The best fortune telling 2025 on Christmas Eve before Christmas at home

Christmas Eve before Christmas is considered the best time for fortune telling. All manipulations can be done at home, and find out your future for the New Year 2025, tell fortunes about your betrothed or money. But you need to know how to perform rituals correctly so that the result obtained is true and does not become the cause of a negative response for turning to magic on this holy day. The selections present proven traditional rituals for the New Year 2025.

Christmas Eve is traditionally celebrated on the night of January 6-7. It ends a four-week fast and is considered a magical time when you can learn your future. This custom appeared in pre-Christian times, its roots go back to pagan rituals. Some of them were described in the works of the classics.

The best time to conduct it is considered to be after sunset. Girls gathered in small groups and went to uninhabited places, where they told fortunes. They did nothing in the hut, so as not to invite evil spirits "to visit". Today, the place of the event does not have a significant meaning, although many believe in this sign.

Preparing for fortune telling on Christmas Eve 2024

It is better to start preparations with a cleansing ritual. To do this, it is better to go to a bathhouse, take a shower or a bath with salt. It is also important to concentrate on your question in order to correctly send a message to the Universe and receive an answer. It is worth listening to your intuition, it will definitely tell you whether it is worth fortune telling or not. If everything is in order, the mood is good, you can proceed directly to preparation.

Bath bowls

What time is best for fortune telling?

On Christmas Eve, the ideal time is considered to be after sunset and closer to midnight. Early in the evening or already in the morning, fortune telling will be less truthful. Therefore, it is better to plan the rituals for the period from 22.00 to 01.00.

How to prepare and what to use

To prevent Christmas fortune telling from causing misfortune in the New Year, certain rules should be followed. Preparation for this event consists of the following:

  1. It is better to tell fortunes in company, so that it is fun and not scary.
  2. Before starting, you must remove all amulets, crosses, talismans and means of protection against the evil eye. All this can become an obstacle to the ritual.
  3. Clothes should be new, not restricting movement, made of natural materials.
  4. Girls must wear their hair loose, no elastic bands, hairpins or combs.

Three girls are telling fortunes

Candles or small lanterns should be used as lighting, it is better to make the light as dim as possible. This will create a magical atmosphere and allow you to tune in to the rituals. What can be used in the process:

  1. Paper. You can write on it, burn it and watch the result. Many rituals involve the use of this consumable material.
  2. Ring. Used mainly for fortune telling about a betrothed or for creating a pendulum when it is necessary to get a yes or no answer.
  3. Mirror. In it you can see an image of your future husband or the dangers that fate has prepared.
  4. Candles. They are used to create atmosphere and are used in rituals. You can even get answers from the Universe by the oscillation of the flame.
  5. Cards. They are used to make layouts or to indicate future chosen ones.

Cards, mirrors, candles

If desired, you can use other attributes that help to get answers to the questions asked. These can even be boots or a hat.

How to choose a place for fortune telling

The place should be remote from prying eyes, so that no one will disturb. Previously, girls who wanted to look into the future went to the bathhouse, or gathered in abandoned houses on the outskirts of the village. In the city, this can be any place where no one will disturb. Even a room in an apartment with well-curtained curtains. But after all the actions, it is recommended to "cleanse" the space from evil forces. You can light candles and read prayers.

Fortune telling for the future in 2025

No less pressing issue, besides marriage, is the future that awaits in the near future. Everyone is afraid of the unknown and unpredictability in the modern world. The following Christmas fortune telling will help to look into and learn about the upcoming events.

Fortune telling with a ball

By subjects

If a large group has gathered, then each person can take one of their items. Put them all in a pillowcase, mix them well and ask to take one. You can use very small items. If you get a coin, expect wealth, an earring means good news, a ring means marriage, a scarf means difficulties and losses.

On wax

You will need to take wax and melt it in a steam bath, then scoop it up with a spoon and pour it into the water. It is important to say your question during the process. The result obtained is examined for signs that suggest what to expect in the future. Good signs are a large number of protrusions, but pits are obstacles and barriers on the path of life. Round dents, like rings, foretell marriage, and crosses - losses in the family.

wax divination

On the maps

The simplest yes-no fortune telling is solitaire. It does not require any special skills and will help you get an answer to a specific question about your future. For example, will I find a job, sell a house or a car, go abroad, etc. If the layout comes together quickly, everything will be solved easily. But any snags or difficulties with the collection foreshadow obstacles.

