Accurate horoscope for 2025 for Taurus

Taurus is a sign of the Earth element, persistent and practical, preferring to independently create all the conditions of comfort for their life. Its representatives were born between April 21 and May 21.

In the conditions of unpredictability of the modern world, there is a burning desire to look into the future. The horoscope for the year of the Green Wooden Snake is filled with special events for Taurus, about which you can already learn all the details.

What awaits Taurus in 2025

In the upcoming 2025, Taurus will face big changes in their lives. They will face serious shocks and unforeseen circumstances that will need to be accepted with dignity. However, do not get upset and forget that in order to acquire something new, it is always worth putting an end to the old. Any changes will lead to the better, but you will not be destined to understand this right away.

The Year of the Green Wooden Snake will be difficult, requiring certain mental efforts. Usually silent Taurus will have to show their decisive character. In difficult times, no one cancels the help of loved ones, so you can always count on their faithful shoulder. Do not be ashamed to ask for support, people will be extremely attentive to you.

Particular changes will occur in the professional sector. In this area, you can achieve success, but only if you demonstrate your abilities by leaving your comfort zone.

Talismans for Taurus for the New Year

Taurus - balanced and reasonable, hardworking and extremely persistent. Let's consider the main talismans of representatives of this zodiac sign, presented in the table.

Names Talismans
Flowers Lilac, lily of the valley
Metals Copper
Symbols Bull (winged), cow (winged)
Colors Lemon, orange, blue, yellow
Stones Sapphire, agate, turquoise, opal, green marble, emerald, carnelian, jade
Amulets Golden Calf, Owl

The stars say that these talismans serve Taurus faithfully and truly, protecting them from all failures.

General horoscope for men

Taurus men can expect great success in their professional field in 2025. The celestial bodies are positioned in such a way that you can expect to get the desired position. However, promotion can be achieved by avoiding conflict situations.

It is necessary to pay attention to the atmosphere in the family. It is necessary to maintain neutrality with close relatives in order to avoid financial losses.

You should not trust the solution of important issues to those people who have little experience. By turning to professionals, you can double your financial situation. Taurus is categorically not recommended to start several new projects at once. There is a great risk of not achieving success in any of them. Representatives of the sign have the opportunity to turn their hobby into a profitable business.

In addition to an increase in cash flow, at the beginning of 2025, Taurus can expect long trips that will give exclusively positive impressions.

Forecast for women

Taurus women are advised to avoid monotonous and tiring housework. It is better to spend time with relatives or devote it to yourself to restore strength, bring your morale back to normal and improve your appearance. The stars predict conflict situations with loved ones, so you will need to do everything possible to maintain peace. The best solution will be to fight aggression, to show the best traits of your character. Taurus can be calm and balanced, but any controversial situation throws them off track.

Taurus women can expect pleasant changes in their personal lives in the year of the Green Snake. Single representatives of the fair sex will be able to find their other half, and married women will strengthen their marriage.

2024 will be filled with pleasant meetings and romantic dates.

Representatives of the sign may be upset by information coming from outside. To avoid a mental crisis, it is necessary to reduce excessive interest in events that occur in society. It is worth accepting the fact that you will not solve global problems and relax. If necessary, there is always the opportunity to take a few days off and restore your strength.

Love and relationships

The astrological forecast will bring Taurus a lot of pleasant surprises in the love sphere. If you have plans to get married, then you should not postpone it until next year because 2025 will be a leap year. This will not affect your relationship in any way, the union will definitely be strong.

Lonely representatives of the sign can count on new acquaintances. Do not refuse to communicate with those people who at first glance may seem uninteresting. After some time, you will realize your mistake and feel mutual attraction. Spring will be an excellent period for building relationships. Accept compliments and go on dates. Change your behavior tactics, forgetting about the feeling of shame. Only in this case will it be possible to build a relationship in which there is reciprocity and passion.

You need to be prepared for the fact that former partners can return to your life. However, such calls will not bring about serious changes or restoration of relations. You will not be able to revive the past and build a strong union.

If any conflicts arise in a long-term marriage, you will need to show your attention to your partner, take the initiative into your own hands. You should not distance yourself from your other half. This will only lead to a more complicated relationship and subsequent conflicts.


The horoscope warns Taurus that in 2025 they should pay attention to their health. Representatives of the sign are advised to strengthen their immunity and avoid strenuous workouts. It would not be superfluous to check their physical condition several times a year. An excellent solution would be to visit a sanatorium for the treatment of chronic diseases. This will help to avoid exacerbation at the most unexpected moment.

