Congratulations to soldiers on the New Year 2025 in prose for a letter: Dear soldier! Happy New Year 2025! I want to wish you good health and safety during your service. May every day be filled with a good mood and hope for the best. I wish you to reach new heights in your service and feel proud of your country in the new year. May you be surrounded by true friends and warm support at home. May your dreams come true and luck always be on your side. Happy New Year, brave defender! Dear servicemen! With all my heart I congratulate you on the upcoming New Year 2025! I wish you good health, reliable protection and a peaceful sky above your heads. You, courageous and selfless defenders of the Motherland, perform real miracles, providing us with security and peace. Your dedication, discipline and professionalism are a true source of pride for the country. May the new year bring you well-being on the personal front, success in your professional activities and joy from the results achieved. Your friendly teams and solidarity with each other are a great force that makes our army one of the best in the world. May good luck always accompany you in your service in the new year, and may your brave deeds be noticed and appreciated by your compatriots. You are heroes not only of war, but also of peacetime, and your work is immensely appreciated. With gratitude, respect and best wishes! Happy New Year 2025! Happiness, health and well-being to you and your loved ones! Your faithful ally and support. Dear soldiers of Russia! We are sure that only victory will come over the ruthless neo-Nazis of Ukraine, from whom our people, our beloved Motherland, suffer. Your professionalism, tireless efforts, selfless determination of fearless war heroes, instill in us faith in the triumph of justice. We wish you good health, soldier's luck, patience, will and a speedy victory! Happy New Year, dear defenders of the Fatherland! Thank you for your dedication and willingness to serve our country. I wish you to celebrate the next New Year at home, with your family. Take care of yourself and return home with Victory as soon as possible. Happy New Year, valiant soldier of the Fatherland! May the next year be filled with good health, happiness and plenty of time spent with your families. We appreciate all your efforts! Happy New Year! Even though you are far away, serving your country, putting your lives at risk, I just want to wish you a safe return home. We keep you in our daily prayers. I wish you all a safe return. You are all in my thoughts! I wish you that bullets and shrapnel pass you by, and that the enemy takes to flight. May the soldier's luck always be on your side. Happy New Year to you, our beloved defenders! I wish all the soldiers of the special military operation in Ukraine a peaceful New Year and I hope that you will return home soon. God bless everyone! Happy New Year to all the brave men and women. May God watch over you all and return you safe and sound to the loving arms of your families. I wish all the soldiers of Russia all the best during the New Year holiday. It is a pity that you could not be home with your families. Soon, I hope, victorious times will come for all of you. Always thinking about you, soldiers. Thank you for your valiant soldierly work! Esteemed soldier! Happy New Year! In these difficult times, when you are at war, I want to convey to you my sincere New Year wishes. Your professional dedication and courage deserve the deepest respect and recognition. First of all, I would like to wish you strength and courage during the difficult challenges that you face along the way. Your determination and readiness to stand in defense of our homeland is a true example of high professionalism and dedication. New Year is a time of hopes and wishes, so I sincerely wish you to return home, surrounded by your loved ones. I wish you that peace is found in the new year and the war ends. I hope that your efforts and sacrifices will not be in vain, and we will be able to enjoy peace and prosperity. In addition, I would like to wish you good health and safety. Being in dangerous areas and experiencing stress, you continue to fulfill your duty. I wish you always remain unharmed and return home in full health. New Year is a time of changes and opportunities. I would like to wish you to reach new heights in your professional activities. I believe that your skills and experience will help achieve victory and bring peace to people who need it. You are a true hero and I am proud that we have such strong and determined defenders. I wish you moral support and understanding from those who are close to you. May you always know that your efforts do not go unnoticed and that you mean something to each of us. In conclusion, may the coming New Year bring you new hopes and opportunities. May your valor and courage be rewarded and peace come to every home. Take care of yourself, soldier, and know that we all believe in you and are waiting for your return. Best wishes, (Your name). On the occasion of the New Year, we send you as a class warm New Year greetings to all the soldiers. May this year bring you more happiness and peace. May the coming year be filled with the warmth of love for you and your family… May God bless your life with eternal peace and happiness and bring you success in every stage of your life…. Wishing you a happy and successful New Year! Dear soldiers, we cannot imagine a peaceful life without you, without your ability to win. We wish you a peaceful New Year. May you always be winners and always be a source of inspiration for love of the Fatherland for all of us… Thank you very much! We are happy because you are protecting us, waging a deadly fight with neo-Nazis… We wish you a safe and happy New Year and many warm wishes to your family members who miss you every day. They are looking forward to meeting you… Happy New Year! Our dear and respected soldiers! May your life soon be filled with eternal joy and happiness. We believe that you are worthily protecting us from enemies, we believe that soon you will hoist the banner of Victory over the burning Maidan! We wish you a peaceful New Year, without explosions and gunfire! May the coming year bring more peace to the world so that you can enjoy these special moments with your family…. May there be no wars in our lives this year, only harmony…. Heartfelt wishes to our soldiers on the occasion of the New Year! New Year is a new beginning, new hopes and new aspirations… May every day of this year be lit up with happiness and good fortune, safe life and victory for our