Scams: How Fraudsters Are Profiting from Coronavirus

As of March 29, 1,264 people have already been infected with coronavirus in Russia. Measures have been taken to combat the spread of the infection. The Russian President spoke about them in his address dedicated to the pandemic. Shopping centers are closed, next week will be a non-working week, but for now the number of infected people is increasing daily.

People are afraid for their health and the health of their relatives. Fraudsters shamelessly take advantage of this. Yes, at all times there have been such individuals who, even in the most difficult period for the country, think about their own benefit and try to deceive someone else's property or money. We present to your attention the top 7 scams: how fraudsters profit from the coronavirus.

7. Sale of antiseptics and protective masks

n1dav0a5It is no secret that there are no antiseptics or protective masks on sale for a long time. As for the latter, some try to sew them themselves, some buy them through friends, but most look for options on the Internet. And of course, they find them. We do not claim that everyone who sells such products is a scammer. Even if the deal goes through, the price will be astronomical. In addition, you can not be completely sure that antiseptics and masks meet quality standards.

As they say, "this is just the tip of the iceberg." Usually, friendly sellers are ready to provide the necessary goods, but only in bulk. The buyer pays a hefty sum, and the seller disappears. There are even more sophisticated scams. For example, not long ago, a girl was selling masks in bulk on Avito. A clever scheme: the buyer sent her his personal data, and it didn't even occur to him that they were scammers. Now the account is blocked, but some Russian businessmen have lost their money. What can we say about ordinary citizens? A thousand rubles, two or three - they won't even open a criminal case for such a sum, but for some people this sum is important.

6. Sale of medicines, miracle devices and tests

4dcwwj20There is currently no "magic pill" for COVID-19. However, scammers offer them online or through paper ads (at bus stops, near entrances). Daredevils go door-to-door and talk to potential buyers in person. The latter option is very dangerous for lonely old people, they are easy to deceive. In addition, everyone knows that elderly people very often die from this infection. Fraudsters pose as employees of a clinic, a management company or other trustworthy organizations. They can even show documents, and the victim will not have any suspicions.

As a rule, the prices for medicines, tests and disinfection devices are prohibitively high. There have already been several cases of sales of "miracle devices", and the buyers were sure that they were incredibly lucky. If you do not want to be deceived, do not panic and do not look for a remedy that will save you from coronavirus. Only doctors are involved in treatment, they will definitely not go from door to door and impose their services on the Internet.

5. Disinfection

krfknbrcAnother old scheme that has replaced the "fake" checks of gas equipment or meters. Fraudsters pose as employees of the epidemiological service and talk about the introduction of mandatory disinfection of apartments. Upon completion of the "work", they will most likely demand payment. Another option: after disinfection, not viruses will disappear from the apartment, but money and other valuables. Similar cases have already occurred in Moscow, St. Petersburg, and the Republic of Karelia. To avoid becoming a victim of "disinfectioners", it is better not to open the door to strangers.

4. Donations

exl20pxyThe country is in an unfavorable situation, where everyone is for themselves. Most people have attacks of aggression towards the infected who brought the virus to this or that city. Few will agree to help their neighbor, but scammers will make even the most heartless person donate a couple of hundred for the treatment of lonely old people or the purchase of gauze bandages for children from an orphanage. Yes, they stop at nothing. They come up with heart-rending stories about the coronavirus that has engulfed social institutions. Most often, people agree to help, especially since it is not necessary to donate a large amount. This is what is being counted on. If everyone gives the scammers at least a hundred rubles, they can get rich pretty well. Shelters and nursing homes will not collect money this way. There is funding from the state for this.

3. Letters from medical organizations

1iaudhg4The most popular method of scam. Fraudsters send letters that look like official messages from government and medical organizations. The subject can be anything: statistics, rules of conduct. Usually the letter contains a link, you need to click on it and download the information. In this case, you need to enter your personal data.

The consequences can be very diverse. The most favorable outcome of events: you will receive more spam in your mail. Or the scammers will be able to take possession of personal data, steal money from your card or gain access to your page on social networks. It is worth being more careful and avoiding such mailings. If the information interests you, go to the official website of the sender. If any events are really taking place, they will definitely not forget to mention them.

2. Fake tickets

bi1yx5vvAll international flights have been cancelled in Russia for a long time, but not all citizens of the country have managed to return from abroad. An unpleasant situation happened with Ural Airlines. Fraudsters copied the airline's website and sold tickets for non-existent flights. People want to return home and are ready to pay any amount. As soon as you enter your card information, all the money on it will be immediately written off. Of course, you will not receive any ticket. To avoid being deceived, you should be aware of the latest events. If you have any doubts, call the company's hotline.

There is another scheme. Here the scammers act at random. They find potential victims and offer to sell them a ticket for a charter flight. Such cases were recorded in Moscow. The victims of the scammers were citizens of Uzbekistan who were trying to go home.

1. Witchcraft, amulets and charms

rdyq2303The most amazing method of fraud, but, oddly enough, effective. Fraudsters sell amulets and charms against coronavirus, witches read spells and incantations. Of course, magical protection from COVID-19 a priori cannot be cheap. For example, an astrologer from Chita became famous throughout Russia, promising to determine the risk of coronavirus infection by date of birth to everyone. On Avito, you can find a huge number of "unique" things: from charmed garlic to an amulet worth 1.6 million rubles. People are ready to give their money, many have lost the rest of their common sense from fear. No amulets will cure the disease. Magic is powerless here.

In order not to fall into the clutches of swindlers and fraudsters, you need to follow the events that are happening in the country and not communicate with suspicious people, even on the Internet. Do not panic. If you cannot calm down, use the advice of psychologists. Think before you do anything, and then no one will be able to deceive you.