The Scariest 911 Calls

In emergency situations, it can be difficult to figure out exactly where to call, so a short, easy-to-remember number was invented - 911. The rescue service began its work in 1968 in the town of Haleyville (Oklahoma, USA) and exists to this day.

One can only guess how "lucky" the dispatcher is when answering the calls. You must admit, it is difficult to remain indifferent when you are called again and the other end of the line says: "I will put a bullet in my forehead!"

If you've decided to add some variety to your horror movie viewing, we suggest you learn about the 8 scariest, most frightening 911 calls. Not for the faint of heart.

8. Suicide during a conversation

In 2011, a California dispatcher answered another call. How surprised the woman was when she heard a familiar voice on the line - its timbre and intonation reminded her of her husband's best friend... Soon she was right - it was him. The man was telling her that he had fought with his wife, who died after he hit her on the head many times.

The purpose of his call to 911 is to confess what he did and what he was going to do… commit suicide out of guilt. The dispatcher did everything she could to talk to the man, but she couldn’t dissuade him.

While the police were getting to his house, a deafening shot rang out in the receiver - the man had committed suicide. When the police arrived, it turned out that the woman was alive. Physically, she was able to recover, but what happened to her psyche - one can only guess.

7. Horrible murder

As usual, the dispatcher answered the phone. Donald Spirt from the town of Bell called the service. After the man's confession, the employees of the Gilchrist County (Florida) office shuddered with horror... He confessed to a monstrous crime.

Donald's voice was calm, which surprised the dispatcher, since callers usually literally panicked. He said hello politely, asked how the dispatcher was doing, and then confessed: "I just shot my daughter and shot my grandchildren. They're all dead." He then gave his address and asked the service workers to come.

When the police arrived at the address, Donald shot himself right on the porch of his home. He actually shot his daughter, 28-year-old Sarah, and his children, Caleb, Kylie, Jonathan, Destiny, Brandon, and Alanna, who was only 3 months old, inside the house with a .45 caliber pistol.

Interesting fact: The investigation established that more than 10 years ago Donald Spirt killed his 8-year-old son while hunting - this incident was considered an accident. In addition, the police kept a statement from his daughter in 2008 - Sarah claimed that her father beat her during pregnancy.

6. Missing in Action

This call was different from all the others. The man didn’t know what to do, so he dialed 911. He reported that something was crawling in his yard at a crazy speed… Something he couldn’t identify. When the dispatcher asked, “How can you describe this thing?” he replied, “I don’t know, it looks like a huge man.”

During the conversation, it turned out that someone had killed his dog earlier. Soon the man shouted into the phone: "Send someone! This creature is right in front of me, and it's 2 meters long!" The creature, resembling a man, was dressed all in black, it was smiling, pressed against the window glass... What kind of big guy could this be?

The conversation ended, the dispatcher kept repeating: "Sir? Are you still there? Sir..." The man was going to hide somewhere until the police arrived. When they arrived at the specified address, they found no one in the house. Where the caller disappeared to is unknown.

5. Unknown outside the window

gtomddhrWe all like to tickle our nerves from time to time, but when something scary and inexplicable happens in life, it’s no longer a joke. What would you do in a situation where a stranger was standing on the street and staring at your window? The man in our story, for example, dialed 911 without thinking.

Frightened but still calm, the man said that a stranger in a hoodie, about 30 years old, was looking through his window, and this had been going on for half an hour. He was filming his call on a video camera - from the video it is clear that he was telling the truth. The man gave his address, and then said that if the police went straight down the street, they would run into a suspicious person.

On the other end of the line, he was told something, after which the man moved away from the window. It is unknown how this story ended, we hope that the police arrived in time and managed to find out what the stranger wanted.

4. Furious Monkeys

Encounters with vicious apes can end in a variety of outcomes, with some getting away with scratches and others falling into a coma. Chimpanzees attacking humans are not uncommon – in 2009, Charla Nash went blind and lost both arms after being attacked by a monkey, and in 2005, James Davis was attacked by chimpanzees, requiring more than 60 surgeries.

A woman called from 241 Rock, Rockrimmon Road. She didn't explain anything, but immediately started screaming, "Send the police! Send the police quickly!" During the conversation, it turned out that her friend had been attacked by a monkey and torn to pieces. The dispatcher asked her not to hang up and stay on the line until help arrived. The woman started crying and kept saying, "Please send someone quickly, please"...

Summary of the story: The woman stabbed the monkey and then got into her car. She kept crying - no wonder, to experience that. Hopefully she's okay now and that situation doesn't come up in her mind too often.

3. Sincere confession

In 2019, crime statistics were released in the United States - a record high number of mass murders were committed in the past year. In total, 41 mass murders were committed during the year, resulting in 211 deaths. Despite high crime, people in the United States leave their doors open ...

An unusual call was made to 911 - the person did not need help, on the contrary, he asked to protect others from himself. The serial killer confessed that he killed Kimberly Compton first, and she was on the 3rd floor. The killer cried and could not understand the reason for his atrocities... He asked for help, otherwise someone else would die.

The killer hung up. As it turned out, the caller to 911 was serial killer Paul Michael Stefani. His characteristic feature was a whiny voice. After the murders, he called the police anonymously and reported the crime in a squeaky voice. Michael Stefani killed 3 women in the Minneapolis-Saint Paul metropolitan area.

2. Someone without skin

A 911 worker answered a call. A man was asking for the police, there was a break-in at his home. The dispatcher asked him to remain calm and give his address. The next question was, "Sir, do you know if that was a man or a woman?" To which he replied, "I don't know, all I saw was the back of his head with no skin..."

He was asked to leave the house, but he couldn't do it, because the man was in the closet, and outside it - They... Who - unknown, strange things were happening in the house - everything was shaking. The dispatcher asked him to take a hanger and straighten it (as a means of protection), but, as you can guess, it did not save him.

Summary of the story: the man's voice became more and more distant, he shouted: "O my gad!" Incomprehensible noises were heard in the telephone receiver (resembling wind mixed with breaking glass) and then the call was cut off.

1. Parents' quarrel

2iorwjliThis call can be considered the most terrible, because 6-year-old Lisa Floyd called 911 in tears. The child was very upset because of her parents' quarrel, the girl's emotions even brought tears to the service workers. Lisa asked to call the police because her parents were fighting. In the background, another child could be heard crying.

It turned out from the conversation that the quarrel that ended in a fight was not the first time. Her parents always fight because her stepfather goes to clubs and drinks alcohol. Lisa was in tears - her stepfather beat her mother in front of her. The dispatcher tried to calm the girl down - she only had to wait a little while, the police were rushing to help.

The dispatcher asked Lisa to stay on the line until the police arrived, but the girl went to see what was happening to her little sister and mother. She screamed, "He got the baby!" The line was soon cut off.

Interesting fact: Many years later, lawyer Keith Grill was curious to know what happened to the girl. She found her, but unfortunately, under unfavorable circumstances. Lisa became her client - she, like her mother, faced domestic violence. Fortunately, Keith Grill helped her get out of this nightmare story and gave her hope for a better life. Lisa said: "My journey is not over yet, there is much that I need to learn and do in my life."