Interesting Children's Scenarios for the New Year 2025

On New Year's Eve, all people awaken faith in magic and miracles! Our beloved children are looking forward to this holiday with impatience! New New Year 2025 must be celebrated in an interesting and fun way!

On this page we have prepared for you scenarios for the New Year 2025 for children. Choose the most interesting and funny scenario and use it for your festive event!

New Year's children's scenario "Ball of Miracles"

New Year's scenarios for children for the New Year 2024

Characters (adults): Wizard, Fairy, Snow Maiden, Father Frost, New Year's Miracle, Evil Witch.

Children portray themselves.

Props: prizes for competitions, paper snowflakes, cards with competitions, pieces of cotton wool, a bag of gifts.

There is a decorated Christmas tree in the middle of the hall. The lights on the tree are not on, the lights in the hall are dimmed. Music from the fairy tale "Cinderella" is playing, the garlands are lit, the Wizard enters.

Many centuries ago, winter was a special time, a time of magic and miracles. Every day was special, amazing. The most magical day was considered to be New Year. It was on this night that dreams came to life, wishes came true and happiness came. On this night, good wizards and sorceresses left their castles and gave miracles to people. You know, in our kingdom on this night, they always have a ball! Today, you will become guests of our ball. (The light turns on in the hall, the Fairy appears)

It's so beautiful here! So many costumes and lights, I think there will be fun everywhere today!

Hello Fairy, how did you get here?

Oh, it took a long time to fly, through a blizzard and cold, but as I see it, it’s impossible.

And that's true, look how beautiful everyone is here, and how everyone is waiting for the ball to begin!

So why are we sitting and waiting?
I suggest we start the ball,
We'll all sing together now,
And then we'll go dancing!

(Children sing a New Year's song together with the Fairy)

Child 1 (girl):
Miracles are everywhere,
The snow sparkles in the yard,
We'll have fun today,
Everyone is very happy about the ball!

Child 2 (boy):
This holiday was highly anticipated,
Father Frost already on the way,
And made wishes,
We want to find a present!

Santa Claus will arrive soon,
With my beautiful granddaughter,
He will bring gifts to everyone,
Hey, kids, don't be shy!
And while they are still on the way,
I suggest we play,
You need to think a little,
And guess the riddles!

(The fairy asks riddles, and there is a prize for each answer)

What smart kids!
You managed to guess everything,
You probably read books,
And the little ones - pencils?

Listen up kids,
Maybe we can all invite each other,
We are the Snow Maiden and Frost,
Let's get started!

(Everyone calls Father Frost and Snow Maiden. The bells ring and they appear)

Father Frost:
Oh, and it took us a long time to get to you,
And we even lost our way,
There's a blizzard and chaos there,
We almost got lost in the gardens!
Snow Maiden:
How much beauty and laughter,
How much joy, goodness,
All such amazing children,
Glad to see you all, friends!
Are you ready to have fun?
Sing and dance with us,
I offer you little ones,
Read us your congratulations!

(There is a knock, and the Evil Witch appears in the hall)

Evil witch:
There's a ball again, but they forgot to invite me,
Well, it's okay, I came without an invitation,
You are laughing here, having fun,
And in the castle I am alone!
Well, what can you do, it seems I didn’t guess right for you,
Although, why should I suffer?
The New Year's Miracle was stolen by me,
I came to tell you about this!
And along with him, perhaps,
I'll take away all the gifts,
I'm tired of loneliness,
I want to dance too!

(Grabs the bag, runs away and comes back again)

Stop, listen, stay with us,
Just don't take the gifts,
Give the children back the Miracle quickly,
And celebrate the New Year with us!

Evil witch:
No, that's not interesting,
I'm already prepared for mischief,
I think it would be fair,
If you give me something in return!

Guys, I suggest you find a Miracle,
Take the gifts away from the Evil Witch,
And let the party continue!

Snow Maiden:
I suggest we clear the path first, because the snow has covered the tracks. When you and I clear the snowflakes, then we'll understand where we should go!

Game "Collect snowflakes".
Paper snowflakes are scattered on the floor in advance. Children are given a minute to collect them. Whoever collects the most snowflakes will receive a prize.

How quickly you coped, well done,
The tracks lead us there,
There, beyond the hill, live dreams,
And it's always very warm there.
But I don’t believe that in that country,
The witch hid everything,
There is no room for evil there,
She confused us on purpose!

Father Frost:
Yes, that's true, that's true, what should we do now? What should we do?

Snow Maiden:
And I know, maybe we’ll try calling the Miracle, maybe he’ll respond!

(The children call Miracle in chorus)

Or maybe we need to sing together, and then the Miracle will definitely hear us!

(They sing a New Year's song in chorus)

Snow Maiden:
Nothing is working. What should we do? Are we really going to have to cancel the ball?

Evil witch:
I thought about it and decided that there must be a ball! You've been waiting for it for so long, and here I am with my anger. And besides, I'm tired of being mean. I would gladly return both the gifts and the Miracle, but I don't remember where I hid them. Let's try to find them together. I promise, I'll be good!

Well, guys, shall we believe it?

(The children answer in chorus)

Snow Maiden:
And how are we supposed to look for gifts and the Miracle if even you don’t remember where you put them?

Evil witch:
I left clues for myself. Look, my magic card! Let's see what's here.

(The task on the card is "Boogie-woogie dance. Children dance after the witch)

What next? Where do we go now?

Evil witch:
Wait, I think, I'm looking for the next clue. Where could it be? Oh, I remembered! The second card should be here.

(Finds a card under the tree. It has the next New Year's competition on it)

Father Frost:
I think we're getting close, look, the string from my bag!

Evil witch:
And indeed, it is the one. Oh, and there is a card here too. Look, it says here that to find the Miracle and gifts, you need to make it snow!

Snow Maiden:
Snowfall? In the middle of the hall? But how is it possible to do this?

I know how, for this we will need the help of the guys.

