Bright holiday Easter in 2025

Easter is an annual holiday celebrated throughout the Christian world. It concludes Lent and Holy Week, which includes Maundy Thursday, Good Friday, and Easter Sunday.

Although the holiday has great religious significance, many traditions go back to pagan times. As a rule, during Easter, everyone strives to meet with relatives and friends, clean their houses and bake Easter cakes.

Preparation takes a lot of time, so you need to know in advance when Easter is in 2025. Housewives want to please their families with delicious dishes and try new Easter cake recipes. That's what we'll talk about.

How is Easter day calculated?

The day of Easter, on which Christ's resurrection took place, changes from year to year. Because of this, the holiday is called movable. The date of Easter in 2025 will be different from last year.

The reason for these changes is that Easter always falls on the first Sunday after the first full moon after the vernal equinox. For a long time, there was no single way to determine the date of Easter.

But the method approved by the Council of Nicaea in 325 A.D. gradually became generally accepted. The Council also decreed that Easter should always fall on a Sunday.

This means that Easter is always the first Sunday after the first full moon, which falls on or after March 21. It may come as early as March 22, depending on when the full moon is. But this simple date determination is not accurate.

The full moon can fall on different days in different time zones, which is a problem when calculating a specific number. Therefore, not an exact date, but an approximate date is used. For this, the full moon is always set on the 14th day of the lunar month, which begins with the new moon.

And the vernal equinox is on March 21, although it may actually fall on March 20. This allows for a universal date to be established, regardless of when the vernal equinox and full moon occur in a particular time zone.

Moreover, the holiday can be celebrated by all Christians on different days.This is explained by the fact that the Roman Catholic Church and Protestant denominations determine the date according to the Gregorian calendar.

It is astronomically more accurate and is used in both the secular and religious worlds. The Eastern Orthodox use the Julian calendar.

Easter Fast 2024

For believers, the beginning of Lent is an important and significant event. Besides the fact that it is the longest and lasts 48 days. To pass it, serious preparation is required. Naturally, it is expressed not only in the refusal of certain products. The main thing is to repent, reconcile with others, cleanse yourself spiritually in order to be ready to celebrate the bright holiday of Easter.

The beginning of the fast is tied to the date of Easter. Considering that Orthodox Easter in 2025 will be on May 5, Great Lent will begin on March 18 and end on May 4.

Traditionally, the Easter fast is divided into several periods. The longest one is called Lent. It lasts 4 weeks.

Each has its own name:

  1. 1st week about Zacchaeus.
  2. 2nd about the publican and the Pharisee.
  3. 3rd about the prodigal son.
  4. 4th about the Last Judgment.

For Orthodox Christians, this time is a reminder of the fast of Jesus Christ. Therefore, all of them are aimed at preparing believers for repentance, which is the main meaning of the fast.

There are dietary rules that must be followed. The main requirement is the prohibition of any food of animal origin. Moreover, the first week is especially strict.

The fast begins with complete abstinence from food for the entire first day. Then you can eat honey, nuts, raw fruits and vegetables, drink water and eat bread. And at the end of the week, hot food with added butter is allowed.

In the following weeks, dry food is recommended, and on some days hot food is allowed. Sometimes you can add oil. The Orthodox calendar describes in detail the diet for each day of the fast. A week before Easter, you are allowed to eat fish or caviar.

What date is Easter in 2025?

One of the most beloved holidays is celebrated at different times. Since ancient times, the exact date of Easter has been a subject of constant debate. To establish consistency, the founders of the early church proposed to adhere to the Jewish Passover.

Since the death, burial and resurrection of the Lord occurred after Passover, it was established that Easter is celebrated after that day. The Jewish calendar is based on solar and lunar cycles, so the dates of the holidays shift from year to year.

In Eastern and Western Europe and America, the holiday is celebrated at different times. Catholic Easter in 2025 will be a week earlier than Orthodox. And if the question arises, when will the Jewish Passover be in 2025, then you should know that Passover begins on April 22 and ends on the 30th.


For believers of the Roman Catholic Church and Protestant denominations Easter in 2025 will be celebrated on March 31Traditionally, Palm Sunday (April 28) will herald the beginning of Holy Week.

