Toasts for the New Year 2025 of the Dragon: cool and funny for corporate and family

New Year's holidays are a time for corporate parties, gatherings with family, friends and acquaintances. During the celebration, there is a great opportunity to tell others about your feelings, attitude to business and congratulate them on the New Year 2025. At the same time, you can show eloquence and stand out with a creative approach.

Toasts for the New New Year

According to the Eastern calendar, 2025 will be the year of the Green Green Wooden Snake.

It is impossible to imagine the New Year without a cheerful feast with gatherings and lively communication. At these moments it will be appropriate to say beautiful New Year's toasts.

On this page you will find funny, cool and beautiful toasts for the New New Year 2024. Our collection will contain funny and beautiful toasts for a corporate party, family, friends and the closest people, and there is also a selection short toasts in prose and verse. Here will be toasts with jokes both in verse and in prose (official, in your own words).

Learning to say toasts

Toasts for the New New Year 2024

It is necessary to learn how to say New Year's toasts correctly. Here are some rules:

  1. Prepare your New Year's toast in advance. Say the toast out loud several times in front of a mirror. Remember, text on paper differs from oral speech. Choose the right tempo, intonation and volume of voice, plan pauses in the right places. Speak in short and clear sentences. The optimal speaking time is 1-3 minutes. Think through several options for congratulations in advance, in case another speaker says the planned wish.
  2. According to etiquette, the first word is given to the owner of the house or the head of the company.
  3. Learn the toast and learn to say it beautifully, pausing at the right places. Don't make your speech last longer than 3 minutes. End the toast with a call to raise your glasses.

Cool toasts about Snakes for New Year 2025

New New Year 2024

Cool toasts about Snakes for the New Year 2025:

New New Year 2024

The planet enters the year two thousand twenty-four.
Welcoming the YEAR OF THE DRAGON,
The EARTH dreams and hopes-
He will bring happiness to people.
In some countries people are happy-
They keep the laws of their people.
There is anarchy in my country
Everything is upside down and everything is the other way around.
A large, powerful country suddenly fell apart into pieces
And before the eyes of all the EARTHLINGS it turned into an amorphous union.
The final ultimatum is heard over scorched Chechnya,
The alarm bell rushes towards the maddened people in waves,
And next to them they write names into the cobblestones of Old Arbat.
The screen is going crazy in a frenzy –
Rescuers from different countries sponsor and help.
All those who are trying to revive RUSSIA,
They throw mud and dirt at you.
The people's hope will not be deceived - RUSSIA will rise and resurge.
And people of all nationalities will live in harmony and peace.
And let the Dragon flying over the earth
Will let goodness and happiness into every home.
Open the door at midnight every HUMAN,
Enter the NEW CENTURY with an open heart!

New New Year 2024

The dragon is a formidable, impulsive and, according to Chinese mythology, very jealous beast.
- I propose this toast so that our beloved ones do not give such a dragon the slightest reason to wake up and let him sleep soundly for a whole year!

New New Year 2024

- Let's drink to longevity and energy, as these are the main characteristics of the water dragon.
Let there be enough of them for each member of our large family!

New New Year 2024

Let the children in this family be spared illnesses as if the protection were the stone shell of dragon eggs.
Let adults avoid illnesses as if protection were a reliable scale!
But let no protection be an obstacle to the care of our loved ones, to the love and warmth from our hearts to each other.

New New Year 2024

The ancient Chinese call the dragon the water serpent of the moon. It lives in the depths of the water,
but can also soar above the ground, he is closely associated with the cult of fertility and can change appearance.
— So let's raise our glasses to the fact that we too can change according to circumstances and our desires, while remaining unchanged in our essence. And let this year be fruitful in all respects – in love, work and ideas, because it is not for nothing that water is a symbol of inspiration, the creative process and perseverance.

New New Year 2024

- Water wears away stone. Let every stone yield to us this year!
And let the granite of science seem like a piece of sugar to students in the year of the dragon!

Short Toasts for New Year 2025

Short predictions for the New Year 2025

Short toasts for the New Year 2025:

New New Year 2024

May we be in harmony with everyone in the new year, and most of all, with ourselves!

New New Year 2024

Let's drink to the fact that in the new year there will always be someone to share any mood with!

New New Year 2024

Life is beautiful even when tears are running down your cheeks. So let's drink to the fact that in the new year only tears of joy and happiness run down our cheeks.

New New Year 2024

New Year is a holiday of good magic. Let everyone in the world believe in miracles and let everyone get what they want!

New New Year 2024

They say that whoever you celebrate the New Year with, that's who you'll spend it with. I'm sure there's nothing better than spending the next year with you. And that says it all. Happy New Year.

New New Year 2024

Into the New Year with new strength, with new ideas, with new goals. But I would like to take at least something from the past year, so I suggest taking with you: love, experience and a charge of positivity and vigor, with which we are now seeing off the old year.

New New Year 2024

What does a glass consist of? Of a support and a cup for drinks. What does a person consist of? Of the body - a material support and the soul - a spiritual cup. Let us drink to the fact that in the new year our glasses would be filled more often with fine wine, and the cups of the soul - with fine feelings!

Toasts for the New Year 2024: for a corporate party, for a family

New New Year 2024

May your hand always be extended in the new year to shake hands with a friend and never to beg!

New New Year 2024

The New Year is always a farewell to the old one. No matter what the old year was like for you, never regret anything! Rejoice in what was and what is! Let's drink to what was, what is, and what will be!

New New Year 2024

New Year is always an expectation of some fairy tale and magic. And I want to wish you that all these expectations come true. Let everything planned come true. Let all the good multiply, and all the bad remain in the old year. Let every day of the new year give you joy and happiness, turning every day into a holiday!

New New Year 2024

Let's raise our glasses to the fact that next year our lives will come together as a perfect puzzle: happiness, health, prosperity and love. Happy New Year!

New New Year 2024

Life is like a New Year's garland - as soon as one light bulb burns out, all the others go out. If one thing goes wrong for a person, everything else falls out of his hands. So let's drink to the garland of bright events in our lives shimmering with all the colors and never burning out! To not burning out next year either!

New New Year 2024

We must always remember that there are only two kinds of people in the world. Some roll this world and change something in it. And others run alongside and scream in horror: "Where is this world going!" So let's not be bystanders in our lives and apply our efforts to change something in it!

New New Year 2024

Let all the troubles in the new year be as short as the change from one year to another!

New New Year 2024

We always celebrate the New Year with champagne! So let's drink to the fact that the life of each of us is like a glass of this sparkling drink - exciting, rich and overflowing!

New New Year 2024

Let our life in the New Year be as pure as a drop of spring water, and happiness as playful as the champagne in this glass!

New New Year 2024

Let's drink to the 365 days that await us ahead, to the 365 opportunities, to the 365 new pages of life, to the 365 miracles that will happen to us! To the New Year that will give us all of this!

New New Year 2024

I hope this New Year will come with gifts for each of us. Those who wanted to buy a new car will finally buy it. Those who wanted to go on a round-the-world trip – let them go. Those who wanted to find love – will find it. Let everyone get their happiness.

