International Day of Culture in 2025

Culture is what distinguishes each nation, country, people from others. Thanks to the level of culture, one can judge both the development of the state and each individual.

Every nation tries to preserve its cultural heritage, not only by passing on knowledge from generation to generation, but also by protecting historical buildings and monuments.

International Day of Culture will be relevant in 2025 as well. And it was initiated thanks to a legal document, which is aimed at preserving all important cultural sites.

History and traditions of the holiday

When talking about International Day of Culture in 2024, it is important to remember the history of this holiday.One of the main initiators of this day and the main fighter for the culture of his time is considered to be the Russian artist Nikolai Roerich, who lived in the late 19th and early 20th centuries.

He believed that cultural expressions have no religion, nationality or age. They are meant to unite people.

Therefore, in 1914, during the war, he addressed the warring countries and proposed concluding an agreement aimed at protecting cultural monuments. He called for them not to be destroyed during military operations.

His initiative did not find a response, but it received the support of such outstanding cultural figures as Romain Rolakh, Albert Rubinstein and Heinrich Mann. Roerich repeated his attempt at a conference in Bruges in 1931. His proposal was implemented only four years later.

On April 15, 1935, the heads of 21 American republics signed a document in Washington, aimed at protecting cultural heritage in both peacetime and wartime. The signing was attended by the current US President Roosevelt. The treaty was called the "Roerich Pact".

The treaty is still relevant today. It was drawn up according to all legal norms. Latin American countries and India also signed this pact. But the USSR and Europe did not participate in this event, and therefore lost many historical sites during the war. However, in the territory of these countries (and former republics of the USSR) they try to maintain the pact.

And for 2025, the International Day of Culture has its own traditions:

  1. Gala concerts are held.
  2. Scientific conferences are organized.
  3. The exhibitions are dedicated to the national cultures of different countries.
  4. Theatrical productions and performances are attended.
  5. Musicians and poets organize theme nights.
  6. Lectures are organized dedicated to the cultures of the peoples of the world.

In addition to the recognition of the "Roerich Pact" by the state, it is necessary to involve the public in the events. Only mass participation will show that people's lives become more valuable and higher thanks to cultural heritage and its preservation. It is ordinary people who are able to provide real help in this.

Banner of Peace

This holiday has another, more complete name, but it is rarely used: World Day of Culture under the Banner of Peace.

This very Banner is a symbol of the Roerich Pact and is called upon to unite under itself all those who intend to preserve and protect the treasures of our civilization. Roerich himself called this sign the Red Cross of Culture. However, the symbol itself has a very ancient history.

This is the Sign of the Trinity. Three red circles enclosed in a ring symbolize:

  • in culture – a synthesis of science, religion and art;
  • in the space of Eternity – the unity of the past, future and present;
  • the basis of life is knowledge, beauty and love;
  • In Christianity – Father, Son and Holy Spirit.

We can go on and on, but it was this symbol that seemed ideal to Nicholas Roerich to show the unity of not only one specific country, but the entire civilization.

Each nation and each person individually may have a different interpretation of this symbol. But, whatever is chosen, the meaning remains the same: The Sign brings unity.

And this is not just an ornament, it carries a certain meaning. But at the same time, it cannot be attributed to any specific folklore. It simply came into the world through centuries and even millennia.

The Trinity symbol can be found in many different corners of the planet. In the "Temple of Heaven" in China, you can see this symbol, on the shields of the Templars, on ancient paintings by Titian, on images of the Holy Trinity, on the clothes of the Lord of Shambhala - Rigden-Djapo, on some Caucasian blades. And in many, many other places.

Culture is everything that is created by man. And wherever the Sign of the Trinity appears, we must strive to preserve this heritage.

At the present time and in the context of the holiday, the three circles are all the achievements of humanity that were, are and will be. And the ring surrounding them is the ring of Eternity, which means that these achievements must always be remembered.

This flag is international and can be seen on government buildings all over the world.This flag has even traveled to Everest, both poles of the Earth and the International Space Station.

It was the raising of the Banner of Peace into space that marked the beginning of the International Public Scientific and Educational Space Project "Banner of Peace". Not only Russian cosmonauts, but also several foreign ones took part in this event.

During military operations, such a banner was raised above many architectural monuments. And this means that, according to the pact signed in 1935, military operations cannot be conducted on the territory where the Banner of Peace is present.

And now, traditionally, on a holiday, such a Sign decorates many cultural buildings around the world.

When will International Culture Day be celebrated?

International Day of Culture in 2025 will be traditionally celebrated on April 15, both in Russia and around the worldIt is not for nothing that this holiday is called international.

In Russia

Russia is recognized as the most cultural country. Its vast territory contains many historical monuments. Despite the fact that many have been destroyed, the reserve is still very large. Literally in every city you can see a small building that is not restored by anyone, but is not demolished either, since it has a certain value.

In the world

The modern world has seen many global crises. Therefore, preserving cultural norms is more relevant than ever. On this day, April 15, there is a tradition of raising the "Banner of Peace" and holding joint international events.

What events for International Culture Day are planned to be held in 2024?

Events to mark International Culture Day 2025 will be held in every city. And, although this holiday is not very popular, people try not to forget about it:

  1. In schools, children participate in various competitions and watch themed films. Senior students write essays, and younger students draw their favorite fairy-tale characters.
  2. The cultural centers hold dance and song competitions (the main theme is the Motherland), and children and adults are given the opportunity to write a story or a tale about the importance of culture.
  3. Concerts and receptions are organized for workers in this field, they are actively congratulated and given gifts.
  4. Many theatres offer free performances and productions.
  5. Museums host exhibitions dedicated to the cultural diversity of different countries.
  6. In some cities, large fairs are organized where everyone can walk around, buy something, and appreciate the flavor of different nationalities and what is valuable to them.

True culture is manifested in art. This should be remembered always, not just one day a year. Then it is possible to form correct values, the absence of rudeness, conflicts (both interpersonal and international). The world will become a better place if people feel their unity and accept the differences of others.


March 25, International Day of Cultural Workers in 2025 will be held as planned, and all those involved will receive the warmest congratulations from their colleagues and friends.

President Putin signed a decree on holding events dedicated to the celebration on August 27, 2007. Therefore, among all professional holidays, this one is the youngest. It was invented for those who continue to develop amateur art. Namely, for employees of museums, cultural centers, libraries, and various clubs.

For those who serve in professional theaters, there is a separate day.. And if the theater is amateur, then March 25. And, despite the fact that musicians, actors, artists, etc. are artists, it is still customary to congratulate them on this day. And also on the general international holiday of April 15.

Therefore, the International Day of Culture in 2025 implies congratulations for all workers in this field. On this day, many organizations usually award the best specialists. Why not use any suitable occasion for the celebration.


All those involved in 2025 can be congratulated on International Culture Day using pictures or postcards.

It is very important to invest in the development and preservation of common values for the correct and harmonious development of future generations. By uniting, people will be able to decorate this planet.