The stars advise Taurus to go for walks as often as possible and do yoga to improve immunity.

Taurus may face stress or even depression. It will be easy to get out of this situation on your own if you distract yourself with your own hobby. In your desire to get promoted at work, do not forget about your own hobbies and find time for rest.


The Year of the Green Wooden Snake promises to be successful and financial for Taurus. Provided that they realize their own potential, representatives of the sign will be able to improve their financial situation. Taurus may face doubts and a decline in strength, but a quick recovery will help them reach a high level. At the same time, it is necessary to maintain a balance between expenses and income. To do this, you will need to follow several rules:

  1. Don't turn down part-time jobs. You will receive lucrative offers, so don't ignore them. It's better to carefully plan how to complete the task and get a high assessment of your knowledge in the form of a generous fee.
  2. Avoid making unplanned large purchases. Taurus tend to collect, so you should think several times about whether you need to buy this or that thing. Having made a purchase, you may later regret the decision.

In the second half of the year, Taurus may face minor troubles in the material sphere. In order to get out of the water dry, the representative of the sign will need to take care of savings in advance. Creating a financial cushion will greatly help out in the fall-winter of 2025.

Career and Business

The Green Wooden Snake will bring Taurus big changes in various areas, including professional ones. Representatives of the sign can expect career advancement, as well as receiving new projects. This will lead to an improvement in their financial situation, but it will take a lot of effort to perfectly cope with the assigned task. There is a high probability that the projects will be completed successfully, thanks to the hard work and perseverance of Taurus.

It is not recommended to refuse management offers, as this will be the first step towards promotion.

It is better to refuse help from colleagues. Otherwise, the attention of senior management regarding the issue of promotion may not be directed in your direction.

Travel and Trips

Although 2025 will be a mixed year, you shouldn't give up the opportunity to have a good time traveling. Taurus can expect several major trips. However, their main goal will be promotion at work and improving relationships with colleagues.

We recommend going on a trip with your significant other to establish a stronger connection. Representatives of this sign can organize a trip on their own and surprise their chosen one. It is important to consider all the nuances and take into account the preferences of your significant other. The trip promises to be bright.

Purchases and sales

The Year of the Green Wooden Snake is not the best time to make major purchases. There is a high probability of spending a considerable amount of money on real estate, which will later cause disappointment. It is advisable to postpone the purchase of a car or a home. Even if it is possible to get a favorable loan, you should weigh all the pros and cons, carefully read all the terms. There may be pitfalls that you are not aware of.

But you can spend money on trips in the year of the Green Snake. Quality rest will allow Taurus to completely relax and gain strength in order to start working with even greater diligence and restore expenses.

Horoscope by year of birth for Taurus

Let's look at a small horoscope for 2025 to find out what surprises the Green Wooden Dragon has in store for Taurus born in different years.


Rats should postpone opening a business and focus on their main work. With a thorough approach to business, an increase in profits will not take long to come.


Bulls can expect a high assessment of their professional abilities. In addition, they can expect pleasant changes in their personal lives.


The year 2024 promises Tigers some financial difficulties in the spring, but the situation will level out in the summer, thanks to work and perseverance.


Rabbits should think about changing their activities. There is a high probability that their favorite hobby will materialize.


Snakes should show all their talents and charisma in the professional sphere. This will help them achieve great success in the second half of 2025.


The Green Wooden Snake is favorable to Snakes, so they will be able to maintain a balanced spiritual state and a stable income throughout the year.


Horses can count on pleasant new acquaintances. However, in their personal life, they will face difficulties due to the lack of compromise.


Goats must curb their overly impulsive nature to avoid conflicts in the professional sphere and with relatives.


Monkeys will be pleasantly surprised by the surprises of fate in the first half of the year. But in the fall, it will be necessary to try to maintain the financial situation at the desired level.


The year 2024 has prepared many interesting discoveries and useful acquaintances for Roosters.


The Year of the Green Wooden Snake will be eventful for Dogs. They will be able to make new friends and see interesting places, directing all their efforts to travel.


Pigs will be able to achieve great success if they take care of their appearance and carefully work out a strategy for further actions.

Despite all the ambiguity and contradictions of the Green Wooden Snake, Taurus can count on the favor of the fiery beast. But do not forget about applying your own efforts and demonstrating hard work and charisma. In this case, it will be possible to achieve a lot, avoiding conflict situations.