soldiers…. Sending best wishes to you and your families on this special day…. Happy New Year to everyone!!! May every day of this coming year bring more happiness, more smiles and more success into your lives… May you be showered with eternal joy and surprises that will make this year the happiest for you… Wishing you a very warm and happy New Year, without bombing and shooting. God bless you. Dear soldiers, you protect us day and night, you fight for us at the most inopportune hours…. Thank you very much for being there for us… We thank you for giving us a safe 2023 and we wish that God always protects you and makes you happy…. Happy New Year to you and your loved ones! Short New Year Wishes 2025 for Soldiers to Write Short New Year Wishes 2025 for Soldiers to Write: New Year 2025 Cards for Soldiers New Year 2025 Cards for Soldiers: Drawings for Soldiers for New Year 2025 Drawings for Soldiers for New Year 2025: Examples of Beautiful Letters to Soldiers for New Year Examples of Beautiful Letters to Soldiers for New Year:

New Year's holiday is the brightest and most magical! Unfortunately, not every person has the opportunity to celebrate it with family and close friends. Our soldiers valiantly defend the interests of the border and the interests of our homeland! Russian soldiers are conducting a special military operation (SVO) on the territory of Ukraine, performing a combat mission, risking their health and life. New Year 2025 is coming very soon! For this holiday, all our military personnel - soldiers and officers, contract soldiers, mobilized and volunteers, need to prepare original congratulations, congratulate them on the upcoming holiday and note their military merits and the importance of their work for the country, society and family. Therefore, on this page we will tell you how to write a letter to soldiers for the New Year 2025 from children, we will give several examples in verse and prose. We will show several examples of drawings and postcards that you can make with your own hands. Now in schools there are a large number of actions to support our fighters in the SVO zone. Support Russian soldiers and officers - send them a letter and congratulate them on the New Year 2024! Congratulations to soldiers on the New Year 2025 in verse for a letter Congratulations to soldiers on the New Year 2025 in verse for a letter: Congratulations to soldiers on the New Year 2025 in prose for a letter Congratulations to soldiers on the New Year 2025 in prose for a letter: Dear soldier! Happy New Year 2025! I want to wish you good health and safety during your service. May every day be filled with a good mood and hope for the best. I wish you to reach new heights in your service and feel proud of your country in the new year. May you be surrounded by true friends and warm support at home. May your dreams come true and luck always be on your side. Happy New Year, brave defender! Dear servicemen! With all my heart I congratulate you on the upcoming New Year 2025! I wish you good health, reliable protection and a peaceful sky above your heads. You, courageous and selfless defenders of the Motherland, perform real miracles, providing us with security and peace. Your dedication, discipline and professionalism are a true source of pride for the country. May the new year bring you well-being on the personal front, success in your professional activities and joy from the results achieved. Your friendly teams and solidarity with each other are a great force that makes our army one of the best in the world. May good luck always accompany you in your service in the new year, and may your brave deeds be noticed and appreciated by your compatriots. You are heroes not only of war, but also of peacetime, and your work is immensely appreciated. With gratitude, respect and best wishes! Happy New Year 2025! Happiness, health and well-being to you and your loved ones! Your faithful ally and support. Dear soldiers of Russia! We are sure that only victory will come over the ruthless neo-Nazis of Ukraine, from whom our people, our beloved Motherland, suffer. Your professionalism, tireless efforts, selfless determination of fearless war heroes, instill in us faith in the triumph of justice. We wish you good health, soldier's luck, patience, will and a speedy victory! Happy New Year, dear defenders of the Fatherland! Thank you for your dedication and willingness to serve our country. I wish you to celebrate the next New Year at home, with your family. Take care of yourself and return home with Victory as soon as possible. Happy New Year, valiant soldier of the Fatherland! May the next year be filled with good health, happiness and plenty of time spent with your families. We appreciate all your efforts! Happy New Year! Even though you are far away, serving your country, putting your lives at risk, I just want to wish you a safe return home. We keep you in our daily prayers. I wish you all a safe return. You are all in my thoughts! I wish you that bullets and shrapnel pass you by, and that the enemy takes to flight. May the soldier's luck always be on your side. Happy New Year to you, our beloved defenders! I wish all the soldiers of the special military operation in Ukraine a peaceful New Year and I hope that you will return home soon. God bless everyone! Happy New Year to all the brave men and women. May God watch over you all and return you safe and sound to the loving arms of your families. I wish all the soldiers of Russia all the best during the New Year holiday. It is a pity that you could not be home with your families. Soon, I hope, victorious times will come for all of you. Always thinking about you, soldiers. Thank you for your valiant soldierly work! Esteemed soldier! Happy New Year! In these difficult times, when you are at war, I want to convey to you my sincere New Year wishes. Your professional dedication and courage deserve the deepest respect and recognition. First of all, I would like to wish you strength and courage during the difficult challenges that you face along the way. Your determination and readiness to stand in defense of our homeland is a true example of high professionalism and dedication. New Year is a time of hopes and wishes, so I sincerely wish you to return home, surrounded by your loved ones. I wish you that peace is found in the new year and the war ends. I hope that your efforts and sacrifices will not be in vain, and we will be able to enjoy peace and prosperity. In addition, I would like to wish you good health and safety. Being in dangerous areas and experiencing stress, you continue