The longest eyelashes in the world among humans and animals

Beautiful and long eyelashes are every girl's dream. Unfortunately, the quality of eyelashes is inherited, so not everyone can boast of such luxury. While the fair sex spends huge amounts of money on extended and false eyelashes, men and... animals break Guinness records for the length of natural eyelashes. We present to your attention Top 10 Longest Real Eyelashes in the World in men, women and animals.

10. Doe


In every culture, you can find a great many legends and myths associated with the doe. At all times, this beautiful deer was treated as a totem animal. The doe is associated with grace, feminine nature and tenderness. And for good reason. Just look at its luxurious thick eyelashes! Although this is not an attribute of beauty, but only a means of protecting the eye from drying out and dust particles, such eyelashes cannot leave anyone indifferent.

9. Horse

Horse eyelashesThis majestic and noble animal also boasts some of the longest eyelashes in the world. It is not surprising that the horse was awarded such wealth: first of all, it loves to run - short eyelashes would not cope with such powerful air flows.

8. Secretary bird

Secretary bird, eyelashesIt is difficult to confuse such a bird with any other. Majestically striding, shaking its long black feathers on the back of its head and haughtily looking at the world from under a fan of its luxurious long eyelashes, the secretary bird fully justifies its name. It seems that the bird has just visited the extension procedure.

7. Camel

CamelThe length of a camel's eyelashes is largely due to the climate conditions in which it traditionally lives. They protect it from powerful desert winds and sandstorms. And, of course, it's just incredibly beautiful.

6. Giraffe

Giraffe - the longest eyelashes of any animalThe giraffe is the animal with the longest eyelashes in the world. As with the camel, they are an important element of survival, since in the dusty conditions of Africa with short eyelashes you will not survive for long. Interesting fact: the length of the giraffe's eyelashes depends on how large the eye itself is.

5. Oksana Shikalyuk – 1.85 cm

Oksana Shikalyuk The top five people with the longest natural eyelashes in the world are opened by Ukrainian Oksana Shikalyuk. She set this record live on air: one eyelash was pulled out of the girl and straightened under glass, according to measurements, the length was 1.85 cm. For comparison, eyelashes were taken from other girls in the studio, but their eyelashes turned out to be several times shorter.

4. Valery Smagliy – 3.4 cm

Valery Smagliy Another wearer of long natural eyelashes, and this time also a Ukrainian. Valeriy Smagliy specially grew such eyelashes to break the record. However, he never gave away the secret of how to grow such "chic", although crowds of women chased him with questions. In an interview, he only said a few words about a special diet and complained that it was absolutely impossible to sleep with such eyelashes, so immediately after registering the record, he got rid of this heavy burden.

3. Muin Bachonaev – 3.5 cm

Muin Bachonaev has the longest eyelashes in RussiaThe first and so far the only Russian in our rating who got into the Russian Book of Records. The top three is opened by seven-year-old Muscovite Muin Bachonaev. From early childhood, the boy was already very different from all the other children: even in the maternity hospital, people specially came to look at the baby. At 4 years old, the length of Muin's eyelashes was 3.5 cm. But it is also necessary to take into account that as the boy grows, his eyelashes also grow. So the young Muscovite gives great promise and in the future can become a new super-record holder. As already mentioned in the article, the length of the eyelashes is determined by heredity. However, Muin's parents cannot boast of such a "fan". Therefore, it is quite justified to call him a "miracle boy".

2. Phuto Rav Mauli – 4.7 cm

This record has a very punning history: once experts went to India to record the age of the oldest cow in the world, but accidentally came across Phuto Rav Mauli and were deeply amazed by the length of his eyelashes. Now the man is 66 years old and he is calm about his peculiarity, but in childhood they brought him a lot of trouble: boys teased him for his resemblance to a girl. Unfortunately, the record was not recorded on film.

1. Stuart Muller - 6.99 cm

Stuart Muller - Owner of the Longest Eyelashes in the WorldThe man with the longest natural eyelashes in the world is American Stuart Muller. This record was set back in 2007, and no one has been able to beat it yet. According to experts, the length of one eyelash on Stuart's left eye is almost 7 centimeters! The most amazing thing is that the Florida native has only a few such giant eyelashes, and most of his eyelashes are of average length, like everyone else's. Unlike the previous participant in the rating, Stuart Muller has been proud of his eyelashes all his life and has never tried to get rid of them - on the contrary, he takes care of them in every possible way and claims that they do not cause him any discomfort in everyday life.