The Most Unusual Trials in History

Usually people go to court to seek justice and resolve a dispute. The reasons for disagreements can be different: debt, inheritance, rent, return of goods. The court's task is to determine who is right and give both parties clear instructions.

Lately, everyone who is not too lazy has been going to court. The goal is banal - to make money, and some individuals on 100% are confident in their rightness, even if they file a ridiculous claim. We present to your attention the most unusual lawsuits in history.

15. Enterprising old lady

The name of this old lady is unknown, but people around the world have heard about her. The American woman washed her cat and then decided to dry it in the microwave. The animal died, and the old woman filed a lawsuit against the manufacturer of household appliances. The instructions did not contain any restrictions regarding drying animals, so the woman won the case. The court considered her crazy, but the claim was satisfied. The microwave manufacturer paid her compensation.

14. The Beer Drinker Deceived

Richard Overton from America had a passion for the foamy drink and drank it in unlimited quantities. His favorite was "Bud". Soon he filed a lawsuit against the manufacturer - the company "Anheuser-Busch". In the statement, Richard stated that he was being deceived. No matter how much beer he drank, the girls in bathing suits from the advertisement did not appear. He also confirmed that the commercial promised that after drinking beer, people become successful and happy, but this did not happen to him. Overton won the case, however, on the second try. Thanks to "Anheuser-Busch", the man became 10 thousand dollars richer.

13. Resourceful spouses

A married couple from the US state of Oklahoma made a good profit from the dishonesty of the Heinz ketchup manufacturer. Marshy and Bill Boyker, as usual, were shopping at the supermarket. It is unknown why, but they decided to weigh the bottles of ketchup. The couple discovered that each of them was 42 grams short. They went to court and won the case. The Boykers received compensation in the amount of 180 thousand dollars.

12. The TV company's lawsuit

Timothy Dumouchelle from Wisconsin became famous for filing a lawsuit against a television company. He confirmed that his family had been watching a lot of television for the past four years, and that it had had a negative impact on their lives. Timothy himself had become addicted to alcohol, his wife had gained weight, and his children had no other occupation than changing channels. He blamed the well-known television company for all the troubles, but the lawsuit was not satisfied. It was not allowed to the Supreme Court.

11. The Ministry of Health warns

hkd4utevTen years ago, cigarette packs did not have such frightening warnings about the dangers of smoking as they do now. California resident Betty Bullock decided to take advantage of this. The defendant was the well-known tobacco company Philip Morris. For 47 years, the woman smoked their cigarettes, and then fell ill with lung cancer. Her claim was satisfied, Betty received about 900 thousand dollars from the company.

10. Basketball player double

Allen Heckard from Portland filed a lawsuit against Michael Jordan, one of the most famous basketball players in the world. He said that his resemblance to the famous athlete brought him great suffering. Fans regularly stop the man on the street. Mental pain, humiliation and suffering - this is how Allen described his psychological state. After some time, he abandoned this idea and withdrew the statement. Apparently, Heckard realized that he would not be able to win. He could not even find a lawyer to represent his interests in court. Everyone around him thought he was crazy. By the way, Allen is 18 centimeters shorter than Jordan, and it is very difficult to confuse them.

9. Unsuccessful prank

Katie McGowan from the UK took part in a radio quiz. She answered all the questions and was overjoyed when she found out she had won a car. Of course, a brand new Renault Clio, everyone would want to be in this lucky girl's place. Katie's joy did not last long, she was told that it was a toy model, not a real car. McGowan did not lose her head and sued the radio station. Now she has a car, the girl won the case. The defendant was ordered to pay 8 thousand pounds in compensation for moral damages.

8. Hellish Date

Brendan Wesmar from Texas invited his new acquaintance on a date. They sat in a cafe, ordered pizza, and then went to the cinema. Then something went wrong. Brendan did not like the way his companion behaved during the movie. She was texting someone on her phone and her behavior caused him emotional trauma. He asked her to leave the theater, after which he demanded a refund for the ticket and pizza ($17). The girl refused, Wesmar filed a lawsuit. He said that he did not need the money, but he would never forget this hellish date for the rest of his life. No one had ever treated him like that before. The dispute was settled by the general director of the theater, who gave Brendan a certificate for the amount spent during the date.

7. Defective toothpaste

Vadim Kandakov from Fokino decided to follow the successful examples of foreign plaintiffs. He filed a lawsuit against Procter & Gamble. When he opened a tube of toothpaste, liquid squirted out. This incident ruined Vadim's morning and the rest of his life. According to him, he could not come to his senses for a long time. However, Kandakov was unable to receive any compensation, but he made the court employees laugh. Surely, after this incident, the man was more careful when choosing a good toothpaste.

6. Poor quality funeral service

cbbk2meiAlexey Konev from Yekaterinburg was dissatisfied with the way the church performed the funeral service for his deceased relative. He paid 380 rubles and hoped that the funeral service would be private. He considered that the service was of poor quality and he had the right to compensation. His claim was rejected because the church is not a commercial organization. It does not carry out entrepreneurial activity, all donations are voluntary.

5. Lawsuit against neighbors

This story happened in Kemerovo. A pensioner, whose name is unknown, filed a lawsuit against her neighbors in a communal apartment. She demanded compensation for moral damages from them. That day, the neighbors spent too much time in the bathroom, and the old woman was unable to wash herself in time. The court satisfied her claim. She did not receive compensation, but a time limit was set for residents of the communal apartment that can be spent in the bathroom. It should not exceed 20 minutes.

4. Compensation for degradation

Roman Maslennikov from Moscow blamed all his troubles on the television. He conducted a whole study and found out that he can’t do without watching his favorite TV shows. His mood gets worse, his appetite disappears – all signs of addiction. Another nuance: Maslennikov found out that the television negatively affects his intellect. He demanded compensation from Ostankino. The case was ignored.

This is not Roman's only attempt to make money. After some time, he sued Yandex. He accused the company of losing all his hair. According to him, he went bald because of the bad news that was regularly published on the Internet portal.

3. Lawsuit against the President

In 2016, a pensioner from the Saratov region filed a lawsuit against the Russian president. He called him a "friend of the oligarchs" and demanded that he be removed from office for "impoverishing the people." The case was not opened, the court responded that they had no right to interfere in the activities of the head of state.

2. Section of the cat

A citizen filed a claim with the Nizhny Novgorod court, demanding that the animal be divided after a divorce. She claimed that her husband had appropriated the cat and was not taking care of it. It was later discovered that the cat had died long ago. The hearing did not take place due to the absence of the plaintiff and defendant.

1. Failed revenge

abhgueheAnother love story that is a good example of how to be careful with exes. A resident of Yekaterinburg sued his lover who dumped him. He demanded that all the gifts be returned. The list included flowers, chocolate, cards, fruit, cookies, a mug... The court rejected the plaintiff, as he could not prove the defendant's guilt. There was no agreement between them, and the man could not provide documentary evidence of the gifts being given.