New New Year 2024

Let's drink to the fact that in the New Year everyone will be wise, kind, cheerful, will say more kind words to each other and wish each other happiness and good health in abundance!

New New Year 2024

New Year is the first page of the book we start after the chimes. I wish this book to be adventurous, full of bright travels and events. Let each page be filled with love, warmth and responsiveness! Happy New Year!

New New Year 2024

Let us be lucky even in small things,
Let fate lead you forward,
Raise your glasses
Here's to a magical New Year!

New New Year 2024

Let us be lucky even in small things,
Let fate lead you forward,
Raise your glasses
Here's to a magical New Year!

New New Year 2024

For the New Year, for wild fun,
Here's to a celebration without quarrels and without hangovers!
So that we never part with those who are dear to us,
And all dreams and plans came true!

New New Year 2024

I raise my glass to your health,
For the successes that give wings,
For goodness and luck with love,
Let them come to us in the New Year!

Toasts for the New Year 2024: for a corporate party, for a family

New New Year 2024

Here's to the success that awaits you,
Raising my glass!
So that the whole new year
It has become amazing!
You need such work,
So that the soul blossoms,
And a beautiful path
My career is on the rise!

New New Year 2024

For the New Year, for understanding,
So that every day brings us joy
May all your wishes come true,
Everything certainly worked out!

New New Year 2024

Let the glasses clink,
Let the wine sparkle,
Let the night starfall
He will look into your window.
On this wonderful night
You can't do without a smile.
Pain and sorrow - away!
Happy New Year, friends!

New New Year 2024

Happy New Year!
Day after day
The line rushes on again.
A year is like a blank page.
What shall we write on it?
Let troubles pass you by,
Let the skies shine for you again
Three stars required:
Hope, Faith and Love.

New New Year 2024

May joy and good luck
They're knocking on every door!
It shouldn't be otherwise
In the year we are waiting for.
May all your plans come true
Dreams came true
May you have luck in big and small things
Let us raise our glasses.

New New Year 2024

When the glasses suddenly close,
The Christmas tree will wink with its garland...
Don't forget to smile,
Have a happy New Year!

New New Year 2024

The glasses are filled and again,
Watching the minute hand,
We are waiting for the New Year's word...
So let's drink to happiness, friends!
Happy New Year!

New New Year 2024

Let it be on an icy tray
Santa Claus on New Year's Eve
The diamond cup will be placed,
It will fill you to the brim with golden health,
It will add some fun as an appetizer!

New New Year 2024

Colleagues, let's have fun now,
Joke, hug, dance in a circle!
Let's drink, but not get drunk.
Let's remember that the New Year is still waiting for us!

Beautiful New Year's toasts 2025 in verse

Funny New Year's predictions in verse

Beautiful New Year's toasts 2025 in verse:

New New Year 2024

New Year is a joyful holiday,
He comes to every home.
Health, peace, happiness to all,
(Who is familiar and unfamiliar)
I always wish it with all my heart!
I know for sure, at this hour
Father Frost at the chimes
Gives it to the men just right
Very generous gifts:
Soap and toiletries, socks;
And to the beautiful ladies -
Miracle fur coats for men.
Sweet candies for children,
Tangerines, chocolate.
To the best mother-in-law in the world
The bone will be given to me by my son-in-law,
To keep your mouth busy,
And didn't bark all night
With excess decibels.
We need to help mommy!
The cat purrs on the cervelat,
The dog will wait for Olivier salad,
What to do with the salad?
What if the "Pig" slept in it?
Like a "Mecca" refrigerator
It will be on the first of the month,
The path to it was furrowed
The whole family is like aphids
And settled. From each shelf
"What else should I try?"
In general, on New Year's Eve under the tree
As usual – GOOD!

New New Year 2024

I'll raise a glass of wine
Over the past year,
The past year
And I will drain it to the bottom
For the New Year,
For the joy of the day
And for your big soul!

New New Year 2024

Let your worries leave you,
And illnesses and adversities,
Hopelessness will pass.
And the desired hope
It will guide you through life.
Let business captivate you
And it adds wealth.
And luck awaits too
Happy New Year!

New New Year 2024

I will call for silence. For those who drink.
And I will say to those who chew: Stop, people!
I want to congratulate everyone on the upcoming,
My toast will be to the coming year!
Take a break from chewing now,
Put the Olivier aside for a moment!
I will now announce my wishes,
Let's raise our glasses to them!
May luck be kind to us,
Let big money come to us,
Let us be loved with terrible force
In the coming New Year!

New New Year 2024

Happy New Year, winter holiday
I congratulate you with all my heart!
Let this year be a happy one,
Let there be no worries or troubles.
Let it be an unexpected dream,
Let him be an invited friend.
And this year will bring you
Wonderful juice and glorious honey.

New New Year 2024

I raise my glass
And I propose a toast.
For joy and dreams
The New Year brought you.
To become younger every year
We could be like models,
And woke up every day
With gifts at the hotel.
And that hotel on the shore
By the sea-ocean,
And let it swim to the shore
The dolphin is a handsome, glorious creature.
Dream on, I don't look,
I don't waste my words.
I'll just say it now:
"For us - the beautiful, the young!"

New New Year 2024

Let's all celebrate the new year together,
And the dishes with Olivier salad are already on the tables,
We will solemnly read it to all the guests
We express our congratulations in verse:
We wish everyone mutual understanding,
Health and warmth of soul,
May the New Year fulfill all your wishes
And the most cherished dreams!

Toasts for the New Year 2024: for a corporate party, for a family

New New Year 2024

What does the year have in store for us?
So away with doubts!
It's time for us to raise our glasses
To our health, love and aspirations!
So Happy New Year to you! Hurray!

New New Year 2024

The snow has already covered the ground,
And soon the New Year will come again,
Raise a glass to happiness,
For peace, for friendship, for love!
And so that without grief and doubts
May you live many bright days!
Preserve comfort and family peace
And the respect of friends!

New New Year 2024

I propose a toast to the New Year,
Let him enter the house solemnly
And will bring a surprise for everyone
Well, for example, a cruise ticket.
Or a huge bag of bucks
And life will become truly wonderful.
Let's drink to the coming year,
In which many surprises await us.

New New Year 2024

Today I am celebrating the New Year
Raise your glasses!
Good luck, happiness and goodness
I wish you this with all my heart!

New New Year 2024

Stars in the sky on New Year's Eve
They are also dancing in a circle!
Hurry up, desires
Make a wish, honest people!
And to the sound of the chimes, together
You need to have a glass of wine
For luck, for success and for us!
We are the best!

