One of the main and most ancient Orthodox holidays is the Presentation of the Lord in 2025

Orthodox believers honor religious holidays. Among the most important and ancient is the Meeting of the Lord. It is celebrated in winter and they remember that on this day the Holy Mother of God and Joseph brought the baby Jesus to the Jerusalem temple.

Before the birth of Christ, people lived in anticipation of the Messiah and meeting him was long-awaited for everyone. There are many traditions and customs associated with the holiday. Naturally, the essence lies not in blind observance, but in the purification of the soul, the desire to find peace and the search for the righteous path.

What date is the Meeting of the Lord in 2024? How to prepare and celebrate the holiday, about the history and much more in this article.

The Meeting of the Lord – what kind of holiday is it?

Translated from Church Slavonic, Sretenie means “meeting”The righteous elder Simeon was one of the 72 scholars who translated the Holy Scriptures from Hebrew into Greek.

While working on the book, he began to doubt the words of the prophet Isaiah about the coming of the Savior and decided to correct the text. However, an angel stopped him and made a prophecy that Simeon would not die until he saw the Messiah.

40 days after the baby was born, Mary and Joseph brought the newborn Jesus to the church. They had to fulfill all the requirements of the law and bring a sacrifice to the Lord. Simeon met them at the entrance and it was revealed to him from above that the long-awaited Messiah was in the hands of the woman.

He spoke words that are repeated at every evening service in the Orthodox Church. Simeon predicted that the baby would cause “the fall and rise of many in Israel” and bring suffering to Mary. Thus was proclaimed the beginning of a new era – the presence of God among His children.

However, this is not the only meeting.. On this day, the prophetess Anna, who lived at the temple, came to Mary. She bowed to Christ, and then announced to the people the coming of the Savior. These events are described in the Gospel of Luke 2:22-40.

On the Feast of the Presentation of the Lord in 2025, all believers celebrate that God literally entered the world and became physically present among His people. He took on human nature to reconcile with Himself people who had wandered away from the Source of life.

Traditions and rituals

Until the 6th century, the holiday was celebrated modestly.However, in 528, an earthquake in Antioch took many lives. An epidemic of plague followed. Several thousand people died every day.

However, on the feast of the Meeting of the Lord, a prayer service was held with a request for deliverance from all troubles, and the illness retreated. After this, the church established a more solemn celebration of the Meeting of the Lord.

So they began to go around houses with the icon of the "Meeting of the Lord". After going around, the whole family knelt down and prayed. Children addressed the Sun so that it would bring Spring. And if on this day before sunset it peeked out from behind the clouds, then the children brought home news of the imminent arrival of Spring. However, if the Sun did not appear, then severe frosts were expected.

On this holiday it is customary to take care of domestic animals, birds, fruit trees and seed grains.. It is believed that the wind on Sretenie shakes evil spirits off the trees and ensures a good harvest of fruits. Therefore, there is a custom - after Sretenie matins to shake tree branches with hands.

On this day, festive services are held in Orthodox churches. Believers pray for the health and well-being of their relatives. In general, the holiday allows for fun and joy throughout the day.

Candles are blessed, which the believers then take home, light while reading prayers, and carry around the table. It is believed that candles protect the house from fire, lightning, and hail.

They are credited with the magical ability to drive away evil spirits. In the old days, the Sretensky candle was given to a dying person and lit during attacks of illness.

What date is the Presentation of the Lord in 2025?

In the coming year, Orthodox Christians will celebrate the holiday on February 15. Catholics - February 2. Protestants also celebrate the Meeting of the Lord and celebrate on the same day as Orthodox believers. The date does not shift every year, because it is tied to Christmas.

However, if February 15 coincides with the day of Lent, the service is held on the eve of the holiday. About a month after the Meeting of the Lord, the fast begins, calling on all people to repent of their sins and cleanse their souls.


The holiday has great significance in the Orthodox religion.. In Rus', this is the first day of the meeting of Spring. People used to say that during the Meeting of the Lord, Winter and Spring meet. There is a belief that on February 15, these two seasons compete with each other and measure their strength.

It is from this day until March 18 that the turning point of Winter occurs. In the old days, peasants baked pies in the shape of larks on this day. The tradition has survived to this day in Russia. It symbolizes the end of the cold weather and the onset of the warm season.

