The most beautiful lakes in Russia

Russia is a huge country where man-made beauty coexists with natural beauty. And if you are tired of the gray everyday life or are already thinking about where to spend your vacation, we are happy to present photos of the most beautiful lakes in Russia.

10. Baikal, Buryatia, Irkutsk region

Beautiful Lake BaikalWhen it comes to the beauty of Russian lakes, one of the first to come to mind is the majestic Baikal. It is the second largest lake in Russia by area, and one of the cleanest in the world. Its water contains very few mineral salts, which is why its composition is close to distilled water. And Baikal is also home to about 100 endemic (unique to a certain area) representatives of fauna.

p23uutemThe Blue Eye of Siberia is a popular tourist route at any time of year. In winter, you can go skiing at the Baikalsk resort, and in spring, summer and autumn, you can go fishing, hiking and excursions.

9. Seidozero, Murmansk region

SeidozeroTranslated from the Sami language, "seid" means "sacred." And although this name is found in other lakes in the Murmansk region, it is this Seidozero that has become a real place of worship for many ufologists and science fiction writers.

3h22utcbIt is believed that Seidozero is one of the possible places where the Hyperborean civilization could have existed. If so, the Hyperboreans were lucky, because they had the opportunity to enjoy the variety of shades of green in the summer and the northern lights in the winter every day.

8. Raspberry Lake, Altai Krai

Raspberry LakeThe pink-crimson hue of the lake's water is not the result of human activity, but the titanic work of many tiny bacteria Serratia salinaria. They secrete a red pigment called prodigiosin.

eo3xfwxfBy the way, one of the "miracles" that happened in the Middle Ages is connected with this feature. Since Serratia salinaria can live not only in water, but also on bread, it stained red the bread intended for communion in the church of the Italian city of Bolsena. This episode went down in history as the "Eucharist miracle".

But let's get back to the Malinovoye Lake. It is worth visiting not only for the unique color of the water, but also for your own health improvement with the help of therapeutic mud. Or just for a good rest at the tourist base, which is located on the picturesque shore of the lake.

7. Lake Onega, Republic of Karelia, Leningrad and Vologda regions

Lake OnegaReed and cane thickets, where swans, geese and ducks nest, and taiga forests frame this beautiful lake. And its pearl is considered to be the Kizhi Skerries archipelago, which includes over 500 islands.

gleqn3ypThe most famous of them is Kizhi Island - a paradise for connoisseurs of Russian wooden architecture.

6. Kezenoy-Am, Chechen Republic and Dagestan

Kezenoy-AmThis high-mountain lake is the largest in the Chechen Republic. Around it are architectural monuments of different eras, such as ancient mosques, the unique medieval Chechen castle Aldam-Gezi, ancient burial grounds and crypts.

z4zabj53And on the shore of the lake there is a tourist and recreational cluster of the same name with a hotel, restaurant, bathhouse, sports complex and even a boat station. So if you want to see the beauty and architectural sights of the North Caucasus in a comfortable environment, then Kezenoy-Am is a suitable option.

5. Shaitan, Kirov region

Lake ShaitanIf you want to swim on a lake on your own little island, there is no better place in Russia than Shaitan. This round karst lake is famous for two things:

  1. Rarely occurring fountains, which sometimes reach 10 meters in height, according to local residents. This phenomenon occurs due to the siphon circulation of underground waters.
  2. Small floating islands covered with bushes and small trees. Their number reaches 20. Floating islands are formed when the water level in the lake rises (usually in spring), when part of the swampy shore breaks away from the general mass.

dekn5r0lThe water in the lake is very clean, and you can swim in it all summer long. And the fishing on Shaitan is excellent.

4. Seliger, Tver region

SeligerStrictly speaking, this is not one lake, but a whole lake system, connected by narrow channels. Its coastline is very indented, here you have forested capes and islands of various shapes and picturesque bays, deeply cut into the land.

scsfzu4nAnd the water in Seliger is crystal clear, you can see what is happening at the bottom at a depth of up to 5 meters.

3. Lake Ladoga, Republic of Karelia and Leningrad Region

Lake LadogaJust an hour and a half ride on the commuter train from the Finland Station in St. Petersburg, and instead of the buzzing metropolis, the peaceful beauty of the water surface of Lake Ladoga will unfold before you. It is so large that you will see the opposite shore only with binoculars.

3ojjwbqiThe north of Ladoga is especially beautiful, where many interesting places are concentrated: Valaam Island, Ruskeala Mountain Park, Ladoga Skerries National Park and four Ruskeala waterfalls.

However, the tourist service in Karelia causes many complaints from tourists, so if you are planning a vacation near Ladoga, look for reviews on the RuNet about various guest complexes in advance.

2. Jack London Lake, Magadan Region

Jack London LakeIn its shape - elongated and narrow - this lake resembles a Norwegian fjord. And its shores are covered with dwarf pine and larch forest.

cnabikcdLake Jack London was named after the famous writer, but not because he visited its shores. According to one version of the origin of this name, the "discoverers" of the lake found Jack London's book "Martin Eden" on its shore.

According to another version, geologist P. I. Skornyakov, who worked in the area of the beautiful and exotic Far Eastern lake, gave it the name Jack London.

1. Lake Lotus, Volgograd region

Lake Lotus, the most beautiful lake in RussiaPerhaps the most beautiful and unusual lake in Russia is located just 20 kilometers from Volgograd, near the village of Krasny Buksir. And if the reservoir itself was created by the will of Mother Nature, then the lotuses are the work of human hands. At least, that's what the local legend says.

It says that one of the local residents, wanting to surprise his beloved, decided to grow for her rare and exotic flowers for the Volgograd region - Indian and Caspian lotuses.

cqjohymjAt first the flowers did not take root and the gardener had already given up, but after a few years a miracle happened, and flowers of wondrous beauty began to bloom on the lake. Gradually they occupied the entire territory of the reservoir.

The best time to visit Lotus Lake is in July and August, as these are the months when the flowers are in peak bloom.