Accurate horoscope for 2025 for Pisces

Pisces is a water sign ruled by Neptune. Its representatives are born between February 19 and March 20.

Slaves are wise, emotional and reserved. They can be influenced by others. Representatives of this sign steadfastly endure any obstacles, but prefer to live in their own imaginary world. Pisces are distinguished by their excellent ability to sympathize and empathize. They can always lend a helping hand even to a stranger, let go of the offense of a sworn enemy.

The Year of the Green Wooden Snake will be favorable, but still controversial. Let's take a closer look at what surprises 2025 has in store for Pisces.

What awaits Pisces in 2025

In the first half of the year, Pisces will be able to achieve great success in their careers, directing all their efforts to moving up the career ladder. They will have to sacrifice time, so conflicts with family will not be avoided. However, it is impossible to be offended by Pisces - with their kindness and conscientiousness, they always evoke the most pleasant feelings in strangers. Relatives will be understanding of high professionalism and will perceive with admiration any victories of representatives of water signs.

In the year of the Green Snake, Pisces are advised to forget about all grievances. It is worth reconciling with old enemies. At the same time, there is a high probability that the enemies will make the first move. The ability to forgive is a strong point of Pisces, so the conflict will definitely be closed.

Representatives of the water sign should be more confident in their own rightness. Do not be afraid of public speaking. By declaring your ideas, you will be able to reach great heights. Your reasoning and completed projects will be enthusiastically received by the management of the company where you work.

Talismans for Pisces for the New Year

Let's look at the main talismans belonging to representatives of the water sign.

Names Talismans
Symbols A shell, a wave, two fish swimming in different directions
Colors Violet, blue, purple, sea wave, steel, purple
Metals Zinc
Stones Pearl, emerald, sapphire, moonstone, alexandrite, amethyst
Amulets Narcissus, knot
Plants Crocus, jasmine, violets, forget-me-nots, narcissus

If you believe astrologers, having a talisman will allow Pisces to protect themselves from failures and attract success into their lives!

General horoscope for men

The Year of the Green Wooden Snake will begin in a contradictory way. Pisces men will face the question of whether to radically change their lives or go with the flow. The choice should be yours alone, you should not rely on intuition. It is better to calculate all the pros and cons of a stable life and think about whether you are ready to go into an unknown future. Is your present so bad that you should subject it to big changes?

In order to increase your income, you will have to work very hard. Fatigue and apathy will not take long to appear. However, you can always count on the help of your loved ones. Your other half will be able to provide you with not only moral but also material support. Sometimes it is worth relaxing a little to avoid emotional burnout.

The second half of 2025 will be easier, as Pisces can expect useful acquaintances.

Don't forget about vacation. You will need rest after hard work. In summer, it is better to go to a resort to clear your head and prepare for new life challenges. They will be related to the financial situation. With the arrival of autumn, some difficulties at work may arise. There is a possibility that the team will not be on your side, but high professionalism and the presence of an inner core will help to cope with any difficulties.

Forecast for women

In 2025, Pisces women will discover new opportunities. Some representatives of the fair sex will want to go "free swimming". This decision will be difficult, but will bring the desired results. People will willingly maintain business relations with Pisces, so the stars promise many profitable deals.

Luck will follow you literally everywhere – harmonious romantic relationships, good health, buying real estate or a car. The Year of the Green Wooden Snake will be a great time to realize your own desires. But in the second half of the year, it would be better to insure yourself by creating a “safety cushion”. In winter, your savings will come in handy – you will receive an offer that you cannot refuse. You will make a very profitable purchase or buy a tour to a country you have always dreamed of visiting at a ridiculous price.

Family will play the main role. Pisces will easily establish relationships with those relatives who have recently become distant. Everything will be stable and harmonious in marriage. The main thing is not to forget to add variety to your relationship - take the initiative into your own hands. Your partner will highly appreciate your actions and will respond with even more pleasant deeds.

Love and relationships

In 2025, Pisces will be bathed in the attention of the opposite sex. In the spring, motivation will come to get in shape and change their image. Representatives of the water sign will feel desired and attractive, will be happy to go on dates and accept grand gestures from admirers. The relationships that begin will be strong and long-lasting.

At the end of spring, the stars recommend spending more time with friends. It would be better to refuse communication with unpleasant and envious people. The decision to break the connection will come from your side.