(The game "Snowfall" begins. Children are given a piece of cotton wool. This piece needs to be loosened and, on a signal, thrown up, and blown from below so that the "snowflakes" stay in the air as long as possible. The winner is the one whose snowflake lasts the longest)

Listen! Quiet! I hear something! I think it's our Miracle!

(A cry for help is heard from the other end of the room)

Snow Maiden:
I hear it too! Children, follow me, let's go rescue the Miracle!

Evil witch:
Stop! I'll go get him myself, there might be a trap, suddenly you'll turn into frogs.

(Leaves and returns with a Miracle and gifts)

Father Frost:
We managed to bring back miracles,
Let all your dreams come true!

New Year's Miracle:
Well, finally I managed to get to the ball,
I had to languish in captivity for so long,
Please read me your congratulations,
For now I'll take a break from the stress.

(Children take turns reading New Year's poems)

Father Frost:
Okay, Miracle, enough resting,
It's time to light the Christmas tree,
The children are waiting for the round dance,
We need to give them gifts!
Look at them, what great guys!
We were able to find you!

New Year's Miracle:
It's true that I'm sitting here,
Now I will begin my report,
One, two, three,
Christmas tree, come on, burn!

(The lights on the Christmas tree are lit)

Snow Maiden:
Now let's get together,
Let's stand in a circle with you,
And we will sing a song together,
About our wonderful New Year!

(The children stand in a circle and sing a song together)

Father Frost:
Well then, my dear friends,
The ball is coming to an end,
But only before its finale,
I want to give gifts to everyone!

(Santa Claus gives out presents and all the characters say goodbye to the children)

Scenario for kindergarten "New Year's train"

New Year's scenarios for children for the New Year 2024

Leading (teacher or music teacher),
Little train,
Father Frost.

1. Costumes for children: for boys - snowman costumes, for girls - snowflake costumes;
2. Pictures with snowflakes and snowmen for the “Snow Competition” competition;
3. Prizes for competitions (optional);
4. New Year gifts for children.

The event organizer should also take care of preparing costumes for children in advance and that the children learn New Year's poems for Santa Claus. In addition, you can rehearse the dance "Snowflakes and Snowmen" to the song to the tune of "Chunga-Changa" several times in advance.

«How many fabulous snowflakes,
How many snowmen are there!
Get so many laughs
Let everyone be ready.

Let's start the holiday with you,
And to instantly drive away boredom,
We'll play a little bit -
We'll be able to find out who's more agile."

Competition "Snow Competition".
Two teams compete: snowmen and snowflakes. Small images of snowmen and snowflakes are scattered on the floor in advance. At the leader's command, the children begin to collect the pictures. The boys (snowmen) collect snowflakes, and the girls (snowflakes) collect snowmen. After a while, the leader stops the competition and counts which team has collected more of the required pictures, thus determining the winner.

«You are all great!
You managed to surprise everyone.
News, dear children,
I want to inform you.

Santa Claus called today.
He has a lot of worries.
And he is on New Year's holiday
He invites us to visit him.

We can set off on our journey,
But Grandfather lives far away,
That's why it's hard to get to him
It's not that easy for us.

But our Santa Claus is sincere,
And so that no one gets tired,
The little train is magical
"I sent for the guys."

Little train:
«Children, a wonderful journey awaits us,
There will be no time to be bored.
There are many interesting stations
We'll be driving along with you.

So hurry up, hurry up.
New Year is coming!
You stick together.
Let's go, forward!"

(Children stand in a chain behind the Little Engine and walk around the tree, singing a song.)

Children and the presenter:
«We get on the little train,
We're rushing to Santa Claus.
Chug-chug-chug, chug-chug-chug.
"Wow, this is breathtaking!"

«Dance Station!
So that the funny little train
He could have carried us further,
Despite the frost,
We need to dance.
Get ready, smile.
There's a fast dance coming up.
Stand in a circle quickly,
"The song will start soon."

(Children perform a dance to the tune of "Chunga-Changa".)

Song for dance "Snowflakes and snowmen".
For snowflakes and snowmen
New Year is the favorite day.
They want to dance so much,
Let's all lift our spirits.

Snowflakes are swirling together,
The snowman is without a hitch
Starts the day with a warm-up
New Year's.

Someone has a knack,
Someone has a carrot nose,
Everyone dances very skillfully.
Here today.

If you want to be a snowman -
Spin around on the spot like a top.
If you want to become a snowflake,
When curtsying, you need to squat.

Little train:
«Senoritas and senoras,
Your movements were successful.
Real dancers
We have gathered here today.

You danced successfully,
Before I could even blink.
And so, of course,
"Can we continue on our way?"

(The children again form a chain behind the train and walk around the tree, singing a song.)

Children and the presenter:
«We get on the little train,
We're rushing to Santa Claus.
Chug-chug-chug, chug-chug-chug.
"Wow, this is breathtaking!"

«Teatralnaya station!
Here we go again, stop,
Waiting for the task again.
Can we do it without preparation?
Should we all become actors?
You will need someone
To pretend to be oneself,
So that someone will realize your idea
I was able to figure it out faster."

It is announced Competition "Snow Theatre".
The children approach the presenter one by one, and she whispers their role in their ear. The role must be played without words so that the audience understands who or what the "actor" is showing. Animals (dog, cat, bunny, etc.), famous fairy-tale characters, or even inanimate objects can be used as roles. The actors and the most astute viewers can be given symbolic gifts.

Little train:
«Well done everyone! Congratulations!
The audience is delighted with you.
Well, actors, I invite you.
I bow to everyone.

Charge yourself with positivity
You helped me just now.
We can hit the road again,
I will take you further."

(The children come out to take a bow, after which they again form a chain behind the train and walk around the tree, singing a song.)

Children and the presenter:
«We get on the little train,
We're rushing to Santa Claus.
Chug-chug-chug, chug-chug-chug.
"Wow, this is breathtaking!"