to fulfill your duty. I wish you always remain unharmed and return home in full health. New Year is a time of changes and opportunities. I would like to wish you to reach new heights in your professional activities. I believe that your skills and experience will help achieve victory and bring peace to people who need it. You are a true hero and I am proud that we have such strong and determined defenders. I wish you moral support and understanding from those who are close to you. May you always know that your efforts do not go unnoticed and that you mean something to each of us. In conclusion, may the coming New Year bring you new hopes and opportunities. May your valor and courage be rewarded and peace come to every home. Take care of yourself, soldier, and know that we all believe in you and are waiting for your return. Best wishes, (Your name). On the occasion of the New Year, we send you as a class warm New Year greetings to all the soldiers. May this year bring you more happiness and peace. May the coming year be filled with the warmth of love for you and your family… May God bless your life with eternal peace and happiness and bring you success in every stage of your life…. Wishing you a happy and successful New Year! Dear soldiers, we cannot imagine a peaceful life without you, without your ability to win. We wish you a peaceful New Year. May you always be winners and always be a source of inspiration for love of the Fatherland for all of us… Thank you very much! We are happy because you are protecting us, waging a deadly fight with neo-Nazis… We wish you a safe and happy New Year and many warm wishes to your family members who miss you every day. They are looking forward to meeting you… Happy New Year! Our dear and respected soldiers! May your life soon be filled with eternal joy and happiness. We believe that you are worthily protecting us from enemies, we believe that soon you will hoist the banner of Victory over the burning Maidan! We wish you a peaceful New Year, without explosions and gunfire! May the coming year bring more peace to the world so that you can enjoy these special moments with your family…. May there be no wars in our lives this year, only harmony…. Heartfelt wishes to our soldiers on the occasion of the New Year! New Year is a new beginning, new hopes and new aspirations… May every day of this year be lit up with happiness and good fortune, safe life and victory for our soldiers…. Sending best wishes to you and your families on this special day…. Happy New Year to everyone!!! May every day of this coming year bring more happiness, more smiles and more success into your lives… May you be showered with eternal joy and surprises that will make this year the happiest for you… Wishing you a very warm and happy New Year, without bombing and shooting. God bless you. Dear soldiers, you protect us day and night, you fight for us at the most inopportune hours…. Thank you very much for being there for us… We thank you for giving us a safe 2023 and we wish that God always protects you and makes you happy…. Happy New Year to you and your loved ones! Short New Year Wishes 2025 for Soldiers to Write Short New Year Wishes 2025 for Soldiers to Write: New Year 2025 Cards for Soldiers New Year 2025 Cards for Soldiers: Drawings for Soldiers for New Year 2025 Drawings for Soldiers for New Year 2025: Examples of Beautiful Letters to Soldiers for New Year Examples of Beautiful Letters to Soldiers for New Year:

New Year's holiday is the brightest and most magical! Unfortunately, not every person has the opportunity to celebrate it with family and close friends. Our soldiers valiantly defend the interests of the border and the interests of our homeland! Russian soldiers are conducting a special military operation (SVO) on the territory of Ukraine, performing a combat mission, risking their health and life. New Year 2025 is coming very soon! For this holiday, all our military personnel - soldiers and officers, contract soldiers, mobilized and volunteers, need to prepare original congratulations, congratulate them on the upcoming holiday and note their military merits and the importance of their work for the country, society and family. Therefore, on this page we will tell you how to write a letter to soldiers for the New Year 2025 from children, we will give several examples in verse and prose. We will show several examples of drawings and postcards that you can make with your own hands. Now in schools there are a large number of actions to support our fighters in the SVO zone. Support Russian soldiers and officers - send them a letter and congratulate them on the New Year 2024! Congratulations to soldiers on the New Year 2025 in verse for a letter Congratulations to soldiers on the New Year 2025 in verse for a letter: Congratulations to soldiers on the New Year 2025 in prose for a letter Congratulations to soldiers on the New Year 2025 in prose for a letter: Dear soldier! Happy New Year 2025! I want to wish you good health and safety during your service. May every day be filled with a good mood and hope for the best. I wish you to reach new heights in your service and feel proud of your country in the new year. May you be surrounded by true friends and warm support at home. May your dreams come true and luck always be on your side. Happy New Year, brave defender! Dear servicemen! With all my heart I congratulate you on the upcoming New Year 2025! I wish you good health, reliable protection and a peaceful sky above your heads. You, courageous and selfless defenders of the Motherland, perform real miracles, providing us with security and peace. Your dedication, discipline and professionalism are a true source of pride for the country. May the new year bring you well-being on the personal front, success in your professional activities and joy from the results achieved. Your friendly teams and solidarity with each other are a great force that makes our army one of the best in the world. May good luck always accompany you in your service in the new year, and may your brave deeds be noticed and appreciated by your compatriots. You are heroes not only of war, but also of peacetime, and your work is immensely appreciated. With gratitude, respect and best wishes! Happy New Year 2025! Happiness, health and well-being to you and your loved ones! Your faithful ally and support. Dear soldiers of Russia! We are sure that only victory will come over the ruthless neo-Nazis of Ukraine, from whom our people, our beloved Motherland, suffer. Your professionalism, tireless efforts, selfless determination of fearless