Retrograde planets in 2025: table, periods

When something goes wrong in everyday life, people, sometimes humorously, explain it as "the influence of retrograde Mercury." However, in astronomy, such a phenomenon is perceived as an optical illusion associated with the movement of planets around the Sun. And how it can affect the factors surrounding a person remains a mystery.

Ancient astronomers could not understand this phenomenon for a long time. After all, they believed that the Earth was the center of the universe. Only in the 16th century, with the help of his heliocentric system, Nicolaus Copernicus managed to explain the essence of such a cosmic phenomenon.

In 2025, retrograde planets will continue to visually “change” their trajectory and when observed from Earth, their movement will be visible from east to west.

Retrograde motion of planets

Retrograde motion of planets is called their "reverse motion" relative to their orbit. The Latin word "retrogradus" when literally translated into Russian means the phrase "step back".

This irregular movement of celestial objects occurs several times a year. And the periodicity of the astronomical phenomenon depends on the orbital speed of a particular planet.

Science calls this phenomenon an optical illusion, because, in fact, retrograde or backward motion does not occur in the universe. The illusion showing a "reverse" trajectory occurs due to the difference in the speed of the planets moving in orbit. For example, the Earth moves faster than Mars. Therefore, when the Earth passes by it, it will visually seem to us as if the Red Planet is moving not forward, but backward.

A similar effect will be observed when overtaking cars on the highway. But here the distance is very close (unlike deep space), which makes it possible to simply assess the physical incident.

Retrograde Planets Chart 2025

Here is the full retrograde chart for 2024. All periods in which planets will move in the opposite direction are indicated in red.

Each celestial body is responsible for a certain area of life. To understand what exactly the negative will haunt, you need to know in advance how exactly the retrograde will affect.

1. Mercury

Mercury is retrograde in 2025 for the following periods:

  • 2-27 January;
  • 1-25 April;
  • 5-28 August;
  • 11.24 – 15.12.24

The first phase will begin on 12/13/2023. The celestial body is responsible for communications, information transfer and thinking. Its "reverse motion" should not cause panic. Also, you should not try to radically change your life. It is better to temporarily postpone all plans, but it is allowed to make new ones. You should be careful when contacting people, you can even limit yourself in communicating with the public and not make important decisions. At the same time, you can re-evaluate your past projects and reconsider ideas.

In general calculation, mercury retrograde 2025 for more than 90 days. During this period, delays in communication networks, malfunctions in equipment, and misunderstandings in relationships between people are quite likely.

2. Mars

Mars is popular thanks to Hollywood movies about aliens. The red planet rules over the energy of actions and passion. Sometimes a person will feel weak, he will want to take care of his physical health, to get back into shape. But during its retrograde period, it is recommended to minimize physical activity, because this can lead to injuries.

Mars is also associated with the God of War, so it is worth avoiding hostile relationships and conflicts with others, it is necessary to take all measures so that an ordinary quarrel does not turn into a fight. Sometimes a person simply thinks that everyone around him is hostile, but this is not always the case. You need to be attentive and try to stay calm, resistance to stress is very useful here. In some situations, you have to hide your fears and fight emotional disorders.

The reverse “movement” of Mars along its orbit will begin on 06.12.2024 and will end on 24.02.2025.

3. Venus

Venus is an inner planet, it moves faster in orbit compared to Earth. Love, romantic emotions, relationships and aesthetic preferences are associated with it. Therefore, its retrograde motion worsens mutual understanding between spouses (couples) and causes problems in personal life. It will even affect the appearance of people, and a change of style only spoils the image.

Esotericists do not recommend getting married, getting married or getting married during the period of Venus's retrograde motion. Because this marriage will not last long anyway, i.e., the married couples will face separation. However, the list retrograde planets for 2025 it doesn't exist. The second planet in the solar system does not visually change its trajectory. So there is no need to worry.

4. Jupiter

The fifth planet from the Sun patronizes the scientific sphere, technological achievements and knowledge. This means that tests and exams have to be taken with intensity if it has begun Jupiter retrograde motion. The materials being studied will be difficult to digest, stress is inevitable, and everything is quickly erased from memory. Conflicts with others are also quite likely.