«Station "Mysterious"!
We are almost there.
Grandfather Frost is waiting for us.
You have come a long way,
But our Steam Locomotive is cunning.
Says he's waiting to land
And he's ready to take off.
Guess the riddles -
And he will go further."

(The host asks the children riddles, and those who guessed the answer immediately shout out the answer. The most ingenious ones can be given small gifts.)

He's on a real Christmas tree
It's hanging on a string.
It is bright, round, shiny -
Attracts attention like a magnet.
(Christmas tree ball)

Make a snow ball skillfully,
And then another one.
Insert a carrot instead of a nose.
What kind of gentleman is this?

He draws on the glass
Simply wonderful patterns,
And for windows in winter
There is no more beautiful decoration.

They fall from the sky in winter,
Stunningly beautiful.
If you put them together,
Then you can play snowballs.

It looks so much like glass!
When you walk on it,
It is not advisable to rush,
After all, it's easy to slide on.

The lights are twinkling brightly,
Only the Christmas tree is not hot,
The lights give comfort,
They create the mood.

On a holiday the rule is:
This tree is simple
We decorate for the New Year
And we decorate with balloons.
(Christmas tree)

Rushing towards us at full speed
He has a bag on his shoulders,
He brings us gifts
On the glorious holiday of New Year.
(Father Frost)

Little train:
«All the riddles have been solved!
Well, they are not children, they are daredevils!
You gave me a lot of strength,
You are all simply great.

You are all ready to go, right?
The final push awaits us.
Santa Claus is probably already here
"Opens his bag."

(The children again form a chain behind the train and walk around the tree, singing a song.)

Children and the presenter:
«We get on the little train,
We're rushing to Santa Claus.
Chug-chug-chug, chug-chug-chug.
"Wow, this is breathtaking!"

(Santa Claus appears in the hall with a bag of presents.)

Father Frost:
«Hello, my dear little train!
Happy New Year, kids!
I barely had enough strength
Waiting for you from the very morning.

You need gifts, I know,
And now I will give them away,
But first I wish
Happiness and health to you.

I wish everyone to have fun.
Joy and warmth to you all!
To make a dream come true
You could do it sooner.

Just know, you are super, snowflakes!
You are super, snowmen!
And now you are without hesitation
Tell me some poems."

Children take turns telling New Year's poems to Santa Claus and receive gifts.


Scenario of the matinee "Merry New Year"

New Year's scenarios for children for the New Year 2024

The script is designed for two presenters, Snowflake and Bunny, and Grandfather Frost.

Nice to see you guys,
On this glorious winter day!

And princesses, and animals,
And the heroes are here together.

Let's get acquainted with each other:
Bunny I live in the forest,
I feel at home in my burrow,
I'm afraid of one fox!

I came here to you for the holiday,
To celebrate together,
To sing you a variety of songs,
Let's celebrate the New Year together!

I am a fluffy snowflake,
I appear in winter,
And I fly like a feather,
I give you a joyful mood.

I am light and weightless,
I spin in a bright dance,
The blizzard is my home,
I'm rushing in a stream of snow!

We met and that's it,
Can we celebrate the holiday?
And under the decorated Christmas tree
Let's dance together!

(New Year's round dance to the song "A Christmas tree was born in the forest...", "At the edge of the forest" or any other suitable one)

What a Christmas tree! It's beautiful,
Green, beautiful,
It was difficult to dress up
The Christmas tree painstakingly?

To decorate the Christmas tree,
A lot of knowledge is needed:
Whoever shows ingenuity,
Strength and effort?

(Snowflake and Bunny are playing a game called "What's hanging on the tree?"

Game "What's hanging on the Christmas tree?"
The hosts ask riddles, both regular and New Year's, and the participants must guess them and answer, correctly determining whether the specified object can be found on the New Year's tree or not.

Examples of riddles:
Our Christmas tree is sparkling,
Beautiful, elegant,
After all, it's already burning on it
(Garland, it can be found on the Christmas tree)

It produces frost
Fun, abundant,
Regardless of the forecast.
This - …
(A refrigerator, it's not on the tree)

Bells, balls,
Bows, animals...
What is this, look?
This is the same...
(Toys, they are on the Christmas tree)

There are cells and fields in it.
On smooth paper,
Write in it without fooling around:
What is this? …
(A notebook, you're unlikely to see it on a New Year's tree)

Let it shine, rustle, sparkle -
The kids will be happy,
The bright holiday will last with her.
What is this? …

She will come to us with flowers:
Good, fresh, clear,
It will suddenly flow in streams

What sparkles on the top of the head,
Does your heart always rejoice?
Golden bright ray
Showed us...

In the frame there is a tree, a portrait,
Mountain peaks,
Rain, thunderstorm and sunshine.
What is this?…

All the riddles have been solved,
These guys are great!

We found out what's on the tree:
Tinsel and bells!

And now we want, guys,
We have a word for you.

Stand together next to each other,
To tell us poems!

How many good wishes,
How many joyful poems,
Congratulations of all kinds
And magical warm words!

The New Year is getting closer and closer,
He's about to come,
It's high time, kids,
Let's have a round dance!

(Zaika and Snezhinka invite all the children to dance in a circle to the song "Zimushka-zima", "What is New Year" and other thematic songs)

You told us poems,
It was time to dance,
It got hot in our hall,
We will celebrate the holiday!

There is a Christmas tree, fun, friendship,
The frost is cracking outside the window:
Well, guys, who do we need?

All together:
Good day Santa Claus!
(Santa Claus appears in the hall)

Father Frost:
Finally I came to you,
Hello guys!
I wandered through the forest for a long time
To the decorated Christmas tree.

Hello, Santa Claus!
We are so glad to see you.

You brought us the New Year,
A festive date.

Father Frost:
There will be, there will be a New Year,
The most important holiday,
He will bring happiness to everyone
And the gifts are different.
But first, friends, let's,
Make the old man happy:
Let's play together in harmony
We are in a wonderful game!

(Santa Claus plays the game "Who's Bigger?" with the children.