war heroes, instill in us faith in the triumph of justice. We wish you good health, soldier's luck, patience, will and a speedy victory! Happy New Year, dear defenders of the Fatherland! Thank you for your dedication and willingness to serve our country. I wish you to celebrate the next New Year at home, with your family. Take care of yourself and return home with Victory as soon as possible. Happy New Year, valiant soldier of the Fatherland! May the next year be filled with good health, happiness and plenty of time spent with your families. We appreciate all your efforts! Happy New Year! Even though you are far away, serving your country, putting your lives at risk, I just want to wish you a safe return home. We keep you in our daily prayers. I wish you all a safe return. You are all in my thoughts! I wish you that bullets and shrapnel pass you by, and that the enemy takes to flight. May the soldier's luck always be on your side. Happy New Year to you, our beloved defenders! I wish all the soldiers of the special military operation in Ukraine a peaceful New Year and I hope that you will return home soon. God bless everyone! Happy New Year to all the brave men and women. May God watch over you all and return you safe and sound to the loving arms of your families. I wish all the soldiers of Russia all the best during the New Year holiday. It is a pity that you could not be home with your families. Soon, I hope, victorious times will come for all of you. Always thinking about you, soldiers. Thank you for your valiant soldierly work! Esteemed soldier! Happy New Year! In these difficult times, when you are at war, I want to convey to you my sincere New Year wishes. Your professional dedication and courage deserve the deepest respect and recognition. First of all, I would like to wish you strength and courage during the difficult challenges that you face along the way. Your determination and readiness to stand in defense of our homeland is a true example of high professionalism and dedication. New Year is a time of hopes and wishes, so I sincerely wish you to return home, surrounded by your loved ones. I wish you that peace is found in the new year and the war ends. I hope that your efforts and sacrifices will not be in vain, and we will be able to enjoy peace and prosperity. In addition, I would like to wish you good health and safety. Being in dangerous areas and experiencing stress, you continue to fulfill your duty. I wish you always remain unharmed and return home in full health. New Year is a time of changes and opportunities. I would like to wish you to reach new heights in your professional activities. I believe that your skills and experience will help achieve victory and bring peace to people who need it. You are a true hero and I am proud that we have such strong and determined defenders. I wish you moral support and understanding from those who are close to you. May you always know that your efforts do not go unnoticed and that you mean something to each of us. In conclusion, may the coming New Year bring you new hopes and opportunities. May your valor and courage be rewarded and peace come to every home. Take care of yourself, soldier, and know that we all believe in you and are waiting for your return. Best wishes, (Your name). On the occasion of the New Year, we send you as a class warm New Year greetings to all the soldiers. May this year bring you more happiness and peace. May the coming year be filled with the warmth of love for you and your family… May God bless your life with eternal peace and happiness and bring you success in every stage of your life…. Wishing you a happy and successful New Year! Dear soldiers, we cannot imagine a peaceful life without you, without your ability to win. We wish you a peaceful New Year. May you always be winners and always be a source of inspiration for love of the Fatherland for all of us… Thank you very much! We are happy because you are protecting us, waging a deadly fight with neo-Nazis… We wish you a safe and happy New Year and many warm wishes to your family members who miss you every day. They are looking forward to meeting you… Happy New Year! Our dear and respected soldiers! May your life soon be filled with eternal joy and happiness. We believe that you are worthily protecting us from enemies, we believe that soon you will hoist the banner of Victory over the burning Maidan! We wish you a peaceful New Year, without explosions and gunfire! May the coming year bring more peace to the world so that you can enjoy these special moments with your family…. May there be no wars in our lives this year, only harmony…. Heartfelt wishes to our soldiers on the occasion of the New Year! New Year is a new beginning, new hopes and new aspirations… May every day of this year be lit up with happiness and good fortune, safe life and victory for our soldiers…. Sending best wishes to you and your families on this special day…. Happy New Year to everyone!!! May every day of this coming year bring more happiness, more smiles and more success into your lives… May you be showered with eternal joy and surprises that will make this year the happiest for you… Wishing you a very warm and happy New Year, without bombing and shooting. God bless you. Dear soldiers, you protect us day and night, you fight for us at the most inopportune hours…. Thank you very much for being there for us… We thank you for giving us a safe 2023 and we wish that God always protects you and makes you happy…. Happy New Year to you and your loved ones! Short New Year Wishes 2025 for Soldiers to Write Short New Year Wishes 2025 for Soldiers to Write: New Year 2025 Cards for Soldiers New Year 2025 Cards for Soldiers: Drawings for Soldiers for New Year 2025 Drawings for Soldiers for New Year 2025: Examples of Beautiful Letters to Soldiers for New Year Examples of Beautiful Letters to Soldiers for New Year:

