Names for boys born in 2025 by month

Choosing a name for a boy is an interesting and important task for his parents. It should be consonant with the child's patronymic and surname and contribute to his luck and wealth throughout his life. It is known that each name has its own meaning. Can it influence the child's character or does it all depend only on upbringing? The answer to this question is ambiguous.

One thing is certain - each name has significant features. In addition, the name is associated with nationality, the history of the native people. When choosing, it is taken into account what popular names for boys in 2024, born in different months of the year. There are quite a lot of nuances. Let's talk in more detail about each of them.

names for boys 2024

What name should a boy born in 2025 have?

There are no restrictions or biases when choosing a name in the modern world. Every parent has the right to name their child as they want or as they have dreamed of for many years. Friends, relatives, acquaintances, as a rule, support and respect their choice. However, you should not give the newborn the first name that comes to mind. It is important not to rush into making a decision. The wrong choice can negatively affect the future fate of the child.

Important! The success of a future career partly depends on the harmonious combination of the surname, first name and patronymic.

It is recommended to write down the top 10 names you like the most, and then consult with your significant other and come to a common decision together. Of course, parents are interested in what popular names for boys are in 2024.

It is known that in different periods of time, there are more and less popular names. It is expected that in the future, traditional Slavic and Orthodox names for boys born in 2025 will be increasingly in demand. They sound beautiful, nurturing in the baby a sense of ethnic belonging to his people. Let's talk in more detail about each category of names.

Most popular

names for boys 2024

These names can be roughly divided into three categories:

  • traditional: Alexander, Alexey, Vladimir, Andrey, Mikhail, Artem, Ivan, Evgeny, Danila, Dmitry, Egor, Ilya, Vladislav, Yarovslav;
  • forgotten and ancient: Miron, Saveliy, Makar, Ruslan;
  • foreign: Elisha, Plato, Ignat, Philip, Rodion, Gordey, Trofim.

Rare and unusual

In Russia, over the last 10 years, there has been a trend to name children with rare and unusual names. As a rule, they are of foreign origin.

Rare and unusual names for boys

Let's list some of them:

  • Arkady, Artemy, Alfred, Arthur;
  • Benedikt, Boleslaw, Bronislaw;
  • Veniamin, Vlas, Walter;
  • Harry, Heinrich, Gordey, Herman, Gennady;
  • David, Demyan, Daniil;
  • Efim, Elisha, Evdokim, Ephraim;
  • Zakhar, Zinovy;
  • Ignatius, Hippolytus, Joseph, Ilya;
  • Karl, Kondrat, Christian, Karen;
  • Lev, Ludwig, Laurentiy;
  • Makar, Marat, Matvey, Maximilian, Miron, Moses, Miroslav.

These names sound interesting and immediately attract attention. Definitely, a boy with a rare and unusual name will be remembered by kids on the playground or children at school.

Traditional Slavic


Love and respect for the history of the family, ancestors, the nation as a whole determines the desire to name a child with an old Slavic name. However, such names for boys are quite rare and beautiful in 2024. It is interesting that only those names that were borne by canonized saints have remained in common use.

These include:

  • Vyacheslav (most glorious);
  • Vadim (from the Old Russian “vaditi” – to argue, slander, sow discord);
  • Bogdan (a child given by God);
  • Vladimir (great in his power);
  • Borislav (fighter for truth);
  • Yaroslav (possessing great glory).

These names sound powerful and colorful, evoking associations with the history of the Slavs.

Orthodox (according to the calendar of saints)

For believers, the main criterion for choosing a name for a boy is the Orthodox calendar. The Church claims that if you give a child the name of a canonized saint, he becomes a protector for the child. You can choose a name based on the date of birth or baptism. If the parents have chosen a name for the child that is not in the calendar, the priest selects the most appropriate one in terms of meaning.

Choosing an Orthodox name is not a tribute to fashion or novelty. Often for parents it symbolizes a connection with national culture and religion. Such names are not necessarily ancient, in most cases they are more modern.


Important! Parents need to understand that the child's Orthodox name remains with him for life. It cannot be changed in adulthood or even after death.

Naturally, one must take into account how harmonious the Orthodox name is with the surname and patronymic.

