The Tallest and Largest Trees in the World: TOP-10 Rating

Humans may have a lot of cool abilities, but we will never grow to 38 floors like the tallest tree in the world.

But, unlike Jack's notorious beanstalk, plants cannot grow forever.

  • In an article entitled 'Exploring the limits of maximum tree growth', Jonathan Amos of the BBC's Science Unit claims the tree's maximum height is around 130 metres.
  • Once the tree reaches this point, it will pump less and less water and nutrients. There simply won't be enough for new growth.
  • There is no living tree in the world that grows to 130 meters.

Here is the rating the largest and tallest trees in the world of those that currently exist, with photos and height data.

10. Mendocino - 112.20 m

Mendocino in top 10 largest trees

From early 1996 to late summer 2000, this tree in Montgomery Woods Preserve was considered the tallest tree in the world. It was then displaced from its top spot by several taller trees.

Mendocino is unmarked to remain protected from vandals and tourists.

9. Paradox - 112.56 m


This sequoia may not be the tallest tree on the planet, but it is remarkably slender. The tree got its name for its paradoxically narrow trunk, which is only 3.9 meters in diameter.

8. Rockefeller – 112.6 m


It was named after John D. Rockefeller, who donated $2 million to the Save the Redwoods League between 1926 and 1929, which enabled the purchase of a large tract of forest and prevented its development by the Pacific Lumber Company.

In 1931, an area of approximately 14.5 square miles (37.8 square kilometers) called the Rockefeller Forest became the main component of Humboldt Redwoods State Park.

7. Lauralin - 112.62 m


This majestic specimen of sequoia, distinguished by its reddish color and downward-facing leaves, is located 314 km north of San Francisco and was named after one of the trees in J. R. R. Tolkien's legendarium.

6. Orion - 112.63 m


And again, the sequoia is among the tallest trees. Its homeland is sunny California, the Redwood National Park. But the park management does not say where exactly to look for Orion, in order to avoid an influx of tourists.

Orion is no longer young even by tree standards, its estimated age is 1830 years.

5. National Geographic Society - 112.71 m

Tree National Geographic Society

This long-lived sequoia is estimated to be about 2,000 years old. However, sequoias are not the longest-living tree species.

There is little information about the location of this giant - it is only known that it grows near one of the Californian rivers - Redwood Creek.

4. Stratospheric giant – 113.11 m

Stratospheric giant

When this tree appeared in the world, you and I, dear readers, did not yet exist. According to scientists, the Stratospheric giant is already 1,500 years old, and considering that sequoias can live for 2,000 years, this worthy representative of the tallest trees may outlive us.

3. Icarus - 113.14 m


Like the hero of the Greek myth, this tree suffered from the sun, which scorched its top. Hence its name. However, this detail will not help the uninitiated to identify it, since in the area where Icarus grows there are hundreds of trees with scorched tops.

Icarus is the third tallest tree in the world and was discovered on the same day as Helios (second on the longest tree chart).

2. Helios - 114.58 m

Sequoia Helios

Chris Atkins and Michael Taylor are credited with finding the world's second tallest sequoia. The location is Redwood National Park. Since its discovery in 2006, the tree has grown even more, so its height is slightly less than the leader of the rating.

The location of Helios was kept secret for some time, but today it is known that it is not in the forest, but on the top of a hill.

1. Hyperion is the tallest tree in the world, 115.61 m high.

Hyperion is the tallest tree in the world

The titanic evergreen sequoia is native to California's Redwood National Park. The tallest tree in the world, Hyperion is not that old by tree standards, being estimated to be between 600 and 800 years old. That's pretty young compared to the oldest tree on Earth, the bristlecone pine Methuselah, which is over 4,850 years old.

The Hyperion giant is deep in the park, away from any tourist trail and behind dense vegetation. For at least 16 years, the park refused to disclose the tree's location.

But these precautions have proven to be an unreliable deterrent. Many thrill-seekers are defying the secrecy. The mysterious tree has spawned hundreds of Reddit threads with comments like “give me $7 million and a plane and I’ll find it” and “think of all the napkins we could make from that thing!”

Finally, in August 2023, Redwood Park officials announced that visitors caught near Hyperion could face up to six months in jail and a $5,000 fine.

The reason for such strict measures and secrecy is that visitors could cause serious and irreversible damage to the environment by destroying Hyperion's foundation, increasing soil compaction and damaging its shallow roots, the park said in a statement.

It is unknown whether Hyperion can hold the title of the largest redwood tree in history, or whether larger specimens have simply fallen victim to loggers.

The tallest tree in Russia is 60-80 m

Nordmann fir

The Nordmann fir (also known as the Caucasian fir) is found in the mountains of the eastern Black Sea region. It was named after the professor of botany Alexander von Nordmann, one of the directors of the Odessa Botanical Garden. Among these firs, there is no single holder of the title "the tallest". Under favorable conditions, these shade-loving beauties can stretch up to 60-80 meters.

The tallest tree in Asia is 100.8 m

Tree "Menara"

In 2019, a team of researchers announced the discovery of a 100.8-metre-tall giant growing in the forests of Sabah state on the island of Borneo.

If this tree were laid flat on the ground, it would be longer than a football field. Scientists have named the tree "Menara", which means "tower" in Malaysian.

The estimated biomass of the tree is 81,500 kg, of which 95% is in the trunk and 5% is in the crown.

The tallest eucalyptus in the world is about 100 m

Eucalyptus Centurion

The tallest regal eucalyptus trees can be found in Tasmania. The eucalyptus tree, proudly nicknamed "Centurion", is about 100 meters tall. According to experts, "Centurion" is still growing, albeit slowly

It is the tallest living deciduous tree on Earth and was discovered in October 2008 by Forestry Tasmania staff while analysing data collected by a lidar system used to map and assess local forest resources.

How to measure the height of a tree?

In the case of the tallest tree in existence, one of the researchers climbed the tree and dropped a measuring tape on the ground.

Laser rangefinders are also used to measure the height of trees.

The tallest tree ever measured

The tallest tree in the world, which was measured in the 19th century, is not a sequoia, but a rowan.

In 1872, a report by Australian Forest Inspector William Ferguson mentioned a fallen and charred Eucalyptus regnans (aka Rowan) tree that was at least 132 metres tall in life.

Around the same time, several specimens 140 m tall were recorded.

Unfortunately, we cannot verify these measurements: all these trees have been cut down. Rowan was and is an important building material in Australia.