New New Year 2024

Happy New Year!
We wish you happiness in life!
May you live this year
Without worries and without cares.
May all your dreams come true,
And in this new year,
The upcoming youth
Peace in the world, happiness in life
And the house is full of fun!
All those who are in a quarrel - make peace,
All who are single should get married,
Forget about the grievances,
He who does not love must love,
To all who are sick - to become healthy,
Blossom, grow younger,
To all who are boring - become cheerful,
If you're not handsome, become prettier,
All those who are skinny should become fatter,
Too fat - lose weight,
Too smart - to become simpler,
The narrow-minded need to become smarter!
To all the grey ones - so that they turn black,
So that the bald ones have hair -
It's thick on the top of my head
Like Siberian forests!
For songs, for dances
They didn't stop until the morning!
Happy New Year!
Happy New Year!
Happy New Year, happy new happiness!

New New Year 2024

The New Year has come to us boldly,
The old one quickly drove away.
Well, friends, let's get to it.
We should raise a glass.
He has a positive attitude.
I took this with me too.
So let's have fun,
There's a reason to get drunk!

New New Year 2024

Today is such a special day -
We are seeing off the Old Year,
We meet again the Newest,
So magical and cheerful,
Everyone's favorite New Year!
Hurray, comrades, hurray!
Let me congratulate you
And I wish you happiness now,
It's time to raise our glasses.
Hooray, friends, for all of us!

New New Year 2024

Let's raise our glasses to the outgoing year!
May you smile more often in the new year
Fortune to all of us sitting at this table
And let's drink a case of champagne to this!

New New Year 2024

Happy New Year,
And today I wish you,
So that this year
Tears were out of order,
So that friends appreciate
And the family loved it,
Prizes were awarded more often,
So that diseases don't attack.
That's the point. And we'll live.
We'll get everything else
By connections or connections,
For thanks, for the salary.
Don't be sad, chin up
Well, let's drink so that it comes true.

New New Year 2024

I'll say it simply, without further ado:
Glasses, shot glasses and glasses
We'll empty it out for the New Year
Selflessly, dashingly, zealously!

Toasts for the New Year 2024: for a corporate party, for a family

New New Year 2024

It's already New Year
Waiting for a miracle
We got away from all the hassle
Everyday life and colds
We are not afraid of the big wolf
We are not afraid of the crisis
Only love is good for you -
Continue further
Together we are here and now
The best of the best
Let's drink so that we can live
It was getting better

New New Year 2024

"Happy New Year!"
There is already shouting in the yard.
What's going on with the sky?
Stars flash, lights fly!
We are having a festive feast
Fun awaits until the morning.
So let's drink to our heart's content.
My short toast: "Hurray!"

New New Year 2024

Year after year flies by,
Like snowflakes outside the window.
People forget about them,
Even though they get older every day.
The hands of the clock strike the seconds loudly,
As if they were reminding us,
That there are so many moments of happiness -
Exactly as much as we wish.
So let's go to the New Year
We will make a wish,
So that happiness will be in abundance,
It is often lacking.
And we will raise our glasses,
And with each other's smile
We will hug you tightly, tightly,
And let's not forget to congratulate!

New New Year 2024

Gathered here today,
To celebrate the New Year!
Stop eating!
It's my turn to tell you a toast:
Let's drink to the team,
He is friendly and cheerful with us.
Let the positive never leave you,
Then we will move any mountains!

New New Year 2024

The days flew by quickly,
We are closing the year.
And we will all sit down together
To the New Year's table.
Let's raise our glasses
And let's all drink to the full,
May our life be wonderful
I was there in the New Year.

Beautiful New Year's toasts 2025 in prose

Comic horoscope for the New Year 2025 for all zodiac signs

Beautiful New Year's toasts 2025 in prose:

New New Year 2024

How many mysteries this holiday carries in itself. The ringing of bells, the expectation of something joyful and unusual. May absolutely all cherished desires come true on such a night, may the feeling of joy not leave, and may life sparkle with new bright colors

New New Year 2024

New Year is a holiday of good magic. Let everyone in the world believe in miracles and let everyone get what they want!

New New Year 2024

Well, here it is – the long-awaited snowy, frosty night! One of the most important nights of the year. The night of joyful smiles, childish carelessness, mischief and faith in miracles. Let this New Year plunge you into the most amazing fairy tale, in which all your dreams will definitely come true.

New New Year 2024

Everyone loves this holiday! We wish that the feeling is mutual and that the New Year brings us joy and gifts all year long!

New New Year 2024

Let the wonderful New Year bring the same brilliant life and let it have many worthy reasons to open champagne. Raise your glasses to our future new joys and new victories!

New New Year 2024

New Year is a long-awaited guest in every home. Receive it with special hospitality: with what joy and generosity you meet it - you will spend the whole year the same way!

New New Year 2024

Let the coming 365 days be generous and cheerfully carefree, and each next moment give you vigor and instill in your hearts and souls an iron confidence in a sunny and happy tomorrow. For the inevitable movement forward, into a new circle of life.

New New Year 2024

Girls, the New Year holiday is an expectation of something new, unforgettable. A life full of pleasant positive impressions. So let's, my dear and good ones, raise our glasses to the fact that in our everyday life from January 1 there will be even more bright and wonderful moments.

New New Year 2024

One day, three wanderers were walking. Night overtook them on their way. They saw a house and knocked. The owner opened the door and asked, "Who are you?" - Health, Love, and Wealth. Let us in for the night. - It's a pity, but we only have one free place. I'll go and consult with my family about which of you to let in. The sick mother said, "Let's let Health in." The daughter suggested letting Love in, and the wife suggested Wealth. While they were arguing, the wanderers disappeared. So let's drink to the fact that in the new year there will always be room in our home for Health, Love, and Wealth!

New New Year 2024

New Year is a holiday of contrasts: frost, snow, darkness outside, but at home it is sunny, cheerful, warm, the tree is decorated, the table is festive. We wish that this contrast would be carried through the whole year, no matter how raging the winds and snowstorms, no matter how uncomfortable it is around, but at home it would be sunny and warm in the soul. For the fulfillment of wishes!

New New Year 2024

There is an ancient statue called "Opportunity". It depicts a man standing on his tiptoes, symbolizing the brevity of an opportunity. He has wings on his feet, signifying that a man can fly by using an opportunity. He has long hair, symbolizing the good that comes from opportunity, and a bald spot on the back of his head, symbolizing the loss that comes from losing an opportunity. Opportunities come and go. So let's drink to the fact that we don't miss our opportunities in the new year!

New New Year 2024

Life has its limits, it is short, and dreams are limitless. You are walking along the road, and the dream is already at home. You are going to your beloved, and the dream is already in her arms. You are living in this hour, and the dream flies away for many years ahead. It flies beyond the line where life ends in darkness. It flies into the centuries. So let's drink to the fact that in the new year all our dreams come true!

New New Year 2024

What does a glass consist of? Of a support and a cup for drinks. What does a person consist of? Of the body - a material support and the soul - a spiritual cup. Let us drink to the fact that in the new year our glasses would be filled more often with fine wine, and the cups of the soul - with fine feelings!

New New Year 2024

At this table, all the women are as beautiful as Snegurochka. But I would like to wish that, unlike her, the hearts of our women would be warmed with love for us, men, in the New Year. To the beautiful and loving Snegurochkas!