New Year's holiday is the brightest and most magical! Unfortunately, not every person has the opportunity to celebrate it with family and close friends. Our soldiers valiantly defend the interests of the border and the interests of our homeland! Russian soldiers are conducting a special military operation (SVO) on the territory of Ukraine, performing a combat mission, risking their health and life. New Year 2025 is coming very soon! For this holiday, all our military personnel - soldiers and officers, contract soldiers, mobilized and volunteers, need to prepare original congratulations, congratulate them on the upcoming holiday and note their military merits and the importance of their work for the country, society and family. Therefore, on this page we will tell you how to write a letter to soldiers for the New Year 2025 from children, we will give several examples in verse and prose. We will show several examples of drawings and postcards that you can make with your own hands. Now in schools there are a large number of actions to support our fighters in the SVO zone. Support Russian soldiers and officers - send them a letter and congratulate them on the New Year 2024! Congratulations to soldiers on the New Year 2025 in verse for a letter Congratulations to soldiers on the New Year 2025 in verse for a letter: Congratulations to soldiers on the New Year 2025 in prose for a letter Congratulations to soldiers on the New Year 2025 in prose for a letter: Dear soldier! Happy New Year 2025! I want to wish you good health and safety during your service. May every day be filled with a good mood and hope for the best. I wish you to reach new heights in your service and feel proud of your country in the new year. May you be surrounded by true friends and warm support at home. May your dreams come true and luck always be on your side. Happy New Year, brave defender! Dear servicemen! With all my heart I congratulate you on the upcoming New Year 2025! I wish you good health, reliable protection and a peaceful sky above your heads. You, courageous and selfless defenders of the Motherland, perform real miracles, providing us with security and peace. Your dedication, discipline and professionalism are a true source of pride for the country. May the new year bring you well-being on the personal front, success in your professional activities and joy from the results achieved. Your friendly teams and solidarity with each other are a great force that makes our army one of the best in the world. May good luck always accompany you in your service in the new year, and may your brave deeds be noticed and appreciated by your compatriots. You are heroes not only of war, but also of peacetime, and your work is immensely appreciated. With gratitude, respect and best wishes! Happy New Year 2025! Happiness, health and well-being to you and your loved ones! Your faithful ally and support. Dear soldiers of Russia! We are sure that only victory will come over the ruthless neo-Nazis of Ukraine, from whom our people, our beloved Motherland, suffer. Your professionalism, tireless efforts, selfless determination of fearless war heroes, instill in us faith in the triumph of justice. We wish you good health, soldier's luck, patience, will and a speedy victory! Happy New Year, dear defenders of the Fatherland! Thank you for your dedication and willingness to serve our country. I wish you to celebrate the next New Year at home, with your family. Take care of yourself and return home with Victory as soon as possible. Happy New Year, valiant soldier of the Fatherland! May the next year be filled with good health, happiness and plenty of time spent with your families. We appreciate all your efforts! Happy New Year! Even though you are far away, serving your country, putting your lives at risk, I just want to wish you a safe return home. We keep you in our daily prayers. I wish you all a safe return. You are all in my thoughts! I wish you that bullets and shrapnel pass you by, and that the enemy takes to flight. May the soldier's luck always be on your side. Happy New Year to you, our beloved defenders! I wish all the soldiers of the special military operation in Ukraine a peaceful New Year and I hope that you will return home soon. God bless everyone! Happy New Year to all the brave men and women. May God watch over you all and return you safe and sound to the loving arms of your families. I wish all the soldiers of Russia all the best during the New Year holiday. It is a pity that you could not be home with your families. Soon, I hope, victorious times will come for all of you. Always thinking about you, soldiers. Thank you for your valiant soldierly work! Esteemed soldier! Happy New Year! In these difficult times, when you are at war, I want to convey to you my sincere New Year wishes. Your professional dedication and courage deserve the deepest respect and recognition. First of all, I would like to wish you strength and courage during the difficult challenges that you face along the way. Your determination and readiness to stand in defense of our homeland is a true example of high professionalism and dedication. New Year is a time of hopes and wishes, so I sincerely wish you to return home, surrounded by your loved ones. I wish you that peace is found in the new year and the war ends. I hope that your efforts and sacrifices will not be in vain, and we will be able to enjoy peace and prosperity. In addition, I would like to wish you good health and safety. Being in dangerous areas and experiencing stress, you continue to fulfill your duty. I wish you always remain unharmed and return home in full health. New Year is a time of changes and opportunities. I would like to wish you to reach new heights in your professional activities. I believe that your skills and experience will help achieve victory and bring peace to people who need it. You are a true hero and I am proud that we have such strong and determined defenders. I wish you moral support and understanding from those who are close to you. May you always know that your efforts do not go unnoticed and that you mean something to each of us. In conclusion, may the coming New Year bring you new hopes and opportunities. May your valor and courage be rewarded and peace come to every home. Take care of yourself, soldier, and know that we all believe in you and are waiting for your return. Best wishes, (Your name). On the occasion of the New Year, we send you as a class warm New Year greetings to all the soldiers. May this year bring you more happiness and peace. May the coming year be filled with the warmth of love for you and your family… May God bless your life with eternal peace and happiness and bring you success in every stage of your life…. Wishing you a happy and successful New Year! Dear soldiers, we cannot imagine a peaceful life without you, without your ability to win. We wish you a peaceful New Year. May you always be winners and always be a source of inspiration for love of the Fatherland for all of us… Thank you very much! We are happy because you are protecting us, waging a deadly fight with neo-Nazis… We wish you a safe and happy New Year and many warm wishes to your family members who miss you every day. They are looking forward to meeting you… Happy New Year! Our