Top 10 Most Interesting and Unusual Holidays

Holidays such as New Year, Easter, Victory Day and others are loved and popular if not all over the world, then in many countries. But there are holidays that few people want to celebrate. Nevertheless, they are worth mentioning, if only because of their strangeness and unusualness.

10. World Bubble Wrap Day – January 30


Bubble Wrap Appreciation Day is one of the most unnecessary holidays imaginable! But the truth behind the wrap is perhaps even stranger. The inventors of bubble wrap, Alfred Fielding and Marc Chavannes, originally tried to sell it as wallpaper.

The idea didn't work, and maybe it shouldn't. Who knows how many cases of extreme anxiety could have been prevented by just banging your fist on the walls.

The inventors of bubble wrap also tried to use it for insulating greenhouses – also without success. And only on the third attempt did they discover the ideal purpose of their product. IBM became the first company to supply its numerous customers with an IBM 1401 computer wrapped in bubble wrap.

9. World Nutella Day - February 5


The taste of Nutella nut paste has long been legendary and has given rise to many imitations. It is not surprising that this delicacy has become the most popular nut paste in the world.

Every year, February 5th is World Nutella Day. If you decide to celebrate, you can post a Nutella-related photo, recipe, or message on social media.

8. Day of receiving a different name - February 13


Are you unhappy with the name you were given at birth? Well, once a year you can choose any name that suits you. It's a pity that it has a short "validity period", and on the night of February 13-14 you will have to return to your old, unloved name.

This funny holiday was invented by a creative couple - Thomas and Ruth Roy. They created the trademark "Wellcat Holidays", and under its auspices released several unusual celebrations at once. For example, "Still Have So Much to Do Day", which is celebrated on December 29.

7. Super Mario Day - March 10


The unforgettable Nintendo character from the 1980s and his brother still have fans around the world. Mario and Luigi are among the most famous video game characters.

March 10th is not the day Super Mario Brothers was released. If you put the first three letters of March (mar) next to the number 10, you get "MAR10," which can be read as Mario. There's only one great way to celebrate Mario Day: spend it playing Super Mario Brothers!

6. Zipper Day – April 29


One of the strangest holidays dates back to 1913, the day Swedish-American engineer Gideon Sundbeck received a patent for the zipper.

Although it is a very simple thing, it makes our life much easier, although sometimes more painful. The smile on your face every time you open and close the zipper is enough to celebrate this day.

5. Panic Day – June 18


The purpose of this interesting holiday is to reduce stress levels in people and learn how to cope with it. Throw away all your worries and relax. By a happy coincidence, June 18 is also Picnic Day. I think there is no better way to relieve stress than to have a picnic.

4. World Mosquito Awareness Day – August 20


On August 20, 1897, British physician and parasitologist Sir Ronald Ross proved that mosquitoes transmit malaria from person to person. Now this date is celebrated worldwide as World Mosquito Day. The goal of the day is to live in a healthy and mosquito-free world. Oh, the dreams, the dreams.

3. International Pirate Day – September 19


Yo-ho-ho, all hands on deck! On September 19, landlubbers magically transform into valiant pirates! Well, or at least they talk like pirates – that’s the alternative name for this holiday.

Would you like to feel like the heroes of "Treasure Island"? In that case, sharpen your saber, load your muskets and prepare your ship for sailing. There is still time until September.

2. Button Counting Day – October 21


There is a belief that vampires suffer from arithmomania, and if you scatter small objects in front of them, they will not calm down until they collect them and count them. Well, then October 21 can also be called the day of the neat vampire, because on this day you need to count the number of buttons on your clothes. Or in a sewing kit. Or on a person passing by. Button Counting Day can be spent in any way, the main thing is to count, count and count.

1. Pretend to be a Time Traveler Day - December 8


New Year is not yet here, but you already want to have fun? Then celebrate this strange but cheerful holiday. What to do on December 8? Put on old clothes and ask passers-by on the street: "What year is it?" And don't forget to watch everyone's favorite movie "Back to the Future"!