New Year's Tales in a New Way in the Year of the Dragon 2025

We have finally waited! The most magical and long-awaited holiday is coming soon - New New Year 2024! 2025 will be held under the sign of the Green Green Wooden Snake. It is necessary to meet it cheerfully and interestingly.

On this page we have collected for you scripts of New Year's fairy tales in a new way for the New Year 2024. Choose the coolest and funniest script and carry it out at your event!

Scenario of a fairy tale in a new way Three little pigs

New Year's Tales in a New Way for the New Year 2024

Naturally, the main characters of this holiday are the three brothers of Piglet. It is about them that we will talk now.

And it all started like this!

Scene 1.

1st Presenter

Once upon a time in a certain kingdom,

In the faraway land

Once upon a time there lived some little pigs,

The boys were acting up.

(The piglets enter to the song “We are bandits…” from the cartoon “The Adventures of Captain Vrungel”)

2nd Presenter:

Here they are walking along the forest,

Relieve stress:

Here Nif-Nif picked flowers,

And then he trampled them,

Here's Naf-Naf to the hare boys

Shchelbanov pointed his finger,

And Nuf-Nuf of the fox sisters

He pulled my pigtails for a long time.

(The piglets illustrate the leaders' words with actions)

And in the end, all three of us together,

The song was sung as if by a howl.

(Song of the Atamansha from the cartoon "The Bremen Town Musicians")

Scene 2.

1st Presenter:

For several years now

The forest people are suffering.

From piglets like these

The animals groan and cry out:

Little bunnies

Help, for God's sake!

We can't live so miserably.

Fox sisters:

There is no peace for anyone

In our nice little house.

Little bunnies:

Oh, we are tired of rudeness!

Will these ordeals end soon?!

(Song of the sheep from the cartoon "Dog in Boots" "We are poor sheep, no one is grazing us..")

Scene 3.

2nd Presenter:

Suddenly, out of nowhere,

The hedgehog creeps like a lynx.

He was known as a wise man, no matter what!

He has a ton of advice.

Hedgehog the Sage:

I heard a rumor,

That you cannot bear the torment,

That three brothers got you,

They didn't give anyone a chance to live.

I'll give you some advice, little animals:

They are beyond your capabilities.

The wolf is our policeman –

Here's who will give them an example here.

He will calm them down right away.

And it will set you in a peaceful mood.

You call him together -

He'll be here, on the spot, in a moment.

1st Presenter:

The animals were silent for a moment.

And they all shouted together:

Hares, Foxes:

Uncle Wolf is a policeman!

Come, give them an example!

Scene 4.

2nd Presenter:

And to that piercing cry

The wolf appeared right at the sound of a bayonet.

(The Wolf's entrance to the song from the film "Investigation Led by Experts" "If someone somewhere among us sometimes cannot live peacefully...")

Wolf policeman:

Are there hooligans here in the forest?

I'll cut their heads off!

Even if the Brigade itself

He'll set up an ambush for me here!

Well, where are the piglets?!

Call them, little animals!

(The piglets enter the stage to the song from the film "Brigada")

Nif-Nif: Who called us?

Nuf-Nuf: Who can't sleep?

Naf-Naf: Who wants Shchelbanov?

Wolf policeman:

I called you, Wolf - guardian of order.

Are you the Brigade here?!

Are you being a bully or making a fuss?

Oh, kids, look,

Once I take you under arrest,

You'll get tired of fighting in no time.

This is really something, in the area

A small thing caused a fright!

Come on, come forward.

Promise that the people

You don't hit in the forest anymore,

You're behaving quietly here.

Well, I'll take care of you:

I'll visit you at school!

Nif-Nif: Oh, sorry, sorry.

Nuf-Nuf: Don't come to our school.


We promise not to be rude,

Be friends with all animals.

Wolf policeman:

Well, look, I'll give you some time.

If you fulfill the vow,

I won't go to your school,

But I won't take my eyes off you.

Scene 5.

1st Presenter:

Since then there has been peace in the forest,

There is no concern about robbery here.

The piglets calmed down

The word was justified in deeds:

They are not rude, they do not offend,

And they help the animals.

2nd Presenter:

Spectator, spectator, old and young,

Are you dozing off yet?

Aren't you tired yet?

The finale is approaching.

Don't look for distance beyond the distance!

You've seen this forest, haven't you?

This fairy tale about Russia is

And about us in it - that's the moral!

(All participants come out on stage and perform the song "Smile" from the cartoon "Little Raccoon")

New Year's tale about Ivanushka in a new way

Official congratulations on the year of the Snake 2024

School bell number 1 rings

A schoolgirl in a school uniform with tied bows comes onto the stage.

Student's monologue: Well, they won't let us rest even before the New Year! It's the end of the term, and they want an essay! And with elements (reads syllable by syllable) of drama in a fairy-tale fantasy form. It'll make your head spin! And the topics, the topics! Just think about it - "The philosophy of the heroism of a little girl and the tragic comedy of the Gray Wolf in Charles Perrault's fairy tale "Little Red Riding Hood"." There are no topics like that anywhere! (Leafs through books, tears up one of the pages, gets angry.) There's nothing to copy from! A bad grade is guaranteed. Showdowns with the "rodoks", deprivation of a disco, etc., etc. I wrote a report on biology, drew a map of Guatemala, solved ten problems, conducted an observation in physics, prepared a report on Russian, memorized fifty-three pages on history, translated a text in English, studied the system of manual milking of cattle, turned a gear for a tractor, but I can’t do this!