Toasts for the New Year 2024: for a corporate party, for a family

New New Year 2024

The brightest, most fabulous holiday in the world has arrived, which resonates with special melodies in the hearts of children and adults, generously showering people all over the world with goodness and joy, fun and laughter, and most importantly - faith in miracles. And so I want to wish you with all my heart a special, magical mood in the New Year, to approach every undertaking with inspiration, strength and energy. Let every turn of fate bring you amazingly wonderful events that will bring you and your family prosperity, well-being, confidence in the future. Heroic health and simple human happiness! Happy New Year!

New New Year 2024

Happy New Year! Wishes are made and toasts are said under the solemn chimes. Let all the worst and unnecessary things remain in the old year, and let all the best things – dreams, desires, aspirations – enter the New Year. Let the old year be remembered as another stage of life that has been passed, which taught something, gave something for the future. Let everything conceived on New Year's Eve happen, and the unrealizable – come true! Let the magic of New Year's Eve touch everyone, and let the Christmas angels, quietly writing down your wishes, contribute to their implementation throughout the next year. I wish you happiness, health, good luck, true friends and sincere people on the road of life in the New Year. Let the New Year be better for you than the previous one!

New New Year 2024

The New Year is coming, the fiery Rooster is coming! And in his big bag He gives joy to people. Kindness, love, luck, Accompany him in addition! The whole nation will experience a round dance of bright colors! I want to say on my own behalf, Not to know troubles and sorrows! Health, an ocean of happiness I wish to all guests! I raise my glass, The year of the Rooster has come!

New New Year 2024

For the New Year, for wild fun, For a celebration without quarrels and without a hangover! So that we never part with those who are dear to us, And all our dreams and plans come true!

New New Year 2024

We have all gathered at the table for a reason, So let's drink to the fact that in the future a cheerful and unusual life awaits us, A truly successful and joyful year! For the fact that we will continue to take care of all our loved ones, To appreciate the magic of bright, wonderful love! More truly kind meetings for us, So that we can gather together more than once!

New New Year 2024

For the coming and bright Year of the Fire Rooster! May it give us fragrant bouquets of Happy days and lightness in words! May we walk on the blooming parquet of Good hopes for the coming summer! As often as possible illuminating with its light the grateful smile on our lips!

New New Year 2024

Happy New Year, And today I wish YOU, That this year Tears were not in use, That friends appreciated And family loved, That bonuses were given more often, That illnesses did not attack. That is the essence. And if we live We will get everything else Through connections or connections, For thanks, for a salary. Do not be sad, chin up Well, let's drink, so that it comes true.

New New Year 2024

Let the glasses ring, Let the wine sparkle, Let the night starfall Look into your window. On this wonderful night You can't do without a smile. Pain and sorrow - away! Happy New Year, friends!

New New Year 2024

On New Year's Eve, outside the window, snow falls quietly, let there be joy and laughter at your table, let enviable success await you in any endeavor, and let happiness enter your bright home without hindrance.

New New Year 2024

Frost draws patterns, The noise of voices is heard, We direct our gaze To the hands of our watches. It's eleven o'clock at night, The clink of glasses is heard. I still want very much For him to come. The hands of the clock in between Are completing their cross-country run, All in silver and white Santa Claus enters to us. What have you brought the children, How are you making the country happy? Or will the soldiers again Go to war? Will there be a salary or not, A pension for the old, Sweets only for the rich, Bitters for the poor? Throw off your clothes, Temporarily give up your post. We raise our toast to human hopes.

New New Year 2024

Let joy and luck Knock on every door! It shouldn't be otherwise In the year we're waiting for. May all your plans come true, May your dreams come true, May you be lucky in big and small things, Let's raise our glasses.

New New Year 2024

Now, summing up the results, Let's sigh sadly about the past: Probably, the gods helped us All year to cope with the enemy! Today, celebrating the New Year, Let's have fun! Let's wish each other happiness, Whoever does not love - to fall in love. Whoever is more happy with money than life - Let him become rich this year! Now it's not a sin for us to drink, For all of us and for success!

New New Year 2024

Happy New Year! I wish that this year will give you many reasons for joy and happy moments. May your cherished wishes come true, may luck accompany you in all your endeavors! Leave all the troubles behind and believe in miracles on this New Year's Eve, because when you believe in something, it will definitely come true!

New New Year 2024

Let the bright New Year holiday enter your life, bringing with it prosperity, warmth of the family hearth, health and pleasant surprises, joyful meetings and smiles! We wish you to find a reason to smile every day and always feel in love with life!

New New Year 2024

Happy New Year! I wish you with all my heart bright moments in life, only pleasant impressions, great prosperity in the house, harmony in the family, luck in all affairs and, of course, pure and sincere love!

New New Year 2024

I wish you a fabulous mood in the new year, a million smiles, so that only true friends are around, so that all your dreams come true. Let your loved ones give you only joy, and failures pass you by. And I also wish you peace, goodness, health and happiness, because this is the most important thing. Happy New Year!

Toasts for the New Year 2024: for a corporate party, for a family

New New Year 2024

I want to congratulate you on the New Year! I wish you fairy tales and magic in the coming year! May all your wishes come true - the most cherished, the most unusual, and the most long-awaited. May the New Year bring new successes and achievements, new joyful emotions, happiness and love to your home!

New New Year 2024

Happy New Year! I wish that the coming year brings us as much joy as there are days in a year, and that every day brings us a smile and a piece of goodness. May everything we have planned come true: everything we wanted to start begin, and everything we wanted to finish end. May next year we all become happier, kinder and more attentive to the people around us, and may the world open new doors for us!

New New Year 2024

Let this magical New Year be full of joy, wonderful miracles and a wonderful mood! I wish you sincere love, devoted friendship and many new successes this year! Let happiness, health and prosperity only increase!

New New Year 2024

H - Happy New Year! H - don't be shy and don't doubt, O - discover new horizons of interests, V - believe in yourself, Ы - smile more often, М - dream and strive. Г - bask in love, О - avoid all troubles, Д - stay on the course of luck, О - push sadness away from your heart, М - attract success to yourself like a magnet!

New New Year 2024

May the New Year bring us peace, goodness and happiness. May every person find what they have been looking for for so long. I wish you health, luck, love and all your dreams must come true. May the roads be easy and there be fewer obstacles on the way, and may there always be more good people in our lives than bad ones. Let's leave bad luck and failures behind this year and step towards something new and bright.

New New Year 2024

Happy New Year! May the new year bring you everything you dream of and a little more. May all the bad things go away with the last chimes. The New Year is an opportunity for new beginnings and possibilities. May your dreams become real and accessible, and your beginnings – realized!

New New Year 2024

New Year is a magical time when everything is renewed and starts all over again, so on this holiday I sincerely want to wish all of us wonderful discoveries, new achievements and triumph in all things! May your loved ones and family always be there, may your smile never leave your face, and may all your holidays go off with a bang! Happy New Year!

New New Year 2024

Here comes the end of this year. Every year brings a lot of good, and we will not remember the bad. Let the coming year be successful for you, everything will work out as it should. In the new year, I wish you the fulfillment of your plans, a wonderful solution to difficult situations. I wish you an ocean of love, health to everyone, ease in life and no problems. We all believe in miracles, and they surround us. You just need to look a little closer and understand that a miracle has happened. Have a good start and a successful continuation in the new year!

