Rating of online schools in Russia 2024-2025 with enrollment

In order to receive a quality school education in the modern world, children may not attend a traditional educational institution. Every year, more and more parents and students prefer distance learning. The most popular type is considered to be receiving education in an online school.

Organizations of this type differ in the composition of teachers, teaching methods, approach to providing information, so in order to choose the right platform for your child, you need to understand the advantages and disadvantages of each of them.

The current 2022 rating of online schools in Russia with enrollment will help with this.

Online Gymnasium No. 1

Online Gymnasium No. 1

The school became the first educational institution in Russia to receive a state license and accreditation for teaching children online. The gymnasium provides high-quality school education for students in grades 5-11, using original teaching methods developed by leading teachers in the country. Schoolchildren are provided with all the necessary educational materials, and certification is carried out remotely.

Thanks to this, schoolchildren receive full opportunities for comprehensive development and acquisition of knowledge: training according to the Federal State Educational Standard, lessons according to the schedule, communication with the teacher, etc. Students of the gymnasium receive state-issued certificates.



The educational institution provides school programs for students in grades 1-11. The learning process is carried out in 3 ways:

  • express – suitable for those who want to study interesting topics in more depth, to understand misunderstood material (access to the school’s interactive library, exercise machines, video recordings of consultations, but feedback from teachers is not provided);
  • with a teacher – includes all the features of the previous format, supplemented by the ability to communicate with teachers in a chat;
  • with enrollment – full-fledged training with qualified teachers according to a program that complies with the Federal State Educational Standard of the Russian Federation.

In the latter case, students are issued a state-issued certificate. Enrollment is possible even for children without Russian citizenship.



The educational platform was developed by Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences Kondakov A.M. Its main feature is the availability of special educational programs for children with disabilities or students with high extracurricular activities. Parents can independently regulate the permissible weekly workload. Preparatory courses for school are also provided.

The staff includes psychologists, tutors, speech therapists who help children adapt to the conditions of the educational process. Various forms of education are provided - family education, online tutoring, preparation for the OGE/USE, and others.



The online platform program is built like a "constructor". Parents and students independently choose the format of training (basic, individual) and the workload. It was created by the strongest methodologists and complies with the Federal State Educational Standard. A convenient schedule ensures that the child receives interesting and important knowledge.

The teaching staff consists of university professors, authors of Olympiad problems and state exam experts. Assistance from tutors, mentors and psychologists is provided, as well as lawyers for the correct execution of documents when switching to home schooling.



The platform offers students in grades 1-11 correspondence and family education. The staff includes more than 200 qualified teachers. Children undergo certification remotely, and for exams they are assigned to a private school. The Unified State Exam/Basic State Exam is available for students in correspondence education.

Students can choose their own study schedule. Correspondence students have access to record for online lessons, and in the family learning format, children get access to training tests. Educational materials are provided in the form of video lessons, interactive webinars, demo versions of final and certification papers.

Advantages and Disadvantages of Online Schools

Educational institution Pros Cons
Online Gymnasium No. 1

  • Enrollment during the academic year
  • There is a free trial day
  • Small classes
  • “Live” lessons according to the schedule
  • The program complies with the Federal State Educational Standard
  • Accessible form of presentation of material with subsequent knowledge control
  • Regular comfortable socialization
  • Individual approach to the child
  • Expanded extracurricular activities
  • Career guidance and preparation for entering a university
  • Strong faculty
  • Good preparation for various types of certifications
  • Preparation for the OGE / USE
  • Issuance of state-issued certificates

  • There is no provision for training students in grades 1-4

  • Enrollment at any time of the year for students from grades 1 to 11
  • Free training for the first week
  • The program complies with the Federal State Educational Standard
  • 3 forms of educational process
  • Preparation for the Unified State Exam / Basic State Exam
  • The cost of training does not depend on the class

  • Frequent technical problems on the server
  • They do not inform about the amount of compulsory work in the quarter

  • Personalized approach to learning
  • Access to educational materials
  • Online courses comply with the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard
  • Teaching schoolchildren in grades 1-11
  • Various forms of the educational process
  • A separate course to prepare for the OGE/USE
  • Support of the student by a tutor, psychologist

  • Weak extracurricular activities
  • There is no webinar format

  • Focus on the child's socialization
  • Individual schedule
  • Live classes with qualified teachers
  • High-quality preparation for the OGE/USE
  • A wide variety of courses
  • Convenient lesson format
  • Availability of free content

  • Video recording of lessons is not provided
  • Mechanical system for checking homework and tests

  • A variety of extracurricular activities
  • Taking certifications online
  • Individual choice of format and pace of learning
  • 24/7 support from a class tutor
  • Availability of an educational program for primary school students

  • Higher tuition fees for children without Moscow registration

So, the first place in the ranking of educational institutions in 2023 is occupied by "Online Gymnasium No. 1" with a score of 5 points. It is followed by the educational institution "Foxford" with a score of 4.8. In third place is the online school IBLS, which received 4.7 points. The educational institution BIT was rated at 4.4 points, and "InternetUrok" at 4.2.