I'm so tired! And then there are these New Year's greetings! (plops down on a chair, turns on the TV with the remote)

Time program screensaver #2

On screen presenter: Good evening, dear viewers, I remind you that there are 3 hours left until the New Year. Many interesting events happened in the old year. If you have unfinished business, there is still time to complete it. Let a miracle happen in your life in the last hours of the outgoing 2025! See you in the New Year 2025!

Student: (falling asleep in the chair, muttering). Miracle, miracle, there’s no time to sleep here!

The lights go out.

Storyteller: (behind the scenes) Our heroine fell asleep and had a magical dream.

Song "New Year's Tale" No. 3

Storyteller: Listen! Listen! Listen!

And don't say later that you didn't hear.

Today is New Year's Eve

I wouldn't mind telling you a story.

Our tale is about the active,

Even very positive ones.

About the new Russians, about grandpa and grandma,

Well, are you ready to laugh until you drop? (children's answer)

Once upon a time there lived an old man and an old woman.

And they have children... oh...

I would almost say "there was no such thing".

Wait a minute – they did have children.

Oh, yes, of course there were!

Son - Ivanushka, a good fellow,

A fine fellow of marriageable age. A real beauty.

"Ferrari" is a big business,

There was always something to eat.

And our fiancé left for London to study,

Studying didn't work out, so I bought myself a diploma.

And so he decided to get married and traveled around the whole world.

But he didn’t find a bride.

Oh, I gave away his secret.

I will tell you all about this and more in detail.

Song "Weather in the House" by L. Dolina No. 4

Grandfather and Grandmother's apartment.

Grandfather looks at the dollar exchange rate on the computer,

A woman is putting on makeup in front of a mirror.

Grandma: Grandpa, turn off this news, I have no strength left! The Swan Princess was pecked to death, and Ivan Tsarevich bought a new skin for the frog.

Grandfather: Shut up, Grandma! Should I know the dollar exchange rate or not? You'd better clean the apartment. My son is flying in soon. And anyway, why did I give you a washing vacuum cleaner?

Baba: You might as well remember the dishwasher you put the carpet in to wash. And then I have no time to clean up, I'm late for shaping. I have to look my best in front of my son. You could do some work yourself.

Grandfather: Maybe we should get a housekeeper? Or find a bride for Vanechka on the Internet?

Baba: Well, yes! Where can you find a good housekeeper these days? Modern youth is so unreliable, they won't clean you, they'll rob you. But you have to look for a bride?

Grandfather: How about, Baba, we throw an application on the Internet for Larisa Guzeeva's "Let's Get Married" show? Maybe it will work out! It will grow together, so to speak.

Grandma: Oh, you are so smart! My precious little darling! My clear head, my shiny bald spot! My precious falcon! Grandpa: Well, that's it, grandma. Enough. Or you'll jinx it or crow it.

Baba: Okay, you've convinced me, let's go write.

They leave. The light goes out.

Storyteller: A day passes, then another, then a week, and Ivan returns home.

Sound of landing plane #5

To the tune of “Lonely Man” No. 6, Ivanushka rides out on a children’s bicycle.

On the other side of the stage stand a grandma and a grandpa with flowers, waving to their son. They hug, dance and return to the hut.

Woman. My baby has arrived,

My beauty has grown up!

My dear, my handsome one, my dear, my beautiful one!

My little baby, my little kitten,

You are my sweet baby! (all words are accompanied by kisses)

Ivanushka. Mommy! (Mother doesn't react) Mommy! (Shouts) Sha, mice!

The old woman, out of fear and screaming “Mommy!”, jumps at the old man with a running start.

Ivanushka: Well, dad, how are things?

They didn't give birth to a little brother for me!

Al, finally, my sister,

No...well, this is fucking awesome!

My cupid is tight,

You can't find girls these days.

Sometimes they give them money, sometimes they give them a car,

Then give me the apartment!

Grandma: Yes. You're right, my dear son!

Well, never mind! Everything will be great!

We wrote to Larisa,

We are just waiting for news now!

The doorbell rings at apartment number 7

Grandma: Who did the unclean one bring there at night? All ours are at home.

(The granny brings out a huge package with the words “Let’s get married.”)

Grandfather: What's there, grandma! (The grandma tries to open the envelope, doesn't react to the grandfather) Have you gone deaf?

(He comes up and knocks on the back. A voice in the recording sounds: Knock-knock. Who's there? It's me, Postman Pechkin - from the cartoon "Prostokvashino" No. 8)

Ivanushka: (yells) Mommy!

The granny woke up, and “Oh, if only the dream came true” (No. 9) was playing.

Grandma: Grandpa, Ivanushka, get ready! We're flying to Moscow, to the show "Let's Get Married"! We've been invited!

They leave to the sound of the departing plane #10

(the curtains are closing)

Storyteller: So our heroes flew off to the capital to find a beautiful maiden for Ivan.

(the curtains open)

Recording of the beginning of the program "Let's Get Married" No. 11

Storyteller (behind the scenes): Welcome, and once again on air is the program “Let’s Get Married” and its incomparable host Larisa Guzeeva!

Guzeeva: Good evening, dear ones,

They are all so beautiful,

We're starting the broadcast,

Let's let the groom into the distribution!

Let's find him a bride,

All the brides are already in place,

This is later, but for now

Let's welcome the groom together!

(Ivan comes out)

The groom didn't come to us alone,

I grabbed my grandma and grandpa to support me,

So that I don't suddenly go crazy

There is triple beauty here,

To help me decide,

Who should he marry next?