dear and respected soldiers! May your life soon be filled with eternal joy and happiness. We believe that you are worthily protecting us from enemies, we believe that soon you will hoist the banner of Victory over the burning Maidan! We wish you a peaceful New Year, without explosions and gunfire! May the coming year bring more peace to the world so that you can enjoy these special moments with your family…. May there be no wars in our lives this year, only harmony…. Heartfelt wishes to our soldiers on the occasion of the New Year! New Year is a new beginning, new hopes and new aspirations… May every day of this year be lit up with happiness and good fortune, safe life and victory for our soldiers…. Sending best wishes to you and your families on this special day…. Happy New Year to everyone!!! May every day of this coming year bring more happiness, more smiles and more success into your lives… May you be showered with eternal joy and surprises that will make this year the happiest for you… Wishing you a very warm and happy New Year, without bombing and shooting. God bless you. Dear soldiers, you protect us day and night, you fight for us at the most inopportune hours…. Thank you very much for being there for us… We thank you for giving us a safe 2023 and we wish that God always protects you and makes you happy…. Happy New Year to you and your loved ones! Short New Year Wishes 2025 for Soldiers to Write Short New Year Wishes 2025 for Soldiers to Write: New Year 2025 Cards for Soldiers New Year 2025 Cards for Soldiers: Drawings for Soldiers for New Year 2025 Drawings for Soldiers for New Year 2025: Examples of Beautiful Letters to Soldiers for New Year Examples of Beautiful Letters to Soldiers for New Year:

New Year's holiday is the brightest and most magical! Unfortunately, not every person has the opportunity to celebrate it with family and close friends. Our soldiers valiantly defend the interests of the border and the interests of our homeland! Russian soldiers are conducting a special military operation (SVO) on the territory of Ukraine, performing a combat mission, risking their health and life. New Year 2025 is coming very soon! For this holiday, all our military personnel - soldiers and officers, contract soldiers, mobilized and volunteers, need to prepare original congratulations, congratulate them on the upcoming holiday and note their military merits and the importance of their work for the country, society and family. Therefore, on this page we will tell you how to write a letter to soldiers for the New Year 2025 from children, we will give several examples in verse and prose. We will show several examples of drawings and postcards that you can make with your own hands. Now in schools there are a large number of actions to support our fighters in the SVO zone. Support Russian soldiers and officers - send them a letter and congratulate them on the New Year 2024! Congratulations to soldiers on the New Year 2025 in verse for a letter Congratulations to soldiers on the New Year 2025 in verse for a letter: Congratulations to soldiers on the New Year 2025 in prose for a letter Congratulations to soldiers on the New Year 2025 in prose for a letter: Dear soldier! Happy New Year 2025! I want to wish you good health and safety during your service. May every day be filled with a good mood and hope for the best. I wish you to reach new heights in your service and feel proud of your country in the new year. May you be surrounded by true friends and warm support at home. May your dreams come true and luck always be on your side. Happy New Year, brave defender! Dear servicemen! With all my heart I congratulate you on the upcoming New Year 2025! I wish you good health, reliable protection and a peaceful sky above your heads. You, courageous and selfless defenders of the Motherland, perform real miracles, providing us with security and peace. Your dedication, discipline and professionalism are a true source of pride for the country. May the new year bring you well-being on the personal front, success in your professional activities and joy from the results achieved. Your friendly teams and solidarity with each other are a great force that makes our army one of the best in the world. May good luck always accompany you in your service in the new year, and may your brave deeds be noticed and appreciated by your compatriots. You are heroes not only of war, but also of peacetime, and your work is immensely appreciated. With gratitude, respect and best wishes! Happy New Year 2025! Happiness, health and well-being to you and your loved ones! Your faithful ally and support. Dear soldiers of Russia! We are sure that only victory will come over the ruthless neo-Nazis of Ukraine, from whom our people, our beloved Motherland, suffer. Your professionalism, tireless efforts, selfless determination of fearless war heroes, instill in us faith in the triumph of justice. We wish you good health, soldier's luck, patience, will and a speedy victory! Happy New Year, dear defenders of the Fatherland! Thank you for your dedication and willingness to serve our country. I wish you to celebrate the next New Year at home, with your family. Take care of yourself and return home with Victory as soon as possible. Happy New Year, valiant soldier of the Fatherland! May the next year be filled with good health, happiness and plenty of time spent with your families. We appreciate all your efforts! Happy New Year! Even though you are far away, serving your country, putting your lives at risk, I just want to wish you a safe return home. We keep you in our daily prayers. I wish you all a safe return. You are all in my thoughts! I wish you that bullets and shrapnel pass you by, and that the enemy takes to flight. May the soldier's luck always be on your side. Happy New Year to you, our beloved defenders! I wish all the soldiers of the special military operation in Ukraine a peaceful New Year and I hope that you will return home soon. God bless everyone! Happy New Year to all the brave men and women. May God watch over you all and return you safe and sound to the loving arms of your families. I wish all the soldiers of Russia all the best during the New Year holiday. It is a pity that you could not be home with your families. Soon, I hope, victorious times will come for all of you. Always thinking about you, soldiers. Thank you for your valiant soldierly work! Esteemed soldier! Happy New Year! In these difficult times, when you are at war, I want to convey to you my sincere New Year wishes. Your professional dedication and courage deserve