Parishioners come to the festive mass with willow or palm branches. After the consecration, the believers take the branches home and keep them until the next Lent.

On the night of Great Saturday, the Easter Vigil is held. It is held in the dark hours of the day, between sunset on Saturday and sunrise on Easter morning. At this time, the sacrament of chrismation is performed.

The festive Sunday begins with a morning mass. Afterwards, a breakfast is organized for the parishioners. Then people can watch live performances, attend a festival or just spend time with family.


There are many rituals, customs and traditions associated with Easter. The service begins before midnight, and at midnight the Easter Matins begins. If we specify what date Easter 2025 will be in Russia, then it is worth saying that she will be on may 5th.

The Easter service in 2025 will take place on the night of May 4-5. Believers try to dress festively for the service, and only those products that are permitted by the church can be brought for the blessing.


An interesting, original and family-oriented Easter holiday in Armenia is called "Zatik". It is an interweaving of Christian and pagan rituals. A distinctive feature is the ritual of lighting trees, but only for those who have a house with a garden.

The ritual is performed by the eldest woman in the family. She walks around the garden with a lit candle. But "Zatik" is a family holiday. Relatives visit with Easter baskets containing red wine, eggs and aklatiz dolls.

These figurines are given only to married couples. They are a talisman and a symbol of well-being. In 2025, Armenian Easter is celebrated on May 5th.


Jews do not recognize Jesus as the Messiah and do not believe in his resurrection. For them, Pesach (Passover) is associated with the story of deliverance from slavery in Egypt. It is one of the three main pilgrimage holidays in Judaism. The other two are Pentecost and Shavuot.

Today, Jews celebrate Passover with a Seder, a strictly ritual family meal that includes only certain foods, as well as liturgical readings and prayers. The date is tied to the Jewish lunar calendar. What date is Passover in 2025? Passover will last from April 22 to April 30.

Easter Recipes 2024

Preparing a festive Easter table takes a lot of time and effort from housewives. The variety of dishes depends on whether the family observed Lent or not. If they adhered to strict restrictions in food, then returning to the usual diet should be gradual and very careful.

You shouldn't eat a lot on Easter day. And if there was no fasting, then on Easter you can allow yourself more satisfying treats. But what to cook for Easter in 2024? There are classic recipes for cooking meat and fish dishes, various salads.

Traditional dishes that are present in every home of Orthodox believers, regardless of whether they observe Lent, are Easter cakes and painted eggs. It should be recognized that not all housewives know how and like to bake Easter cakes. And they can be understood. This is a special pastry.

In order for it to turn out well, it is not enough to just take a recipe and the necessary set of products. You need the right inner attitude. A lot depends on this. But if there is a family proven recipe that is passed down from generation to generation, then you can count on the Easter cakes being delicious, to the delight of the whole family.

When to bake Easter cakes?

As you know, a few days before the holiday, the whole house is put in order. This symbolizes internal cleansing and preparation for a worthy Easter celebration. Many women are interested in the question of when to bake Easter cakes in 2025?

It is recommended to do the cleaning on Wednesday so that you can do the baking on Maundy Thursday.. Moreover, if you follow the traditions, then on Maundy Thursday you need to get up before sunrise, tidy yourself and your home, and then start preparing treats for Easter.

But many women who are busy at work do not have the opportunity to prepare well for the holiday and do not have time to do all the necessary things. Therefore, it is permissible to bake Easter cakes on Saturday. The Church allows this.

When baking, you need to follow the traditions and remember that the Easter cake should be cylindrical and look like a church. You need to knead the dough without malice, with bright thoughts. And if something doesn’t work out, you can turn to God in prayer.

At the same time, the whole family needs to be reminded that at this time they should not listen to loud music, play noisy games, or simply talk loudly.

If you approach the process with soul and responsibility, then the Easter cake will turn out beautiful. The illumination of Easter cakes for Easter 2025 will be held on Easter night from May 4 to 5.

When to paint eggs?

An old tradition, rooted in the distant past. Painted chicken eggs are a symbol of reborn life. According to tradition, it is better to paint them on Thursday or Saturday. If earlier onion peel was used for this, now housewives often resort to artificial dyes. And in connection with this, signs have already appeared about what each color means.