(The grandfather and the grandmother come out and bow)

Guzeeva: Well, groom, tell us,

How did I end up in this life?

And don't be shy, show it,

Are you rich or poor? hello_html_m63a42467.png

Ivan: Well, I'm a real guy!

I need a wife to match,

I'm tired of walking,

Change girls, feast,

To squander money without doing anything,

So I decided to get married boldly.

Guzeeva: Oh, you are certainly great!

Now let's ask grandpa

Let him tell about you,

We are waiting for an honest answer from grandfather!

Grandfather: Well, what can I say? Our groom is super!

I'll tell you everything slowly,

Hardworking, smart, not stupid,

Open heart and soul...

Guzeeva: Great, then meet the bride,

She is the first in the row...

Song "And I walk all in Dolce & Gabbana" No. 12

Baba enters the stage

Baba Yaga: In the Light of the Winter Sun

I'm walking along the path.

Everyone in the area freezes,

Only after seeing my shadow.

What is it, I don't know,

Something is clearly wrong here!

I am a beauty queen –

It's clear, it's a fact!

Baba Yaga approaches Ivan

I will say one thing about myself -

Beautiful, experienced, of course,

And if you call me to marry you,

That, my dear, you won't regret!

(Ivan hides behind the granny)

Grandma: Vanya is not a wife, she is so ugly! She is not right for us!

Music "I'll give a bride price for you" No. 13

Koschei appears on horseback, waving a saber.

Koschei: I defeated all the villains, and that's great!

Yaga: What happiness that you appeared in my destiny!

Koschei: And I was stunned by your unearthly beauty!

Yaga: Thank you, you're not bad either!

Koschei: Only now did I realize that you are my happiness!

Yaga: This is simply not real!

Koschei: We will get married, and our dreams will come true!

Yaga: Yes, I agree!

Koschei: My spirited horse, take us quickly.

We are waiting for all our friends at the Kochubeevsky registry office!

We will be together forever!

You, my beauty!

Yaga. Oh, yes…!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Goodbye Ivan!!!

They mount their horses and leave to the music, “I’ll give you a bride price.”

Ivanushka: Thank God that Koschei appeared, otherwise I really didn’t know what to do with this terrible beauty!

L.G: Well, okay, we talked,

This bride was escorted out.

And now we invite you

Second! Come in the door.

Music "Sponges with a Bow" No. 14

Kikimora comes out

Kikimora: I was waiting for you so much, dreaming,

Opening the door at night

Well, what should I do? This is who I am!

You are no better, believe me!

Hug me tighter,

Cling to the slender figure.

I am the beautiful Isolde,

Not Ivan – you are my Tristan!

Ivanushka hides behind his grandfather, screaming: “Mommy, how beautiful-o-o-o-o!”

Waves his arms behind his grandfather's back to the song "I'll Never Marry You" No. 15

Song Natural Blonde #16

A water spirit appears

Waterman: (reaches out his hands to the kikimora)

Come with me, my little fish with big eyes.

Come with me, my tall, leggy little thing.

Kikimora: Stepping Back

They leave to the music of “I’m Offended” No. 17

Ivanushka: And the Water Spirit is not as scary as he seemed to me before, but I am left without a bride again!

Grandfather: Vanyusha, don't worry! Not all is lost yet!

Grandma: I'll cheer you up now, Ivanushka! Hey, girlfriends, come out and cheer up my son!

Song "New Year's Toys" No. 18

Larisa G: So, another beauty

It's been waiting for you for an hour now.

Come out to the people quickly.

Our bride number three! Meet her!

Melody "I walked quietly, walked..." No. 19

Little Red Riding Hood comes out

Ivan looks at Little Red Riding Hood with admiration.

L.G: Ivan, just look,

How good our number three is!

Little Red Riding Hood: Are you tired of waiting for me, dear?

Your bride is me!

Beautiful, young and smart,

Well, isn't she a cool wife?

I often go to my grandmother's

I'm still eating and chewing the pies!

Oops! You ate all the pies again!

What should I bring for grandma?

Grandma: Vanyusha, my feeling tells me,

There is no need to take her as a wife!

She eats too much.

I'll eat the whole basket in one sitting!

If you don’t feed her, you’ll squander all your wealth!

Little Red Riding Hood: You're a fool, Ivan!

Ivan: I'm not such a fool!

To go to this marriage!

The lapel of the red cap.

It's time to die.

Ivanushka feels ill (loses consciousness). The old woman waves her hem over him, the old man grabs a broom and waves it from behind.

Grandfather: Son, don't worry so much. Well, the girl is basically okay. Well, she eats a lot! So should we see a nutritionist?

Grandma: You're an old fool!

Ivanushka waves his hands in disagreement.

Ivanushka: That's it! The "Solnyshko" madhouse! These aren't brides, but a museum of unidentified figures. Sometimes Baba Yaga, sometimes Kikimora, sometimes the pie-eater Little Red Riding Hood. I can't take it anymore!

Wolf Song #20

The Wolf appears.

Wolf: (addressing Little Red Riding Hood)

I heard that here, you have

There is a bride - just great,

I came here to get married,

Here she is, my girl!

They leave to the song "Oh God, what a man" No. 21

Ivanushka: Oh, mother, what a disaster!

I will never get married!!!

Suddenly, Snegurochka appears with her friends to the music of “Dance of the Snow Maidens No. 22”

They are dancing.

Ivan: Mommy, who is this?

