Prediction for 2025 for Russia: reliable and accurate

At all times, astrologers and psychics have tried to look into the future of Russia. Prophecies and predictions for the New Year 2025 were no exception. Very soon it will be possible to find out whether the predictions in 2025 left by scientists, clairvoyants, famous people of the past and contemporaries will come true.

Vanga's Predictions

Monument to Vanga

The prophecies of the blind seer make one fear the future. The most important Vanga's predictions for 2025:

  1. It is necessary to prepare for natural disasters that will affect the Far East and Siberia. The strongest fires and floods are possible.
  2. Global stability will be shaken, global conflict will intensify, which will lead to the formation of a powerful political union of three countries - India, China and Russia.
  3. The dollar will be replaced by "red money", which will have 5 and 100. Interpreters of predictions believe that this is the yuan or 5000.
  4. Thanks to VLADIMIR, the country will strengthen its position on the world political arena. And inside the country, this leader will promote the development of production and give small businesses the opportunity to develop. This prophecy can be considered fulfilled - under the leadership of V.V. Putin, the Russian Federation has made a huge step forward.
  5. The people will support their president. Trials will unite, people will return to faith. Vanga spoke about Orthodoxy, but it is already clear that other religions have become much more respectful.
  6. Unfortunately, the country's population will increase due to the influx of immigrants. There will be many talented people among the children.
  7. A cultural crisis and internal political schism are expected in 2025. We will have to decide which camp to join.

Vanga's literal recommendation of "kindness with fists." She warned that Russia must defend its priorities and not allow others to tell it what to do, because openness and loyalty will be perceived as weakness.

And the prophetess also predicted a difficult unification with Belarus and Ukraine. It is already clear that interpreters are looking for a different meaning in it. In the form in which it was announced, it is unlikely to come true.

Pavel and Tamara Globa

Astrologers Pavel and Tamara Globa promise the flourishing of the country under the rule of the new leader. Increased solar energy activity will increase the aggressiveness of countries that are closer to the equator due to their territorial location. Revolutionary protests against the colonialists will begin in them. The Russian Federation will provide significant support, help the formation of new states, and find reliable partners.

Positive changes will occur within the country:

  • the ruble will strengthen;
  • the importance of education will increase;
  • the rapid development of innovative technologies will begin;
  • Young scientists will make many discoveries.
Pavel Globa in glasses
Astrologer Pavel Globa

If the state follows the chosen path to a previously defined goal, does not deviate from the course outlined by the president, and does not waste energy on resolving internal contradictions, by the end of 2025 its position in the political arena will be significantly strengthened.

It foretells the leading role of Russia, which will show its strength and power. It will demonstrate not only military potential, but innovative technologies, and will be able to solve the food problem not only for its citizens, but also for other poor countries.

The role of money will decrease - another currency will replace the dollar, but there are no exact predictions as to which one. Misunderstandings with the global West will worsen. The leaders will be able to reach an agreement, but every little thing will have to be discussed at length at the diplomatic level.

The prediction that the military conflict will gradually subside and end peacefully by January 2025 can already be considered unfulfilled.

Vera Lyon

This clairvoyant also believes that the country is on the right path. It is supported by the Light forces, it will successfully overcome the most difficult trials, but will not play a significant role in the world political arena.

If V.V. Putin wins the elections, he will have to retire very soon due to his health and age. And his place will be taken by a woman. Due to the fact that one of the leading powers' politicians will suddenly die, the Russian Federation will be able to advance significantly. Interpreters are trying to find a hidden meaning in the announced prophecy. According to the court on Putin's nomination, he is not going to give up his place "due to age" in the coming year.

Russia will abandon the dollar. Europe will withdraw its sanctions, but the US will not abandon them. On the contrary, it will increase pressure on individual representatives of the antagonist state.

The end of the SVO is not mentioned, but according to Lyon's forecast, the integrity of Ukraine is in great question, internal contradictions will flare up. The new leader will unite the Russian-speaking lands, and they will make an attempt to join the fraternal country. Complete reunification will not happen, in the future many issues will have to be resolved. And religious wars will begin on the remaining territory.

Vera Lyon
Clairvoyant Vera Lyon

NATO will try to seize Donbass, but will be prevented by the unification of peoples and external factors. And then the New Regions - Novorossiya - will unite. And their leader will be a person who will be born under the sign of Leo, or will have the name - Leo.

Alexey Agafonov

The astrologer places great hopes on the "Age of Aquarius". Once such a period went down in history as the "Golden Age of Catherine".

The state will be strengthened by the return of imperial policy and expansion of borders. National consciousness will awaken, the old state elite will be replaced by a new, more progressive one, supporting the course of the president. Many will come from the security forces.

Alexey Agafonov
Astrologer Alexey Agafonov

A "hot" autumn is expected in 2025 - under the influence of Mars, warlike moods will increase. Significant funds will be invested in the army, the economy will completely switch to military rails. But financial injections from the gas and oil sectors will decrease significantly - Russia will master the world markets for agricultural products.

Alexey Agafonov predicts the coming to power of a new strong leader. It remains to be seen whether this forecast will come true.

Svetlana Dragan

The astrologer believes that the worst is already over. The entire future will be fully determined by December. The top of the Russian Federation will make significant decisions.

They will touch upon:

  • transformations and creation of new power structures;
  • choice of economic directions;
  • support of certain segments of society.

The most important thing is that the leader of the state will understand where his place is and make important statements.