The Year of the Green Wooden Snake predicts excellent health for Pisces. At the beginning of the year, a feeling of apathy may be felt, but it will quickly pass with the onset of the first warm days. Emotional ups and downs will periodically return, but you should not take these moments to heart. Excessive susceptibility will also negatively affect your physical condition. Try to turn off your brain and spend more time outdoors.

Pay special attention to your diet. Meals should be fractional and low-calorie. Avoid overeating to avoid stomach problems.

Don't forget about physical activity. By doing sports, you will feel healthier and happier. 2025 will be the best time to get rid of excess weight, overcome bad habits. Develop willpower to improve your own life.


In 2025, Pisces will work hard. Stable high earnings will not take long to come. Representatives of the water sign will be able to level out their financial situation in a short time. But you should not refuse support from relatives.

In the year of the Green Wooden Snake, Pisces will be able to enjoy a continuous flow of money. There will be many profitable offers, various options for part-time work.

Many Pisces will be able to get rich thanks to their spouses. But you shouldn't forget about your own development. If you don't want to go to work and earn too little, you should think about starting your own business. Your chosen one will help you open your own business not only financially, but will also provide support in creating a competent project.

Pisces can expect big wins, so it is worth trying your luck and buying a lottery ticket.

Career and Business

In the first months of 2025, Pisces will change their priorities and look at the field of activity in which they work from a different angle. Even specialists with many years of experience can change their vector and go into another field. However, there is no need to rush into this. If you put in at least a little effort in your main job, then your career advancement will be rapid. Management will appreciate your knowledge and skills.

In summer, minor difficulties and conflicts in the team may arise. But you will always be able to find a common language with a colleague by making compromises. The situation will level out in autumn, so do not fall into a state of anxiety.

A little bit of positivity - and satisfaction with your own field of activity will be obvious!

Travel and Trips

In the year of the Green Wooden Snake, Pisces should think about their vacation in advance. There is no need to dive headlong into work, as such experiments will not lead to anything good. Refusing a temporary rest threatens depression and exacerbation of chronic diseases.

In the summer, it is better to relax with your family. Moreover, it is recommended to set aside a few weeks to relax and take a break from everyday work. Pisces can choose a local resort or visit another country. The most important thing is to coordinate your plans with the people you would like to invite with you.

A great idea would be to take a romantic trip with your significant other. Even if you haven't been in a relationship for long, don't give up on taking the initiative. A developing relationship can be strengthened by spending time in an interesting place. However, you shouldn't go far away for a long time.

Purchases and sales

In 2025, you will be able to buy real estate profitably. The most successful months for such purchases will be February, March and October. At this time, you will be able to conclude a deal that will completely satisfy you. There is a high probability that in six months the purchased housing will increase in price. An excellent period for buying a car will be April, June and August.

Pisces will be very lucky with sales if you think through the advertising as much as possible. You will be able to sell those goods that you have not been able to get rid of for a long time. Do not rush to abandon your idea, remove the existing ad. At the very last moment, a buyer may appear who will not even bargain with you.

Horoscope by year of birth for Pisces

The Green Wooden Snake is mysterious and unpredictable. However, he did reveal some secrets about what awaits Pisces born in different years!


Rats will change their attitude to many things. They will be disappointed in some people and will meet new people at the end of the year.


Bulls will have a lot of free time, which is best spent with benefit for their own health. Walks, travels and rest with friends are the best solutions!


Tigers should not enter into conflicts with management at work. There will be stressful situations, but you need to behave with restraint.


Rabbits should think about making a long-planned purchase. In the New Year, it will be as successful and profitable as possible.


Dragons may face financial difficulties in the first half of the year, but in the summer they will be able to level out by changing their field of activity.


Snakes can try their luck and open their own business. If they approach the preliminary planning responsibly, then the profit will be increased several times.


Horses should not refuse changes in their personal lives. Enjoyment from new relationships will not take long to come.


Goats should forget about the feeling of pride. It can become a stumbling block in personal relationships and financial matters.


Monkeys will be able to count on the support of loved ones. They will need it more than once, as the year will be financially unstable.


Roosters will be able to improve family relationships and reconcile with those old friends who were once close.


Dogs should not try their hand at a new field. Having demonstrated their full potential, they will be able to achieve great success in their usual place of work.


Pigs will be able to enjoy traveling – this year will be full of pleasant trips to the most interesting countries. Don’t forget to invite your loved ones with you so that the trip is truly fun and memorable.

In the year of the Green Wooden Snake, Pisces should demonstrate their abilities in the work sphere to the maximum, open up to love and protect themselves from stress!