Game "Who is bigger?"
The players' task is to name as many New Year's words as possible without repeating themselves - gifts, greetings, Christmas tree, toys, tangerines, lights, fireworks, Santa Claus, etc. Whoever runs out of options gets a candy and is eliminated. The most inventive one wins, and he also gets a small prize)

Santa Claus, and we want
Let's play snowballs!

And we will reward him,
Who throws them better!

(Snowflake and Bunny play the game "The Most Accurate" with the kids. You will need two hoops and "snowballs" made of soft material - cotton wool, padding polyester, or just crumpled paper. The participants come out in pairs. Bunny and Snowflake hold the hoops, and the task of the participants is to hit the hoops with snowballs to cheerful music. The most agile one wins.)

Father Frost:
We waited for the holiday for a very long time -
Well done for waiting.
Shall we dance together under the Christmas tree?
It was not in vain that we gathered!

(Father Frost invites everyone to dance in a circle to the song "White Snowflakes", "Winter Lullaby for the Grasshopper" and any other children's New Year's songs)

The lights are burning on the tree,
And smiles are on the face,
Here comes the merry New Year
Waiting on the porch.

Be happy guys,
May all your dreams come true,
And luck will be near,
And luck will come!

Father Frost:
May your wishes come true,
Joy awaits you every day
And success in your endeavors,
And smiles all year round!

(Father Frost, Bunny and Snowflake hold the final festive round dance to the songs "Little Christmas Tree...", "Snowflakes are Falling", "If There Were No Winters" and other favorite New Year's songs. Then follows a disco, distribution of gifts, end of the holiday)

"Pinocchio's New Year's Adventure in 2025"

There is a Christmas tree in the hall, the garlands are not turned on, a huge castle is hanging on it. Cheerful music is playing, the children are gathering around the tree. There is a loud knock and a creaking door, Buratino runs into the hall, he shakes hands with the children and jumps around the tree.

- Hello friends, hello friends, you all know me.
Yes, it’s me, Pinocchio, and the fairy tale begins!

(Fairytale music is playing, and in the background of the music, the voice of a cricket is heard in the microphone)

- Hey, Buratino, you're having fun in vain, there won't be a celebration today, the celebration is cancelled.

- Why is the party cancelled? No, no, I don't agree, look how many kids came to the party. We're going to have fun. And who are you anyway?

- I'm a cricket, I'm sitting here under the tree.

(Buratino walks around the tree, but finds no one.)

- Do you see the lock? Well, until you open this lock with the golden key, the lights on the tree will not light and the holiday will not take place.

— Where can I get this key?

— The terrible Karabas-Barabas. His voice disappears.

- It's easy to say, but how to get to him.

(Malvina enters the hall to the sound of solemn music, followed by girls in beautiful long dresses. Malvina teaches them court dances. A polonaise sounds, and they perform the dance.)

Pinocchio (mimics):
Ha-ha-ha, ladies of the court, you might think, ha-ha-ha.

- Ugh, aren't you ashamed, boy, to tease me, how ill-mannered you are.

- Not well-mannered, but well-fed. I'll catch you now. The girls run out of the room screaming.

- Artemon, Artemon, come to me!

(Artemon runs into the hall barking)

- Woof, woof, woof, the mistress called me. Who is offending you, this one, him? He speaks abruptly and clearly.

Pinocchio (stands up straight and speaks with a stutter):
- I, it, I, it, actually, was just joking, I, it, I, didn’t mean it.

- Don't touch him, Artemon, we'll re-educate him. And so, please, Buratino, bring me a chair.

- What, a chair for a girl.

(Artemon growls.)

- Okay, okay, okay.

(Brings a chair, Malvina sits down. She reads riddles to the children "Right, wrong", you can use any riddles so that the children answer "Right, wrong".)

— Dear girls and boys, today is New Year's holiday and I have prepared a song and dance especially for you.

(The children stand around the tree in a circle, any New Year's children's song is played, to which Malvina shows simple movements, and the children repeat.)

- You sing here, but there will be no holiday, the tree will not light up, and the New Year will not come, so we will live in the old year. We don’t have a key.

- Oh, what should I do, oh, how can this be?

Artemon (calms her down):
- Woof, I know where to look, woof, I have a good nose. The key is kept by Karabas-Barabas. Let's go, I'll take you.

(Malvina and Buratino follow him. At this time, Fox Alice and Cat Basilio enter the hall from the other side to their musical composition.)

- What a blue sky, and there are two of us in the room
And no one is guarding the Christmas tree here, the toys on it are sparkling.

- Let's skin her alive and sell the toys later,
We'll earn some money, go to a resort, bask in the sun, meow!

- You're stupid, you see, the tree isn't lit, you and I sold the key to Karabas.
- Quiet, someone is coming here, let's pretend to be beggars.

(They stretch out their paw and go begging from their parents.)

— Benefactors, parents, would you like to give us some money?
We didn't eat or drink, so we didn't save any money.
Benefactors, parents, you help us, don’t you want to?
Come to us quickly and take money with you.

(They hold a competition among parents. You can take any, including running around chairs. Buratino appears in the hall.)

- What have you done here? I've seen you somewhere before, it wasn't by chance that you hung a lock on the tree.

Fox and the Cat:
- What are you saying? We are not capable of such things. We love children, especially their parents.

- If you are so good, take me to Karabas-Barabas, I need to get the key from him.

- Don't even doubt it, we'll call him here. Kara-ra-bas-Ba-ra-bas, come out, Kara-ra-bas-Ba-ra-bas, come out.

(A drum roll sounds. Karabas appears, a key hanging around his neck)

- Oh-ho-ho, oh-ho-ho, what are you, little ones, have you gone quiet, are you afraid?
You are doing the right thing! Now I am your boss, and when I want, then the New Year will come. I am now your Santa Claus! Ha-ha-ha!

(The Fox and the Cat agree with him and run around him, serving him.)

- Let's have a fair fight with you, Karabas-Barabas. If you win the "Tug of War" contest, then you'll keep the key, if you don't win, then the key is ours.

