The most famous buildings in the world, top 10

There are many wonderful landmarks and many buildings in the world that are the "calling cards" of their city or entire country. Each of them has its own interesting history of creation and unique features. We have compiled a detailed list for you 10 Most Famous Buildings in the World.

10. Hagia Sophia – Istanbul, Türkiye

Hagia Sophia It is considered the embodiment of all the virtues of the "golden age" of Byzantium, which changed the history of world architecture. This magnificent structure remained the largest cathedral in the world for almost a thousand years. And there are also many graffiti inscriptions made by immigrants from Rus'. Almost like "Kisa and Osya were here", only in Slavic.

The building was first converted from a cathedral into a mosque and then finally into a museum in 1932. Today it is one of the most beautiful temples in the world. Its second name, which is currently used, is the Hagia Sophia Museum.

9. Eiffel Tower - Paris, France

Eiffel Tower This is one of those landmarks that even those who can't point to France on a world map know about. The Eiffel Tower is one of the most visited architectural monuments in the world, with millions of people visiting it every year.

The tower was named after Gustave Eiffel, the engineer who designed and built it between 1887 and 1889. It is 300 meters high, which is comparable to the height of an 80-story building. Visitors have access to three levels of the tower, two of which are restaurants. On the top floor (276 meters above the ground) there is a secret room and a platform from which you can observe the surroundings of Paris, enjoying not only them, but also the fact that you have visited the highest observation deck (accessible to the public) in the European Union.

Fun fact: The Eiffel Tower is possibly the only structure in the world that has a patented color. It's called "Eiffel Brown," and it gives the structure a bronze hue.

8. Louvre Museum - Paris, France

Louvre Museum Let's not go far from the Eiffel Tower, because the 8th participant in the selection of the most iconic buildings in the world is also located in Paris. In 2017, the Louvre was the most visited art museum in the world, with 8.1 million people visiting its halls. This is largely due to the fact that the most famous paintings of Leonardo da Vinci are exhibited here.

The museum is located inside the Louvre in Paris, an ancient structure that was originally intended as a fortress. If you go to the basement of the museum, you can still see remnants of this period. The Louvre first opened as a museum on August 10, 1793, with only 537 paintings. Since then, the collection has grown to 300,000 pieces, and the Louvre has become the world's largest art museum.

7. Tower Bridge - London, UK

Tower Bridge This majestic Victorian Gothic building was built between 1886 and 1894 and is an iconic symbol of London. It is located near the Tower of London, and the two landmarks are sometimes confused with each other.

Tower Bridge crosses the River Thames and is effectively a combination lift and suspension bridge, with the working machinery located at the base of each of the two towers.

Managing the bridge is somewhat reminiscent of managing a ship. The famous bridge has not only a captain, but also a whole team of sailors who stand watch and even strike the bells, just like on a real ship.

6. Colosseum - Rome, Italy

ColiseumThis oval amphitheater located in Rome was built around 80 AD and at its peak could accommodate between 50,000 and 80,000 spectators, according to various estimates.

The building became a symbol of the inviolability of Rome. Although the Colosseum was partially destroyed mainly due to earthquakes, fires and theft of stones, it still stands in the center of the city, reminding us of the times of pride and glory of the Roman Empire. Today it is one of the most famous buildings on the planet.

5. Leaning Tower of Pisa - Pisa, Italy

Leaning Tower of Pisa This free-standing bell tower of the cathedral in Pisa is one of the most amazing buildings in the world. The tower was built until 1372, and the famous tilt began during construction. It was caused by a soft foundation on one side of the building.

The tilt gradually but steadily increased until the end of the 20th century, until efforts were made to stop it and partially correct the tilt of the tower. Of course, it was not straightened completely, and why? After all, many tourists love to take pictures as if the tower is falling right into their hands, or they are helping to hold it up.

4. Taj Mahal - Agra, India

Taj Mahal The huge mausoleum-mosque is one of the most famous and popular buildings in the world – and perhaps one of the most beautiful places on Earth. It attracts eight million visitors every year.

The Taj Mahal is a monument to the great love of the Mughal Emperor Shah Jahan and his wife Mumtaz Mahal. They were almost never apart, and Mumtaz often traveled with her husband, even to war. It was on one such campaign in 1631 that she died giving birth to their 14th child.

The construction of the 74-meter structure took 22 years. There is a legend that Shah Jahan planned to build another mausoleum opposite the Taj Mahal, made of black marble. But he did not have time, as a palace coup took place, led by the ruler's son, Aurangzeb.

3. Burj Khalifa - Dubai, UAE

Burj Khalifa When talking about famous buildings, it is impossible to miss this 828-meter skyscraper, which tops the list of the tallest buildings in the world. It was built with one goal in mind - to impress the world and prove that the UAE is ahead of the rest when it comes to skyscraper construction.

2. Sydney Opera House, Australia

Sydney Opera HouseIf you are planning a trip to Australia, you should definitely visit one of the most distinctive and easily recognizable buildings on Earth. It is made in the expressionist style, and the roof of the theater is covered with 1,056,006 white and matte cream ceramic tiles called azulejos. From a distance, the structure looks snow-white, but thanks to skillful lighting, the tiles acquire different colors.

The construction of this amazing building was completed in 1973, and it was opened personally by Her Majesty Elizabeth II.

Every year, the Sydney Opera House hosts up to 3,000 events. Its program also includes an opera dedicated to the theater itself. It is called "The Eighth Wonder", which is a reference to the fact that in 2007 the building was among the finalists of the "New Seven Wonders of the World" competition.

1. St. Basil's Cathedral - Moscow, Russia

St. Basil's Cathedral You may have seen this famous building, if not in person, then in many popular movies. St. Basil's Cathedral is a church on Red Square, one of the most beautiful places in Moscow. The building was completed in 1561, and it became the tallest building in the city until the completion of the Ivan the Great Bell Tower in 1600.

The unique style of the temple combines European architectural traditions of the Renaissance with the traditions of Russian architecture. There is even a legend that Ivan the Terrible, impressed by the beauty and unique style of the temple, ordered the master architects to be blinded so that they would never create anything similar.