New New Year 2024

Let life play with all the colors in the new year, like confetti, dreams come true, smiles shine on faces, eyes sparkle with happiness! Let there be more good in the soul! Health, love, mutual understanding, joy, prosperity, travel, impressions and only good events. Let the New Year give only the best!

New New Year 2024

Happy New Year! Let all the sorrows and failures remain in the old one, and the new one brings you only joy, smiles, long-awaited meetings, love and health. I wish that all your plans come true and your goals are achieved. May the news bring only happiness, and there be no reason for sadness. I wish you prosperity and pleasure from your work!

New New Year 2024

Happy New Year! Let this year truly be new in everything, the beginning of a new, more interesting and happier life! All your wishes will definitely come true, luck will accompany you in all your affairs, let your health not give you reasons to think about it, and love - to doubt it! All the best!

New New Year 2024

Happy New Year! I wish that the coming year brings us all as many radiant and positive moments as possible! New achievements and unprecedented heights! May every day be filled with optimism, smiles of loved ones and excellent health! I would also like to wish that every moment was wonderful and unique!

New New Year 2024

Let the new year that is knocking on your door bring you only happiness, health, unforgettable emotions! Let luck accompany you all year long, let smiles and laughter light up your faces. Let all the wishes that you make at the chimes come true. Prosperity and success in all your endeavors to you and your loved ones!

New New Year 2024

I congratulate you on the most magical holiday - Happy New Year! May the coming year be a wonderful beginning of something very fabulous and incredibly good for you. I wish you to meet only good and positive moments, to nourish your strength with magic, to revive your feelings with the beauty of the surrounding holiday and to recharge yourself with the smell of tangerines. Health to you, happy hugs and cozy gatherings with your beloved family!

Cool toasts for the New Year 2025 for a corporate party

Complex quiz for New Year 2025 for adults with answers

Cool toasts for the New Year 2025 for a corporate party:

New New Year 2024

Let's write a letter to Santa Claus:
Let's ask for stability and honor.
Let him count the stars for our company,
And let it bring us income.

And let's also have a drink
For the health of our colleagues.
So that today at the corporate party
May your wishes come true forever!

New New Year 2024

Let the corporate party be bright,
And the coming year will be smooth,
May our dreams come true,
Let us all raise our glasses to this!

I wish us peace, luck, goodness,
So that profits flow to us like a river,
So that the New Year surprises us all,
And he gave us a lot of success!

New New Year 2024

I wish us good luck,
To meet the day without a hangover,
Our great corporate event,
Everyone have a wonderful time!

And today I will drink to us,
You colleagues are top notch,
We are friends, we are so beautiful,
Everything will be cool with us!

The New Year will bring joy,
He will bring delight to everyone,
I wish this for everyone,
Let the bad go away!

New New Year 2024

I drink to our corporate party,
I want to wish everyone happiness,
Let the New Year light the lights,
And may all your dreams come true!

I wish you rest,
I wish you not to get bored,
I wish you joy, goodness,
Congratulations, friends!

New New Year 2024

Our corporate event is in full swing,
I congratulate us on this,
And for the New Year,
I raise my glass!

Let him bring us money,
Let everything be alright,
And magic awaits everywhere,
And may we all live in abundance!

New New Year 2024

Let's drink to our corporate party,
So that in the morning it will be easy for us,
And so that you don’t know regrets,
And may everything be good!

So that we can all party together,
So that you have fun from the heart,
And for miracles to come to life,
And we didn't argue with you!

May the New Year bring you happiness,
And will bring good to us all,
And let everything be wonderful,
Easy, successful, good!

New New Year 2024

I want to be in this room today,
At the table, in the circle of close friends,
Let me remind everyone that we have all become
Maybe for a year, but a little smarter!

A little bit better, a little bit wiser,
Someone became even closer to each other,
Raising my glass, I firmly believe –
Turning around in a new circle,

All good things will come back to you
In the coming New Year,
There will be beautiful faces here again
In this warm and close circle!

New New Year 2024

On this day, let the joy never cease,
The joyful laughter never ends,
And, casting aside all doubts,
I wish everyone a Happy New Year!

I wish you health and good luck,
Let only good things happen!
The clock strikes and that already means -
A whole year goes back in time!

And, raising his glass at the table,
In this hall, where there is celebration and light,
I wish everyone one more thing -
It's wonderful to live in love for many years!

Toasts for the New Year 2024: for a corporate party, for a family

New New Year 2024

Dear guests
And a respectable assembly!
I have two pieces of news for you,
I will say them for your edification.

Without dissembling and honestly,
Without hints or reservations –
A year has passed, and everyone knows,
He was partly dear to us.

And I ask for this
Drink your glasses boldly,
No refusals, I'm not kidding,
This is for business, you know!

Bitterness is expectations
All those that didn't come true,
Intoxication - dreams
Those that happened.

And a hangover is a balance
Between what happened and what didn't,
And it all depends on you:
To have a hangover or not!

This is the first. The second is
Please pour me some more!
This is not an easy matter –
Drink with benefit and skill.

Bitterness on the lips again.
These, my friends, are the things in the world:
A dacha, somewhere in the mountains,
Televisions, apartments…

Intoxication is the soul,
Conscience, faith, piety,
And the hangover is nothing!
If you want it together!

And for this New Year
I hope two examples
They will become a reason, people,
Just do good deeds.

Don't want to overdo it,
Know your limits, don't commit a sin...
Let's try again
Everyone will have it on New Year's Eve.

New New Year 2024

Friends, just a little bit more and the chimes will notify us that another year is behind us. We do not know what awaits us in the coming year, but this is not the main thing. I propose to drink to each of us taking with us all the good that the outgoing year gave us, so that in the new one we have the opportunity to multiply and improve it. To the New Year!

New New Year 2024

Let's raise a toast to the New Year.
Let the toast be extremely simple:
For happiness, friendship, laughter,
Great success in all matters,
For sensitivity, tenderness, kindness,
Warmth of family life!

New New Year 2024

When you are sent away, and you go where you want - that is freedom. Let's drink to always having freedom of choice in the New Year!

New New Year 2024

So, friends, let's gather together,
I will congratulate you!
Happy New Year, Happy New Happiness
And I wish prosperity to everyone!
And also good health to all of you,
Never get sick.
For success and good luck
We need to drink to the bottom!

New New Year 2024

My friends, we can't drink individually, let's get drunk collectively. To the great power of the collective! Happy New Year!

New New Year 2024

I want to raise a glass to the friendly team!
And here, colleagues, is what I will tell you:
Work will always be work,
But the most important thing is family!
Family that will always be there,
A family that will never forget you!
So I'm drinking to the bottom today
So that we can be like a family!

New New Year 2024

Let's drink to sobriety! So that in the new year we don't have to look into a glass anymore, let's drink with our eyes closed.