Grandfather: Wow! What wonderful girls?

Grandma: What beauty!

Guzeeva: This is Snegurochka with her friends.

Ivan: I think I've fallen in love.

Guzeeva: Here comes the bride unexpectedly. Snow Maiden, darling, how do you like our vaunted groom?

Snow Maiden: How good he is! You won't find anyone more beautiful in the whole world!

Ivan: (falls on his knees at her feet) Snow Maiden, my dear, will you be my wife?

Snow Maiden: I agree, Vanyusha, to be your wife, but I need to get the blessing of my beloved Grandfather Frost! My friends and I are looking for him right now. He got lost somewhere here in Moscow.

Snegurochka addresses the children: Children, let's call Grandfather Frost! (three times)

Freeze Dance #23

During the dance, Santa Claus appears.

Santa Claus: Wow! I'm coming, I'm coming!

I'm in a hurry! I'm in a hurry!

Hello, my friends!

From their dense forests

I walked here for a long time to see you.

Am I late? Did I get there in the right place?

There is a full hall here

There will be a glorious holiday here,

I see the guys are waiting.

And my granddaughter is here too,

Here is Ivan and his family.

And Guzeeva Larisa

The TV has gathered everyone here!

Why aren't the lights on your Christmas tree lit?

Guys, repeat after me.

Come on, tree, perk up (three claps)

Come on, Christmas tree, smile (three claps)

Come on, tree, one, two, three! (all - one, two, three 3 claps)

Light up the Christmas tree!

Ivan takes Snegurochka by the arm and approaches Father Frost

Ivan: Grandfather Frost bless us.

Father Frost: (addressing Ivan)

We won't give up Snegurochka just like that, right guys?

She is smart and beautiful, and she dances and sings.

How will you surprise us, Ivan?

Ivan: Two from the box, identical in appearance!

Ivan's Dance #24

Santa Claus: Well done, Ivan! A real groom!

Ivanushka: My dear! Now we will be together!

Mendelssohn March No. 25

They hug. Holding hands, they walk across the stage, bowing to the audience.

All participants come out on stage, Father Frost in front.

Santa Claus: Believe in miracles! Fall in love, dream!

Anyway, guys, go for it, go for it.

And even though the year of the rooster is coming.

May it bring you good luck forever!

Let laughter and joy enter your home,

Happy New Year to all! And Merry Christmas!

The final song is played - "Happy New Year to all". No. 26

Firecrackers, tinsel, and balloons are released.

A New Year's fairy tale with a modern twist

Official congratulations on the year of the Snake 2024

The Merry Storyteller:

In one fairy-tale forest there were houses.
This fairytale meadow was beautiful!
The residents of those houses did not like to put themselves on display,
But it is precisely about them that our story will be about!
This incident happened on New Year's Eve,
When one of the residents found Santa Claus near his hut.
And this resident's name was Ivan the Fool,
But then he immediately understood what was going on!
Ivan took out his phone and started calling,
To notify all the neighbors!

Ivan (speaking into the phone):

Hello, Malvina? It's me!
Ivan is a fool. How are you doing?
Okay, that's not what I wanted to ask about now.
So, I was on my way to take out the trash in the morning.
I see Santa Claus lying near the fence,
And he started calling you right away!
No, it’s clear that I’m a fool,
After all, they call me a fool for a reason!
And the real Santa Claus is lying by the fence,
And what should I do, how should I deal with him?
Okay, fine, I'll wait for now.
Listen, could you bring some wine with you?

The Merry Storyteller:

Ivan began to wait for Malvina,
Yes, to walk back and forth to warm up.
Ivan sees Baba Yaga coming,
And he carries something with him in a bottle.

Ivan the Fool:

Baba Yaga! Come here!
Show me what's in your bottles, will you?
And I'll show you Santa Claus.
Just like the real thing, right here in the snow!

Baba Yaga approached Ivan.

Baba Yaga:

Why didn't you pick it up, you fool?
He'll freeze, didn't you know?

Ivan the Fool:

So how does it freeze? After all, it is frost?
Yes, Yaga, it looks like you've frozen more than just your nose!
Let's better decide what to do with him.
Who are we going to give it to now?

Baba Yaga:

I have living water with me,
I don't know if she will help him now?
Okay, I'll try, I'll splash it on him now.
Hold me, or I'll fall!

Baba Yaga splashes something from her bottle onto Santa Claus.
Santa Claus opens his eyes, holds his head and stands up.

Father Frost:

Oh, my head, my head!
I don't remember how I got here!?
And I still can’t remember who I am,
I must have gotten into some kind of trouble!

Malvina approaches.


Oh, and indeed, Santa Claus is real!
And I already thought Ivan had completely lost his mind!
Santa Claus, hello, how are you?
Tell me how you ended up here with us?

Father Frost:
Who is Santa Claus? Is it me?
Oh, I don’t remember anything at all, that’s a shame.


Who are you? You are Santa Claus!
See the bag, you carried presents for the children in it!
And how I got here, I won’t say,
I can't help you here in any way.

Father Frost:

Well, well, well. I'm Santa Claus!
Did I bring presents to the children in a bag?!
Let's look in the bag,
Maybe my clues are in it.

Santa Claus takes felt boots out of his bag.

Father Frost:

Valenki? Who are they a gift to?
They won't fit on any child's feet!

Ivan the Fool:

Wow, felt boots! And my size!
Thanks for bringing them with you!
I've been waiting for felt boots as a gift for a long time,
My feet are freezing, I just can’t stand it!