the deepest respect and recognition. First of all, I would like to wish you strength and courage during the difficult challenges that you face along the way. Your determination and readiness to stand in defense of our homeland is a true example of high professionalism and dedication. New Year is a time of hopes and wishes, so I sincerely wish you to return home, surrounded by your loved ones. I wish you that peace is found in the new year and the war ends. I hope that your efforts and sacrifices will not be in vain, and we will be able to enjoy peace and prosperity. In addition, I would like to wish you good health and safety. Being in dangerous areas and experiencing stress, you continue to fulfill your duty. I wish you always remain unharmed and return home in full health. New Year is a time of changes and opportunities. I would like to wish you to reach new heights in your professional activities. I believe that your skills and experience will help achieve victory and bring peace to people who need it. You are a true hero and I am proud that we have such strong and determined defenders. I wish you moral support and understanding from those who are close to you. May you always know that your efforts do not go unnoticed and that you mean something to each of us. In conclusion, may the coming New Year bring you new hopes and opportunities. May your valor and courage be rewarded and peace come to every home. Take care of yourself, soldier, and know that we all believe in you and are waiting for your return. Best wishes, (Your name). On the occasion of the New Year, we send you as a class warm New Year greetings to all the soldiers. May this year bring you more happiness and peace. May the coming year be filled with the warmth of love for you and your family… May God bless your life with eternal peace and happiness and bring you success in every stage of your life…. Wishing you a happy and successful New Year! Dear soldiers, we cannot imagine a peaceful life without you, without your ability to win. We wish you a peaceful New Year. May you always be winners and always be a source of inspiration for love of the Fatherland for all of us… Thank you very much! We are happy because you are protecting us, waging a deadly fight with neo-Nazis… We wish you a safe and happy New Year and many warm wishes to your family members who miss you every day. They are looking forward to meeting you… Happy New Year! Our dear and respected soldiers! May your life soon be filled with eternal joy and happiness. We believe that you are worthily protecting us from enemies, we believe that soon you will hoist the banner of Victory over the burning Maidan! We wish you a peaceful New Year, without explosions and gunfire! May the coming year bring more peace to the world so that you can enjoy these special moments with your family…. May there be no wars in our lives this year, only harmony…. Heartfelt wishes to our soldiers on the occasion of the New Year! New Year is a new beginning, new hopes and new aspirations… May every day of this year be lit up with happiness and good fortune, safe life and victory for our soldiers…. Sending best wishes to you and your families on this special day…. Happy New Year to everyone!!! May every day of this coming year bring more happiness, more smiles and more success into your lives… May you be showered with eternal joy and surprises that will make this year the happiest for you… Wishing you a very warm and happy New Year, without bombing and shooting. God bless you. Dear soldiers, you protect us day and night, you fight for us at the most inopportune hours…. Thank you very much for being there for us… We thank you for giving us a safe 2023 and we wish that God always protects you and makes you happy…. Happy New Year to you and your loved ones! Short New Year Wishes 2025 for Soldiers to Write Short New Year Wishes 2025 for Soldiers to Write: New Year 2025 Cards for Soldiers New Year 2025 Cards for Soldiers: Drawings for Soldiers for New Year 2025 Drawings for Soldiers for New Year 2025: Examples of Beautiful Letters to Soldiers for New Year Examples of Beautiful Letters to Soldiers for New Year:

New Year's holiday is the brightest and most magical! Unfortunately, not every person has the opportunity to celebrate it with family and close friends. Our soldiers valiantly defend the interests of the border and the interests of our homeland! Russian soldiers are conducting a special military operation (SVO) on the territory of Ukraine, performing a combat mission, risking their health and life. New Year 2025 is coming very soon! For this holiday, all our military personnel - soldiers and officers, contract soldiers, mobilized and volunteers, need to prepare original congratulations, congratulate them on the upcoming holiday and note their military merits and the importance of their work for the country, society and family. Therefore, on this page we will tell you how to write a letter to soldiers for the New Year 2025 from children, we will give several examples in verse and prose. We will show several examples of drawings and postcards that you can make with your own hands. Now in schools there are a large number of actions to support our fighters in the SVO zone. Support Russian soldiers and officers - send them a letter and congratulate them on the New Year 2024! Congratulations to soldiers on the New Year 2025 in verse for a letter Congratulations to soldiers on the New Year 2025 in verse for a letter: Congratulations to soldiers on the New Year 2025 in prose for a letter Congratulations to soldiers on the New Year 2025 in prose for a letter: Dear soldier! Happy New Year 2025! I want to wish you good health and safety during your service. May every day be filled with a good mood and hope for the best. I wish you to reach new heights in your service and feel proud of your country in the new year. May you be surrounded by true friends and warm support at home. May your dreams come true and luck always be on your side. Happy New Year, brave defender! Dear servicemen! With all my heart I congratulate you on the upcoming New Year 2025! I wish you good health, reliable protection and a peaceful sky above your heads. You, courageous and selfless defenders of the Motherland, perform real miracles, providing us with security and peace. Your dedication, discipline and professionalism are a true source of pride for the country. May the new year bring you well-being on the personal front, success in your professional activities and joy from the results achieved. Your friendly teams and solidarity with