Talisman Stones by Zodiac Sign: List of the Most Effective Stones

A talisman can be a great help in making important decisions. Some stones can even release sleeping talents in us and develop spiritual qualities. For example, Napoleon never parted with an amethyst ring he received as a gift. Perhaps it was this talisman on the emperor's finger that helped him achieve many successes in life.

You can't wear talisman stones without first getting to know them. If the stone is "not yours", then instead of having a positive effect, it can cause harm. We will tell you about the most powerful talisman stones according to the signs of the zodiac - you will have plenty to choose from.

Aries (March 21 – April 20)

jc5zcapvAries is the first sign in the zodiac circle. People of these signs are distinguished by their determination, courage, impulsiveness, assertiveness. The designation of Aries is a ram's head, which means the desire to take the initiative into their own hands. Thanks to their courage, people belonging to the fire element reach great heights.

List of stones for Aries:

  • ruby - gives wisdom, protects from melancholy, restrains aggression, improves well-being;
  • diamond - a powerful amulet (a person’s thoughts must be as pure as a diamond, otherwise it will cause harm);
  • sapphire - helps in decision-making, bestows wisdom (yellow sapphire is suitable for Aries);
  • amethyst - helps to relax and establish contacts with others;
  • agate - teaches self-discipline and concentration;
  • Rock crystal - gives Aries a sense of tact and sensitivity.

Taurus (April 21 – May 21)

rngftrsjThe earth sign, Taurus, combines love for the blessings of life and practicality. He skillfully creates comfortable living conditions for himself, knows how to see ahead, which helps him make the right decisions. Taurus is sociable, smart and attractive to the opposite sex. Having accumulated a sufficient amount of knowledge, a representative of the sign can become a mystic and a philosopher in one person.

List of stones for Taurus:

  • malachite - absorbs evil from outside, frees the wearer from negative thoughts;
  • turquoise - protects in moments of risk, attracts money;
  • chrysoprase - gives courage, self-confidence, normalizes blood pressure;
  • emerald - improves memory, gives joy (if Taurus is obsessed with dark thoughts, the stone will harm him);
  • agate - brings material prosperity into the life of Taurus, protects from dark forces, and bestows eloquence.

Gemini (May 21 – June 21)

hbna0yjsGemini is an air sign, they have a strong character, are independent and fickle. They are prone to changes in opinion, which can change several times a day. Gemini love to communicate and invent different stories - it is never boring with them. Representatives of this sign love attention very much, and suffer when they do not receive it.

List of stones for Gemini:

  • alexandrite - makes the character stronger;
  • beryl - gives positive energy, protects during travel, helps to overcome the trials of fate;
  • agate - develops patience, helps in creative endeavors, protects from human malice (minerals of the following shades are recommended: red, yellow, orange);
  • citrine - protects against rash actions, helps to concentrate on work;
  • cornelian — since many Geminis are gifted with talents, red and orange-yellow stones are excellent assistants in creativity.

Cancer (June 21 – July 22)

20ae1qkjIn their youth, Cancers are busy searching for sublime love. Growing up, many build their careers, but still the highest value for people of this sign is family. Psychologists believe that Cancers are born psychologists, they know how to listen and give the right advice, possessing a developed intuition. Since Cancers are soft and compliant people, they have practically no enemies.

List of stones for Cancer:

  • pearl - gives prosperity and longevity, protects from human malice;
  • emerald - awakens dormant talents, kindles interest in philosophical teachings;
  • cat's eye - (this includes: beryl, tourmaline, chrysoberyl) helps to establish trusting relationships with people, attracts their attention;
  • moonstone - helps you find your love and see a way out of a difficult situation.

Leo (July 23 – August 23)

gp0nzfstThe fifth sign of the zodiac circle is an emblem in the form of a lion. Leo is persistent, strives to impress others and be the center of attention. He is characterized by generosity of soul, he is brave and ambitious. Leo is distinguished by a strong character - he can take responsibility not only for himself, but also for others.

Stones for Leo:

  • tourmaline - relieves fears, releases talents;
  • chrysolite - protects from recklessness, gets rid of negative thoughts, improves relationships with loved ones;
  • diamond - helps to establish connections with the outside world;
  • heliodor - enhances intelligence and thirst for knowledge;
  • ruby — a talisman for Leo entrepreneurs;
  • golden topaz - brings peace of mind;
  • amber - gives good luck and positive emotions, protects from ill-wishers.

Virgo (August 24 – September 23)

cqroqsfmVirgo is reasonable and economical. She cannot give up on things halfway, always brings them to a logical conclusion. She often finds fault with little things and devotes a lot of time to self-analysis. Close people appreciate Virgo for her concern - she is always able to support and come to the rescue. She expects discipline and honesty from others.

