The most beautiful horses in the world: TOP-30 rating of beautiful breeds

Mythology gave us Pegasus and Unicorns. And when man domesticated the horse, he hardly thought about the beauty of this hardy and strong creature. However, both horses and people have come a long way together, and these faithful four-legged friends began to be valued not only for their physical strength, but also for their grace and presence.

Today we will show you photos of the most beautiful horses in the world and we will tell you interesting facts about each breed.

30. Appaloosa Horse

Appaloosa HorseThis beautiful breed of horse, bred by the Nez Perce Indians in the United States, is known for its leopard spots. Not only do they have them on their coat, like other spotted horses, but they also have them on their skin and on certain parts of their body, such as their muzzle and areas near their eyes and hips.

29. Andalusian horse

Andalusian horseThis breed is also called the purebred Spanish royal horse or Pura Raza Espanola. The favorite horses of the Spanish nobility have features that distinguish them from their relatives - elegant lush manes and tails.

Spanish royal horses are also easy to recognize by their very high-set neck with a well-developed crest, which gives these beautiful animals a special majesty.

28. Knabstrupper horse

Knabstrupper horseAnother beautiful and unusual breed of horses with a wide variety of spot variations. There are leopard, saddle, marble and trout Knabstruppers. With their spots, this breed is similar to the Appaloosa, but Knabstruppers were not bred in the USA, but in Denmark. And, unlike the Appaloosa, where the spots are limited to one part of the body, Danish racers have spots everywhere.

The good nature and docility of the Knabstrupper breed make them ideal candidates for circus performances or equestrian sports.

27. Gypsy draft horse (Tinker, Irish Cob)

Gypsy draft horse (Tinker, Irish Cob)Some of the most beautiful horses were bred by the gypsies who traveled through England and Ireland. These strong, unpretentious and phlegmatic animals usually have lush tufts of hair on the lower part of their legs, which gives them a very cute appearance.

Gypsy draft horses are still used in the British Army's Horse Regiment, as drummers.

26. Black Forest Horse

Black Forest HorseAs the name suggests, this breed originated in the Black Forest region of Germany. The strong, good-natured draft horses helped German lumberjacks haul huge logs.

25. Marwari horse

Marwari horse"I am listening to you attentively," the Marwari horse seems to be telling us. A characteristic feature of this breed is the inwardly curved tips of its alertly raised ears.

For a long time, these beauties were prohibited from being exported outside the country, but since 2008, the Indian government has relaxed the rules and has been issuing small numbers of visas allowing Marwari cats to be exported abroad.

24. Norwegian Fjord Horse

Norwegian Fjord HorseThese pony-class horses are bred in the mountains of Western Norway. Despite their small stature, Fjord horses are very strong, as they were once the Vikings' fighting companions. Now they are equally good under saddle and in harness.

The docile and friendly nature of these “yellow horses” allows them to be actively used in hippotherapy and in children’s equestrian schools.

23. Friesian horse

Friesian horseOne of the most beautiful animals in the world looks very graceful, despite its massive size. It has a very strong, muscular body, beautiful and thick mane and tail, as well as thick hair (Friesians) on the lower part of the legs. The most beautiful horse of this breed is named Friedrich the Great in honor of the King of Prussia.

The Friesian horse's completely black colour has earned it the nickname "black pearl".

22. Haflinger

HaflingerThese little "sun horses", so named for their beautiful golden coat, have a strong constitution and can carry very heavy loads. They are also very hardy and can travel long distances along winding mountain trails. The lush white mane and beautiful tail look very impressive and immediately distinguish Halflinger horses from their less beautiful counterparts.

21. Hanoverian horse

Hanoverian horseThis is the most numerous half-blood breed in Europe. Representatives of the breed can be seen at the Olympic Games and in other equestrian competitions. Hanoverians are an elegant, strong and robust breed for dressage, circus performances, hunting and riding.

Hanoverian foals are marked with a special sign to show that they belong to this breed.

20. Arabian horse

Arabian horsePurebred Arabian horses are one of the most ancient and noble eastern horse breeds. According to one legend, they were created from the wind by the Almighty himself.

Arabian horses are characterized by a lean build, a long arched neck, a long straight croup and a high-set tail. They are known to be very sensitive, intelligent and energetic animals.

Most modern horse breeds have the Arabian horse as one of their ancestors.

19. Mustang

MustangMustangs are often called wild horses, but because their ancestors are domesticated horses, they are classified as feral domestic horses. These proud steeds are hot-tempered, fast, and very hardy. Books have been written about them, and films and cartoons have been made, such as the stories "The Headless Horseman," "Mustang Pacer," and the animated film "Spirit: Stallion of the Cimarron."

18. Orlov trotter

Orlov trotterThe pride of Russian horse breeding is named after Count Alexei Orlov, who selected the best horses from several breeds, including Arabian, Dutch and Danish, to create this breed. Orlov trotters are hardy, graceful, very smart and versatile in use. They are distinguished by their hereditary ability to run at a fast, steady trot.

17. Don horse

Don horseThe famous Russian horse breed was developed by the Don Cossacks in the 18th century. Its ancestors were steppe horses, which were crossed with Turkmen, Turkish and Persian stallions.

Slender and long-legged Donchaks cannot boast the same lush mane or fries as their foreign counterparts. However, in terms of running speed, they will give odds to most other breeds.

