Official schedule of banks for New Year holidays in January 2025

Official life in the country traditionally comes to a standstill during the New Year holidays. Schools, offices, and government organizations go on vacation.

In the coming year, the period from January 1 to January 8 has been declared a non-working period. However, this does not apply to all financial institutions, they have their own schedule.

Let's clarify from what date banks work in January 2024. It may happen that during the holiday rush there will be a need to make a payment or urgently send a transfer to relatives.

Official holidays in January 2025

The total duration of the New Year holidays varies from year to year.. The holidays of January 1 and January 7 remain unchanged. Almost the entire country is on holiday from January 1 to January 8, but since banks work during the New Year holidays 2025 in Russia, or rather, duty branches, their services remain available from January 3 to January 6.

It is not recommended to plan financial payments and other transactions through an operator on January 1, 2, and 7. Sberbank branches continue to receive visitors at airports, but provide only the most necessary services. In addition, it should be borne in mind that on December 31 and January 6, the working day is shortened by an hour as a pre-holiday.

The organization has the right to declare December 31, which falls on Saturday, a day off. Offices with a five-day week will not open on the last day of the year. For departments with a six-day week, the shift will be shortened.

Specific decisions regarding the number of non-working days and the hourly schedule are made immediately before the holiday. By Government Resolution, Sunday, January 1, is moved as a day off to February 24, so January 2 may also be a working day for some bank branches.

Each of the bank's branches has its own schedule for the holiday period. The exact opening hours can be found at:

  • on the bank's website at the branch address;
  • in the mobile application;
  • by calling the hotline;
  • in place closer to December 31st.

Employees usually post notices about schedule changes in advance. Call lines for individuals and organizations differ at some banks. Short phone numbers are convenient for quick connection, for example, 900 at Sberbank, 400 at Gazprombank.

How do banks work during the New Year holidays 2025 in Russia for individuals?

Several branches in large cities and 1 or 2 in small towns are designated as duty branches for servicing during the New Year holidays. How banks will operate in January 2024 depends on the number of visitors and the volume of transactions. In this case, the bank's management acts in the interests of its clients.

Services available:

  • receiving a card ordered before the holidays, provided that the branch whose address was indicated on the application is open on duty;
  • blocking or unblocking an account;
  • registration of insurance;
  • currency exchange;
  • making a payment;
  • receiving social benefits, bank statements, applying for a loan.

The decision on issuing a loan will be made in the first working days after the holidays, since the credit committee is on holiday for the first week of the coming year. You can order a card during the New Year holidays, but you will only be able to receive it after 9.01.

Large amounts may not be available for withdrawal unless you order them in advance.Before the holiday weekend, employees carry out cash collection and cash remains in limited quantities.

Taxes and fees in favor of the state are accepted by operators from January 8. State organizations do not work in the first week of the year, and banks do not have the right to keep money for a future payment. Payments scheduled for the first days of the year are automatically transferred to the second week of the month without accrual of penalties.

ATMs and terminals will continue to operate around the clock. Although the main rush in the terminals ends with the onset of the holiday, banking services monitor to replenish banknotes in a timely manner. If necessary, you can cash out money from your card at any time, pay for a purchase.

How do banks work during the New Year holidays 2025 in Russia for legal entities?

Organizations should take into account that the operating hours of banks during the 2025 New Year holidays differ from those intended for private citizens. As of 31.01.2024, services will not be provided to legal entities.. You can contact operators only from 01/08/2024. The staff has the exact information.

To ensure that banking operations remain available, it is necessary to check the relevance of the data on the server. The last day for receiving consultations, changing details before long holidays is December 30.

After the 8th, when banks will operate as usual in January 2025, services will be fully resumed.

How will operations be carried out during the New Year holidays?

Regardless of the production calendar, the following operations are carried out:

  • automatically processed transfer between bank accounts;
  • crediting to the account;
  • business registration;
  • opening an individual entrepreneur or personal account;
  • ruble payments;
  • cash withdrawal via terminal 24/7.

Customs operations are limited, and payments in foreign currency to other banks and organizations, as well as transfers to citizens from legal entities, are not carried out.

The decision on the loan application is made after the end of the holidays, but in Sberbank you can get a consumer loan for current expenses. The submitted application is reviewed by artificial intelligence, which can approve it regardless of the day of the week and time of day.

If the deposit term expires on a holiday, it is automatically extended until 8.01 while maintaining the interest rate.

Will internet banking work?

Traditionally, financial institutions serve clients through online services and do so around the clock. The days of the coming New Year are no exception.

Transfer operations between accounts, client cards and within a credit institution are available from a personal account and directly from the organization’s website.

External transfers will be made after the end of the holiday week. Payments can be made, but the bank will execute them after returning to normal operating mode.