New New Year 2024

We celebrate the New Year
And we go for walks with colleagues.
I wish everyone miracles,
To prevent you from gaining excess weight.
Surprises and goodness,
And so that there was work,
May all your dreams come true,
Let's drink together!

New New Year 2024

Most Russians associate New Year with champagne. So I want to wish you that the next year will be like this champagne - bubbling, light, sweet and exciting. Happy New Year!

New New Year 2024

Let's raise our glasses to a super salary,
May we all live richly in the new year,
To be cheerful, certainly healthy,
You are successfully ready for your favorite work!

New New Year 2024

When there is only a little time left until the New Year, I want to look back once again and say thank you to the year that is leaving for all the successes, for new, interesting meetings, for the useful lessons learned and for helping - teaching how to become stronger and more successful, helping to get closer to the most cherished desires, which in the New Year will certainly become reality!

New New Year 2024

For the welfare and peace of the masses
We'll have a drink and a snack of tomato,
So that life would be like this for us,
Like behind the Kremlin's crenellated fence!

Beautiful New Year's toasts for a corporate party

Comic horoscope for the New Year 2025 for all zodiac signs

Beautiful New Year's toasts for a corporate party:

New New Year 2024

Into the new year with new strength, with new ideas, with new goals. But I would like to take at least something from the past year, so I suggest taking with you the experience, the company's traditions, the friendly and responsible team, as well as the charge of positivity and vigor with which we are now seeing out the old year.

New New Year 2024

We celebrate the New Year
And we go for a walk with colleagues,
I wish everyone miracles,
To prevent you from gaining excess weight.

Surprises and goodness,
And so that there was work,
May all your dreams come true,
Let's drink together!

New New Year 2024

Colleagues, let's raise our glasses to a happy, successful and fruitful New Year for each of us. Let work bring us not only financial prosperity, but also satisfaction, self-realization and pleasure. Happy New Year!

New New Year 2024

They say that whoever you celebrate the New Year with is who you will spend it with. Believe me, dear colleagues, there is nothing better than spending the next year in our friendly team. After all, as one wise man said, the way you work is the way you rest! Let's drink to our wonderful New Year's corporate party and our equally wonderful ability, colleagues, to work well!

New New Year 2024

Colleagues, Happy New Year!
I congratulate you from the bottom of my heart!
And I wish each of you,
May everyone's dreams come true!

So that everyone is always happy,
Wealth to you, kindness, warmth,
May all your wishes come true,
You and I must drink to the bottom!

New New Year 2024

The year will bring us joy,
Will take away all problems,
We will all be very lucky,
And all bad things will pass!

Let us prosper together,
And to amaze clients,
Let us bloom together,
Make your dreams come true!

In the meantime, the corporate party,
Let's have a good time together,
We will drink and walk,
Seeing off the past year!

I wish you all, friends,
Never be sad,
You will shine and you will sparkle,
Never lose heart!

I'll drink to that now,
So that everything goes well,
So that you do not know grief,
Every day was easy!

New New Year 2024

We should have a drink now,
My dear colleagues,
May we have a successful year ahead,
May everyone's dreams come true!

So that the currency falls out
Always from everyone's wallet,
So that the bad is forgotten.
Happy New Year to all of you, friends!

New New Year 2024

Dear colleagues, let us throw off the burden of worries and anxieties, and leave them in the past year, and enter the new year with renewed strength, striving for new heights. Let there be no problems with anything in the coming year: neither with health, nor at work, nor in your personal life. Success to you in everything!

New New Year 2024

New Year is a new page for new achievements, victories and successes. So let's raise our glasses so that the New Year does not disappoint us, but gives us a great opportunity to show ourselves in new endeavors from a good side. Happy Holidays!

New New Year 2024

I want to wish all of us enthusiasm, success and inspiration in our work. May the New Year bring us only luck, cheerfulness, positivity and prosperity. Happy New Year, our most friendly team!

New New Year 2024

Happy New Year, dear colleagues. May all your dreams come true. May your vacation be at the seaside, and may your wallet be filled with two salaries. May everyone wish for the symbol of the New Year to fulfill all the wishes made at our corporate party. Here's to us!

New New Year 2024

Dear colleagues! Today, when we gathered for our corporate party to celebrate the New Year, I would like to raise this glass and remind you that the way to achieving the goal lies only in overcoming obstacles on your way. And therefore, do not perceive them as something negative. Let them serve as steps to achieving the cherished goal, and our team will serve as the support that will always give the opportunity to stand on the edge of real danger! To you, colleagues!

New New Year 2024

For our joy, for our fun,
I drink to the New Year, colleagues,
And so that there is no hangover,
I pray to heaven for this!

Well, if so, then without jokes,
I want to drink to goodness,
So that ladies wear fur coats,
And may everything be good!

Toasts for the New Year 2024: for a corporate party, for a family

New New Year 2024

They say that work is not a wolf - it won't run away into the forest. I would like to raise our glasses and drink to our friendly team, so that in the New Year, not only we would not run away from work, but also that work would not run away from us. So that in this regard we would have complete mutual understanding!

New New Year 2024

My beloved team, I wish us to celebrate today's corporate party joyfully and usefully. Let your faces shine with happiness, like New Year's lights on a Christmas tree, and next year life will not show a single needle. Let's raise our glasses to success in the coming year.

New New Year 2024

New Year's holidays charge us all with positive energy and faith in a better future. Work and leisure become filled with anticipation of something bright. Colleagues, let's drink to the New Year surpassing all our wildest hopes, both professionally and personally.

New New Year 2024

My dear colleagues, we have been through so much, and I know for sure that we will still go through so much! Happy New Year to you, with new strength, with new happiness and with new energy! I raise my glass to your future aspirations, ambitions and ideas, which will undoubtedly bring you profit! May this year, each of us succeed, may all days be incredible and favorable!

New New Year 2024

Let's write a letter to Santa Claus:
Let's ask for stability and honor.
Let him count the stars for our company,
And let it bring us income.

And let's also have a drink
For the health of our colleagues.
So that today at the corporate party
May your wishes come true forever!

Official New Year's toasts for a corporate party

New Year's snowmen for desktop

Official New Year toasts for a corporate party:

New New Year 2024

Let the corporate party be bright,
And the coming year will be smooth,
May our dreams come true,
Let us all raise our glasses to this!

I wish us peace, luck, goodness,
So that profits flow to us like a river,
So that the New Year surprises us all,
And he gave us a lot of success!

New New Year 2024

I wish us good luck,
To meet the day without a hangover,
Our great corporate event,
Everyone have a wonderful time!

And today I will drink to us,
You colleagues are top notch,
We are friends, we are so beautiful,
Everything will be cool with us!

The New Year will bring joy,
He will bring delight to everyone,
I wish this for everyone,
Let the bad go away!

New New Year 2024

Let the new year bring us prospects, new projects, interesting work, so that our team can work together, happily, united, and our company can prosper, thanks to each of us. Together we are strong.

