Top 10 Fastest Animals in the World

A well-trained athlete can reach speeds of 45 km/h, but most of us run no faster than 30 km/h. When it comes to running, humans are by no means the king of nature. Many animals can move much faster.

Today we offer top 10 fastest animals in the world. It included only land dwellers, although it is worth noting that there are champions in the water and in the air. For example, the sailfish can swim at a speed of 110 km/h, and the peregrine falcon dives on its prey, demonstrating 90 km/h.

10. Hyena – 60 km/h

imageThis predator is widespread in Africa, India and the Middle East. Impressive speed allows hyenas to hunt even such fast and large animals as zebra and wildebeest. In one sitting, the predator can eat up to 15 kg of meat.

9. Gray fox – 65 km/h

imageThis species of wolf family lives in northern Canada, the USA and Central America. The gray fox not only runs fast, but also deftly climbs trees. Its prey includes rabbits, birds and small rodents.

8. Coyote – 65 km/h

imageThe American wolf is almost omnivorous and extremely unpretentious. The basis of the diet is animal food: hares, prairie dogs, gophers, small rodents, raccoons, ferrets and beavers, as well as birds and insects. The coyote swims well, catches fish and frogs. In the fall, it eats fruits and berries. Occasionally attacks small livestock, rummages through garbage.

7. Kulan – 70 km/h

imageAs a rule, these odd-toed ungulates are unhurried and may even seem lazy. But in a moment of danger, the animal develops speed, allowing it to escape from a larger number of predators.

6. Elk – 72 km/h

image A large and strong moose does not often become prey for predators, and it is not easy to catch up with it at such a speed. The moose is the largest representative of the deer family. The moose not only runs well, but also swims well. These animals travel 10-15 km a day in search of food.

5. Thompson's Gazelle - 80 km/h

image The gazelle was named after the explorer Joseph Thompson. The gazelle's main enemy is the fast cheetah. Therefore, to have any chance of survival, it needs to be able to run fast. Unlike its pursuer, the Thompson's gazelle can run fast for quite a long time.

4. Lev – 80 km/h

imageLionesses take on most of the work of getting food in a pride. But if necessary, lions can easily hunt down their favorite prey. By the way, the lion is the heaviest among all the participants in our speed Top-10.

3. Wildebeest – 80 km/h

imageThese antelopes are a favorite delicacy of lions. That is why nature has endowed them with such outstanding running abilities. By the way, unlike the heavy lion, the wildebeest can easily carry its light body over much longer distances.

2. Pronghorn (pronghorn antelope) – 100 km/h

imageAnd this antelope is more often than others attacked by cheetahs. Naturally, it is not easy to compete with such a lightning-fast hunter. The advantage of the pronghorn is its hardy heart, which allows it to run even when the predator is already exhausted.

1. Cheetah – 120 km/h

imageThe fastest animal in the world of those living on land. True, a cheetah is not able to run for long at such a speed, but most often a few seconds are enough to chase down prey. A cheetah accelerates to a record 120 km/h in just 3 seconds. But before 100 km/h in just 2.6-2.8 seconds.