Top 10 Best Tick Repellent Products

In our carefree childhood, we played in the grass and never thought that there could be creatures there that were scarier than grasshoppers. However, times are changing, and over the last 10 years, the invasion of ticks has become a disaster.

If you and your loved ones have no desire to play Russian roulette “will it bite or not”, risking getting Lyme disease, tick-borne encephalitis, babeliosis and other dangerous diseases in case of loss, then now is the time to worry about buying an effective tick repellent.

Important: Do not treat clothing with anti-tick products on a person. Treat clothing from a distance of 20-25 centimeters, in the fresh air or in a well-ventilated room, let it dry completely and only then put it on.

10. Mosquitall Tick Repellent "Gentle Protection for Children"

  • active ingredient: diethyltoluamide (7.5 %), alpha-cypermethrin (0.2 %);
  • pest type: tick, mosquito, midge, mosquito
  • form of release: aerosol

One of the best means of protection against ticks for children can be used from the age of 2. It has a mild odor and is intended for application to clothing. For effective protection, you do not need to "douse" yourself with Mosquitall, a few sprays are enough.

According to the manufacturer, one treatment is enough for 15 days of protection against ticks and 10 days of protection against mosquitoes. However, users prefer to treat their clothes with this spray once every 5 days.

  1. economical consumption
  2. protects against ticks and mosquitoes
  3. mild odor
  4. does not leave marks on clothes

9. Gardex Extreme Aerosol Repellent

  • active ingredient: diethyltoluamide, fir, eucalyptus
  • pest type: tick, mosquito, midge, sand fly, flea, horsefly, midge
  • form of release: aerosol
  • validity period: up to 30 days

This tick repellent can be applied not only to clothing, but also to mosquito nets, protective gear and tent fabric. Age limit: 12 years and up.

Gardex Extreme provides long-term protection (up to 30 days against blood-sucking insects and up to 5 days against ticks) when applied to clothing. However, when sprayed on the skin, the protection period is reduced to 4 hours, and it only works against mosquitoes and other blood-sucking midges.

  1. protection against several types of insects
  2. tested in areas with the highest tick activity
  3. pungent smell
  4. will not protect against ticks when applied to skin - only to clothing

8. Picnic Super tick repellent

  • active ingredient: alphacypermethrin (0.2%), N,N - diethyltoluamide (5.0%);
  • pest type: mite
  • form of release: aerosol
  • duration of action: up to 15 days

Like most other tick repellents, this spray is applied only to clothing. And it is advisable to do this outdoors, as the product has a strong smell.

Reviews of Picnic Super are good, users note that after treating clothes and shoes and going out into nature, they do not find a single tick on themselves. One can is enough for a month and a half - the more you use the aerosol, the better it works. Can be used for teenagers.

  1. it's inexpensive
  2. helps against forest and taiga ticks
  3. does not leave stains on clothes

7. Anti-tick spray Taran

  • Active ingredient: 0.15% zeta-cypermethrin
  • pest type: mite
  • form of release: spray
  • duration of action: up to 30 days

This tick repellent contains the pyrethroid zeta-cypermethrin, which is 2.5-3 times more toxic to insects than cypermethrin. It quickly kills ticks that get on your clothes, rather than just repelling them.

And thanks to the water base, the product does not have a sharp and unpleasant smell, typical of many good anti-tick sprays. One bottle is enough to treat 3-5 sets of clothes (pants, headwear, jacket).

  1. long acting
  2. economy
  3. fast action on ticks
  4. does not leave marks on clothes

6. Aerosol OFF! Extreme from mosquitoes and ticks

  • active ingredient: N,N-diethyltoluamide (30,0%)
  • purpose: repelling insects
  • insect species: fleas, mosquitoes, ticks, horseflies, midges, black flies, midges
  • Features: For leather, For indoor use
  • duration of action: up to 5 days when applied to clothing

This repellent is effective against many insects. And if you need protection from mosquitoes, OFF! Extreme can be applied to both the body (protection lasts up to 4 hours) and clothing (protection for 30 days).