However, the individual will have the opportunity to reconsider and rethink the inner faith, the true value of everything around, and find new sources of inspiration. Negativity can be overcome by self-control and sharp thinking. It is recommended to open your mind to new ideas, in parallel you can work on increasing your skills, working hard on yourself.

Esotericists advise using the method of personal conviction to expand your capabilities and initiatives. You can also form an individual life philosophy with the help of your thoughts and skills.

Full cycle of Jupiter retrograde: 10/09/24 – 12/31/2024, 01/01/25 – 02/04/2025

5. Uranus

The initial reverse orbit of Uranus begins on August 29, 2023, and continues until January 27 of the following year. But this will not be the final cycle – until April you can also observe the optical illusion associated with this planet.

This phase can be called both positive and negative. The fact is that during the retrograde motion, Uranus can crush the weak, and will open up more and more opportunities for strong personalities. There is no need to use hypocrisy, cunning in business, lies and deception only lead to the failure of all plans. In the circle of partners, you can demonstrate your uniqueness, but you need to be ready for an unexpected turn of events. Unpredictability also concerns world events related to social life and politics. Outdated systems and even methods of thinking can be destroyed under the influence of a cosmic phenomenon.

6. Saturn

The retrograde movement of Saturn can be observed in the period from 06/29/24 to 11/26/24. For 5 months, the Sixth Planet will require attentiveness and responsibility, especially from lazy people. You just need to finish what you have already started, and only then take on a new project. Otherwise, failure awaits.

It is also necessary to clearly analyze the strategy, master the motive and direct the goal to your true needs. For the sake of the prospect of planned tasks, it is recommended to eliminate current ineffective patterns. In the reverse phase of Saturn, material limitations may arise, and success in business may not be long-term. When choosing a strategy, it is necessary to take into account your own priorities.

7. Neptune

Neptune in Roman mythology means the sea god. And the planet governs intuition, mysticism and extrasensory abilities. Neptune is the patron of unfulfilled desires. It carries both negative and positive.

With the onset of its retrograde phase, a person deeply realizes the impossibility of his hopes, he will begin to understand that some dreams are unrealizable. That is, he has already been in dreams and now it is time to descend into reality. Sometimes these illusions and fantasies burden the personality, prevent moving forward. Therefore, it is necessary to accept all this as liberation and then everything will be in order and under control. In general, it is necessary to look the truth in the eye and accept reality as it is.

Date of Neptune's illusionary retrograde motion around the solar system: 02.07.24 – 07.12.2024.

8. Pluto

Pluto is the king of the underworld, shows an optical illusion almost every year. The cycle lasts 4-6 months. The phase awakens a radical transformation of the personality, which allows one to realize one's mistakes. As a result, a person will be able to determine the reasons for their failures. In the future, one can cope with them and continue on the path.

Personality rebirth, change of workplace, study, place of residence and profession are quite acceptable. Changes may also concern global politics, social systems and the economy of the country (world). The "truth of life" is revealed, inexplicable fears and anxieties are clarified. Pluto remains retrograde during 02.05.24 - 12.10.2024.

An astrological phenomenon that occurs annually can affect the constellations differently. That is, the signs of the zodiac perceive what is happening individually. Therefore, it is recommended to familiarize yourself with the horoscope.

The influence of retrograde planets on humans

From a scientific point of view, an illusion cannot affect a person's condition or destiny. But many believe or encounter the influence of zodiac signs on situations that occur in everyday life. When drawing up a horoscope, astrologers take into account the retrograde motion of celestial bodies. And this means that there is a certain connection.

In 2025, retrograde planets will visually demonstrate a reverse movement relative to the orbit. And the topic remains relevant for those who read and believe in the predictions of astrologers.

Based on the location of celestial bodies, stargazers try to predict not only events in personal life, but also business prospects and careers. And sometimes the stars can accurately indicate what needs to be done and what should not.

In addition, there is such a thing as Murphy's astrological law, which is associated with the "winged messenger of the gods." This is what Mercury was called in ancient Roman mythology. Therefore, many are interested in the question, Mercury retrograde in 2025 or not?

However, such an "illusory" phase is considered almost a tradition for this planet, i.e., it occurs several times during one year. This is explained by the fact that it flies around the Sun in only 88 days. According to Murphy's law, during this period everything will not go as it should in reality.