Solar Eclipses in 2025

There will be two partial solar eclipses in 2025. The first will take place on March 29, 2025. The date of the second astronomical phenomenon is September 21.

Meaning of solar eclipse

The natural phenomenon has virtually no effect on the physiological state of people and animals. But weather-sensitive people, those suffering from cardiovascular and endocrine diseases, may experience a deterioration in their health. The danger lies in the fact that a solar eclipse is usually accompanied by strong magnetic storms and sudden changes in the weather.

Even most healthy people may experience discomfort associated with the disruption of the usual rhythm of day and night. During an eclipse, the amount of sunlight decreases, and even with a partial phenomenon, twilight sets in. The state in which animals and people find themselves at this moment can be compared to the initial stage of the development of neurotic pathologies. However, the restoration of the nervous system occurs in a short time, since the event does not last long.

Silhouettes of people

When will the solar eclipses be in 2025

A natural phenomenon with a sequence (Saros), exactly repeating the placement of the Sun, the Earth's satellite and other celestial objects, is repeated with a periodicity of 18.03 years. Knowing how long a full Saros lasts, astronomers can calculate in advance where and when the next solar eclipse will be. From 2 to 4 events occur annually. The closest one in 2025 falls on March 29, the next one on September 21. But both eclipses will be partial - the lunar disk will not completely cover the solar one. Such phenomena can be seen with a periodicity of 177 days and 4 hours.

On Saturday, March 29, the event will occur in the constellation Pisces. It will be visible only in the polar and northern hemispheres. For example, the movement of the luminaries can be seen in Canada, Greenland, and northern parts of Europe. The largest part of the solar disk will be covered by the Moon at 10:48:36 UTC. This is the only solar eclipse of 2025 that will be visible in Europe.

The average duration of the astronomical phenomenon is 1 hour. Depending on the region, you can observe the overlap of the solar disk by the moon from 30 minutes to 1.5 hours.

Ways to see a solar eclipse

You can't look at the Sun without protecting your eyes - you can easily get a serious retinal burn. The following are used as protection:

  1. Sunglasses specifically designed for observing the daylight. The protective equipment is bought at an optician or made independently. A cardboard base with temples is cut out and improvised lenses made from AstroSolar film are inserted.
  2. Special monocles with solar filters, which are widely offered by online trading platforms in anticipation of the astronomical phenomenon.
  3. Welding masks, provided the protective shade is more than 14.
  4. Glass smoked by candle flame. It is important that one side is completely black.
  5. Magnetic tape from an unnecessary computer diskette.
  6. A home telescope, also equipped with sun filters.


It is not recommended to look at the solar disk for a long time, even when using protective equipment. But it is enough to observe only the active phase to get an idea of this amazing phenomenon.

If you want to see the whole process, you will have to build a home projector (camera obscura) from improvised means:

  1. Take a white sheet of paper (screen) on which the projection of the eclipse will be displayed.
  2. The second sheet is placed opposite so that its shadow falls on the screen.
  3. A hole up to 2 mm in size is made in the sheet.

Place the structure near a window or in the yard so that the viewer stands with his back to the Sun, and the image of the luminary is displayed on the screen through the hole - a light disk with a shadow approaching it will be clearly visible.

What you can and cannot do during solar eclipses

On such days, it is worth paying more attention to spiritual practices. It is advisable not to argue with loved ones, avoid conflicts with superiors. You should refrain from eating products of dubious quality, as there is a high risk of food poisoning.

What not to do:

  • make unplanned purchases;
  • borrow or lend money;
  • move to a new job;
  • conclude contracts, sign papers;
  • resort to surgical treatment.

Failure to follow recommendations can lead to serious financial losses and deterioration of health.

Eclipse over the city

Signs of the day

Observations of solar omens have led to the emergence of a number of omens that can predict both trouble and success:

  • to be caught in the rain on this day means stability and well-being;
  • to twist your foot, break your heel – to failure;
  • open a window - let trouble into the house;
  • throw away old things - get rid of obstacles;
  • to squander - to face poverty.

It is believed that in the year of a total eclipse the harvest will be poor and it will not be possible to store it for a long time.

A solar eclipse is a curious and beautiful astronomical phenomenon that can be observed on March 29, 2025. Although there will only be a partial overlap of the solar disk by the lunar one, you need to take care of protective equipment in advance to avoid getting a retinal burn. The next eclipse will take place only on September 21, 2025.