Card layouts are more complicated. It is enough to take only playing cards with numbers, or only the highest rank (queens, kings). Here the suits will be of great importance. You need to lay out three cards in a row, choosing them from the deck at random. If the red ones fall first, the year will be good, and if the dark ones, expect trouble. If all the red ones fall, expect marriage or an addition to the family, and if only the black ones, losses and separations.

On a spruce branch

Take just one tassel from the New Year's beauty and put it under your pillow on Christmas Eve. Say: "Christmas tree, you are the mother of all trees, tell me what to expect from the future." It is important to remember all the events that will come in a dream, they will be a hint to future events. On this night, there is a high probability of seeing a prophetic dream.

Fortune telling on a spruce branch

On frozen water

Pour water into a large bowl. Wash your face three times. Say your question. For example, what awaits me in the future, what to be wary of and what troubles to expect. Put the container in the cold and let it freeze completely. After that, you can interpret the result. Uneven ice relief indicates problems. If the ice cracks badly, in half - expect a serious misfortune or illness. Lots of bubbles and figures of people - this means a lot of friends and wealth.

Fortune telling for the betrothed before Christmas 2024

On Christmas Eve, unmarried girls most often tell fortunes about their groom. They are interested in what kind of betrothed mummer fate has prepared for them. But not all manipulations may turn out to be true, it is better to use time-tested ones. Here are some of them.

Two girls are telling fortunes

With papers

The simplest and at the same time true fortune telling is played with notes and a hat. All those present must write down the names of all the men they know and put them in one bag or hat. The more notes there are, the more interesting it is. Each draws out one piece of paper, saying, "Tell me, what is the name of my future husband." Whatever name comes up, that is the groom to expect.

On the maps

You will need to take a regular deck of cards. Each participant is asked to choose 5 random cards, regardless of their value. If the selection includes a jack or a king, expect a groom at the door, if a queen, then there will be obstacles. If the card with the image of a man comes in a "set" with an ace, then the future groom will also have a house. Cards of the suit "hearts" indicate that the marriage will be for love, and "spades" for convenience.

Before bed

If you are gathering with girlfriends and don't plan to tell fortunes, then you should try to see what your future husband is like by making a wish before going to bed. To do this, you will need to comb your hair with a comb or a regular comb and put it under your pillow, inviting your future chosen one to meet in a dream. The hardest thing will be to remember in the morning who you dreamed about.

Setting fire to the threads

All the girls present take a thread. These can be identical pieces or different lengths, each cuts her own. The task is to set them on fire at the same time. Whoever burns faster will be the first to get married in the new year.

At the crossroads

You need to go to the nearest crossroads and wait a little. If a man passes by, expect a groom in the new year, if there is a noisy company, then the wedding will be cheerful and magnificent, and if you hear screams and a scandal, then nothing good should be expected in the near future.

With ring and ice

You will need to take a glass of water, put a ring on the bottom and take it out into the cold. You should wait a little for the liquid to freeze well. If the temperature outside is above zero, then a refrigerator will do. The main thing is to get ice. It is this that will tell you what awaits in the future:

  1. There are cracks. There will be no wedding next year.
  2. Smooth surface without flaws. You can prepare for marriage.
  3. The presence of pits. There will be many obstacles on the future husband's way to the lady's heart.
  4. Lots of bubbles. Despite the presence of suitors and proposals, there will be no celebration.

Fortune telling with a ring

You can only use your own ring during fortune telling. It is important that it is on your finger for at least some time, and not lie in a box for a year. Otherwise, you should not take the result seriously.

By phone

This is a modern fortune telling, which has also managed to prove itself well. You will need to dial the first phone number that comes to your eye. If a woman answers, do not expect marriage in the new year, and if a man, then the groom is already on the doorstep.

On felt boots or boots

Participants need to go outside and take any of their shoes, for example, a boot. Throw it as far as possible and see where the toe of the shoe is pointing. If it is thrown at the house from which it was thrown, there will be no wedding, the bride will not leave her parental home. But if it is thrown in the other direction, it means that she will soon be married off.