So it was you who made a wish,
So that Santa Claus brings you some felt boots?

Ivan the Fool:

So I asked not only for myself,
Look, there's a crocodile in the bag!
Okay, okay, I'm kidding.
I asked for a dress for you!

Santa Claus takes a dress out of his bag.

Father Frost:

And indeed, the dress is here,
And also some kind of green mixture.

Ivan the Fool:

This is green stuff for Baba Yaga,
So that she could lubricate her feet.
She has become quite old,
He walks, creaks, and annoys everyone here!

Baba Yaga:

But you, a fool, asked for gifts.
Why did you bring Santa Claus?
How are we going to send it back?
You know, that it doesn’t come out of our fairy tale?!!!

Father Frost:

Oh, oh, oh. What a disaster!
I remembered, because I have her very soon,
I'm hosting a Christmas tree for the children,
But it looks like I won’t be able to get to them anymore!

Ivan the Fool:

You will get where you need to be on time,
And you will hold a Christmas party for the children.
After all, I also asked for a flying carpet for you,
You see, I haven't forgotten about you at all!
And you always forget about us,
We also want a New Year's holiday!
So first we have to bring the Christmas tree,
And then fly freely wherever you need to!

Father Frost:

If that's the case, I'll stay with you,
And I will put on a New Year's tree for you.
We will celebrate the New Year together,
And we will see out the old year together!

Everyone leaves the stage.

The Merry Storyteller:

Our fairy tale is coming to an end,
But here's what else I'll tell you:
New Year is a holiday for everyone!
So have fun and let your laughter ring out loud!

The Bremen Town Musicians in a New Way

Official congratulations on the year of the Snake 2024


  • Troubadour the Younger;
  • Troubadour the Elder;
  • The dog is old;
  • The dog is young;
  • Senior Cat;
  • Junior Cat;
  • Elder Rooster;
  • Junior Rooster;
  • Young Ataman and her gang.

Act One

Troubadour_junior: "Dad, I'm so bored. Let's go for a walk. Let's go travel, see the world."

Troubadour Senior: "You know, son, I traveled a lot in my younger years, but now I want to sit at home. Especially since I'm writing memoirs about my adventures. And you go to my old friends, they've probably missed the adventures. They all live nearby, only the Donkey has gone away on business." (They leave the stage).

Act II

A family of dogs at the dinner table. Troubadour Jr. appears at the door.

Troubadour_junior: "Hello. I'm going on a long journey, would you like to go with me to conquer distant lands."

Senior Dog: "Hi, I can't. I'm very busy. I'm whipping up a new movie script. Would you like to take your son along with you? He's a jack of all trades: he can light a fire, cook dinner, fight off enemies, and sing a song."

Younger dog: "Indeed, take it. I'll be happy to go on the road."

They leave the stage. The action takes place in the Cat's house. The younger Troubadour and the younger Dog enter the Cat's house. (The Cat - the father is hung with gold chains, talking on the phone).

Cat - father: "What's the bitcoin rate? Dump stocks urgently. Very urgently and buy oil. Urgently."

Troubadour_junior: "Hello, I see you are very busy. But maybe you want to remember your youth and go on a trip"?

Cat - father: "No, no, no. I'm already with the tar for this and very busy. Maybe my son will keep you company."

Cat - son: "Yes, I would be happy to."

Joins the travelers. Everyone leaves the stage.

The action then takes place in the rooster's mansion.

Junior Dog: "Hello, loudmouth. How are you?"

Rooster - son: "Oh, I'm just sitting here, bored. Father left for a meeting of the upper house, and left me to guard the house."

Youngest dog: "Come travel with us. We'll see the world and show ourselves."

Rooster - son: "Let's go. It will be more fun than Bali anyway."

Troubadour_junior: "Friends, let's rehearse." (They sing the Bremensky song. musicians).

Act Three

A gang of robbers led by Atamansha appears in the clearing.

Ataman: "Stop, don't move. Empty your pockets. Put your phone and bank cards on the barrel. Quickly."

Troubadour Jr.: "Well, who robs like that? Who robs like that? Let's do it this way: if you guess our riddle, then we'll give it all back ourselves, and if not, then let us go in peace."

Dog - son:

"He walks with one leg,

Turns his blue head,

Shows everyone the countries,

"Cities and Oceans".

The robbers shrug their shoulders in confusion...

Rooster - son: "Aha, you guessed wrong. And this is a globe. Every schoolchild knows about it. Let us go. You promised."

Ataman: “Well, I’ll be damned, little children fooled me, a seasoned robber.”

Troubadour_junior: "Don't be upset. I see you're so athletic. Come with us to Bremen. You'll be our backup dancers. So, do you agree?"

The robbers agree. A song is played, everyone dances to the music. Curtain.

The tale Masha and the Bear in a new way

New Year's Tales in a New Way for the New Year 2024

Well, who doesn't remember this funny couple. But the fairy tale will be even funnier if you add "modern notes" to it. By the way, such a New Year's scenario is suitable for adults and schoolchildren from grades 1 to 11.


Happy New Year!

Both big and small.

We wish happiness to everyone and goodness

And frosty clear days!

May your dreams come true

To everyone's surprise.


And now you will see,

Our performance!

The "New Year's Song" from the cartoon "Masha and the Bear" is playing.

Masha: Mishka, Mishka, did you take the balloons? (Misha nods)

Masha: Mishka, Mishka, what kind of balloons? (Misha shows)

Masha: Mishka, Mishka, will Santa Claus bring presents? (Misha nods)

Masha: And soon?