(Karabas whispers to the Fox and the Cat and agrees. The boys are recruited into the team equally. Karabas stands on one side, Buratino on the other. They begin to pull the rope on command, the Fox and the Cat help Karabas, but at the last moment Father Frost enters the hall and helps the team pull Buratino.)

Father Frost:
- I am Frost.

- No, I'm Frost.

Father Frost:
- Frost has a red nose and a big beard.

- My beard is long. The Fox and the Cat agree with him.

Father Frost:
- Okay, since you're frost, freeze something for us.

(Karabas runs around, trying to blow on the children to freeze them.)

Father Frost:
- You are a big liar.
Even with a long beard
Return the key immediately.
Disappear behind the door yourself.

(Karabas gives the key and runs away with the Fox and the Cat. Santa Claus gives the key to Buratino to open the lock.)

Father Frost:
- Tree, turn around three times.
light up with lights
Come on kids: one, two, three.
Our Christmas tree is burning.

(The tree lights up, and at this time music plays and the Snow Maiden and snowflakes appear in the hall.)

Father Frost:
- Hello, dear granddaughter, I see you are not alone.

Snow Maiden:
- Yes, snowflakes came with me, and winter began to snow. Then the dance of snowflakes.

Father Frost:
-Who will tell me a poem?
About me, about the New Year.

(Competition for the best poem.)

Snow Maiden:
- Who will sing me a song?
About me, about the New Year!

(Use any New Year's songs.)

Father Frost:
- It was good with you.
Only the time has come for me
It's time to leave already
Other kids are waiting.

Snow Maiden:
- We'll be back in a year.
Let's knock at the gate
Fun and friendly again
Let's celebrate the New Year with you!

— It's snowing outside.
A bag of presents for you.
We wish you happiness and joy!
Happy New Year!

A scenario in the style of the fairy tale "By the Pike's Command!" in a new way

Words and scripts of Santa Claus and Snow Maiden for the New Year 2024

The following take part in the fairy tale: Grandfather Frost, Snow Maiden, Emelya, Pike, Hut on Chicken Legs, Dragon Gorynych, Marya Krasa. Emelya needs a fishing rod, you can take a long stick with a rope and a hook. Hut on Chicken Legs, in a large box cut holes for arms, legs, head, draw windows and put on top, a hat made of a bun. Dragon Gorynych needs a tail, you can sew from green material and two heads on sticks, hold in your hands. Marya Krasa is dressed in all black tight, with black lipstick, like the Goths, all super-modern.

While the children are gathering in the hall, cheerful New Year's music is playing. A bell is heard ringing from afar, the music changes to Russian folk music and Yemelya enters the hall. He walks around the tree and stops in the center.

- Well, winter has come, there's snow everywhere! But you can't take me, Emelya! I can make the best of any situation! What are you guys doing? Are you going to school?

- Yes!

- But I don't study! I lie on the stove day and night! I'm too lazy to study, and I'm fine as is! And this is how I have fun!

Play cheerful music, children dance in a circle around the tree. You can use any song or dance, for example, "Let's stamp our feet, clap our hands."

- Well done, great guys, great guys gathered here, you can go anywhere with them, even on a hike, even fishing. And do you know how to catch fish?

- Yes!

- We'll check now, we'll check now!

It is being held Competition "Fun Fishing". There are small soft toys in the cardboard boxes, if desired, you can put apples, chocolates, and other sweets in there, but then you will need to wrap them in napkins and tie them with ribbons, leaving small loops. This is necessary so that children can catch the toys or sweets with a fishing rod with a plastic hook. Each player is given three attempts to catch something.

- Well, who catches fish like that? Is that a catch? Oh, you don't know how to fish! I'll show you a master class. Watch how it's done!

Emelya takes out his fishing rod with a thick rope and starts casting it, first in one direction. He catches nothing, then in the other direction, also without results. Then he spins the rope over his head and casts it farther. The pike grabs the hook, and Emelya happily pulls it into the center of the hall.

- Wow! What luck! Almost bent the fishing rod. Who are you?

- I'm a pike! I'm not a simple fish, I'm magical. Let me go back to the river, Emelya, I'll thank you for it.

- Yeah, I found a simpleton, I'll let you go now, you'll wag your tail, and off you go. That'll be the end of your gratitude.

- Let go of Emelya, you won’t regret it, I will grant you three wishes.

- Three wishes, you say? I need to think about it, you're here with the kids singing songs, and I'll go lie on the stove and think, because thinking is such hard work that you can't do it right away.

Emelya leaves, and Shchuka sings New Year's songs with the children: "A Christmas tree was born in the forest", "Snowflakes are falling", "Grandfather Frost", etc. After a while, Emelya appears.

- That's it! I've thought about it! Grant me three wishes!

- Okay, what is your first wish!

— I want an apartment in Moscow or a house on Rublevka.

Pike shakes his head:
- Eh, Emelya, Emelya, well, have it your way.

Mysterious magic music sounds, Pike takes out a magic wand.

— At the pike’s command, at my will, a hut with Moscow registration may appear!

Music with clucking sounds, a hut on chicken legs runs into the hall, it quickly rushes towards Yemelya, who runs away from it around the Christmas tree in fear.

Emelya hides behind the pike:
- Pike, what have you done? Who did you send me?

— I did what I asked.

- This isn’t an apartment, this is some kind of monster.

Hut on chicken legs:
- I'm not a monster, I'm a designer's development. You're retarded, Emelya! You'd better learn some sense from the guys!

The hut asks the children riddles, and they guess them. Then she and the children perform the "Little Ducklings" dance.

Hut on chicken legs:
- So, Emelyan, are you coming to Moscow with me? Will you live with me?

- No, thank you, I’d rather be on my stove, and you go, let’s go home.

Hut on chicken legs:
- Well, as you wish, it’s my job to propose and yours to refuse, ciao!

The hut is leaving.

- Something didn't work out with my first wish. Looks like the second wish will definitely be successful, I want a personal plane! Come on, Pike, make it happen!