Fortune telling for luck and prosperity

If not only girls have gathered for Christmas fortune telling, then in addition to the betrothed, it will be interesting to tell fortunes about money and luck in the coming year. The following fortune telling will tell how well you are doing with finances:

  1. Take two candles (you can use church candles) and put them in two bowls. One will be filled with salt, the other with sugar. It is important to wait and see which one burns out first. If with salt, expect difficulties and hardships, and if with sugar, it means prosperity.
  2. If you are planning to give treats, you should put one or two coins in the pie. Whoever gets them should expect unexpected profit.
  3. Another surefire way to find out what awaits you in the financial sphere is to put a mirror out in the cold. If beautiful patterns form on it, everything will be fine; if there are many sharp corners or the pattern is blurred, you should prepare for difficult times.
  4. All those present take out the bills they have and put them in a hat. Each person takes out the first thing that comes into their hands. The higher the denomination, the better the financial situation will be in the coming period.
  5. Draw a circle on a piece of paper, divide it into a large number of fields. Write different options on them: "career growth", "lottery win", "unexpected profit", "increase in income", "inheritance" and others. Put a knife on top of the homemade field and twist it in turn. Where the blade points is the result of the fortune telling.

closed pie

Don't take everything too seriously if the event you held foretells trouble. But it's worth taking note and preparing a little for the unfavorable period, for example, by taking financial literacy courses or finding an extra part-time job.

Children's fortune telling 2024

It is interesting to find out your future on Christmas Eve not only for adults, but also for children. You can tell fortunes with them on all the questions that interest them. For this, you can take one of the following fortune-telling:

  1. On rice. Take a bowl of rice (if you don't have any at hand, peas or buckwheat will do) and ask the participants to ask questions of interest, perhaps silently. Then take a small amount of cereal in one palm. Pour it out onto paper and carefully count it. If you get an even number, then the answer is yes, if odd, then no.
  2. On tangerines. They are present in almost every home during the holidays, or you will need to buy them in advance. It is suggested to choose one tangerine from a bowl, ask the Universe a question and peel it. After that, you will need to count the number of slices. The result can be interpreted according to the same scheme as in the previous case.
  3. For a wish. You will need to write it down on a piece of paper and place it on the surface of the water. Time it for 2 minutes. If the paper quickly gets wet and sinks to the bottom, the wish will come true; if it floats on top, it will not.
  4. By cat. Fortune telling is suitable for those who have a pet at home. You will need to take it to another room. Voice your wish out loud or to yourself and the rules of fortune telling. For example, if the cat comes in, the wish will come true (or vice versa). And wait. If the cat comes in within a few minutes, then the fulfillment of the cherished wish should be expected soon.

A little girl is telling fortunes

The whole process of fortune telling with children should be done in a humorous manner, rather as a game. You should not set the participants up for negativity and predict misfortunes for them. It is better to use methods that give only "yes" or "no" answers.

Fortune telling in other countries

The tradition of fortune telling is not limited to Russia and the former Soviet Union. People all over the world strive to see their future, but often do it a little differently. First of all, the time of the event is different. After all, Christmas in Catholic countries falls on December 25. Their methods of fortune telling also differ:

  1. In Greece, it is customary to break a pomegranate on the threshold. If it is ripe and breaks into many seeds, then the year will be successful and all household members will be prosperous.
  2. In Italy, it is customary to tell fortunes by a shoe. It is thrown closer to the threshold, if the toe is facing the street, then the girl will soon get married, if into the house, then matchmakers should not be expected at the threshold yet.
  3. In Germany, it is common to melt tin or wax, pour it into water and guess what the resulting figures suggest. A large number of bumps was considered a good sign.
  4. In the Czech Republic, it is customary to tell fortunes by cutting an apple crosswise. If you get a star, then everyone in the house will be alive and well, but a cross foretells illness or death.
  5. In Bulgaria, any answer to the Universe can be found in a book. To do this, take the first edition you come across from the shelf and open a random page. The first line that catches your eye will be the prediction.

Little Globe

Christmas Eve is the best time to find out your future. Over the many centuries of the tradition's existence, hundreds of rituals have appeared, which differ in the mechanics of their implementation. It is better to use proven methods during this period, so as not to attract the attention of evil spirits and not to bring trouble by trying to look into the future.