The Longest Hair in the World: TOP 10 Long-Haired People

Long hair is one of the best women's adornments given by nature itself. It is difficult to take care of them, but the result is worth it, because a luxurious braid or other beautiful women's hairstyle with long hair immediately attracts admiring attention to its owner.

However, some girls go beyond the reasonable limits in their love for hair. They grow their hair year after year to become famous, to hide some defects on the scalp or for some other reasons.

We present you with photos of people with the longest hair in the world.

10. Baby Chanco

Hair length – unknown.

Baby ChankoThis adorable Japanese girl, who has over 390,000 followers on Instagram, is unique in that she was born with a luxurious "lion's" mane. Usually, such length and thickness of hair occurs later in life, but Chanko was lucky.

Her head of shiny black hair caught the attention of not only ordinary people, but also the bosses of Pantene. And she appeared in an advert alongside Japanese celebrity Sato Kondo, who is aging gracefully and is not ashamed to show off her greying hair.

Sato Kondo and Chanko

9. Stefania Smirnaya

Hair length: 1.1 meters.

Stefania Smirnaya – the longest hair belongs to a girl from RussiaIn 2017, a little resident of Stavropol got into the Russian Book of Records as a girl with the longest hair at the age of 10. At that time, the length of her locks was 117 centimeters.

8. The Seven Sutherland Sisters

The total length of the hair is 14 meters (according to other sources - 11 meters).

The Seven Sutherland SistersSometimes hair can bring wealth and fame, as seven girls born to a poor priest's family demonstrated to all of America. They were given the names:

  1. Victoria;
  2. Sarah;
  3. Isabel;
  4. Naomi;
  5. Dora;
  6. Grace;
  7. Mary.

Their mother adored long hair, and regularly washed her daughters' heads with a homemade product that was supposed to enhance the growth and thickness of their locks. The product smelled bad, which is why the sisters were laughed at by their peers. But it worked, and each of the girls could boast wavy, silky, and very long hair.

Already in their teens, the seven Sutherland sisters, with their father's blessing, began performing in various freak shows, touring the United States. At the same time, they did not just show off their hair, but performed as singers and verse singers. They became fabulously rich by 19th-century standards, and their enterprising father patented his wife's hair tonic and began selling it for big money.

Unfortunately, the end of the Sutherland Sisters Corporation was sad. In the 1920s, short haircuts became fashionable in America, and tonic began to bring in less and less income. The head of the family died and the sisters, who relied on his commercial ideas, did not know what to do next. The final blow was a fire that destroyed the luxurious Sutherland house. And all that is left of the once famous Rapunzel family is a photo of the longest hair in the Wild West.

7. Nilanshi Patel

Hair length: 1.8 meters.

Nilanshi Patel - Longest Natural Hair on a Girl in the World

Seventeen-year-old Nilanshi Patel, nicknamed the "Rapunzel of India," hasn't cut her hair for 10 years. And that decision has led her to a Guinness World Record: the longest hair on a teenager.

Patel, who lives in the Indian state of Gujarat, began growing her hair out continuously after a bad haircut at the age of six.

She remembers crying over a bad haircut and then deciding she would never get another haircut. Today, her thick, wavy hair reaches her ankles and looks like a dark river flowing down her back.

Patel says she washes her hair once a week and, surprisingly, it only takes her half an hour to dry. And brushing it takes her at least an hour.

"My mother helps me braid and comb my hair," says Nilanshi, explaining that her parents have always supported her decision to grow her hair. She wears her hair in a long braid or in a bun and says it does not stop her from leading an active lifestyle and even playing sports.

6. Ni Linmei

Hair length: 2.5 meters.

Ni LinmeiWhether it's the climate in China that favors hair growth, or the local cuisine, but in our selection, three people come from the Celestial Empire. And Ni Linmei is the shortest-haired of them.

She has been growing her hair for 14 years and is very proud of this fact. She has often been offered a lot of money to cut it off and make a wig, but the Chinese woman always refused.

5. Asha Mandela

Hair length: 2.6 meters.

Asha MandelaThe Trinidad and Tobago native has earned the nickname "Black Rapunzel" because she has held the Guinness World Record for "World's Longest Dreadlocks" since 2008.

Mandela first started growing her locks in her early 20s, after she moved from Trinidad and Tobago to New York City and wanted a more natural hairstyle.

"When I first started, it was more of a spiritual journey and had nothing to do with fashion or fame," Mandela was quoted as saying by the International Business Times.

However, over the years, wearing so much hair on her head has become a real feat. To maintain their beautiful appearance, Asha has to wash them once a week, using up to six bottles of shampoo per wash. And the dreadlocks take two days to dry.

Doctors are concerned about Asha's health, as she has already suffered two heart attacks and the weight of her hair is putting pressure on her head and spine, causing it to become crooked. However, Mandela has no desire to cut her hair, as it would be "tantamount to suicide."

4. Tatyana Pismennaya

Hair length: 2.75 meters.

Tatyana PismennayaWe have indicated the maximum length of the braid of the longest-haired woman in Russia. However, Tatyana could not walk for long with hair of such length. It dragged on the ground, could get caught on something, and passengers repeatedly stepped on it in public transport.

So Tatyana cut her hair to two meters long. And yet it is still longer than 99% of the Earth's population.

3. Ake Izhen

Hair length: 5.5 meters.

Ake IzhenThis Chinese gentleman is the poster child for what happens when you don't cut your hair for 50 years or more. According to Ake, he stopped cutting his hair at the age of 23, in the late 1970s. He was even offered over three thousand yuan to part with his excessively long hair, but Ake refused.

However, long hair is not a synonym for "unkempt". Twice a month, Yizhen visits a hairdresser, where he gets his hair washed and tidied up. This takes at least three hours, and the procedure involves 2-3 hairdressers.

It is curious that Ake Yizhen's record is not officially registered, as is his predecessor, a Vietnamese man named Tran Van Hay. In the photo of the longest hair in the world, this elderly man looks more like a victim of a giant snake wrapped around him. The length of his hair was 6 meters and weighed more than 10 kilograms.

In 2010, Tran Van Hay died of natural causes at the age of 79.

2. Xie Qiuping

Hair length: 5.6 meters.

Xie Qiuping - The Longest Female Hair in the WorldAccording to the Guinness Book of Records, the longest hair on a woman belongs to a Chinese woman who started growing it in 1973, at the age of 13.

Her record was set back in 2004 and since then no one with long hair has been able to even come close to the length of Xie Qiuping's hair.

"It's not a problem at all. I'm used to it," Xie Qiuping said, adding that she has to stand up straight to keep her head from being weighed down by her hair.

1. Savjibhai Rathwa

Hair length is 15 meters.

Savjibhai Rathva has the longest hair in the world on a manWe are used to the fact that long hair is the prerogative of women. However, as you can see, in the list of the longest-haired people in the world, men successfully compete with women for the palm. Here is a resident of India who has grown the longest hair among currently living men, although this has not yet been recognized by the Guinness Book of Records.

Rathva is very careful about his diet to ensure that his hair gets the nutrition it needs and grows well. He eats only vegetarian, home-cooked food and tries to avoid spicy foods.

Savjibhai Rathwa“I intend to apply for it (Guinness World Records) if someone calls me to help with the process,” he said. Luckily, a local non-profit has agreed to help him with all the paperwork. If Savjibhai Rathva is successful in his application, he has a good chance of winning the title of the man with the longest hair on Earth.