Names for boys born in January 2024: Sergey, Ignat, Stepan, Peter, Vasily, Prokop, Nikanor, Pavel, Naum, Mikhail, Veniamin, Semyon, Konstantin, Trofim, Emelyan, Prokhor, Elizar, Kirill.

In February: Fedor, Innokenty, Lavrenty, Zakhar, Evgeny, Ivan, Maxim, Nikita, Arseny, Vitaly, Philip, Ignat, Vlas, Georgy, Egor, Gabriel, Luka, Valentin, Julian, Yakov.

If the child is born in March: Afanasy, Alexander, Taras, Leonty, Trofim, Timofey, Sevastyan, Arseny, Alexey, Ilya, Julian, Fedor, Kuzma, Rostislav, Stepan.

In April: Artem, Zakhar, Benjamin, Terenty, Makar, Nikita, George, Anton, Gabriel, Egor, Daniel, Vadim, Alexander, Savva, Antip, Sofron, Rodion, Samson.

In May: Gleb, Kuzma, Nikifor, Fedor, Gregory, Gabriel, Stepan, Pavel, Fedot, Valentin, Eremey, Afanasy, Severin, Lavrenty, Kasyan.

In June: Ignatius, Nazar, Leonid, Andrey, Petr, Elisha, Konstantin, Vladimir, Semyon, Yuri, Valery, Ignat, Roman, Anton.

In July: Guriy, Emelyan, Ivan, Leonty, Gleb, Terentiy, Evsey, Svyatoslav, Mikhail, Yakov, David, Andrey, Kuzma, Tikhon, Kirill, Demyan, Sofron, Demid.

In August: Seraphim, Naum, Trofim, Boris, Makar, Gregory, Miron, Philip, Frol, Nikanor, Gury, Elizar, Matvey.

In September: Afanasy, Daniel, Christopher, Gennady, Anton, Julian, Maxim, Zakhar, Akim, Dmitry, Valery, Nikolay, Stepan, Arkhip, Lukyan, Arseny, Arkady.

In October: David, Roman, Denis, Vladimir, Alexey, Philip, Kuzma, Nazar, Igor, Trofim, Petr, Vladislav, Ignatius, Mark, Khariton, Ignat, Rodion, Demyan.

In November: Nestor, Evgeny, Fedot, Orest, Vikenty, Yuri, Osip, Artem, Taras, Demyan, Konstantin, Ignatius, Zinovy, Egor, Nikon.

In December: Arkady, Andrey, Mikhail, Alexey, Peter, Thomas, Orestes, Adrian, Jacob, Gabriel, Yaroslav, Mitrofan, Guriy, Modest, Tryphon, Anatoly, Platon.

Attention! There are many repeated names in the Saints, but they may have different patrons.

Foreign names

Beautiful sound, quickly remembered by ear - these are their main differences. Let's list some of them: Alan, Albert, William, Henry, Justin, David, Michael, Marat, Matvey, Oscar, Richard, Timur, Philip, Edgar, Eric, Emil.

Names with Purposes

Before naming a son in 2025, it is worth studying the names of purpose. In part, they determine the purpose and mission of a newborn person on Earth. Yes, this concept has a share of mysticism and the belief that existence is determined by higher powers. And at the same time, there is a social plane - a person is given the right to choose, and he independently determines his path. In the modern world, there are no longer strict rules and social divisions, there are wide opportunities for life realization.

Each name has its own characteristic, which partly determines its purpose. When choosing, it is important to understand that the name will be passed on to future generations forever. Therefore, sometimes it is not worth following fashion trends, choosing pretentious and incomprehensible names.

Names for boys born in 2025 Snake by month

Names for boys born in 2025 Year of the Snake

The coming year of the Green Wooden Snake is expected to be unpredictable and rich in accomplishments. It will bring many victories and at the same time will be full of secrets, mysteries and sometimes even mysticism. If you correlate the choice of a male name 2025 with the Chinese calendar, you need to take into account the philosophical basis.

In many ancient cultures it is believed that the moment of birth partly determines the character and fate of the newbornIt is logical that Asian peoples consult the lunar-solar calendar before the birth of a child, a wedding or major purchases. This is how the periods most favorable for the success of a project are selected.

The basis is the role of the 5 elements (Wood, Fire, Earth, Metal, Water). It is important to know how they interact during a certain period. This predicts the outcome of an action or project. When a child is born, first of all potential weaknesses or deficiencies of the elements present in his Chinese astral birth chart are identified.