Svetlana Dragan
Astrologer Svetlana Dragan

In January 2025, a kind of restructuring will occur - many will have to accept the new, reconsider their views. In February, a turn in the political sphere should be expected. Events will make you feel anxious, but the result will be positive.

From now on, Russia's influence on the world community will increase. But the economic sphere will come to the fore. It will also have to face political changes.

New people will join the management apparatus, but the old ones will not leave either. Due to the perturbation, vertical management will disappear. But the transition to centralized management will be difficult and long, and it will not be possible to achieve it by the end of the year.

Some predictions concern China. The PRC is developing air-related projects that could significantly affect the atmosphere and lead to dangerous changes in the air environment. The program will cause concern, which will force Russia to develop a new partnership strategy, faced with a double game. If an agreement cannot be reached, catastrophic events are possible. There is a high probability that an agreement will be reached to stop the program.

In the Russian Federation, a transition to new technologies is expected in the summer, the use of innovative discoveries for transmitting communication signals. Despite the fact that only six months remain until the fulfillment of the predictions, what we will encounter is unexpected and will cause amazement.

It is worth remembering the prophecies of Chizhevsky, a philosopher, scientist and inventor. He gave his predictions based on the 11-year cycles of solar activity that he developed. He believed that in 2025 the "time of the great harvest" had come, a change of rulers, a transition to a new level and another era. But he also has a more frightening omen - the end of civilization. There is hope that this prophecy will not come true, and the people of Russia will take a step towards happiness and stability.


The French scientist, alchemist and psychic thought more about his own country. He left only general predictions about Russia.

In order to find supporters, Russia should look to Asia, not forgetting Europe. In light of the long-term stagnation of the West, its vulnerability and inability to confront future threats are becoming obvious. There is an assumption that European countries are looking for ways to solve the problem of hunger at the expense of Russia. In the absence of internal contradictions in the Russian Federation, it is possible to conclude all the necessary alliances. It is important to maintain the influence of Central Asia on small countries so that they do not join other coalitions in the future.


One of his famous poetic images speaks of possible changes in the political sphere:

  • Under the sign of the mighty Bear,
  • The forces play, deciding their fate.
  • We step forward, becoming more severe,
  • Overcoming worries and doubts.

Here the Bear, the symbol of Russia, indicates that the country will play an important role in the coming year, possibly facing various challenges and deciding fateful issues. It also describes the desire for progress and overcoming difficulties, which may be a key factor in shaping Russia's future path.


Much of what the politician said when describing the prospects of the Russian Federation can be considered prophecies. Zhirinovsky's most famous predictions for 2025:

  1. Formation of a commonwealth with Muslim countries - Turkey, Syria, Iran, Iraq. Russian language will be the second most important here, leaders will coordinate their actions and the unipolar world will come to an end. In 2025, we will be able to see the beginning of unification.
  2. The collapse of the Nazi regime in Ukraine, a country that is not even an American appendage. The US will want to push it into the EU, but the leaders of these countries will be scared by the prospect of feeding an aggressive neighbor. If accession does happen, the EU will fall apart.
  3. Military conflicts will escalate into trade wars, during which Russia will unite with China. But it is unknown whether the partners will be able to reach a peace agreement between themselves after the victory over the United States. Most likely, they will be able to reach an agreement, but Russia will not be able to catch up with the billionaire country in 2025.
  4. The former USSR parts-republics will unite again, but not all of them. Open confrontation is possible not only with Ukraine, but also with the Baltic States. Local conflicts will be brutal, but they will emerge victorious.
  5. The economy is militarized. Defense enterprises will operate at full capacity, new technologies will be adopted, the status of the military will rise. The army will increase in size, training will improve, and supply organizations will begin to operate.
Zhirinovsky speaks
Politician Vladimir Volfovich Zhirinovsky

The radical assumption is the rejection of national republics and universal unification. People will stop dividing by nationality, language barriers will disappear.

Putin must remain the leader and Supreme Commander-in-Chief, there will be no other alternative for now. Russia needs to develop as an empire, uniting the peoples. But we need to think about another flag and change the name of the state. And the president after the 2025 elections should be renamed and called the Supreme Ruler.

The elections will be held in March, on the 17th. And so far no proposals have been made regarding changing the status of the head of state or the name of the country. Perhaps the prophecy will come true in 1-2 decades.

Alena Polyn

The hereditary witch, who is often called "Kremlin witch", has her own view of the future. Like other contemporaries, it is easier for her to make predictions. She believes that Russia will increase its influence, attracting not only trade partners and leaders of developing countries, but also individual citizens, including those from Europe. Many countries that previously refused to cooperate will want to resume it.

At the beginning of the year, there will be a twofold escalation of the SVO. But as "hot" spots begin to appear in other parts of the globe - in particular, in the Middle East - the confrontation will begin to freeze. This is explained not so much by a revision of views, but by a cooling. People are distracted, and the energy supply decreases.

Interesting predictions from Lyon on the development of relations with China. The countries will come closer, but will not go beyond partnership. Many negotiations are expected, each decision will be discussed many times. Zigzagging opinions will make diplomats nervous, many agreements that are reached will be outdated, and new ones will have to be developed. But by the end of 2025, final agreements will appear.

Russia will increase its influence in the world at the expense of energy resources. The country will retain the role of a "gas station", but it is too early to abandon it. Because by 2025 it will be possible to attract countries that could not resist pressure from the West and the USA, but realized that they made a mistake. And a "bad peace" is always better than confrontation.