But to protect against ticks, this spray is applied exclusively to clothing items and lasts up to 5 days.

OFF! Extreme does not kill insects, it only repels them. However, it does its job effectively.

  1. easy to spray
  2. effective against many insects
  3. not sticky
  4. not a very pleasant smell
  5. not recommended for children, pregnant and lactating women

5. Anti-Gnus tick spray

  • active ingredient: diethyltoluamide
  • pest type: tick, mosquito, midge,
  • form of release: aerosol
  • duration of action: up to 30 days against mosquitoes, up to 5 days against ticks

This is a good remedy against ticks, approved for use by adults and children over 6 years old. However, Anti-Gnus is not recommended for pregnant and lactating women.

The spray is sprayed on clothes or skin (but only if protection from mosquitoes is needed). However, it does not kill insects, but only repels them.

  1. the smell is very weak
  2. can be used for children's clothing
  3. two lids at once (large and small)
  4. For effective protection, 6-15 clicks are required, so the consumption is not economical
  5. may leave oily marks on clothing

4. Aerosol DETA Aqua Ultra protection Professional

  • active ingredient: 51% N,N-diethyl-m-toluamide, fir oil
  • purpose: repelling insects
  • insect species: mosquitoes, ticks, horseflies, midges
  • Features: For leather, For indoor and outdoor use
  • duration of action: up to 5 days when applied to clothing

The high content of the active substance in DETA Aqua provides reliable protection against both ticks and mosquitoes. The action of the aerosol is not lethal, the product only repels insects from your clothes.

The aerosol has a smell, but it is not strong, and after 15 minutes it completely disappears. Suitable for children from 6 years old.

  1. no pungent smell
  2. does not leave marks on clothes
  3. convenient lock on the lid
  4. small volume

3. Clove essential oil

  • active ingredient: essential oil
  • purpose: repelling insects
  • insect species: mosquitoes, ticks
  • Features: For leather, For indoor and outdoor use
  • duration: 2 h

It is extremely difficult for pregnant and nursing women, as well as small children under one year old, to choose an effective remedy against ticks. But difficult does not mean impossible, and clove oil will be an excellent choice for treating clothes or a baby carriage.

It repels ticks even 4 hours after application (but it is better to renew it after 2 hours – to be on the safe side). Yes, the product has a strong smell, and stains may remain on clothes after application, but is this a high price to pay for safety?

You can make your own clove oil spray. You will need:

  1. Spray.
  2. 35 ml of water.
  3. 10 ml of alcohol.
  4. 20 drops of clove oil.
  • low price
  • Suitable for pregnant women, small children and breastfeeding women
  • short term
  • strong specific smell

2. Spray against ticks and mosquitoes "Medilis-Comfort"

  • active ingredient: alpha-cypermethrin 0.25%, DEET 19%
  • pest type: tick, mosquito, flea, midge, black fly, horsefly
  • form of release: aerosol
  • duration of action: up to 14 days on clothes

Alpha-cypermethrin has a neuroparalytic effect on ticks. Therefore, having reached the area treated with the spray, the tick quickly (in a couple of minutes) becomes sluggish, falls off the clothes and dies.

The main thing is that clothes treated with Medilis-Comfort remain dry, otherwise the entire protective effect will disappear.

  1. reliably protects against many insects
  2. no unpleasant smell
  3. long shelf life - 3 years

1. Aerosol against ticks "Reftamide Antikleshch Extra"

  • active ingredient: alpha-cypermethrin 0.20%, imiprothrin 0.15%
  • pest type: tick, mosquito
  • form of release: aerosol
  • duration of action: up to 15 days

"Reftamide" is one of the best mosquito repellents, as well as an effective anti-tick agent. It should only be applied to clothing and protective equipment.

When a tick enters the “kill zone”, it is paralyzed within 2 minutes, and after 5 it falls dead.

The product is suitable for children, pregnant and breastfeeding women, but they should not treat clothing themselves to avoid the product getting into their eyes, mouth or on their skin.

  1. low price,
  2. The smell is not strong and quickly disappears.