The bear nods his head.

Masha: Mishka, Mishka, is there a top?

The bear takes out a Christmas tree top in the form of an icicle and shows it.

Masha: And I don’t want such a top...

The bear takes out a star.

Masha: I don’t want one like that either!!!

The bear clutches his head

Masha: I want a snowflake!!! I want it, I want it, I want it!!!!!

Masha stamps her feet, Mishka shakes his head, he doesn’t agree.

Voice behind the scenes.

Snow Queen: Ha-ha-ha!! There will be no New Year!!! Ha-ha-ha!!!!

Mishka nods his head, okay, takes his hand and they go... (to the music from the cartoon "Masha and the Bear")

Voice behind the scenes.


The tale is quickly told,

But things don't get done quickly.

Whether they walked long or short,

On that way we met,

The people are cheerful and mischievous

He's not stingy with fortune telling!!!

Music is playing. The song "Fortune Teller"

Scene 2. Meeting with the gypsies.

On stage, students from grades 10-11 are dancing with cards. Nadezhda Kabykhno is singing a song.

Lyrics to the song "Fortune Teller".

Fashion changes every day,

But as long as the white light stands

The gypsy woman with the old deck

At least one client will be found.

In anticipation of impossible miracles,

At least someone will knock on her door

And she will spread out and spread out

Their noble kings!


Well, what can I say, what can I say...

People are designed like this:

They want to know, they want to know,

They want to know what will happen;

What can I say, what can I say!

People are designed like this:

They want to know, they want to know,

They want to know what will happen!


Come on, girl, let me tell your fortune.

What awaits you on your journey..

(reads fortunes by hand)

I wish you well!

Pause. Shakes head.

You need to go to the water spirit……..

The path is long and difficult.

But you can't turn away from it!!

Step forward boldly.

Be careful not to yawn.

Only the old waterman,

The path will show you another one.

Masha: Mishka, Mishka, this is where we need to go.

Mishka shakes his head as if he doesn’t understand.

Gypsy: Today is a special day,

The New Year is coming soon!

And gifts for all the kids,

Soon, soon it will bring!!!!

Happy New Year!

I wish you happiness and joy….

And as a gift, here is a potion for you.

For a wonderful accomplishment!

For the voice to appear...

Mishka has learned to talk!!!!!!!

Masha: Oh, Mishka, drink faster!!!!!

(Mishka drinks and gets a voice.)

While the Bear is drinking, the gypsy woman quietly leaves.

Mishka clears his throat and says: Now I have a voice!!!

And there is no one to thank!!!

Masha: Well, don't worry, maybe we'll meet them again, let's go faster!!!!!!!!!!!!! New Year's is coming soon, and our Christmas tree isn't decorated!!!!!!!!!!!

Music from the cartoon "Masha and the Bear". The heroes continue their journey.

Scene 3. Meeting with the Water Spirit.

Song "I am a Water Spirit, I am a Water Spirit." (The Water Spirit sings a song + dance with seaweed (high school girls dance)

I am the Water One, I am the Water One

I wish someone would talk to me

And then my girlfriends

Leeches and frogs...ugh! What disgusting stuff!


Hey, my life is tin!!!

To hell with her!

I live like a toadstool,

And I have to fly,

And I have to fly,

I want to fly!!

I am the Water One, I am the Water One!

Nobody hangs out with me

There is water inside me.

Why hang out with me?


Oh, my life is a tin can!!!

To hell with her!

I live like a toadstool

And I have to fly,

And I have to fly,

I want to fly!!

Masha: He's singing away!!!

Enough, enough!!


Misha: Hello, hello, Water Spirit!

Here we come to you with greetings!

To ask you about this,

How can we find our way?

And where should we go?

We wanted to know the way from you,

Masha: Indeed, indeed!!!

Waterman: What are you looking for, friends?

How can I help you???

Masha: Where can we find a snowflake?

And where should we go????

Waterman: I can't tell you,

Where can you find it?

But I advise you to go,

And I'll find you Yagus,

She will show you the way!!!!!!!!!!!!

Will explain and tell you everything!!!!

Scene 4. Meeting with Baba Yaga.

Scenery on stage: Baba Yaga's hut, forest. The song "Unmarried" is playing

Baba Yaga sings and dances. (High school girls hold painted huts and dance with them...)

Baba Yaga's Song

Verse: Oh, I was looking for suitors,

Broke my heels

Oh, I've seen men,

But I only need one...

Who has such a golden character

Arms, legs - everything is with him

And a house full of wealth!


And I'm unmarried,

Koshchei really needs it!

You should have fussed

And he married Yaga...

And I am desired,

The long-awaited bride

If you want a holiday,

I'll think of something...

Baba Yaga: I accidentally heard……….

You won't find a snowflake,

I saw her a long time ago,

Only you can't come to her.

And I can help you!

I have just one request for you.

You take the gift

And ask for directions further.

And you should go to Koschei

I don’t dare detain you… (leaves)

Masha and the Bear move on.

Music from the cartoon "Masha and the Bear" is playing.

Scene 5. Meeting with Koschei the Deathless.

On stage there is a decoration: a snowy forest.

Song of Kashchei (to the music of the group "Leningrad")

1. He will reveal his insidious plan

Evil, merciless Koschei

Hey, people, take Yagulka

And bring him into the house quickly!

Chorus: To Yagulechka as a wife

I really want to take it!

2.Oh, how beautiful Yagulka is,

How loudly he sings!

