The most beautiful animals in the world: TOP-10 rating

Beautiful children and animals invariably evoke affection. But if with children everything is complicated, then with the most beautiful animals everything is more or less clear. So reset your "cute meter" and get ready to admire. And we will show you photos of the most beautiful animals.

10. Glasswing butterfly (Greta oto)

Glasswing butterfly (Greta oto) - the most beautiful butterfly

One of the strangest and most distinctive butterflies in the world. Greta oto's wings lack colored scales, making their texture transparent except for the brown edges. This causes them to change color depending on the environment the butterfly is in. This amazing ability allows the butterfly to blend into vegetation, hiding from birds and other natural enemies.

And if the bird does eat a glass butterfly, it will not be happy with such a dish. As a caterpillar, Greta Oto feeds on plants of the genus Cestrum and accumulates poisonous alkaloids. Therefore, the adult butterfly tastes disgusting. But we, of course, will not check this.

9. Friesian horse

The Friesian horse is the most beautiful breedThis beautiful and graceful animal has earned the nickname "black pearl" for a reason. Friesian horses are one of the oldest domestic horse breeds in the world. The first mention of them dates back to the 13th century. And currently they are part of the Golden Carriage of the English Queen Elizabeth.

These horses are exclusively black in colour and differ from their fellows in their long and very thick hairs (frieses) covering their legs from the hock joint and falling onto the hooves.

8. Mandarin duck (Synchiropus splendidus)

Mandarin fish (Synchiropus splendidus) - the most beautiful fishLooking at a photo of one of the most beautiful animals in the world, it is hard to believe that it is the creation of Mother Nature, and not skilled artists or jewelers. The mandarin duck got its name for its resemblance to the brightly colored robes of Chinese mandarin officials.

Despite their beautiful coloring, these most beautiful fish are very shy and prefer to appear at night. Their bottom-dwelling lifestyle and small size (about 6 centimeters) contribute to their invisibility. They can be, but are difficult to breed in aquariums, due to their specific feeding habits.

7. Dolphin

Beautiful Dolphin Our friendly sea neighbors symbolize the joy, freedom and spontaneity that are so lacking in the modern world with its ever-tightening grip of total control.

Dolphins look as if they are always smiling. And their very appearance can lift your spirits. There is even special dolphin therapy, which is used to treat autism, speech and hearing disorders, and a number of other problems. These beautiful and cheerful creatures are excellent at correcting the psycho-emotional background of a person. But people, unfortunately, do not always reciprocate dolphins' feelings. And they hunt them for meat or just for fun.

6. Peacock (Pavo cristatus)

Beautiful Peacock (Pavo cristatus) The list of the most beautiful animals in the world cannot be complete without this magnificent creature. When you see a peacock, don’t you want to get at least one feather “with eyes” from its tail? Well, I did too. This bird is a real supermodel, demonstrating its beauty to everyone who passes in front of it.

But it turns out that the peacock's tail consists of dull-looking gray feathers. And what is called the tail is actually the feathers of the upper tail. Their length is 140-165 cm.

Peacocks have many variations in plumage coloring. There are even snow-white peacocks, and these are not albinos. Their plumage is white as snow, and their eyes are blue, while albinos usually have red or pink irises.

5. Blue Dragon or Blue Angel (Glaucus atlanticus)

Blue Dragon or Blue Angel (Glaucus atlanticus) Believe it or not, these majestic “water dragons” are actually a type of gastropod and a close relative of snails. These beautiful creatures float on ocean currents and rely on their blue-silver colors to camouflage themselves from predators like seagulls. To stay at the surface of the water, blue dragons swallow air bubbles, causing their backs to point downwards and their well-developed legs to rest on the surface of the water. They seem to crawl on a film of surface tension.

Like many brightly colored sea creatures, the blue angel has excellent protection from enemies. It eats poisonous jellyfish and accumulates their poison. That's why this mollusk doesn't have a shell, and few people would want to eat it.

4. Peacock spider (Maratus volans)

The most beautiful Peacock Spider (Maratus volans) Who says spiders can't be cute? We're not talking about the world's largest spider, but we're definitely talking about the most colorful. Little is known about this species, except that it lives in the lush coastal dunes of Western Australia.

These tiny (5 mm long) spiders attract females with their brightly colored abdomen, similar to a peacock's tail. Having spotted a suitable beauty, the spider lifts its abdomen and proudly spreads it, then lifts a pair of legs and performs a fiery dance in front of the chosen one. How can you resist such a gentleman?

3. Crowned Pigeon (Goura victoria)

Crowned Pigeon (Goura victoria) If the peacock can boast of a lush rump, then the beauty of the fan-necked pigeon is in its crest. It consists of fluffed feathers, with growths in the form of elongated triangles.

The most beautiful doveFound in New Guinea, these bizarre birds prefer to nest in swamp forests and sago palms. The fan-necked crowned pigeon is a rare and nearly endangered species. And the beauty of its feathers is to blame.

2. White Bengal Tiger (Panthera tigris bengalensis)

White Bengal Tiger (Panthera tigris bengalensis)The second most beautiful animal in the world is the embodiment of grace, majesty and strength. It is not surprising that the tiger appears in many myths and legends.

Due to genetic mutations, some Bengal tigers are born white, which makes them even more beautiful. In addition to their coloring, white tigers also differ from their relatives in the blue color of their eyes. On average, one white tiger is born out of every 10,000 normal Bengal tigers.

1. Fennec Fox (Vulpes zerda)

Fennec Fox (Vulpes zerda) – the most beautiful animal in the worldIf you love foxes and think they look better in the wild than on someone's neck, you'll love these photos of fennec foxes in their natural habitat. Fennec foxes are distinguished from other foxes by their long ears, which allow them to hear their prey (small vertebrates and insects) moving under the sand. And their light-colored fur helps reflect light during the day.

The little foxes from the deserts of North Africa have won the hearts of not only ordinary people, but also some writers. For example, in Frank Herbert's science fiction novel Dune, fennecs are one of the few inhabitants of Arrakis.

Fennec Fox (Vulpes zerda)Fennec foxes can be kept as pets, they are cheerful and not picky about food, although they are sensitive to cold and like to squeal loudly.