16. Russian riding horse (Orlovo-Rostopchinskaya)

Russian riding horse (Orlovo-Rostopchinskaya)Looking at photos and videos of some of the most beautiful horses in the world, you can confuse them with Arabian horses because of the graceful structure of Russian riding horses. These large and stately animals really do have Arabian blood, as well as English (from the thoroughbred riding horse), Trakehner and Akhal-Teke. And from all of its ancestors, the Russian riding horse has taken the best, distinguished by its good nature and beautiful, easy movements.

15. Terek horse

Terek horseOne of the young Russian breeds received official recognition only in 1948. The exterior of Terek horses is similar to Arabian horses, but Terek horses are longer and larger animals.

Light grey coat with a beautiful silver tint, smooth movements, beautiful figure and exceptional good nature are the characteristic features of most representatives of the Tersk breed.

14. Percheron horse

Percheron horseA French breed of horse that is distinguished by its power and speed. Horseback riding on a Percheron is a pleasure, as these tall beauties move very smoothly.

Fun fact: Most of the horses at Disneyland Paris are Percherons.

13. Falabella

FalabellaThe smallest and, perhaps, the cutest horses in the world. This breed was bred in Argentina and named after the Falabella family, which devoted many years to breeding miniature horses. Of course, you won’t be able to ride such a horse (the largest representative of the breed is only 75 cm tall and weighs 60 kg). Falabellas are used as pets and decorative horses, they are easy to train, obedient and playful.

12. Icelandic Horse

Icelandic HorseAlthough the Icelandic horse looks like a pony, it does not belong to this subspecies. This small horse with a beautiful and long mane is distinguished by its friendly and calm nature. In the 9th-10th centuries AD, the Icelandic horse was brought to the island by the Vikings, and since there was little space on the drakkars, preference was given only to short "compact" animals.

There is a law in Iceland that says that when an Icelandic horse goes to another country, it is not allowed to return. This is to prevent disease.

11. Missouri Foxtrotter

Missouri Foxtrotter

This is a breed of horse that originated in the state of Missouri. It is characterized by a muscular body, a strong constitution, and the ability to walk with a special gait called a "fox trot" or "fox trot", in which the horse's front legs move at a walk and its back legs move at a trot.

10. Morgan's Horse

Morgan's HorseOne of the earliest horse breeds developed in the United States, Morgans are prized because they can easily learn different gaits. The Morgan horse has a muscular, compact body with a well-arched neck and neat head, as well as a high-carried tail.

The first horse of this color was called "Figure", and since it belonged to a man named Justin Morgan, the breed was given his name.

9. Scottish Coldblood Horse (Clydesdale)

Scottish Coldblood Horse (Clydesdale)These majestic horses have thick white fur on the lower part of their legs, which flutters beautifully when running, especially when the Clydesdale is in harness.

8. Oldenburg horse

Oldenburg horseInitially, this breed could not be called very beautiful, because it was bred for agricultural work, and the creators valued strength and endurance more than external qualities.

However, over time, Oldenburg horses have become more graceful and can now become an adornment of any stable.

7. Andravidian horse

Andravidian horseLarge, powerful Andravids have been bred in Greece for a long time, but the origins of this breed are shrouded in mystery, given the limited local "horse resources." Andravids were widely used in the Greek army, as well as for agricultural work.

Today, representatives of the breed participate in both equestrian sports and equestrian tourism. They are obedient, good-natured and are great for beginners learning the basics of handling horses.

6. Minorcan horse

Minorcan horseA pitch-black stallion rearing up – that’s the kind of monument one could erect to the Minorca horse, the child of the island of Minorca. These proud, graceful animals were never used for agricultural work; instead, the Balearic donkey did this thankless job.

5. Anglo-Norman horse

Anglo-Norman horseStrong, hardy children of the local Norman breed and the "foreign" English thoroughbred and half-bred are good for their versatility. They are good for riding, and are good in harness and suitable for carriage.

4. Thoroughbred riding horse

Thoroughbred riding horseAnd these four-legged ladies were bred in England and were originally called English racehorses. Their agility is admired by all who are fond of racing. For this breed, a gallop of 1 kilometer per minute is considered normal.

3. American Paint Horse

American Paint HorseAmerican Paint Horse is translated from English as "American painted horse". And indeed, if you look at the photos of some of the most beautiful horses, you might think that they were painted by some mischievous spirit of nature. The distinctive feature of the American Paint Horse is a piebald coat of any type.

2. Connemara Pony

Connemara PonyThese are the tallest horses related to ponies. And at the same time, the only national breed of Ireland. According to legend, Connemara ponies are the fruit of love between the horses that were transported by the Spanish Armada, which sank off the coast of Connemara in 1588, and local wild ponies. The long, thick tail and soft, shiny mane of these beautiful creatures are especially beautiful.

1. Akhal-Teke horse

Akhal-Teke is the most beautiful colorThese are the most beautiful horses in the world, also known as "golden horses" because of their unusual and brilliant coloring. For 5 thousand years, Akhal-Teke horses have not been crossed with other breeds and are still the standard of riding horses.

Akhal-Teke horse

In addition to the metallic shine of their coat, this horse breed is known for its intelligence, speed and endurance, as well as its ability to adapt to almost any weather. Due to their extreme leanness, the noble Akhal-Teke horses are compared to greyhounds and cheetahs.

The Akhal-Teke horse is the pride of Turkmenistan and is even present on the state emblem of this country.