New New Year 2024

Dear colleagues, today we have gathered together in such an informal setting, celebrating such a joyful New Year holiday, that we don’t even want to talk or think about work, so I will wish you one thing, that it be profitable, but outside of work I wish you health, great happiness, love, prosperity in everything and the absence of troubles.
Happy New Year!

New New Year 2024

New Year is a wonderful holiday when you can sum up the results of the past year. So let's drink, dear colleagues, to the fact that we successfully overcame the difficulties of the Old Year and to the fact that no matter what problems await us in the coming Year. Our friendly, close-knit team could always overcome them!

New New Year 2024

Dear colleagues! The clock will strike twelve, and we will once again welcome the new year. The past year was special for us, we managed to do a lot. We achieved a lot and, most importantly, we became stronger and more successful! I propose to drink to the fact that we will live this new year no worse than the outgoing year, and exactly one year from now, in the same composition, we will sum up the positive results! Happy New Year, colleagues!

New New Year 2024

Dear colleagues, let us throw off the burden of worries and anxieties, and leave them in the past year, and enter the new year with renewed strength, striving for new heights. Let there be no problems with anything in the coming year: neither with health, nor at work, nor in your personal life. Success to you in everything!

New New Year 2024

Colleagues, on the eve of the New Year I want to wish you fabulous salaries, magical working conditions and bosses who will always be in a wonderful mood! Let your experience and knowledge become more valuable than any wealth. But if someone decides to buy them - bargain to the last!

New New Year 2024

My dear colleagues, we have been through so much, and I know for sure that we will still go through so much! Happy New Year to you, with new strength, with new happiness and with new energy! I raise my glass to your future aspirations, ambitions and ideas, which will undoubtedly bring you profit! May this year, each of us succeed, may all days be incredible and favorable!

New New Year 2024

Dear friends, I am grateful to everyone who is present here. Let the new year open up new opportunities and new prospects for our company. And today, on the official corporate evening, let's drink to our favorite work! Happy New Year, colleagues! To us!

New New Year 2024

Everything in life has its own color and the more colors, the brighter and happier the picture of life. The monochrome version with white and black stripes is, of course, classic, but in this case it has gone out of fashion forever. Let's drink to the rainbow colors of our lives and bright events!

New New Year 2024

Let's drink to Father Frost and Snow Maiden: as long as I can remember, they never get sick, never age, and always have money for presents! May we be like that too!

New New Year 2024

There is a wonderful New Year's story about happily coincided addresses in two different cities. About how an awkward situation turned into a great ending. I want to raise a glass to the fact that in the New Year, in the work of our team, any coincidences work only for the benefit of all of us.

New New Year 2024

New Year is a wonderful holiday when you can sum up the results of the past year. So let's drink, dear colleagues, to the fact that we successfully overcame the difficulties of the Old Year and to the fact that no matter what problems await us in the coming Year. Our friendly, close-knit team could always overcome them!

New New Year 2024

Every person throughout their life is looking for something or someone. Some dream of meeting their other half, others to realize their potential, others to achieve success in their career. Whatever goals a person sets, they always have a chance to realize them. Let's drink to the fact that doubt does not prevent you from achieving your dreams!

New New Year 2024

An electrician is asked if his profession is interesting. "My profession is interesting, of course, but dangerous. If you connect the wrong wires, for example, you'll get fucked!" So let's drink to life not having intimate relations with us in the new year!

Toasts for the New Year 2024: for a corporate party, for a family

New New Year 2024

New Year is not a luxury, but a means of transportation in time! I congratulate you on this chic, fast, beautiful, powerful holiday and wish that after the New Year's table our main means of transportation - legs - does not fail us! So let's drink to the perpetual motion machine!

New New Year 2024

They say that whoever you celebrate the New Year with is who you will spend it with. Believe me, dear colleagues, there is nothing better than spending the next year in our friendly team. After all, as another wise man said, the way you work is the way you rest! Let's drink to our wonderful New Year's cooperative and the no less wonderful ability to work well!

New New Year 2024

Unlike seeing off a train at the station, seeing off the old year is always accompanied by fun and laughter. We say goodbye to it without regret, taking with us into the new year all the best, leaving disappointments and grievances in the old one. May this year bring us new meetings, emotions, well-being and luck! For the New Year!

New New Year 2024

Let's raise our glasses to the fact that in the New Year we will have as many good and interesting deeds, extraordinary events and pleasant meetings as there are lights on a New Year's garland!

New New Year 2024

According to popular belief, there are moments when wishes spoken out loud come true. These are the first minutes of the New Year, when we look to the future with hidden hopes and desires. May our problems be resolved in the new year, may we gain strength, and get rid of ailments. For the fulfillment of our wishes, for everything good, inspiring and beautiful. For our happy future! Happy New Year, with new happiness!

New New Year 2024

Dear colleagues! May the next year bring prosperity and success to all of us, give us new brilliant ideas and help us bring them to life. May peace and mutual understanding reign in our families, and may the love of our loved ones warm us at any moment. Let us wish each other professional growth, optimism and self-confidence!

New New Year 2024

New Year is a clean slate in life. This does not mean that you need to give up everything you started this year. The next page will simply begin. Let our life be interesting and colorful, like a big book with beautiful and bright pictures. I wish all of us a great New Year, colleagues!

New New Year 2024

New Year is a small sketch of an ideal life. We are happy when dear, close and pleasant people are around. We love to dress beautifully and eat delicious food. We like to receive gifts and pleasant surprises. So let's drink to the long-known sign working, and celebrate the New Year the way we want to spend it.

Toasts for the New Year 2024: for a corporate party, for a family

New New Year 2024

Dear colleagues, I wish you that in the coming year your career and salary will grow as sharply and quickly as prices. May your well-being not be as shaky as the ruble, but as weighty and solid as gold. Success and prosperity to you! Happy New Year!

New New Year 2024

"Happy New Year, Happy New Happiness" - it is customary to congratulate each other. But let the happiness not be new, as long as it is stable with us. Let's drink to the kindness of Fate to all of us, in this New Year.

New New Year 2024

They say that New Year is a family holiday. And who is our family at work? That's right - the work team. Let's drink to the fact that next year and the following years we will remain just as close to each other. May the new year bring each of us more pleasant memories and feelings.

New New Year 2024

They say that it is better to lose something than to never have it. I want to raise this glass to the fact that in this coming New Year, we would never lose happiness and never have worries! May only happy moments of life be with us this year!

New New Year 2024

There is an ancient Japanese proverb that says that happiness comes only to the house where there is joy and laughter never stops. I want to raise this glass in honor of the coming New Year and wish everyone present that in the new year, laughter and happiness always resound in your homes!

New New Year 2024

Why was Solomon wise? Because he had many wives with whom he consulted. Why are we unhappy? Because we have one wife with whom we never consult. Let us not forget the wisdom of our ancestors in the New Year!

New New Year 2024

When Santa Claus made a Snowman, he had some snow left and asked what else he needed. The Snowman couldn't answer the question, the wise creator gave him a snowball and suggested that he make whatever he thought was necessary. I raise this glass to each of us getting inspired by work and creating new creative projects.

