Accurate horoscope for 2025 for Virgo

Virgo is an Earth sign ruled by the planet Mercury. Its representatives are born between August 24 and September 23.

Virgos are endowed with a stormy desire to comprehend everything new. They easily master various industries, learn new languages. Representatives of the sign are smart and quick-witted, they never give up on what they started and go to the end. However, Virgos also have qualities that prevent them from building harmonious relationships with the world around them. Envy and suspiciousness, excessive selectivity and an increased interest in aesthetics often prevent Virgos from getting a job in a team.

In 2025, Virgos will have an interesting, but not always easy period. Representatives of this zodiac sign will be helped to cope with difficulties by their inner core and efforts.

What awaits Virgo in 2025

The trials that Virgos will have to face in the year of the Green Snake will be bravely and steadfastly passed. Practicality and the desire for an ideal result will help to cope with the difficulties that have arisen in the professional sphere and in communication with colleagues. Virgos will be able to find a common language with the team if they lower their demands on people.

In 2025, Virgos will need to take care of their health. The most dangerous period will be the second half of the year.

The Year of the Green Snake will not be easy for those representatives of the sign who are in long-term relationships. You will have to work hard on yourself to protect trusting relationships and show initiative. A joint vacation will help you get closer and achieve harmony.

In spring, there may be close contacts with government agencies. It will be possible to raise issues with inheritance, sale of real estate or termination of contracts. It is not recommended to make decisions on your own. It is better to use the help of a specialist.

Talismans for Virgo for the New Year

The table presents talismans that can protect Virgos from failures.

Names Talismans
Colors White, purple, green, blue
Metals Copper, tin
Talismans Aster, grasshopper
Symbols Cube, vat, maiden
Plants Coltsfoot, red poppies, asters
Stones Jade, agate, jasper, malachite, topaz, carnelian, cat's eye, carnelian, marble, chrysoprase

Knowing their own talismans, Virgos will be able to protect themselves from troubles in 2025 and extract maximum benefit for themselves in various areas.

Forecast for men

At the very beginning of the year, Virgo men will face a serious choice. It may be related to both the professional sphere and personal relationships. It will be necessary to carefully analyze further actions, weigh all the pros and cons. It is worth directing efforts only to what will bring success, correct previously made mistakes.

It is better to refrain from large expenses. If there is a goal to make a purchase, then you should save money in advance so as not to get into debt.

In order for the year of the Green Snake to be successful, it is worth following some rules.

  1. Avoid conflicts with colleagues and relatives.
  2. Before the beginning of summer, resolve health problems to prevent the development of chronic diseases.
  3. Show your abilities and skills to the maximum, fight for your own “place in the sun” to the end.
  4. Create a “safety cushion” by starting to save money as early as January 2025.
  5. Be well prepared for the fact that there will be high competition in the workplace.

Forecast for women

At the beginning of the year, Virgo women can expect deep self-analysis. Against this background, some representatives of the fair sex may fall into a state of depression. But this period will not last long. Re-evaluation of life values and adjustment of plans will last until spring. At the same time, with the onset of the thaw, one should not expect lucrative offers and career advancement.

In the summer, Virgos will experience more intense relationships with friends and colleagues at work.

It is worth limiting your spending to avoid a critical financial situation. There will be few additional income opportunities, so it is worth taking an economical approach to your own expenses. Having planned your budget wisely, you will be able to even out and stay afloat.

In 2025, Virgo women will have a desire to do what they previously dreamed of, but did not dare to implement. There is no need to limit yourself, as suppressing desires will provoke depression.

Love and relationships

In the year of the Green Wooden Snake, professional activity and everyday life will be in the first place for Virgos. But do not be upset, as there will be a place for passion in this rhythm. For singles, everything will change dramatically. The stars predict new pleasant meetings, romantic dates and trips. However, astrologers do not advise Virgos to get married in 2025. It is better to get engaged and postpone the wedding until next year.

Those Virgos who are in long-term relationships will need to take care of their safety. Excessive hard work can lead to difficulties in relationships with a partner. You will have to make a difficult choice. It is recommended to pay attention to your chosen one by taking a short vacation.


According to the astrological forecast, 2025 will not be the most favorable year in terms of health. Virgos will need to protect themselves from colds and avoid eating unhealthy food. To avoid problems with the gastrointestinal tract and get into perfect physical shape, you need to think about your diet.