Signs say that:

  • if you go on a trip on Sretenie, you won’t be returning home for a long time;
  • if you leave money in the kitchen or put it on the table, wealth will flow out of the house and you will have to save strictly all year;
  • you can't quarrel over money, no matter how important the reason may be;
  • losing money from your wallet or pocket foretells good luck;
  • You can't pick up money found on the road, it won't bring you happiness;
  • if the debtor has returned the previously borrowed amount, then this is a good sign and you can expect profit soon;
  • Sretenskaya water helps to fulfill any cherished wish - to do this, you need to pour it into a glass, say your dream out loud and make a wish for it to come true.

Weather signs:

  • if on February 15 the sky is clear and starry, there will be a good fruit harvest and a lot of honey, but Spring may come late;
  • whatever the weather is like on the Meeting of the Lord, it will remain like that until the end of Spring;
  • on February 15th, a thaw and drips from the roof mean a warm spring and a good wheat harvest;
  • if the weather is bad, the year will be a poor harvest;
  • snow on Sretenie – Spring will be long and rainy;
  • If the cold weather comes, the spring will be cold.

On the evening of February 15, you can put food in the yard for homeless cats or dogs. If the animals come to the food the next day, the coming year will be successful.

If a relative dies on a holiday, you can remember that at this time the gates to heaven open and take comfort. However, getting sick on a holiday is a bad sign. You can pay attention to the candles, if they burn evenly and calmly, then there will be no health problems.

However, if the flame flickers, it indicates upcoming illnesses. Before going to bed, you can put a container with Sretensky water at the head of the bed. If it darkens by morning, it means that the person has been cursed.

Attention! A person born on February 15 is guided by two passions: love and stubbornness.

What should not be done on the Meeting of the Lord?

On a holiday, any work is prohibited except for those that serve the benefit of people.. Making money is considered a sinful occupation. The exception is professions aimed at helping people. Ideally, only doctors, firefighters and rescuers should work on this day.

There is a ban on all household chores. It is better not to plan cleaning the house or doing laundry. It is advisable to postpone all heavy and dirty work to another day. This is done in order to devote time to prayers and visiting the church on the holiday.

The anxiety, fuss and irritability that is often associated with any work will only distract and interfere. On this day, it is better not to have noisy parties and drink a lot of alcohol..

On the Meeting of the Lord in 2025, it is not recommended to go on trips, it is better to spend time with family. This is a time of communication with loved ones. The whole family can gather at the table, and prepare pancakes for a treat. However, you can try them only after the first star appears.

You must not quarrel or sort things out, swear, offend loved ones, gossip or slander. Foul language destroys a person's connection with God and deprives him of protection. In addition, one must not be sad or depressed on the Meeting of the Lord.

Previously, there was a ban on bathing, because this process took a lot of time and effort. Chopping wood, heating the bathhouse, carrying water was hard work, so people preferred to wash the day before. And the holiday was celebrated with a clean soul and body. Weddings are not held on Candlemas.

Postcards and greetings for the Presentation of the Lord 2024

You can make a congratulation to your family and friends on the Meeting of the Lord 2025 in pictures, poetry and prose. It is important that it conveys sincere feelings and wishes. When the Meeting of the Lord in 2025 approaches, you need to prepare a congratulation in advance.

You can choose the following:

  1. I wish you to gain a true understanding of your path on this day. May health become your faithful companion for many years, and may the heavenly powers protect you.
  2. We wish you not to doubt your faith, to do good deeds, to ask for forgiveness and to forgive. Harmony, joy and goodness in life.

A great option for congratulations on the Presentation of the Lord in 2025 is a postcard. It can be supplemented with a signature:

  1. May God protect you from troubles and bad weather.
  2. Will give longevity and happiness.
  3. Let joy close the road to despondency and let hope and love not leave you.
  4. Let the winter frosts take away misfortunes, and with the warm rays of the sun joy and miracles enter your life.

For colleagues and acquaintances, congratulations with a picture on the Meeting of the Lord and a short SMS are the best option. If desired, you can add text:

  1. Winter met Spring.
  2. Negotiations are underway.
  3. Let them go forever.
  4. Quarrels from your life.
  5. May good luck await you on your life's path, and may your heart be filled with happiness, peace and love.
  6. The Meeting of the Lord has come to us today.
  7. So let peace and goodness come to every home.
  8. I wish you this Meeting of the Lord.
  9. To do many good deeds.
  10. He went through life without losing heart.
  11. To always be cheerful and brave.
  12. Let the soul believe in miracles.
  13. Let every day bring you joy.
  14. Relatives will be healthy.
  15. The shadow of trouble will not touch you.