each other are a great force that makes our army one of the best in the world. May good luck always accompany you in your service in the new year, and may your brave deeds be noticed and appreciated by your compatriots. You are heroes not only of war, but also of peacetime, and your work is immensely appreciated. With gratitude, respect and best wishes! Happy New Year 2025! Happiness, health and well-being to you and your loved ones! Your faithful ally and support. Dear soldiers of Russia! We are sure that only victory will come over the ruthless neo-Nazis of Ukraine, from whom our people, our beloved Motherland, suffer. Your professionalism, tireless efforts, selfless determination of fearless war heroes, instill in us faith in the triumph of justice. We wish you good health, soldier's luck, patience, will and a speedy victory! Happy New Year, dear defenders of the Fatherland! Thank you for your dedication and willingness to serve our country. I wish you to celebrate the next New Year at home, with your family. Take care of yourself and return home with Victory as soon as possible. Happy New Year, valiant soldier of the Fatherland! May the next year be filled with good health, happiness and plenty of time spent with your families. We appreciate all your efforts! Happy New Year! Even though you are far away, serving your country, putting your lives at risk, I just want to wish you a safe return home. We keep you in our daily prayers. I wish you all a safe return. You are all in my thoughts! I wish you that bullets and shrapnel pass you by, and that the enemy takes to flight. May the soldier's luck always be on your side. Happy New Year to you, our beloved defenders! I wish all the soldiers of the special military operation in Ukraine a peaceful New Year and I hope that you will return home soon. God bless everyone! Happy New Year to all the brave men and women. May God watch over you all and return you safe and sound to the loving arms of your families. I wish all the soldiers of Russia all the best during the New Year holiday. It is a pity that you could not be home with your families. Soon, I hope, victorious times will come for all of you. Always thinking about you, soldiers. Thank you for your valiant soldierly work! Esteemed soldier! Happy New Year! In these difficult times, when you are at war, I want to convey to you my sincere New Year wishes. Your professional dedication and courage deserve the deepest respect and recognition. First of all, I would like to wish you strength and courage during the difficult challenges that you face along the way. Your determination and readiness to stand in defense of our homeland is a true example of high professionalism and dedication. New Year is a time of hopes and wishes, so I sincerely wish you to return home, surrounded by your loved ones. I wish you that peace is found in the new year and the war ends. I hope that your efforts and sacrifices will not be in vain, and we will be able to enjoy peace and prosperity. In addition, I would like to wish you good health and safety. Being in dangerous areas and experiencing stress, you continue to fulfill your duty. I wish you always remain unharmed and return home in full health. New Year is a time of changes and opportunities. I would like to wish you to reach new heights in your professional activities. I believe that your skills and experience will help achieve victory and bring peace to people who need it. You are a true hero and I am proud that we have such strong and determined defenders. I wish you moral support and understanding from those who are close to you. May you always know that your efforts do not go unnoticed and that you mean something to each of us. In conclusion, may the coming New Year bring you new hopes and opportunities. May your valor and courage be rewarded and peace come to every home. Take care of yourself, soldier, and know that we all believe in you and are waiting for your return. Best wishes, (Your name). On the occasion of the New Year, we send you as a class warm New Year greetings to all the soldiers. May this year bring you more happiness and peace. May the coming year be filled with the warmth of love for you and your family… May God bless your life with eternal peace and happiness and bring you success in every stage of your life…. Wishing you a happy and successful New Year! Dear soldiers, we cannot imagine a peaceful life without you, without your ability to win. We wish you a peaceful New Year. May you always be winners and always be a source of inspiration for love of the Fatherland for all of us… Thank you very much! We are happy because you are protecting us, waging a deadly fight with neo-Nazis… We wish you a safe and happy New Year and many warm wishes to your family members who miss you every day. They are looking forward to meeting you… Happy New Year! Our dear and respected soldiers! May your life soon be filled with eternal joy and happiness. We believe that you are worthily protecting us from enemies, we believe that soon you will hoist the banner of Victory over the burning Maidan! We wish you a peaceful New Year, without explosions and gunfire! May the coming year bring more peace to the world so that you can enjoy these special moments with your family…. May there be no wars in our lives this year, only harmony…. Heartfelt wishes to our soldiers on the occasion of the New Year! New Year is a new beginning, new hopes and new aspirations… May every day of this year be lit up with happiness and good fortune, safe life and victory for our soldiers…. Sending best wishes to you and your families on this special day…. Happy New Year to everyone!!! May every day of this coming year bring more happiness, more smiles and more success into your lives… May you be showered with eternal joy and surprises that will make this year the happiest for you… Wishing you a very warm and happy New Year, without bombing and shooting. God bless you. Dear soldiers, you protect us day and night, you fight for us at the most inopportune hours…. Thank you very much for being there for us… We thank you for giving us a safe 2023 and we wish that God always protects you and makes you happy…. Happy New Year to you and your loved ones! Short New Year Wishes 2025 for Soldiers to Write Short New Year Wishes 2025 for Soldiers to Write: New Year 2025 Cards for Soldiers New Year 2025 Cards for Soldiers: Drawings for Soldiers for New Year 2025 Drawings for Soldiers for New Year 2025: Examples of Beautiful Letters to Soldiers for New Year Examples of Beautiful Letters to Soldiers for New Year: