The most popular videos on Russian YouTube in 2024-2025

Probably, every RuNet user has watched a video on YouTube at least once. Which videos turned out to be the most popular for the Russian-speaking audience. Let's take a closer look at them.

9. What if you lie in drinks for 24 hours? Cola, Fanta, Sprite, milk, tarragon and tomato juice

This crazy and interesting video, which has garnered 20 million views and 838 thousand likes, will show you what happens to human skin if you lie in one of the drinks for a whole day. Do not try this experiment at home!

8. BadComedian — T-34 (Nazi Attraction)

Of course, the rating of the best Russian-language YouTube videos could not do without the video blogger BadComedian (Evgeny Bazhenov), who is adored by ordinary viewers and hated by many filmmakers. In early 2019, the film company Kinodanz even filed a lawsuit against Bazhenov, accusing him of “damaging his reputation” and exceeding the “permissible volume of quoting the original material.”

This story caused a wide resonance in RuNet, and in the end Kinodanz declared its readiness to settle with BadComedian. So Evgeny will continue to delight his fans with high-quality reviews of Russian and foreign films. Moreover, some reviews last almost longer than the film being reviewed.

7. Pelmen vs. Bazooka Hands and Satanist. Farmer vs. Synthol man. Stone faces.

A battle for hype — as one of the participants called what was happening in the video. It generously distributes sporty slaps, as well as likes (there are already over 526 thousand of them). And 22 million people watched how one stern man hits another in the face.

6. Karibidis, Skorokhod, Batrutdinov - Unexpected denouement (Comedy Club)

Comedy Club always gets hundreds of thousands and even millions of views. And this video about the difficult fate of one ex-husband got more than 17 million views and 74 thousand likes.

5. Fixies - new series

The cartoon series "The Fixies" has long been a favorite among both children and their parents. In an accessible, interesting and entertaining form, it tells about the structure of a variety of things: from a microwave, a computer disk and a remote control to a flash drive, a microscope and a refrigerator.

The new episodes of "The Fixies" have already been watched by over 20 million people, and 80 thousand viewers have liked them.

4. Pavel Volya - About real women

The speech by film actor and Comedy Club host Pavel Volya about mercantile women and the men who encourage them was liked by 257 thousand viewers, and was watched by over 17 million people.

3. Interview with singer Billie Eilish

One of the most popular singers in the world, American Billie Eilish, appeared on the Evening Urgant program. Her interview was viewed over 15 million times, and 765 thousand users gave the video a thumbs up.

2. Beslan. Remember

Second place in the list of the most popular YouTube videos goes to popular interviewer Yuri Dud with a three-hour film dedicated to the tragedy in Beslan.

On September 1, 2004, terrorists seized school No. 1 in the North Ossetian city of Beslan. For three days, over a thousand people were kept in the gymnasium, without food or water, under threat of death. During the storming of the school, 334 people died, including 186 children.

Yuri Dudb spoke with eyewitnesses and direct participants of these events, and also spoke about the attitude of the military and authorities to the most terrible terrorist attack in Russia. This video was watched by 18 million people, and liked over 1 million times.

1. Fixers and the Big Secret

Here it is — the most popular Russian video on YouTube. The parody of the children's cartoon "The Fixies" has collected over 630 thousand likes and over 25 million views. Children are not recommended to watch it because of the abundance of foul language.

But the story of the Chinil revolution and the attempt to break the fourth wall will certainly entertain an adult audience.