New Year 2025 in Vietnam: How is it celebrated?

New Year's holidays are a time for families to come together and have pleasant meetings. It is even more pleasant to spend them in an unusual place, for example, in Vietnam. This Asian country has recently gained popularity as a tourist destination.

Thousands of tourists come here to celebrate the Eastern New Year, enjoy the beautiful views, swim in the warm sea and buy gifts and authentic souvenirs.

You can find out when the New Year in Vietnam will be next year, popular traditions of local residents and suitable resorts for recreation during this period in the article.

Traditions of Tet – Vietnamese New Year

The Vietnamese New Year is called “the first morning festival” – Tet or Tet nguyet dan. It is this event that is able to convey the cultural and national specificity of the country. This is the most popular local festival.

The tradition of celebrating the New Year comes from China and is associated with the transition from winter to spring and the change of seasons. During this period, the season of fogs and rains begins in the northern part of the country.

During the New Year holiday, locals made ritual offerings for favorable weather, which contributed to the growth of grain crops. The event is associated with renewal and purity.

Preparations for Tet begin long before it arrives.. The main streets acquire orange, red and yellow shades. In park areas, alleys and squares, tangerine, peach and apricot trees are sold. Such vegetation symbolizes happiness. Yellow chrysanthemums appear in specialized markets – a symbol of prosperity and eternal life.

You can determine when the New Year is in Vietnam by the activity of local residents. They visit local temples, have fun, visit relatives, prepare gifts.

The Vietnamese have many interesting traditions:

  1. Preparing homes for the holiday. A few days before the New Year, locals throw out unnecessary things, thoroughly clean their homes and decorate them with holiday attributes. According to legend, cleanliness in the house will help avoid misfortunes.
  2. Buying new clothes. About a month before the festive event, the whole family buys new clothes that can only be worn on the first day of the next year.
  3. Farewell to Ong Tao. A week before the New Year, the Vietnamese bid farewell to the kitchen god. Ong Tao rides to the Heavenly Palace on a carp to report on the affairs of the year. This is an ancient Chinese tradition that has taken root in Vietnam. It is during this period that carp feeding is practiced.
  4. A ceremonial meeting of the Kitchen God on the eve of the holiday. It is considered the transition from the old year to the new.
  5. Planting apricot and peach trees. In the country, flowers and buds symbolize new beginnings. Apricot and peach are very popular. Beautiful pink flowers can be seen in every home during the festive time.
  6. Welcoming the first guest. The luck of the family in the coming year is determined by which guest comes to the house first. If he is wealthy, respected and successful, the house will be lucky throughout the year.
  7. An offering ceremony to the ancestors, which takes place at the beginning of the first day of the year. It is important that the head of the family lights incense and places fruits, food, cakes and wine on the altar. This way, the deceased can join in the celebration, which will affect the well-being in the future.
  8. Handing over money envelopes. Red is the color of wealth and luck. Older people hand young people red envelopes with a small amount of money, and the young people listen to instructions about relationships, study, and development.

New Year's Eve Dishes

You can find out when the New Year is in Vietnam in 2024 by the festive table. At this time, the Vietnamese put a plate with 5 types of fruits on the table.. It is installed on the altar of the ancestors.

The fruits should be colorful, ripe and look appetizing. They symbolize the 4 elements and metal, as well as prosperity. The fruits are laid out in the form of a pyramid.

Banh Trang is another local traditional dish.. This is a rice cake with a filling of green beans and rice, made in a square shape. City dwellers prefer store-bought pies, while rural dwellers prepare them with the whole family.

Bitter melon with meat is another delicacy with a capital letter during this period. It not only has an unusual taste, but is also valued for its medicinal properties.

Residents of the northern regions also serve fish, pork legs and jellied meat, while southerners serve vegetables and pork baked in coconut milk.

What weather is expected for New Year 2025?

Before you determine what year it is in Vietnam, it is important to know in detail about the weather at that time. This southern country is hot even in the winter months.. January daytime temperatures are only a few degrees lower than July. For Russians, this difference will be imperceptible.

At the beginning of winter, the country experiences a "dry season" - clear and sunny weather with minimal precipitation. In the southern part, there is hot weather with rare storms at sea.

The central zone is popular among excursion lovers, since here in January the transition to the dry season is just beginning.

The northern part is cold, and in some mountainous areas it can be a few degrees above zero. At the same time, in Hanoi the temperature does not fall below 15 degrees.

When will Vietnam celebrate New Year 2025?

Officially, the New Year in Vietnam is celebrated on the first day of the year according to the lunar calendar. As a rule, this day falls at the end of January – the second ten days of February.

Using such a calendar, you can not only find out what year it is in Vietnam now, but also determine when the New Year is in Vietnam by date. In 2025 it will be the night of February 10th.

At this time, crowds of people can be seen on the streets performing the Lion Dance in fancy dress. Some children "carol" in anticipation of a reward from adults.

Best Resorts to Celebrate Vietnamese New Year

Tours to Vietnam in winter are in great demand among travelers. It is important to take into account a number of possible inconveniences during the trip.

Having learned when the new year in Vietnam 2024 is, you should immediately book plane tickets to the desired location. The fact is that the Vietnamese themselves are eager to visit their relatives and friends, so they buy up tickets for transport.

You should also prepare for higher prices in public catering establishments, railway stations, markets and hotels. At the same time, many shops close for a long period during the holidays, which becomes a separate cause for concern for tourists. It is better to buy provisions and necessary items for a week in advance.

The most popular resort is Nha Trang, where the climate is dry at the beginning of winter. There is minimal precipitation and the sun shines constantly. Storms are rare, but a light wind remains.

Tourists come here to see the Po Nagar Temple, visit the Oceanographic Museum and Long Son Pagoda. Children will enjoy the water park and the large amusement park, and adults can spend time at the golf club.

Nha Trang is famous for its picturesque beaches and islandsIt is here that the longest cable car in the world is located, which connects the island of Che and the city.

The local beaches are popular among diving enthusiasts due to the good depth of the sea. Since there are strong underwater currents in January, diving is only available to professionals.

At the same time, vacationers can easily find suitable entertainment, from parachute flights to surfing. Not far from the main ones, several secluded beaches are equipped, popular with lovers of a quiet holiday.

The second most visited resort is Phan Thiet, where the air temperature is higher and there are no storms. It is constantly windy here, which attracts tourists who practice kiting.

Popular attractions include the canyon-surrounded Fairy Falls and sand dunes. Here you can go diving, surfing, fishing or just sunbathing.

Phu Quoc is a former nature reserve where the weather is hot and sunny and there is no rain.This place is suitable for squid and fish catching, participation in excursion tours, viewing waterfalls, biking, snorkeling and diving.

There are many specialized diving schools here, where instructors speak Russian. Tourists will be interested in seeing the local amusement park, oceanarium and water park.

You can celebrate the New Year in Vietnam 2025 at any of the listed resorts. The main thing is to stock up on provisions for the holiday period and find a suitable beach for swimming.