Will see the riches of Koschei

And she'll get married quickly!!!

Chorus: To Yagulechka as a wife

I really want to take it!

I'll have a great life with Yagulechka!!! (sings and dances)

Masha: Hello, Uncle Koschei! (timidly)

Give us a snowflake quickly!

Voiceover of the Snow Queen: If Koschei gave something, he would hang himself sooner! HA-HA-HA

Bear: Greetings from Yaga (gives a gift)

Is there a Snowflake or not!

Masha: I really, really need to know.

Where to find a snowflake!!

Bear: We can't start without her.

Celebrate the holiday with Masha!!!

Koschei: Okay, okay, don't shout!

I'll think about it, wait!

Oh, what a present! Awesome! I'm so happy with the iPhone!!!

But there is still no snowflake!!!

Masha: I want it! I want it! (being capricious)

Koschei: Information for you: go to the Queen at this very hour, on foot!

Masha: Mishka, let's run!!! (music from "Masha and the Bear")

Scene 6. The King and the Princess.

The King and the Princess. Song "The King and the Princess Duet" (sing and dance)


Oh, my poor little daughter!

Well, look how thin the figure has become!

I will cover you with care!

Princess :

-I don't want anything!!!


You are in a hysterical state,

Eat this dietary egg, my daughter.

Or maybe we should see a doctor?

Princess :

I don't want anything!!! (Seeing the guests, the song stops)


Where did you come from?

Have they broken into our mansion?

Come on, get out of here quickly,

Otherwise, things will be bad for you!

Guard!………………………………… Listen to the command:

Clear the premises at once!


Daddy, don't be angry!

They burst in, they burst in!!!

This way you'll scare away all the guests,

You're performing a song.

(the song continues...they continue singing and dancing)


Oh, my poor little princess,

Foreign singers will be here soon.

Choose anyone - I'll pay for everything!!!

Princess :

I don't want anything!!!

Masha: And I want New Year!!! I cry and scream loudly!!!

Princess: Dad, help them!!!

King: Daughter, take care of your nerves!!! Should I give you a ton of chocolate?

Misha: We really need Snowflake!

Masha: I really, really need to know where to find Snowflake!

They sent us to the queen and promised us a snowflake!

King: Alas! There is a princess and a king! There is no queen! If you please!

Masha: Bear! Guard! End!

Princess: Help them, father!

King: Help! Easy to say! I can tell you a riddle!

This woman is beautiful,

Her beauty is dangerous.

He can destroy with a glance,

The heart will freeze in an instant.

For she is full of deceit,

Into her icy kingdom,

If someone gets in,

That will probably disappear.

Who is this beauty?

What is famous for its treachery? (guess)


If you go there,

You will find a snowflake there.

Scene 7. The Snow Queen.

Music is playing. The Snow Queen's song.

Girls in white costumes dance the snowflake dance.


I'm alone………

Beautiful and young,

Lord of Snow and Ice……

Just me…………………….


Everybody!! Stop!!

Everyone!! Shut up!!

I hate heat!!

Care. Affection, kindness.

Everybody go to bed!!!

My icy...can't be melted.

You…….my hour has come!

I'm canceling the holiday.

And I won't give it to you

Magic crystal………

Masha (looking out from behind the Bear):

We don't need your crystal!!!

We came for the snowflake!!

Snow Queen: Ha-ha-ha!!! They don't need the crystal!!!

Misha: addressing the audience) Children, who can help us?

(Father Frost and Snow Maiden come out and sing the song "New Year's Toys")

Father Frost:

Oh, I'm in a hurry! Oh, I'm running!

Old me, stuck in the snow!

It's good that my granddaughter is nearby,

Helps the old man.

Snow Maiden:

In the kingdom of the Snow Queen

All the roads are covered in snow.

The snow is fluffy, light, white,

It's easy to get lost here.

Santa Claus: There you go again!

Got angry, started to run!!!

How do you greet your guests?

Or are you offending everyone again???

Snow Queen:

I am the queen of frost and ice!!

I am the only one in the world like this……..

Masha: We know, we know you!!!!

Let there be only one like you!!!

We walked to you for so long,

We are so tired on the road!!!

Bear: Do a good deed at least once!!

Snow Queen:

I will improve, believe me,

I will start a new life!

I will become better and kinder,

I won't let you all down!


Magic music plays. The Queen gives Masha a magic snowflake.

(The remixed song "Snowflake" plays. All the characters come out and sing the final song.)

When the young year comes,

And the old one goes into the distance,

Hide the fragile snowflake in your palm,

Make a wish.

Look with hope into the night blue,

Do not squeeze your palm tightly,

And ask for everything you dreamed about,

Make a wish and make a wish.


And New Year,

What is about to come,

Will make your dream come true in an instant,

If the snowflake doesn't melt,

It won't melt in your palm,

While the clock strikes twelve.

While the clock strikes twelve.


When the young year comes,

And the old man goes away,

Any dream can come true -

This is such a night.

Everything will become quiet and freeze around

In anticipation of new days,

And the snowflake will suddenly turn into a snowflake

Firebird in your hand.


And New Year,

What is about to come,

Will make your dream come true in an instant,

If the snowflake doesn't melt,

It won't melt in your palm,

While the clock strikes twelve.

While the clock strikes twelve.

And New Year,

What is about to come,

Will make your dream come true in an instant,

If the snowflake doesn't melt,

It won't melt in your palm,

While the clock strikes twelve.

While the clock strikes twelve.