- Oh, Emelya, why are you acting like a little child?

- Do it, I say, and that's it!

The pike took out the stick again, the music sounded generally alarming and menacing, then the roar of an approaching plane and a powerful roar were heard. From this roar, Emelya fell to the floor and covered his head with his hands. Meanwhile, the Dragon Gorynych entered the hall, he stepped over Emelya and poked him in the side with one head, which was in his hand. Emelya looked at him and crawled to hide behind the pike.

Serpent Gorynych:
- So who ordered me here?

Emelya quietly:
- Me! I just wanted to ride a little.

Serpent Gorynych:
- We can ride it! We'll arrange everything now!

It is being held competition "Roll the egg". Two soccer balls need to be rolled around a chair with your hands; whose team completes it faster wins.

Serpent Gorynych:
- You amused me, made me laugh, but to be honest, I wanted to eat this Yemelya, but oh well. It's time for me to fly, the Zmeigory are waiting for me, I'll tell them about you, let them be happy.

- Wow, I almost lost my life, maybe I shouldn't make a third wish at all.

- No way, go ahead and make a wish, there’s no point in changing your mind, I want to go home, to the river.

Emelya whispers something in Pike's ear.

— Whaaat?

Emelya whispers again.

- Marya the beauty!

The pike covers his mouth with his palm. Emelya nods his head. The pike waves his magic wand and Marya Krasa enters the hall to the sounds of modern music.

Marya the beauty:
- Hello! Hello, people! Some Scot here wanted to take me as his wife. Have you seen who it is?

The children point at Yemelya, who in the meantime makes various negative signs. Marya comes closer to him.

Marya the beauty:
- Are you some kind of my fiancé, my betrothed?

Emelya, looking around:
- Madam, forgive me...

Marya the beauty:
- I'm not madam, I'm miss! I'm miss scary charm, I'm the winner of the "Planet in Horror 2013" contest. So, listen, here are your duties. You will cook for me, wash dishes, do laundry, walk my Tarzan, clean up, and so on.

Emelya, stumbling:
- And you, you, dear, miss, s, s, what would you like to do?

Marya the beauty:
- And I will judge the competitions, I will start right now.

It is being held competition for the best New Year's costume. Meanwhile, Emelya takes out his phone. The phone beeps, Emelya calls Ded Moroz and asks him to help in trouble, all this is recorded in advance. Soon Ded Moroz and Snegurochka appear.

Father Frost:
- This is not right! The tree is not lit, the children are not dancing, there is no music.

Snow Maiden:
- Yes, things have gotten out of hand, we need to take urgent measures, grandpa.

- Santa Claus, my dear, help me, I don’t want to get married, I can’t fly on an airplane, I don’t need an apartment in Moscow.

Snow Maiden:
- Emelya, maybe you made the wrong wishes.

Father Frost:
— First, you had to make a wish for all the children to have a beautiful Christmas tree. Come on, Christmas tree, one, two, three, light up the lights!

The tree lights up with festive garlands.

Father Frost:
— The second wish is for all children to be in a joyful mood. Which is what we will do now.

Father Frost and Snow Maiden are holding a poetry competition. They are handing out presents.

Father Frost and Snegurochka together:
- Well, the third wish is that the New Year will come to us!

"Kolobok is not the same anymore, take care of your side now!" - Modern scenario of 2025

Words and scripts of Santa Claus and Snow Maiden for the New Year 2024

The Host appears.

Hi guys, I was flying to you,
I wanted to tell you some news,
New Year is coming to us,
Happiness walks here and there.

We decorated the Christmas tree with you,
They put gifts under it,
And the lights are burning all around,
There is no sadness or melancholy.

Everything is in patterns, lace,
The fir trees stand in the snow,
Everyone congratulates each other,
And everyone wishes us well.

We will celebrate the holiday with the whole family,
Let's celebrate the best New Year,
I will congratulate you,
And to entertain today.

I enter the New Year with you,
I will make a sea of wishes,
I'll see the old one off with love,
I'll say all the best as we say goodbye.

(A breathless Kolobok runs in.)

Hi guys, I was on my way to see you,
I barely found you,
I'll distract you from the holiday,
I just can't do it anymore.
Has a fox by any chance poked its nose into your place?
I barely got the crumbs out of her.
Please, catch her for me,
Please give her to me.
So that I know where to look for her,
And where to run next.
Everyone knows the old tale,
Like my grandfather, her ancestors eat her.
I don't want this to happen to me at all,
I run away from the fox as fast as I can.
I rolled through the fields and forests,
It even got a little dusty.
I got my sides bruised and sunburned,
Touch me, how hardened I am.

We'll help you, little bun,
We will fix your hardened side,
And we will cheer you up in the New Year,
We won't let the fox eat you.
We'll prepare some candies for her,
We'll prepare something cunning for her in advance.
The guys will create them in reserve,
The fox will have just enough of them for a year.
Don't be afraid, this is a holiday about goodness,
We won't let the fox eat you.

Leading conducts game "Candy for the Fox".
Children are given cotton wool, a piece of cling film, cardboard, glue and scissors. The child's task is to create a beautiful large candy. You can cut something out of cardboard and glue it to the film, decorate it with glitter, tinsel, etc. Then wrap the cotton wool (you can also add glitter, tinsel, etc.) in film and twist it, creating the shape of a candy. The most beautiful sweets will be awarded.

What wonderful candies you got!
I never even dreamed of such things,
I would eat them without blinking an eye,
I just don't want to ruin your appetite.
You better find me a fox, friends,
Show me where she hid.

What do you need her for?
Have fun until you find yourself,
Maybe she didn't want to eat you,
The fox most likely doesn't care about you.

So come and have fun with us, Kolobok,
And life will immediately become more beautiful.
Look, all the guys are so good,
Throw away your bad thoughts.

(The Fox runs in.)

Ah, guys, hello everyone,
Finally, there is light at the end of the tunnel,
I ran to you from afar,
Have you by any chance seen Kolobok?

