The stinkiest objects and items on Earth and in space

Humans can detect over 10,000 different odors, thanks to 12 million olfactory receptor cells in the nose. And that's a small number compared to the 100-300 million receptor cells that dogs have, which gives them the ability to detect over 40,000 different odors.

A foul smell is not an experience we enjoy. But the fact remains: many things in the world smell unpleasant, and sometimes downright stink. And if you don’t want to encounter one of them, it’s worth finding out in advance which objects are considered the most foul-smelling on Earth and even in space. Their list was prepared by the scientific publication ScienceAlert. A gas mask is not required when reading.

6. Uranus - the smell of rotten eggs

dwj2z0hzSpace pioneers exploring Uranus will have a tough time. A group of astronomers recently discovered that hydrogen sulfide is present in the atmosphere of one of the largest planets in the solar system. It gives Uranus a rotten-egg smell that makes many people sick.

5. Durian - smells like feces, socks and onions

vy5e30wiThe fifth smelliest object in the world is the durian fruit. It is very common in Southeast Asia, but is native to Malaysia. Although many people living in Southeast Asia love the fruit, many find its smell downright awful. Some foreigners describe it as a mixture of feces, old socks, rotting onions, and turpentine.

Because of its aroma, this fruit is banned in some places, such as Singapore. Surprisingly, durian is very useful for those living in Southeast Asia. There, it is used to add a special flavor to traditional dishes, and also as a medicine against fever.

4. Rafflesia arnoldii – the smell of a corpse

l4giu1pwWhen you see a flower, your instinct tells you that it will smell nice. But that's not true for the Rafflesia arnoldii, one of the largest flowers on Earth. When this behemoth blooms, it fills the air with the smell of rotting flesh. That's why the plant has earned the nickname "corpse flower."

This smell attracts special pollinators to Rafflesia, such as flies, dung beetles and some types of carnivorous insects. However, the flowering lasts only a few days, and the bud ripens several months. So, theoretically, you can plant Rafflesia in your garden and, having smelled the foul smell, just leave the house for a few days.

3. Vieux Boulogne – aromas of decay

gmwxk3p4Do you like the smell of cheese? If so, smell Vieux Boulogne and you will agree that this cheese can only be eaten by holding your nose tightly.

In November 2004, scientists at Cranfield University took on the task of determining which cheese was the stinkiest in the world. And the winner of this anti-rating was the French soft cheese "Vieux Boulogne". It smells something close to mushrooms, damp earth and rotten leaves. This stench is even worse than that of a cheese called "Epoisses de Bourgogne", which is banned in some public places in France.

The terrible stench that comes from this cheese is the result of the brewer's bacteria acting on the enzymes in the cheese.

2. Ancient excrement

vxbvglkmSecond place in the list of the most stinking things went to human waste. It smells really bad and the "aroma" doesn't get any better over the years. The stench can persist for 700 years. This was confirmed by archaeologists excavating in the Danish city of Odense. One of their finds was a 14th century toilet in the form of barrels. They continued to emit a stench.

However, even coprolites are useful for scientists, they can tell about what people ate in the past, their health and even gender. For this purpose, DNA samples are extracted from feces, previously softened with a special solution, which "tell" the whole truth about their owner.

1. Four-toed anteater - skunk smell

cshstjv3Small, furry animals are always so cute, despite the fact that many of them are very dangerous. However, the four-toed anteater, also known as the Mexican tamandua, is a creature that is best not to meet in a dark alley. The tamandua smells five to seven times stronger than a skunk, which helps it scare off enemies. In this, it is similar to another cute little animal - the zorilla (African ferret), which secretes a pungent-smelling secretion from its anal glands. Both of these representatives of the fauna are worthy of the title of "king of stinkers."