While the clock strikes twelve.

While the clock strikes twelve.

A funny fairy tale "Turnip" in a new way

Official congratulations on the year of the Snake 2024

Be careful!

The 1st player will be a turnip. When the leader says the word "turnip", the player must say "Oba-na" or "Oba-na, that's what I am..."

The 2nd player will be the grandfather. When the leader says the word "grandfather", the player must say "I would kill" or "I would kill, e-mae"

The 3rd player will be the granny. When the leader says the word "grandmother", the player must say "Oops" or "Where are my 17 years?"

The 4th player will be the granddaughter. When the leader says the word "granddaughter", the player must say "I'm not ready yet" or "I'm not ready"

The 5th player will be the Bug. When the host says the word "Bug", the player must say "Woof-woof" or "You guys are fucking awesome!"

The 6th player will be a cat. When the leader says the word "cat", the player must say "Meow-meow" or "Get the dog off the court! I'm allergic to its fur! I can't work without valerian!"

The 7th player will be the mouse. When the leader says the word "mouse", the player must say "Pee-pee" or "It's okay, may the mosquito bite you!"

The game begins, the host tells a story, and the players voice it.

Host: Dear viewers! Would you like to see a fairy tale in a new way?

Surprisingly familiar, but with some additions... in one, very rural, area, very far from being known, there lived an old man.

(Grandfather appears).

Grandfather: I would kill you, damn it!

Presenter: and the grandfather planted a turnip.

(Turnip emerges)

Turnip: Oh wow! That's what I'm like!

Presenter: Our turnip has grown very, very big!

(Repka emerges from behind the curtain)

Turnip: Wow, that's what I'm like!

Presenter: Grandfather began to pull the turnip.

Grandfather: (sticking his head out from behind the curtain) I'd kill you, damn it!

Turnip: Wow, that's what I'm like!

Presenter: Grandfather called Grandmother.

Grandfather: I would kill you, damn it!

Grandma (emerging above the curtain): Where are my 17 years?!

Presenter: The old lady came...

Grandma: Where are my 17 years?

Presenter: Granny for grandpa...

Grandfather: I would kill you, damn it!

Presenter: Grandpa grabs a turnip...

Turnip: Wow, that's what I'm like!

Presenter: They pull and pull, but they can’t pull it out. Granny calls…


Grandma: Where are my 17 years?

Presenter: Granddaughter!

Granddaughter: I'm not ready yet!

Presenter: Didn't put on lipstick? Your granddaughter is here...

Granddaughter: I'm not ready yet!

Presenter: took on Granny...

Grandma: Where are my 17 years?

Presenter: Grandma for Grandpa...

Grandpa: I would kill you, damn it!

Presenter: Grandpa grabs a turnip...

Turnip: Wow, that's what I'm like!

Presenter: They pull and pull, but they can’t pull it out... Granddaughter calls...

Granddaughter: I'm not ready!

Presenter: Bug!

Beetle: Well, damn, you guys are something, a dog's job!

Presenter: Beetle came running...

Beetle: Well, damn, you guys are something, a dog's job...

Presenter: I took on the Granddaughter...

Granddaughter:: I'm not ready...

Presenter: Granddaughter for Grandma...

Grandma: Where are my 17 years?

Presenter: Grandma for Grandpa...

Grandfather: I would kill you, damn it!

Presenter: Grandpa for the Turnip...

Turnip: Wow, that's what I'm like!

Presenter: They pull and pull, but they can’t pull it out... Bug took it...

Beetle: Well, damn, you guys are something, a dog's job!

Presenter: A cat!

Cat: Get the dog off the playground! I'm allergic to its fur! I can't work without valerian!

Presenter: The cat came running and grabbed Zhuchka...

Beetle: Well, damn, you guys are something, a dog's job!

Presenter: : The bug squealed...

Beetle: (squealing) Well, damn, you guys are doing a dog's job!

Presenter: took on her granddaughter...

Granddaughter: I'm not ready...

Presenter: Granddaughter – for Granny...

Grandma: Where are my 17 years?

Presenter: Grandma – for Grandpa…

Grandfather: I would kill you, damn it!

Presenter: Grandpa - grab the turnip...

Turnip: Wow!

Presenter: : They pull and pull, but they can't pull it out. Suddenly, Mouse appears from the barn with a wide gait...

Mouse: Everything's okay, may Mosquito gore you?

Presenter: She went out to relieve herself and did it under the Cat.

Cat: Take the dog away. I'm allergic to fur, without valerian I can't work!

Presenter: How he screamed with indignation... Mouse... Mouse: Everything is okay, may a mosquito gore you?

Presenter: grabbed the Cat, the Cat...

Cat: Take the dog away, I'm allergic to his fur, I can't work without valerian!

Presenter: The cat grabbed Zhuchka again...

Beetle: Well, damn, you guys are something, a dog's job!

Presenter: The bug grabbed hold of its granddaughter...

Granddaughter: I'm not ready...

Presenter: The granddaughter is flying to her grandmother...

Grandma: Where are my 17 years?

Presenter: Granny gave Grandpa a hard time...

Grandfather: Oh my god, I would have killed him!

Presenter: then the mouse got angry, pushed the people aside, grabbed the tops tightly and got the root vegetable! Yes, apparently, by all appearances, this is not an ordinary mouse!

Mouse: Everything's okay, may a mosquito bite you?

Turnip: Wow, that's what I'm like...

(The turnip jumps out and falls. Wiping away tears, the turnip hits the floor with its cap.)