Preparing for the New Year 2025

New Year is a bright, beautiful and a little magical event. Each of us wants to plunge into childhood for a few hours on New Year's Eve, to remember that there is still room in the world for fairy tales and miracles.

In order for the coming year to be kind to you, you should approach the issue of its celebration thoughtfully. Preparation for the New Year is a whole ritual that can bring no less joy and pleasure than the holiday itself.

It is necessary to pay attention to each question:

  • choosing an outfit;
  • New Year's dishes;
  • holiday scenario (just sitting at the table is boring);
  • buying gifts.

We are preparing for the New Year 2024 with special care: after all, according to the Chinese calendar, the Dragon comes into its own during this period – a strong, powerful, and mighty creature. It will not tolerate disrespectful treatment.

What to do before the New Year?

Let's think about what needs to be done before the New Year 2024 in order to improve relations with the fire-breathing, light-winged handsome dragon. This animal loves that in everything - in business, in love, in relationships with loved ones - there is order, so that there is harmony.

Therefore, in our plans for the New Year 2024 (preparatory stage) we include:

  • house cleaning;
  • getting rid of accumulated junk;
  • stopping the senseless running around the same circle of life if you are no longer satisfied with something, and thinking about new life goals;
  • combating sad moods and negative thoughts;
  • payment of all debts.

The Dragon is an active, businesslike animal with obvious leadership qualities. It approves of courage and determination. Let's draw conclusions: on the eve of the Year of the Snake, it is necessary to "put everything in its place", reconsider your life, bring something new and interesting into it. The main thing is not to be afraid of anything.

And let's not forget about the traditional tasks, which include choosing products for the holiday table, inviting guests and, in fact, the plan for New Year's Eve itself.

New Year 2024 Celebration Ideas

You can't call the host of the coming year a conservativeHe is a true adventurer and a romantic at heart (remember the countless number of kidnapped beauties who were placed in the tower by the Dragon and showered with gold and diamonds).

Therefore, the question of how to prepare for the New Year 2024 should be put this way: what unusual thing to bring to the celebration? Sitting at the table, drinking, eating and making toasts?

Of course, this is good, especially if you manage to gather the whole family, which most often cannot meet like this on weekdays due to a busy life schedule. But the Dragon can quickly get bored. In this case, he will leave you - along with luck and fortune.

Let's try to come up with some other ideas for celebrating New Year 2024. Here are some options:

  • go outside and connect with your neighbors, grab some music and champagne;
  • go to an unfamiliar city together, rent a hotel room;
  • get out into nature, to a forest cottage;
  • organize a big ski race;
  • go skating with the whole family;
  • come up with a quest with interesting prizes (to complete it you will need to go outside).

This is just a small list, you may have your own solutions. The main thing is to prevent boredom from appearing.

New Year 2024 Preparation Plan

The preparatory process takes a lot of time. It should be taken into account that the event can be quite expensive if you don't think through every detail in advance. Let's look at several options for celebrating and see what financial investments will be required.

Here is a rough checklist for preparing for the New Year 2024, if you decide to celebrate the holiday, for example, in one of the local sanatoriums. In order to make the picture as realistic as possible, we will also include approximate prices in our plan.

For the trip you will need:

  • vouchers (usually they are called “weekend vouchers”) – on average, the price for two or three New Year’s days will be about 17 thousand rubles per person;
  • outfit (about 5 thousand, if you plan to buy a new dress and accessories);
  • bus tickets to the sanatorium (prices vary, much depends on the distance of the sanatorium from your city, let's take an average of 3 thousand rubles).

We will include a plan in the checklist:

  • notify friends and gather a team;
  • find money to implement the plan (this is perhaps the most important thing);
  • get your child ready (take a nice outfit and favorite toys with you).

This is the minimum plan. We will definitely study the program of celebration offered by the resort and agree with the friends who are going with us. Does everyone like the program?

The preparation will look a little different if you decide to stay home and have a romantic New Year's Eve. Let's prepare for the New Year 2025 with our own hands - make a festive entourage, buy food, think about a gift.


  1. Do a general cleaning.
  2. Decorate the "main" room in the apartment.
  3. Find the most elegant tablecloth for the table.
  4. Consult with the person who will be celebrating the holiday with you about what dishes you will prepare.
  5. Go grocery shopping together.
  6. After choosing the products, at the same time buy new decorations for the Christmas tree and the room (the Dragon loves everything new and unusual).
  7. Pick out an outfit.
  8. Try to find out from your loved one what he would like to receive as a gift, and buy what he wants.

All this together can cost you 10 thousand, or maybe less. Don't forget that you need not only New Year's decorations, but also everything that helps create a romantic mood: beautiful candles, a selection of music, a seductive dress.

We will decorate the apartment with our own hands. You can make a fireplace with paper "fire" inside from cardboard boxes, place it near the Christmas tree, or you can depict entire compositions of 3D paper houses and fluffy cotton "snow" on the windows.

Don't forget the garlands: softly twinkling lights create an atmosphere of fairy tale and magic, even if there is no other New Year's decor in the room.

Now let's move on to a scenario that any family that decides to stay in their home on New Year's Eve can adopt.

Cleaning the house

Preparation for New Year 2025 begins with the process of putting the apartment in orderThe first stage is to get rid of everything that is outdated, unnecessary, and has not been used for a long time.

