The most comfortable prisons in the world

When you think of prison, I bet your mind is filled with images of iron bars, dark corridors, bad food and a terrifying atmosphere. After all, prison is the kind of place you want to leave as soon as possible and never return to. Right? Not if we are talking about the most comfortable prisons in the world. They are more like a resort for a misanthropic homebody.

10. Otago Penal Colony, New Zealand

Otago Penal Colony

The top 10 most comfortable prisons in the world are opened by New Zealand's Otago, which provides its inmates with cozy cells and places great emphasis on rehabilitation through advanced training.

By offering lessons in lighting, dairy farming and cookery, Otago aims to effectively engage prisoners in useful activities that will benefit them in the outside world.

9. Comfortable Sollentuna Prison, Sweden

Comfortable Sollentuna Prison

Sweden is going through an interesting time where it is forced to close prisons due to a shortage of prisoners. The money saved is being used to prevent and reduce crime.

Sollentuna Prison is a great example of this. There is a fully equipped gym, prisoners can cook their own food and enjoy it on the couch while watching TV. It's like living at home, but it's still a prison, which means you can't leave at will. But the "rooms" are very nice, so some prisoners might not want to leave!

8. Halden Prison, Norway

Halden Prison

Norway is known for its humane justice system, which includes respect even for criminals and respect for basic human rights. It is not surprising that Halden Prison, which holds over 250 inmates, follows the same principle.

Each prisoner has designer furniture, a TV, large unbarred windows and a refrigerator in his cell. Guards don't even carry guns because it creates a hostile environment. The prison's goal is to rehabilitate people while in custody and, if possible, make them more productive members of society upon release.

7. Addiwell Prison, Scotland

Addiwell Prison

It is the most expensive and comfortable prison in Scotland. However, it is expensive not because prisoners pay for luxurious cells, but because of the cost of construction (130 million pounds sterling).

Addiwell is a little different from other prisons because it is designed to be "educational." This means that prisoners go through a rehabilitation program to understand the mistakes that led them down the slippery slope of lawbreaking.

The prison is kept immaculately clean and the cells are furnished like an IKEA display case, with modern decor and furniture making life more comfortable for the prisoners.

6. Aranjuez Prison, Spain

Aranjuez Prison

Number six on our list of the most luxurious and expensive prisons in the world is Aranjuez. Usually, if a woman gives birth while serving a prison sentence, the baby is given to family members or even foster care. But Aranjuez is the only prison that has cells equipped with cribs and Disney characters on the walls. In fact, a child can stay with its mother in prison for up to three years.

In this way, a close contact is established between the mother and her child, and the child has peers with whom he or she can play on the playground.

5. Fuhlsbüttel Prison, Germany

Fuhlsbüttel Prison

Germany's Fuhlsbüttel is more like a fairy tale than a prison. It looks very much like a castle, and the prisoners who serve long sentences have a fairly quiet life.

They have access to washing machines and dryers, and live in comfortable cells with a bed, desk, and private shower. Cellmates even have a living room! Their "rooms" are more like college dorms.

4. Champ-Dollon Prison, Switzerland

Champ-Dollon Prison

Switzerland is one of the most prosperous countries in the world, and even serving a sentence here can seem like a vacation, especially when compared to the world's worst prisons.

Champ-Dollon Prison, located in Geneva, Switzerland, underwent a $40 million renovation. It had problems with disorder, disease, and overcrowding. Plus, it received bad reviews from the Council of Europe's anti-torture committee.

The prison now has a new wing with three-person cells, each with a private bathroom and nice bedding.

3. Luxury Leoben Prison, Austria

Luxury Prison LeobenThe prison has a capacity of 205. The high-tech prison building was designed by the famous architect Joseph Hohenzim. The courtyard has a garden with tennis tables and a horse farm, and the building has a gym and a library.

2. Federal Correctional Institution Butner, USA

Federal Correctional Institution ButnerThe men's prison is designed for 3,600 prisoners. Famous "guests" of the prison include the founder of the largest financial pyramid Bernard Madoff, Reagan's assassin John Hinckley and heads of large companies convicted of economic crimes. Cable TV is installed in the cells, and there are medical and psychological assistance centers on the territory.

1. Bastoy Five-Star Prison, Norway

Bastoy Five Star PrisonThe comfortable 115-bed facility is the world's first eco-friendly prison. It gets its electricity from solar panels, sorts its garbage, and grows fruit and vegetables on its own property. All prisoners are involved in the maintenance of the prison, so it is inexpensive to maintain. Convicts are allowed to swim in the sea and go horseback riding.