Letter to Santa Claus for New Year 2025: how to write correctly, templates

During the New Year holidays, all children believe in miracles. Even adults, every time the chimes strike, make wishes, dream of some miracle in their lives.

New Year is a time of magic. At least, many people really want to believe it. It is a moment when you suddenly return to childhood and forget about all the troubles.

For kids, this is a special date. After all, they believe not just in a fairy tale, but in a real wizard in the guise of a bearded grandfather. And this is wonderful. Therefore, children want to somehow communicate with him and ask their parents to help write him a letter.

This article is intended for parents. All the main points of addressing Frost are indicated here, known addresses of sending, both Russian and foreign, are listed. You can also find a template, then print it out and write the desired content in it.

Letter to Santa Claus for New Year 2025: how to write correctly, templates

How to write a letter to Santa Claus correctly


1. Welcome speech. In the finished message it is absolutely necessary to write an introduction.

"Hello, my beloved Grandfather Frost,...", «"Good morning, Santa Claus".

2.Introduce yourself. The child should write down his name and his full age.

“I’m Sofia, I’m 9 years old…”

3. Congratulate the New Year's grandfather and his Snow Maiden on the upcoming New Year. NG is a holiday for all people. For this reason, the magical heroes will also be pleased if you congratulate them in a message on the upcoming January 1st. An excellent option is wishes for excellent health, happiness, joy and success in everything.

"Happy birthday to you, Grandpa, I wish you all the best. I am so glad you exist..."

4.Write briefly about your life. In this sub-item it would be great to tell something about hobbies, about what kind of family, what class the child is in, what school subjects are of greatest interest. If the boy or girl goes to clubs, it is also desirable to mention this.

"I am a third-grader. I really like going to school. I read often, literature is a subject close to my soul..."

Letter to Santa Claus for New Year 2025: how to write correctly, templates

5. Achievements. Before you start writing your cherished wish, you need to tell your grandfather about your personal successes, no matter how great. Maybe your child was recently able to assemble a complex Lego figure or learned how to bake pancakes. Or won some competition, got an A in a city school dictation. In addition, you can also write about plans for the future that you want to fulfill.

"In 2023, I got a lot of excellent grades, vacuumed the floor every weekend... won second place in the art competition. When I grow up, I plan to be an art teacher at school."

6.Gift. After all of this has been said, it is time to move on to the most interesting part – describing the gift the child wants. Here it is best to indicate why he wants this particular prize. What he will do with it, how the present will be useful to him.
  Where to send a letter

There are more than ten snow manor locations across the country. Requests are sent to any of these locations or even abroad. A Russian grandfather will most likely answer, and if you're lucky, you'll even get a message from Santa.

The main place of the Snow Grandfather in Russia is Veliky Ustyug.

Letter to Santa Claus for New Year 2025: how to write correctly, templates

According to the estate's workers, every year they receive about two hundred thousand letters from Russian children and children from abroad.

You can send a letter to Ustyug in the following way:

  • Send by Russian Post. The address is 162390, Vologda Oblast, Veliky Ustyug, Oktyabrsky Lane, 1a.
  • Directly to email:postcard@ao-dedmoroz.ru.

In the metropolis, fifty-eight special letter boxes were opened, located in forty-one parks. They can be recognized by their signature and congratulatory style. Then the letters will go to the estate.

Also send a text to the address 109472, Moscow, Kuzminsky forest, Volgogradsky prospect, building 168.

Letter to Santa Claus for New Year 2025: how to write correctly, templates

Kysh Babai in the Republic of Tatarstan

Letter to Santa Claus for New Year 2025

In Tatarstan there is a residence of its own ruler of cold and frost, whose name is Kysh Babai. If someone wants to send a letter to Babai, they should contact the address Republic of Tatarstan, Arsky district, village Yana Kyrlay.

They write in Tatar and Russian. Indicated on the envelope: for Kar Kyzy and Kysh Babai.

Santa Claus (USA)

Santa's residence is located in North Pole, which is on solid ground (made up of underground ice), almost in the very center of Alaska. North Pole is a small town, with a population of just over 2,000 people. Santa has a year-round work schedule.

The US Post Office sends letters addressed to Santa Claus. Children from different countries send their sincere wishes in envelopes, sometimes without stamps or return addresses. In winter, when the temperature drops below 25 degrees, volunteers process the mail and answer letters.

Letter to Santa Claus for New Year 2025: how to write correctly, templates


101 St Nicholas Dr, North Pole, AK 99705

When writing a letter to an American grandfather, one should use the greetings “Dear Father Frost.” If it is written to Santa Claus, then “Dear Santa Claus.”

Letter templates

Writing a message yourself, without help, is not an easy task. Especially, to make it so that there is a beautiful New Year's form, with bright and festive pictures. Therefore, to achieve a better result, it is better to use templates for letters.

You can also add paint to the template, color the pictures or draw something new. Stickers or appliques with a New Year theme will also come in handy. Ready-made letter forms to Santa Claus are located below.

Letter to Santa Claus for New Year 2025: how to write correctly, templates

Letter to Santa Claus for New Year 2025: how to write correctly, templates

Letter to Santa Claus for New Year 2025: how to write correctly, templates

Letter to Santa Claus for New Year 2025: how to write correctly, templates

Letter to Santa Claus for New Year 2025: how to write correctly, templates

Letter to Santa Claus for New Year 2025: how to write correctly, templates

Letter to Santa Claus for New Year 2025: how to write correctly, templates

Letter to Santa Claus for New Year 2025: how to write correctly, templates

Letter to Santa Claus for New Year 2025: how to write correctly, templates

Letter to Santa Claus for New Year 2025: how to write correctly, templates

Letter to Santa Claus for New Year 2025: how to write correctly, templates

Letter to Santa Claus for New Year 2025: how to write correctly, templates

Letter to Santa Claus for New Year 2025: how to write correctly, templates

Letter to Santa Claus for New Year 2025: how to write correctly, templates

Letter to Santa Claus for New Year 2025: how to write correctly, templates