The energy distribution of the child's birthday is studied and a good, reasonable and happy name is chosen. Moreover, the choice is made in accordance with the analysis of the energy charter. The goal is to compensate for the energy deficit observed in the daily schedule and restore the balance between the 5 elements of the chart. This is how a rebalancing occurs, which complements and corrects the profile of the Chinese astral birth chart of the child.

For example, there is a deficiency of the Wood element. It is likely that the child will be more fragile and prone to failure during periods governed by Wood. It is in the interests of the parents to give a name that is etymologically related to the element of Wood. This will neutralize the negative effects of the energy imbalance.

Attention! The Lunar New Year of the Green Wooden Snake begins on February 10, 2025 and lasts until January 29, 2025.

Names for boys with strong energy

Names for boys with strong energy

The Snake child is distinguished by an interest in improvement, novelty and passion. He is emotional, expansive, courageously endures trials and perceives the world a little idealistically. From an early age, he builds personal principles and prefers to act without asking anyone for help. Proud and free - he always follows his ideals and honors them with great persistence and seriousness.

Below is a list of adjustments to consider for each month of 2025 when choosing a baby name.

Month of birth Root of the name (balancing element)


Suggested names
January 2024 "Metal" Ilya, Kirill, Mikhail, Ivan, Sergey, Andrey.
February 2024 The name "Metal" Nikita, Egor, Denis, Roman, Timofey, Vladimir.
March 2024 "Metal" Evgeniy, Pavel, Vladislav, Nikolay, Artur, Igor.
April 2024 "Metal" Vyacheslav, Konstantin, Oleg, Alexey, Vadim, Yuri.
May 2024 "Wood/Metal/Water" Anton, Grigory, Daniil, Lev, Yaroslav, Arseny.
June 2024 "Metal" Vitaly, Demid, Platon, Victor, Fedor, Eduard.
July 2024 "Metal" Albert, Rostislav, Peter, Stanislav, Philip, Savely.
August 2024  "Wood/Fire/Metal" Anatoly, Alexander, Georgy, David, Makar, Bogdan.
September 2024  "Wood/Fire/Earth" Artem, Ruslan, Semyon, Mark, Timofey, Dmitry.
October 2024 "Metal/Water" Zakhar, Maxim, Matvey, Gleb, Miron, Stepan.
November 2024 "Metal" Leonid, Vasily, Boris, Svyatoslav, Valery, Rodion.
December 2024 "Metal" Efim, German, Gordey, Leonid, Emil, Timur.

Attention! The dominant energy channels will be the elements of Wood, Earth and Water. This is important to consider before naming a boy in 2024.

10 Russian names for boys that are popular at all times

10 Russian names for boys that are popular at all times

Since ancient times, boys have been given names that help strengthen their masculinity, add strength and courage. According to statistics, there is a category of Russian names for boys that is popular at all times.

The top 10 include:

  • Dmitry;
  • Nikita;
  • Artem;
  • Alexander;
  • Andrey;
  • Ivan;
  • Maxim;
  • Michael;
  • Danila;
  • Kirill.

These are the most common male names for a child born in 2025 in Russia.

List of Beautiful Names for Boys

List of Beautiful Foreign Names for Boys

Yes, some Russian names for boys are rare and beautiful, but at the same time modern for newborns in 2024. Men with such names immediately attract attention and charm. We recommend a list of beautiful and modern male names: Emin, Rafael, Lev, Izmail, Daniil, Zakhar, Edward, Alexander, Vladimir, David.

In today's world, where the opportunities for emigrating to other countries are simply endless, future parents can explore various beautiful names for boys:

  • German: Florian, Sebastian, Werner, Andreas, Stefan, Michael, Bernhard;
  • French: Eric, Pierre, Pascal, Nathan, Mathieu, Laurent, Claude, Jules, Daniel, Bernard, Alain;
  • American: Stephen, Michael, Donald, James, Brian, William, Tom;
  • Spanish: Francisco, Manuel, Luis, Carlos, Diego, Bernardo, Antonio, Alonso, Alejandro.

As you can see, the choice of names for a boy is quite wide. It is important to take into account the personal preferences of the parents and the consonance of the name with the child's surname and patronymic and other aspects.