The most popular cat breeds in Russia and the world (photo)

We present you the top 10 most popular cat breeds in Russia and the world according to the Cat Fanciers' Association (CFA). 

There are about 600 million domestic cats in the world. That's more than any other domestic animal, even dogs (there are more than half a billion, according to the marketinggoresearchIconducted by dog food companies).  

Cats are clean, do not require daily walks, they are easy (and most importantly pleasant) to keep. However, when choosing a pet that you will take into your home, you should consider not only its appearance, but also how popular this or that breed is. Popular means well-studied. That is, you can easily find information about the habits, diseases, temperament and other characteristics of the animal. And based on this information, you can make an informed decision about whether such a cat is right for you or not. 

10. Siberian cat

One of the most popular cat breeds in Russia is amazing both for its beauty and for its safety for allergy sufferers. Yes, Siberians with their magnificent long fur are suitable for many people with allergies to the fur of ordinary cats.  

This is explained by the fact that Siberian cats have a low rate of protein secretion. Fel D1, responsible for allergic reactions. Moreover, cats produce this protein in smaller quantities than male cats.  

Siberian cats are distinguished by their calm and balanced character; they get along well with children, dogs and other pets. 

9. Exoticoh shorthairedoh catA 

For several years in a row, representatives of this breed were named CFA the most popular registered cat in America. 

Exotic is a cross between Persians and American Shorthairswith cats. They meet the standards Persianoh breed in almost every way, except one: wool. Exoticical cats, unlike their Persian counterparts, haveut shorty, thicky and densey fur, which makes them popular among people who love individuality. Persians, but they don't want to Groom your pet's fur daily.  

Exotic cats are also similar in character to Persian cats: they are affectionate, calm and playful. It is known that exotics show more affection and devotion to his master, than others cats, and usually follow people throughout the house. 

8. Ragdoll

If you want a cat that will constantly ask to be picked up and follow you around, hoping to attract attention, then it’s better than ragdoll the pet cannot be found. One of the largest and fluffiest cat breeds got its name for its ability to relax and go limp in the hands of its owner like a rag doll. 

These beautiful, kind and smart animals Very are valued for their gentle nature and ability to get along with small children. Even when playing, they do not release their claws.  

7. British Shorthair cat 

It is believed that ancient The Romans brought the British Shorthair to England in the firstm centuriesand our era. Many years later, the British Shorthair cat was crossed with Persian cats, What change it slightlylo appearance breeds and increased the thickness of her fur coat.   

Not only is it one of the most popular cat breeds, it is and also one of the most media cats. You can you find out british shorthair cat in many of the brand's advertisements Whiskas. By the way, Cheshire cat in "Alice's Adventures in Wonderland" and the cat, who rose from the dead in the 1989 film Pet Sematary also relatedIbelong to this breed. 

The British are not as active as the Siamese, and perhaps not as affectionate as the Sphynx and Scottish Fold. But they are very smart, do not impose their company and are devoted to all family members. They can remain alone for long periods of time, which is why they have received the nickname "cats for businessmen".  

6. Scottish Fold cat

Darling nature and modestyy character - these are the main advantages of the representatives of this breed. Distinctive features of Scottish Fold cats are their forward and downward curved earToand which bring something owlish to their appearanceHowever, some kittens have straight ears, these are called "Scottish straight-eared". 

It is known that Scottish Foldse cats have a relaxed nature and are very friendly with people and other pets. They are easy to train. And these cats can sleep on their backs, which looks very touching. 

This breed is famous for his unusual, slightly creaky voice and ability "pronounce» setsO different sounds thatx you won't hear from most others cat breeds. 

5. Abyssinian cat

U Abyssinians have long, slender legs, and their wool shortoh and lay down closeto the body. Their external the view resembles graceful figurines ancient Egyptian cats. And this is not surprising, because the ancestors of Abyssinian cats, as researchers of this breed believe, lived on the territory of ancient Egypt. 

Abyssinians  affectionate, loyal to children and usually good get along with other pets. Known for their curiosity, playfulness, and need to explore their environment, these animals are whole orientedy on people And love to participate in the events happening around them. 

4. Sphinx

This hairless, wrinkled a miracle with large ears and pronounced cheekbones is one of the new breeds of cats. The first Sphynx was born in Canada in 1966, A Olack of hair was geneticOuch anomaliesto her, which occurs approximately once every 15 years.  This makes Sphynxes one of the most expensive cat breeds in the world.

From now on breed sphinx became quite popular, which was facilitated not only by the unique “alien” appearance, but also by the behavioral characteristics of these animals. Sphinxy definitely isutsya catami-companionsThey are energetic, kind and playful and love to be the center of attention.  

Because the skin sphinxes very underwife impact heat and coldthese cats should be protected fromt of natural influence. This does not mean that they cannot go out on the street; they just shouldn't live on the street. 

Sphinxes are also often called hypoallergenic cats, but this is not true. Their skin particles and sweat can cause allergies.  

3. Siamese cat

Angel outside and little devil inside - here a brief portrait of the most popular cat in Russia: the Siamese. It is obstinate, temperamental and stubborn, and will not leave its owner until it gets its way. And Siamese cats also have a very loud voice, which can irritate people who love peace and quiet in their home.  

But them You forgive everything for the incredibly beautiful blue eyes and charming soft black and fawn fur.  

2. Maine Coon

The main thing you should know about Maine Coons - This Very Big and kind kittens! Some representatives of this breed can weigh 12 kg and reach a meter in length.  

Maine Coons — the indigenous people of North America. Name maine coon translates as "Manx raccoon», and the second the name of this breed is Manx raccoon cat.  

Some people think that ancestors theseX catek were brought to America by the Vikings. And if we take into account that Maine Coons have luxurious long hair and a dense undercoat adapted to cold climates, then one can believe that these stern-looking animals were faithful companions of the no less stern Vikings, and colonized America long before Columbus. However, this assumption is confirmed only by the similarity Maine CoonA from norwegianOuch forestOuch toshkoy - one of the most beautiful cat breeds. 

The Maine Coon is the best choice if you are looking for a very loyal and friendly breed for your family. 

1. Persian cat

The most popular cat breed in the world — the embodiment of laziness and calm, which is why they have earned the reputation of "couch cats." They are easily recognizable by their wide, snub nose, plump cheeks, and large eyes. Because of their short nose, Persians snore or wheeze loudly in their sleep. 

It is believed that these cats appeared in Persia (now Iran), And were named after their country of origin. Although the breed has evolved over time in color and body type, one thing has remained the same: a thick and very soft fur.  

ANDbecause him Persians require careful maintenance. Otherwise they look very untidy and pitiful., covering numerouswe tangleami. So if you are too lazy to brush your hair every day your pet and feed him the best dry food, to maintain healthy coat, then Persian breed — not for you.