New New Year 2024

Once a wise man was asked if he really believed in the power of the horseshoe hanging above his door. To which he replied that the horseshoe brings happiness regardless of whether he believes in it or not. Let's drink to good luck in all your endeavors in the coming year!

Beautiful toasts for family and friends

New Year's snowmen for desktop

Beautiful toasts for family and friends:

New New Year 2024

Let's drink to peace and harmony in our family, and may the Snake bring them to us!

New New Year 2024

How important it is for a loved one to share your mood! Let's drink to the New Year giving us this opportunity!

New New Year 2024

We are celebrating the New Year. Let's drink to the fact that we will see it off in the same composition and in the same wonderful mood as today!

New New Year 2024

Let us leave all sorrows and worries in the outgoing year and ask our Snake only for joy, peace and well-being in the family and, of course, health!

New New Year 2024

Tonight, not only children believe in fairy tales and miracles. May the Dragon fulfill the wish of each of us!

New New Year 2024

Let's leave everything that was weighing us down to the Bull: he is strong, he will cope. And let's meet the Dragon in a rainbow mood and let him live up to our expectations!

Toasts for the New Year 2024: for a corporate party, for a family

New New Year 2024

Today I want us to drink to friendship. May discord never settle in our family, and may the Dragon strictly monitor that this is so, stopping all beginning quarrels in time!

New New Year 2024

Under our tree, one of the gifts is a family one! These are puzzles with the image of a Snake. Let's put them all together and let this image bring us luck all year long!

New New Year 2024

Just recently we all invited the Bull into our home, and today we are already inviting the Snake. Time flies, so I propose a drink to our troubles being just as fleeting!

New New Year 2024

Let's fill our glasses with sparkling wine and raise them to the new member of our family - the Snake! Let him become a good friend to each of us!

Original New Year's toasts 2025 with meaning

New Year's snowmen for desktop

Original New Year's toasts 2025 with meaning:

New New Year 2024

In Georgia they say this. If you want to be happy for a day, then get drunk. If you want to be happy for a week, then get sick. If you want to be happy for a month, get married. If you want to be happy for a whole year, get a mistress. If you want to be happy for your whole life, then be healthy. Let's raise this glass so that in the future 2023 we will all be healthy, and therefore happy!

New New Year 2024

Two people are talking. One asks how the other lives. The other replies that it's different. When things are bad, an ambulance comes, and when things are good, the police come. Now we're all happy and fine, so what, should we wait for the police to arrive? Whatever the case, let's drink to the fact that in 2025 everything will be fine for us even without the police!

New New Year 2024

Why was Solomon wise? Because he had many wives with whom he consulted. Why are we unhappy? Because we have one wife with whom we never consult. Let us not forget the wisdom of our ancestors in the New Year!

New New Year 2024

Let this year only bring joy!
Happiness is just waiting, and good people!
So that the dragon in the festive period
Generously brought a bag of money!
May you capture health and peace,
And he didn’t forget souvenirs for us!

Toasts for the New Year 2024: for a corporate party, for a family

New New Year 2024

Many people know that in Italy there is a tradition before the New Year to throw out of the window old and unnecessary things that have become boring during the year.

We are not in Italy, of course, but this custom is so good that I would like to suggest that you all throw out of your memory like unnecessary trash old grievances, quarrels, bad deeds, envy, infidelity, ingratitude.

If we do all this, it will turn out that only warm and pleasant memories of the old year remain in our memory. Let's remember it like this, and then the coming new year will be no worse than the past one!

New New Year 2024

There is a good saying: "While you stand facing your past, you stand with your back to your future." Let's turn around and boldly face our future. Let's not be afraid of it and be wary of it. Let's meet this year and all the following ones with joy, with new bright dreams. Forward to the future, friends! Happy New Year!

Short and funny New Year's toasts

Wallpaper with New Year's aesthetics 2024

Short and funny New Year's toasts:

New New Year 2024

New Year, New Year,
The whole nation celebrates.
The delicate scent of tangerines,
The smell of Christmas trees and oranges.
Everyone's tinsel is sparkling,
And the garland is blinking.
Fireworks and gifts,
Santa Claus will be hot!
On the table in every home -
Traditionally, Olivier salad.
The glass is filled with champagne,
They drink to the sound of the chimes.
Happy holiday - New Year,
Have fun and enjoy yourself, people!

New New Year 2024

When the silver of Winter is everywhere,
The Night of Magic, which is called New Year's,
Let it open new worlds and respond with beauty.
Let the smiles sparkle like champagne splashes,
Feelings burn like sparklers.
And everything planned will come true.
Despite all the circumstances that arose.

New New Year 2024

A glass of vodka on the table,
There is sliced Olivier salad in the fridge,
There is snow outside the window,
The kids are running with gifts.

And to the sound of the great chimes
Dreams come true,
The songs of the musicians flow,
We are having fun and rejoicing!

Happy New Year, Happy New Happiness,
With everything new and everything wonderful,
Some want sparkling wine, some fortified wine?
Have you all made your wishes? Then let's drink to the bottom!

New New Year 2024

I don't need gifts,
I wish for one thing -
So that brother lives for brother,
Which I don't like.

So that the winter cold will bring us
A ton of success and happiness.
And so that there is a whole cartload of health,
Whether in sunny or bad weather.

And believe, believe in miracles.
They are the ones who save us.
Look longer at the sky -
They congratulate us!

New New Year 2024

The New Year is coming,
It's been raining for three days now.
In the field the grass turns green,
Santa Claus is sweating in his fur coat.
Water is pouring down your neck...
Happy New Year, gentlemen!

New New Year 2024

The wine foams in the glasses,
Snow sparkles at the threshold.
May it bring you health and joy
The road to the next year!
Good luck,
Health to boot
And a bunch of dollars
In case of emergency!

Funny toasts for New Year 2025 for friends

Wallpaper with New Year's aesthetics 2024

Funny toasts for New Year 2025 for friends:

New New Year 2024

Let it be on an icy tray
Santa Claus on New Year's Eve
The diamond cup will be placed,
It will fill you to the brim with golden health,
It will add some fun as an appetizer!

New New Year 2024

For the New Year, for wild fun,
Here's to a celebration without quarrels and without hangovers!
So that we never part with those who are dear to us,
And all dreams and plans came true!

New New Year 2024

The chimes are striking, it's time for us to drink,
Forget about all the problems,
I congratulate everyone from the bottom of my heart,
Let all dreams come true
I wish you a Happy New Year,
Believe in miracles and destiny,
Stay away from troubles,
And live in abundance and warmth!

New New Year 2024

It's hard to be original
Happy New Year's toast.
Whatever they wish
It's not easy to accomplish.
I wish you -
SLEEP! And for good reason,
Once you sleep peacefully,
So the conscience is clear.

New New Year 2024

Let's drink to the only day of the year,
when you can sit on the Christmas tree...
and you won't be able to visit the forest!
Happy New Year!

New New Year 2024

Well, friends, goodbye! We definitely won't see each other sober today!

New New Year 2024

Let our wishes in the New Year be shocked by our possibilities!