List of stones for Virgo:

  • tiger eye - gives a feeling of happiness, helps to cope with jealousy;
  • nephritis - insecure Virgos will benefit from a healthy dose of excitement. Jade contains a bit of recklessness, which will contribute to success in business;
  • aventurine - gives love of life, good mood;
  • pearl — (white and pink stones) softens the harsh character of Virgo, brings material wealth;
  • onyx - protects against depressive states;
  • chrysolite - improves relationships with others;
  • jasper - gives self-confidence.

Libra (September 24 – October 23)

bi51xxkgLibras are excellent strategists and great workers. They prefer to think over every step, always achieving their goals. People of this sign are natural diplomats, they can show themselves in society. People feel comfortable with them due to their kindness and good attitude towards others. Libras are very stubborn and like to brag.

Stones for Libra:

  • aquamarine - gives courage and endows the wearer with self-confidence;
  • opal - gives faith in oneself, tends to transform laziness into activity (Libras, lacking decency, should refuse the stone);
  • diamond - helps to make the right decisions;
  • lapis lazuli - gives persistence and helps to implement plans;
  • tourmaline - strengthens the shaky emotional state.

Scorpio (October 24 – November 22)

raip4z5nPossessing natural magnetism and a strong character, Scorpio reaches heights without much difficulty. As a rule, he always brings what he starts to the end. The reason for his success lies in the simplest things - in the combination of determination and hard work. A person born under this sign improves throughout his life and strives to change the world for the better.

List of stones for Scorpio:

  • hematite - gives affection and patience;
  • aquamarine - symbolizes love and respect;
  • pomegranate - black and red stones enhance the attractiveness of their owner and contribute to the development of intuition;
  • ruby - helps to develop in business and gives confidence in one’s abilities;
  • coral - red, blue and black stones relieve Scorpio from depression;
  • opal - improves relationships with loved ones, eliminates scandals;
  • blue sapphire - eliminates disturbing thoughts.

Sagittarius (November 23 – December 21)

jyiapulcThis zodiac sign embodies energy and masculine strength. Sagittarius is always on the move, interested in people and the world around them. Doesn't like restrictions, so often goes against the "system". Sagittarius has many ideas that he wants to implement. Despite his good nature, the representative of this sign tends to tell people the truth to their faces, which is why many people dislike him.

Stones for Sagittarius:

  • pomegranate - protects during travel, protects from negativity, promotes financial well-being;
  • turquoise - helps to realize oneself in one’s profession;
  • ruby - helps to achieve a high position in society,
  • blue sapphire - protects from adventures;
  • chrysolite - gives spiritual harmony, protects from conflicts;
  • topaz - attracts money, maintains charm, helps find a life partner.

Capricorn (December 22 – January 20)

nzrvjew4The earth sign has the gift of not losing sight of its goal and always achieving it. Perseverance, determination, immunity to difficulties are the strong points of the sign. It is very important for Capricorn to achieve a high social level. The representative of the sign seems withdrawn to those around him, but this is not so, he just keeps all his feelings to himself.

List of stones for Capricorn:

  • rauchtopaz - helps to make the right decisions;
  • obsidian - a brown or black stone prepares Capricorn for change and relieves indecision;
  • malachite - strengthens health and fulfills wishes;
  • almadin - helps to use your energy rationally;
  • onyx - helps to unravel the thoughts of enemies, brings respect to
  • team;
  • ruby - gives financial well-being and happiness in the family;
  • opal - helps to see new paths for self-realization;
  • jet - increases the tendency towards philosophical reflection.

Aquarius (January 21 – February 19)

5wer1rxwAquarius is fickle by nature, but does not like change. A bright individualist, he is prone to quick mood swings: he can dress extravagantly, and a couple of minutes later he will not like it. Despite the lack of self-discipline, Aquarius is determined and endowed with creative energy. Aquarius loves to experiment, stand out and take risks. He values personal freedom.

Stones for Aquarius:

  • turquoise - brings financial well-being;
  • aquamarine - relieves stress, puts thoughts in order, protects from lies;
  • pomegranate - ignites the soul, increases self-esteem;
  • amethyst - gives insight, directs energy in the right direction;
  • zircon - promotes memory development, causes inspiration and a thirst for knowledge;
  • blue sapphire - gives fortitude and courage, helps to see one’s purpose.

Pisces (February 20 – March 20)

1mmn5zylThe zodiac circle is closed by Pisces - wise and sensitive people. Their responsiveness often becomes the object of manipulators. Pisces have well-developed intuition, which allows them to adapt to any environment. Representatives of this sign become talented people, because they know how to realize themselves. Pisces know how to find a way out of any difficult situation, which is their strong point.

List of stones for Pisces:

  • pearl - brings Pisces a long life filled with happiness;
  • aquamarine - softens anger, gives peace of mind, attracts love;
  • jet - protects from dark dreams, extinguishes fears and anxiety;
  • amethyst - brings good luck, brings light into the family;
  • moonstone - attracts money (not recommended to wear often, as it can cause harm);
  • opal - protects from evil people, swindlers, brings sublime love into life.