Guys, we need to hide Kolobok quickly,
The fox will be happy to eat it,
Rather, distract her with a round dance,
Let the New Year greetings fly,

And I will hide our flour friend,
Let's dance with her, what's the big deal?
We'll play a game now,
We distract the fox with our dance,

And you, Kolobok, hide quickly,
And come on faster, don't be shy,
We will tell everything to the Fox,
That Koloboks are not fit to eat.

I suggest you, Fox, play a game,
Then you will have to answer to us,
Otherwise we'll have to drive you away,
All we need here is friendship with the guys.

As soon as the music stops playing,
Each of us immediately freezes,
You, Fox, only catch those,
Watch whoever moves.

Leading conducts competition “Hide Kolobok”
The Fox will turn away to the wall, and while the music is playing, the children will dance, run, jump, and Kolobok will slowly make his way to the place where he will hide. As soon as the music stops, the Fox turns around, and all the children and Kolobok must freeze in place so that the Fox does not catch anyone. Anyone who moves is out of the game, which means that Kolobok will have fewer chances to hide.

I'm having fun here with you,
But you never know,
Kolobok will find it here without any problems...
And me….

(Kolobok runs out.)

And I'll eat you right here!

(The fox hides behind the Presenter.)

Oh, save me,
It's not my fault at all,
This is a thief granny,
She ate her grandfather deftly,
Flour is not my nature,
I take great care of my figure.

I've been hungry for so long,
That he has become a complete cracker,
The guys had to lie to me,
So that they can help catch you.
I'll eat you without blinking an eye,
I do, however, like fox meat.

(The fox hides even more behind the Leader.)

We won't eat anyone,
Let's forget about this word,
There are cakes, sweets,
There is nothing better than them.
And you are cunning, Kolobok,
Burnt stale side!

Well, what can you do, that's life,
I have become hardened, skirting the mountains,
I wanted to take revenge on the fox,
That's how hardened I've become.
And I had to deceive you,
But I don't regret it at all,
Although I dream of improving,
I miss goodness very much,
I'm tired of riding around angry,
I want to remain kind.
Although I changed the tale,
I have never been evil.
This is the modern mentality,
Everyone call me Baguette!

Stay a kind Russian Kolobok,
The name has nothing to do with it,
We already loved you like this,
And we forgot about your anger,
You and the Fox should also become friends,
And your life will become beautiful,
The main thing is that you realized everything,
That he did not give way to evil in his heart.
And there will be peace and celebration forever,
Guys, do we forgive Kolobok?


And you forgive me, my friend,
That they ate grandpa, Kolobok,
And I am ashamed to be the ancestor of such a Fox,
I want to forget this story.

I forgive you, Fox,
I'm already forgetting all this,
It's not your fault,
There is so much kindness in you.
Now I too have become kind,
Thank you for everything, friends.

Now we are a big company with you,
We will wrap the world in goodness and miracles,
Let's celebrate the New Year and make you happy,
We will not allow anyone else to be offended.
Now we'll just have fun,
After all, it is not good for us to be sad.
Guys, tell us some poems,
What great guys you show,
And we will give out for this
I will give you my smiles and gifts.
Just don't forget to clap,
So we will all determine the winner,
Give your love your verse,
And together we will all win.

Leading conducts competition "New Year's poems".
Children take turns telling a poem about the New Year. Each storyteller receives a gift, applause and gratitude. The poem that receives the loudest applause will be awarded the title of "King of Rhymes".

What great guys, how much fun I have with you,
I am very glad that I came to you today,
You are so happy, with shining eyes,
And I became a hundred times kinder.

I will never forget the holiday,
It's so great for me to be with you, children,
I will remember you with warmth,
I won't be callous anymore.

I congratulate everyone today,
Let the gifts fly under the tree,
I wish you good health,
Let them only speak kind words to you.

I agree with every word Kolobok says,
You keep a spark in your soul,
Life to be beautiful,
But the soul knew no worries.

Let wishes fly everywhere,
Laughter comes from every corner,
All wishes come true,
And the dream could come true in an instant.

Thank you for the holiday, guys,
Of course, you created it for us,
You are the best boys and girls,
And I glow with pride for all of you.

May the New Year open a wonderful world,
In which there will be only good,
And every day will be wonderful,
So that you don’t encounter evil in your life.

Your parents should be proud of you,
And never knew defeat,
And what happened between us today,
Will leave a sea of vivid impressions!


Scenario "Kolobok for the New Year 2025"

New Year's scenarios for children for the New Year 2024

Russian folk music is playing in the hall, there is a table covered with a long tablecloth, and Kolobok is hidden under the table.

Voice into microphone:
- It was a long time ago or recently, there lived grandfather Matvey and grandmother Matryona. The grandfather and grandmother enter the hall.
- Hello grandchildren, hello dear ones!

They come to the table, there is a samovar and cups on the table.

Grandfather Matvey:
- Well, Matryona, the tea has probably boiled. Let's treat the kids to some tea.

Granny Matryona:
- Yes, the tea has boiled, but what good is it, water is water, the kids don’t get any joy from it.

Grandfather Matvey:
- Oh, Matryona, you said it right. Maybe you should bake something for tea, a bun for example.

Granny Matryona:
- Yes, I’m already old, and I’ve long forgotten how to bake these koloboks.

Grandfather Matvey:
- And our grandchildren will tell us now, right children?

- Yes!

(Any musical composition about pies or loaves of bread is played. To it, children perform movements similar to kneading dough with their fists, rolling it out, and finally shaking their hands. Granny looks at them and repeats the movements.)

Granny Matryona:
- Oh, well done, oh, clever kids! They know better than me how to bake a bun. And now let's count to three together. One, two, three - we've baked a bun!

(Kolobok jumps out from under the table and dances to the sounds of folk music.)

The grandfather and grandmother are surprised:
- What a bun it turned out to be, a bun for all buns! Nice and rosy and good, I need to call all the neighbors and tell them about such joy.