Anything broken, anything that is kept "just in case", "what if it comes in handy" - let it go in the trash. Of course, this does not apply to memorable things dear to the heart - they will need a separate box, beautifully decorated, and it can be put away in the closet.

The dragon prefers something new, functional, although not without a touch of romance (remember the princesses).

Vacuum the apartment, wipe the dust, wash the floors and let the fresh frosty air into the house - let it bring the wind of change. It will be a change for the better.

Tips for the New Year 2024: add something bright red to the interior and buy a beautiful table lamp. It would also be a good idea to buy a salt lamp to create an atmosphere of peace in the house and set the Snake in a peaceful mood.

Gift selection

Gifts for New Year's Eve are a separate "song". The dragon will not like it if you start exchanging banal souvenirs, like mugs with the image of this fantastic creature or fridge magnets with symbols of the year.

But if you give it to your loved ones:

  • decorations;
  • beautiful and fashionable kitchenware;
  • comfortable home clothes;
  • sports equipment;
  • a ticket to an exhibition or a theatre –

The dragon will be pleased. This "bird" does not like monotony and routine, so pay special attention to gifts-impressions, which may include paid training courses and master classes, an excursion trip, a subscription to a fitness center or a series of massage sessions.

Home decoration

On New Year's Eve 2025, preparing your home for the holiday will take some time. After cleaning, your first task is to choose the main character of the night, the New Year tree. Of course, in December, many Christmas tree markets will open, where You can buy a live forest beauty, but it is better to buy an artificial one.

There is no point in encouraging the tradition of cutting down forests for the sake of a couple of weeks of holidays and weekends. Let the green beauties grow and delight us on forest walks, and let's put their factory copy at home.

If you miss the smell of pine needles, buy or break off one branch.This way the tree won’t be damaged and the house will be filled with a New Year’s atmosphere.

How to decorate the house? Remember: 2025 is the year of the Green Wooden Snake, as the Chinese calendar tells us. And if so, then we must hang cute (preferably new) wooden toys on the tree. You can buy a candlestick house with an artificial candle and, having turned it on, put it on the table in a pleasant semi-darkness.

The color of the decorations can be any, but everything bright is especially welcome. The dragon is favorably disposed towards:

  • green;
  • golden;
  • scarlet;
  • crimson;
  • orange;
  • blue.

Be careful with grey items: perhaps the mouse shade is not something that will please the ruler of the year.

Buying a Christmas tree

Recently, it is not the Christmas tree that is becoming more and more popular, but the pine tree. It has very fluffy branches, it looks great even without decorations.

The fir tree or pine tree can be any color: green, white (as if covered with frost), light blue, blueIf there are small children in the house, a tall “tree” will do, as it will create a sense of a fairy tale for the child.

If you have pets, it is better to buy a small Christmas tree that can be easily hidden away from prying eyes and noses.

When to put up a Christmas tree? It all depends on your wishes. Some people like to do it earlier, 2 weeks before the New Year, while others put it up literally on the day, on the 31st, claiming that this way the holiday is felt more keenly. The Dragon accepts both options.

Decorating the Christmas tree

We hang wooden horses, dragons, houses on the tree. Shiny plastic balls and bright garlands will do. Try to use more red - all shades, the Dragon will be pleased. A tree decorated in one color scheme looks stylish and fashionable. The fiery color will bring good luck to the house.

Choosing an outfit

For men, formal suits or jeans with a bright sweater (bright shirt) are suitable. For ladies, it is advisable to choose something in red or green tones.

The outfit itself should be a little bit shocking, but in no case should it cross the line of what is permitted.Large gold jewelry and large costume jewelry, long shiny floor-length dresses with a dizzying slit, high-heeled shoes are beautiful.

Avoid wearing dresses in shades of grey, pale yellow, or dull brown: the Dragon doesn't like that.

But if you go outside, of course, dress comfortably and according to the weather.


What products to buy? There are no special prohibitions. Buy what you prefer. But if you want to please the owner of the year, greet him by setting the table with dishes from:

  • meat;
  • fish;
  • red and green vegetables and fruits;
  • greenery.

Dishes for the New Year's table

It would be great if you decide for a festive night (and the next day) cook with your own hands:

  • real pilaf;
  • stuffed duck;
  • stewed sea fish with herbs.

You can treat your family to a dish called "cream soup", boiling it from broccoli or cheese. Chop up any salads, decorating them with carrots, beets, lettuce leaves, tomatoes cut into slices.

As for sweets, chocolate in any form and homemade cakes are suitable. But in general, it is better not to get carried away with desserts, giving preference to hearty dishes made from natural products.

What should not be done on New Year 2024?

The dragon does not like to be alone, so try to gather friends or go visit yourself.. Don't spend all your money on the celebration, be sure to leave something in reserve: the thrifty Dragon does not encourage thoughtless waste. Don't walk around with a sad look, as this will scare off the optimistic Snake.

Celebrate the New Year cheerfully! It doesn't matter whether you are going to follow the traditions that have long been accepted in the family, or have come up with something new and exciting this time, the main thing is to meet the coming year cheerfully, looking to the future with faith in the best.

Whatever troubles await us, we will overcome them! And the strong and self-confident Dragon, who we should look up to this year, will help us.