The most popular gifts for March 8 in 2025

Women look forward to March 8 with pleasant excitement, and for men this holiday turns into a "day of worries". After all, you need to choose a gift in advance to express your feelings and thank (or take revenge) for the present given on February 23.

To make the agony of choice easier for you, we have compiled a selection of the most popular gifts for March 8. It is based on user reviews and data from an online survey among men and women over 18 years old.

What do women want on March 8 in 2025?

What gift do women want to receive on March 8th

Ladies want to be given cosmetics, perfumes and jewelry on International Women's Day. Flowers are beautiful, of course, and many even smell nice, but practical modern ladies prefer gifts that will stay with them longer than a few days.

16% of respondents are interested in gadgets, and many more would be happy to receive a gift certificate (31%) or a travel package (23%).

It is interesting that Russian men are sensitive to women’s desires.

  1. Most of all – 43% of respondents – said that they were going to buy perfume or cosmetic products as a gift for March 8. If you are planning such a gift, do not forget to check out the rating of the best lipstick according to Roskachestvo.
  2. 26% of those surveyed by experts intend to give jewelry as a gift for March 8th.
  3. And 22% respondents want to give a gift certificate.
  4. According to 11% respondents, they intend to give household appliances or clothing and footwear.
  5. 10% are saving money for a gadget (for example, an inexpensive Chinese smartphone could be a good gift for a beloved girl on March 8).
  6. 9% respondents want to buy dishes for their housewife.
  7. And 6% men think that the best gift is a good book.
  8. The percentage of those who intend to give alcohol instead of books, jewelry and perfume is small – 4%
  9. There are even fewer who would give their woman a trip or an animal. Only 2% are ready to do this.

What do women get on March 8th?

What do women receive as gifts on March 8th?

The survey revealed the 5 most common gifts for International Women's Day:

  • Last year, 40% women received donations of cosmetics and perfumes.
  • 19% respondents were presented with jewelry,
  • 18% became the lucky owners of gift certificates
  • 11% of the women surveyed received clothes and shoes as gifts.
  • 7% have updated their home appliances.

Most Russian women – namely 83% – were pleased with the gifts. Women aged 56 and older were the most pleased with the gifts.

The Guild of Marketers has slightly different information. According to it, flowers are the leader of the list of the most popular gifts for March 8th. Slightly less often, women are given candy and chocolate confectionery, and then cosmetics, perfume or eau de toilette.

Also in the top 10 of what is most often given on March 8th are:

  • gadgets and accessories for them,
  • haberdashery,
  • underwear,
  • a trip to the cinema, restaurant or theatre,
  • gift cards,
  • kitchen utensils and small household appliances such as electric kettles, irons, blenders, etc.
  • goods for hobbies and sports activities.

How much are men willing to spend on gifts for women on March 8

How much do men spend on March 8th?

  • According to 35%, Russian men's "gift budget" is not very large - from 1,000 to 3,000 rubles.
  • 24% respondents set aside between 3,000 and 5,000 rubles for holiday purchases.
  • 18% of respondents will spend less than 1000 rubles on gifts.
  • 11% will buy gifts worth from 5,000 to 10,000 rubles.

The results of the research by the Guild of Marketers almost coincide with the above. The average price of a gift for March 8 is from 1,500 to 2,000 rubles. But the general range of expenses is very wide - from several hundred rubles to 150 thousand rubles.

What products are in demand before March 8

According to the survey, on the eve of the Spring Festival, men began to sweep indoor flowers, candies, champagne and sparkling wines, as well as gift certificates off the shelves.

Cosmetics (especially gift sets) and mid-priced perfumes were also popular – around 3,746 rubles. Demand for electric curlers doubled, and for other hair styling gadgets, one and a half times.


An interesting trend compared to last month was the increase in demand for caviar and machines for removing lint from clothes. And the number of requests for retro consoles and, for some reason, tandoors has doubled compared to last year.

When collecting statistics, I took into account data on user transitions to online store websites in the period from February 26 to March 3 of this year, and compared them with the number of transitions in the period from January 29 to February 4 of this year and from February 27 to March 5 of last year.