The laziest animals in the world

Have your parents ever told you, "Laziness was born before you"? Well, they were right. Laziness was born long before you or me. It appeared with animals, and some of them are its very embodiment. Even a sloth is the epitome of activity compared to them, although it will also be on the list.

So, without further ado, here are the top 10 laziest animals in the world.

10. Leo

The lion yawns

Lions may be the kings of the savannah, but their majesties love to sleep. And they do it with truly royal scope – from 18 to 20 hours a day.

Lions live in hot places, and hunting large prey requires tons of energy. Sometimes, to prepare for the next hunt, lions sleep for 24 hours.

9. Nurse shark

Nurse shark

Most sharks are perpetual motion machines because their breathing apparatus requires movement. But not the nurse shark, affectionately known as the "couch potato of the sea." This species can pump water through its gills without moving, allowing it to spend more than 12 hours a day on the ocean floor.

At night they feed. But nurse sharks don't need much food, and what they do eat is lazily sucked in rather than actively pursued.

8. Giant Panda

Giant panda is lazy

Giant pandas have perfected the art of segmented sleep. These black and white bears sleep for about 12 hours a day, with three-hour intervals.

Why so long? Blame it on bamboo, their main food source. Pandas love it, but bamboo is low in nutrients, so they must eat at least 20 kilograms a day to survive! All that chewing and digesting is very taxing on the panda's body.

7. Echidna


One of the funniest animals in the world sleeps 12 hours a day. And who can blame it! The poor echidnas are stuck in the hot Australian heat, but they can't sweat to cool their bodies. At night, they wake up to get food. But after sunrise, the echidna goes back to sleep somewhere in the shade.

The echidna is also one of only two mammals that lay eggs. The other is the platypus.

6. Night monkey (Mirikina)

Night monkey (Mirikina)

These monkeys, whose sleep can last 17 hours, are nothing compared to the echidna and giant pandas. These primates eat and socialize after dark. Due to this lifestyle, nocturnal monkeys have excellent vision, but they do not distinguish colors.

Mirikins live in families consisting of monogamous parents and children who have not yet reached independence. And the nocturnal monkey fathers take more care of their children than their mothers.

5. Python


These snakes have a bad reputation, but a closer look at their lifestyle reveals that they are lazy oafs. The fearsome reptiles sleep up to 18 hours a day.

Why are they so lazy? Pythons eat only once a week, and it takes a huge amount of energy to digest the entire swallowed prey. They also periodically (4-6 weeks) molt - this also takes energy.

4. Hippopotamus

The hippopotamus is sleeping

Given their gigantic size, it’s no surprise that hippos fall on the lazy side of the activity scale. These giant mammals sleep between 16 and 20 hours a day. Whether they snooze on land or in the water, hippos aren’t picky, and they can snooze almost anywhere!

At night, when the hot sun is out of sight, hippos roam their territory in search of food. When these animals come across a fertile patch of land, they can stand in one place for five hours, consuming the succulent grass and other plant food.

3. Sloth


Of course, the ranking of the laziest animals could not do without the creature that first comes to mind when the word "laziness" is mentioned. Notoriously slow, sloths sleep about 20 hours a day. But we must give them credit: two-toed sloths are a little faster than three-toed ones.

The sloths' slow movements are explained by their extremely slow metabolism.

Interestingly, sloths are genetically closer to armadillos than to monkeys. And these animals only go to the toilet once a week, and do it on the ground, where they are vulnerable to predators, and then return high up in a tree.

2. Koala

Sleepy koala

People often call koalas "koala bears," but this is a misnomer. Koalas are marsupials, not bears.

These adorable fur balls are awake for no more than 2-6 hours a day. Like giant pandas, koalas' almost constant sleep is linked to food. Most of their diet consists of eucalyptus, a food with a very high fiber content. And it takes all the little koalas' energy to digest it.

1. Adelaide Blue-tongued Skink

The Adelaide Blue-tongued Skink is the laziest animal on Earth

The Adelaide Blue-tongued Skink is the laziest animal on the planet. It is an ideal pet for a person who is too lazy to take care of an animal. In order to feed themselves, these harmless exotic lizards can sit with their mouths open for a long time, waiting for the food to fall inside. The same goes for water - they rely on raindrops falling on their tongues.

Scientists believed that the dwarf blue-tongued lizard had become extinct in the recent past, but it turned out that the cunning reptiles were simply hiding! And male lizards show off their giant blue tongue to each other during the mating season, competing for the attention of the female.