For example:

  • yellow – prosperity and wealth;
  • green – prosperity and rebirth;
  • blue – kindness, peace and love.

Easter eggs are a wonderful and symbolic gift for family and friends.


During Easter week 2025, you can prepare both hearty and light vegetable salads. These are dishes with the addition of boiled chicken, cheese, pineapple, corn. You can diversify the dishes with radishes, spinach, fresh cucumbers and cabbage, green onions. They are ideal for a light spring table.

Classic recipes

The traditional recipe for Easter cake includes the following ingredients:

  • 500 ml milk;
  • 50-60 g yeast;
  • 1-1.5 kg flour;
  • eggs – 6 pcs;
  • drain butter – 200 g;
  • sugar – 250-300 g;
  • raisins – 300 g;
  • vanillin;
  • salt.


  1. Dissolve yeast in warm milk, add flour and mix well. Put the mixture in a warm place and cover with a towel. After 20 minutes, the dough should double in size.
  2. The whites are separated from the yolks and whipped into a foam with a pinch of salt. The yolks are ground with sugar and vanilla.
  3. First, add the yolks to the dough and mix everything thoroughly. Then add soft butter and finally whipped egg whites.
  4. The remaining flour is added to the dough. It should not be steep or stick to your hands. The dough should stand in a warm place for about an hour. During this time, it rises.
  5. Washed raisins are added to the dough.
  6. The dough is placed into the prepared forms to 1/3 of their height. It should be allowed to rise again.
  7. Bake at 100°C for 10 minutes, then another 25-35 minutes at 180°C.

If desired, the Easter cakes can be coated with glaze, decorated with candied fruit and sprinkles.

Signs for Easter

Traditions and customs have been formed among the people for years. Signs for Easter 2024 are also interesting. It is believed that a prayer for well-being during the ringing of bells will bring good luck to the family for the whole year.

Signs say that a cold Easter foretells a good harvest, but at the same time one should expect another 7 cold weekends. If it rains with lightning and thunder, then the year will be fruitful, nourishing and favorable. And warm and sunny weather foretells a long and hot summer.

What shouldn't you do on Easter?

It is important to maintain proper behavior throughout Holy Week.. Some prohibitions established by Orthodox canons should not be violated. And there is an explanation for this. So, what should not be done on Easter 2025?

First of all, you shouldn't swear, get angry or take offense. It's better to free yourself from bad thoughts and feelings, and you need to make peace with people. You can't be sad, depressed or mournful. If you don't, all the negative energy can come back with double the force.

You can't do heavy physical labor, as well as getting a haircut, washing and sewing. But you need to understand correctly and not exaggerate the restrictions. Refusal to work gives a person the opportunity to put their own thoughts and feelings in order, to turn to God in prayer.

It is strictly forbidden to go to cemeteries on Easter. It is better to postpone visiting deceased relatives and friends to Radonitsa. At this time, the church remembers all the deceased and offers prayers to God.

You shouldn't eat or drink too much on Easter. Everything should be done in moderation. Easter cakes and eggs blessed in the church should not be thrown away. It is allowed to burn them or give them to animals or birds. You can't even throw away the shells of blessed eggs.

Happy Easter 2024

It is important to address your family and friends with good wishes on this bright day. Easter 2025 greetings can be in both poetry and prose.


– It’s Easter time!

Let her give you strength

I wish you to celebrate and have fun!

Let all good things happen!

– Holy Resurrection has come!

Let your soul be calm and light!

Let life be generous with joy,

Full of warmth, hope and goodness!


– Congratulations on this wonderful, warm and holy holiday. May your soul breathe in the Easter warmth and be reborn to a pure and joyful life. May holy love and grace be near. Christ is Risen!

– There is much good and wonderful in the world, and we must remember that the desire to do good is embedded in the heart. Happy Easter and I wish you to turn to heaven more often and always love your loved ones!

– We wish only health and happiness to the whole family on Easter. May there be peace and quiet in your soul, and may gloomy thoughts go away. Happy Easter!