In order to maintain ideal health, we suggest you familiarize yourself with the health calendar:

  • January, October – the best time to undergo a medical examination;
  • May, November are suitable months for cosmetic procedures;
  • February, April – a great period for trips to a sanatorium;
  • March, June – the most successful months for training and losing excess weight;
  • July, August – high probability of road accidents;
  • September, November – there is a risk of deterioration in health;
  • October, December – depression and stress are possible.

Travel and Trips

In order to maintain a balanced financial situation, Virgos should avoid traveling at the beginning of 2025. Trips are possible only if the representatives of the Zodiac sign have savings. However, their spending may eventually be regretted, since the vacation does not promise to be emotionally pleasant.

In the summer months, Virgos are advised to visit health resorts, even if there is no such desire. In 2025, health may weaken, and medical procedures will help to cope with the difficulties that have arisen.

Virgos can go on a short trip with their other half in the second half of 2025. The trip will be more successful if the chosen one of Virgo pays for it. Otherwise, you risk spending a large sum of money and then being left broke for a long time.

Career and Business

Representatives of the Virgo zodiac sign do not have increased ambition, so they often have difficulties with career advancement. However, in the New Year, many Virgos will awaken an incredible will to win. Excessive work capacity will help to achieve an increase in the standard of living. You will not have to make too much effort. It will be enough to fulfill the assigned work plan every day. Efforts and demonstration of existing skills will be duly appreciated by management.

Close people will be proud of Virgos' success in the professional sphere, but moral support should not be expected during difficult periods. As for financial assistance, Virgos can count on it from their partner and relatives. But do not completely relax and give up, as the help will not be endless.


The beginning of the year will be difficult for Virgos in the financial sphere. The Year of the Green Snake predicts that the cash flow during this period will be meager. Until spring, you will have to be content with small incomes and rely on savings. There is a high probability of running into scammers. You need to be careful when making any transactions. In the spring, it is better to refuse large expenses, saving money.

In the summer, Virgos can spend their vacation at a resort, refusing to spend too much. In the fall, stability will come and income will increase.

From the end of August to mid-September, Virgos will be able to count on the support of their loved ones. There is no need to refuse the help shown if it is offered. In October, offers for additional earnings will arrive.

Virgos are not recommended to take out loans and get into debt in 2025.

Purchases and sales

In the year of the Green Wooden Snake, Virgos will be able to get rid of real estate that has been on sale for a long time. It cannot be said that the deal will be profitable, but there will be no opportunity to get more money. All that Virgos can do to get a larger sum is to refuse to bargain. There is a high probability that the potential buyer will agree to the asking price.

As for purchases, you should not spend huge amounts. 2025 will not be the best year for purchasing real estate. Having been delighted by the surprisingly low cost of the home or car you like, you may encounter scammers and lose a large amount of money.

Horoscope by year of birth for Virgo

There are individual recommendations for the year of the Green Wooden Snake for Virgos born in different years.


Rats should carefully check their health at the beginning of 2025, so as not to let developing diseases get worse.


Bulls will face financial difficulties at the beginning of spring, but persistence and high professionalism will help to level the situation by mid-summer.


Tigers are not recommended to start their own business. It is much better to demonstrate their skills in a permanent job. There is a high probability that the management will appreciate the efforts and reward them with a generous bonus.


Rabbits can count on pleasant meetings and useful acquaintances. You should not push people away from yourself, as communication with them can have a beneficial effect on your career.


Dragons will face an unstable financial situation due to difficulties at work. In order to resolve them, they will most likely have to change their field of activity.


In 2025, Snakes will need to think about turning their hobby into work. There is a chance that such a turn will be financially profitable.


Already in the first months of 2025, Horses will feel an improvement in their financial situation. However, at the end of spring, it will be necessary to take care of their health and refuse dubious offers.


At the beginning of the year, Goats may encounter fraudulent actions. Representatives of the sign need to adhere to pre-developed tactics, without being distracted by dubious offers.


In the year of the Green Snake, Monkeys will be able to arrange their personal lives and achieve certain successes at work if they calm down their overly demanding nature.


Roosters will be able to make a profit by opening a new business. Don't be afraid to change your life for the better and stay in an unloved job that brings in little money.


Dogs are destined to find a faithful and loving life partner who can protect them from the aggression of the outside world and provide material support.


Pigs should not make dubious purchases or spend large sums on vacation. It is better to save money. At the end of the year, there is an opportunity to buy real estate profitably.

The Year of the Green Wooden Snake will not be easy, but Virgos will be able to protect themselves from trouble if they carefully take care of their health, demonstrate skills at work and do not forget to pay special attention to their family.