(Grandfather Matvey and grandmother Matryona leave.)

- I am a cheerful bun, I am neither short nor tall
I'm not sad at all, because it's delicious!
Do you guys know what kind of “Joy” grandpa and grandma were talking about?

(Searches on the table.)

— Where is this “Joy”? Here? Maybe it’s here? Or this one? Ah, here it is. He takes out a beautiful painted mug with the inscription “Joy”.

- So, this is what "Joy" is. I'll give it to Grandfather Frost and Snow Maiden, let them give "Joy" to everyone, to all children. And you guys will help me with this?

- Yes!

- Well, then let's set off on our journey on the little train.

(Conducts the game "Little Train". Children are divided into two teams, put their hands on the shoulders of the person in front and move around the tree to the music. The team that comes to the finish line first without losing the carriages wins. Folk music for the bun sounds again, he speaks against its background)

- I am a cheerful bun, I am neither short nor tall
I'm not sad at all, because it's delicious!

(The last phrase is repeated together with the children. A polka is played and a big hare with little hares approaches the bun in small jumps. They dance merrily around the bun.)

- Kolobok, Kolobok, we want to eat you. You are so tasty.

- No! I'm taking "Joy" to Santa Claus so that he can give it to all the children.

- Well, can we at least pinch off a small piece?

- No! If you're so hungry, compete with our kids. Maybe you'll manage to have lunch. Then the game "Bite off the carrot" is played. A carrot is hung on a string, and the players must bite it off and eat it. Each team has three carrots.

I am a cheerful bun, I am neither short nor tall
I'm not sad at all, because it's delicious!
I will run away from the hare, I will bring “Joy” to the children.

(A wolf appeared to meet him, music is also being selected for him. The wolf is angry and hungry, he walks, stroking his belly.)

- Kolobok, Kolobok, I'm completely exhausted.
I want to eat you and I'm growling from hunger! Rrrrrrrrrrrrr!

- You can't, Wolf! I'm bringing "Joy" so that Santa Claus can give it to all the children.

What? What "Joy"? Damn?
My stomach is stuck to my spine
I've become completely thin these days.
I wish you'd give me a piece!

- Well, first of all, I'm not a pancake. And secondly, we have rules: whoever doesn't work, doesn't eat! I heard that you, Wolf, sing well to the moon. So sing a song with our children, then maybe we'll give you a piece of "Joy" too.

- Well, I can do that! Ooo ...

I am a cheerful bun, I am neither short nor tall
I'm not sad at all, because it's delicious!
I escaped from the hare, and I will escape from the wolf.
«I will bring "joy" to the children.

(The last phrase is almost whispered. A loud noise, a knock or a stamping sound is heard, a bear appears with a basket.)

- Ugh, come on, you little bun, you have a ruddy side.
I want to eat you so much, I'll swallow you whole.

- You can’t bear, I need to take the “Joy” so that Santa Claus can give it to the children.

The bear tries to catch the bun, but he dodges, saying:
- I am a cheerful bun, I am neither short nor tall
I'm not sad at all, because it's delicious!
I escaped from the hare, I escaped from the wolf, I will escape from the bear,
«I will bring "joy" to the children!
- And you, a bear, know many riddles. It would be better if you asked them to the children, maybe they will share their "Joy" with you too.

- Ugh, come on, you little bun, you have a ruddy side,
If you had just said so, I would have made the wish long ago.

(He asks the children riddles, they guess them, and the bear leaves happy.)

- I'll go tell the bear cubs what smart kids I met. They guessed all my riddles!

(Music plays for the fox, she comes out and, not paying attention to the bun, dances around the tree, singing...)
- Oh la la la la la la, I'm an unhappy fox,
The bun is not tasty and I feel sad today.

- What, why am I not tasty?
I'm actually quite tasty.

- Come to me, my dear,
Look into my mouth.

(The bun approaches the fox, who grabs him, but the bun manages to escape.)

- That's how the Fox knew it, well, you're incorrigible. Well, you can't eat me in this fairy tale, I bring "Joy" to the children.

- How I want to hug you!

- No! If you want, our children will dance a special dance for you.

(Children dance around the Christmas tree "Dance of the Little Ducklings".)

- I am a cheerful bun, I am neither short nor tall
I'm not sad at all, because it's delicious!
I got away from the hare and I got away from the wolf, I got away from the bear,
But Santa Claus was never found.
- What should I do guys, maybe we should call him?

- Yes!

(They call Father Frost and Snow Maiden, there is a crash and instead of them comes Baba Yaga with a snow shovel.)

Baba Yaga:
- I'm right here, coming, coming!

- Who are you?

Baba Yaga:
- The one you called has come. Come on, sit down on the shovel and take your "Joy" with you.

— I don't want-e-e-e-e-e!

(Runs away from Yaga around the Christmas tree, at this time Father Frost and Snow Maiden come in.)

Father Frost:
- What's all the noise, what's all the hubbub?
Why is there all this running around? Come here, Yaga.

Baba Yaga:
- What about me, I'm nothing, we were playing cat and mouse with the bun.

Father Frost:
Now I'll touch you with my staff, and you'll stand here until next year. Yaga runs away in fear, grabbing her shovel.

- Grandfather Frost, Snow Maiden, I brought you "Joy". Put it in your gift bag and give it to all the children, let them rejoice.

(Frost takes "Joy" and puts it in the bag.)

Father Frost:
- I came to you guys from distant snowy places!
He carried gifts, he carried presents, through the field, through the forest.

Snow Maiden:
- Your Kolobok is brave, he saved the children's "Joy",
So that Santa Claus would give it to all the children in the world.

Father Frost:
Happy New Year,
«I will share the joy with everyone.
We wish you joy,
May you have success in everything!
Happy New Year! Happy New Happiness!
Congratulations to everyone, everyone, everyone!

Father Frost and Snow Maiden distribute gifts. Preliminarily, you can put some cards or hearts with the name "Joy" in them.