Top 10 Most Unusual Schools in the World

In caves, on the water, under railway bridges – life is in full swing everywhere. And this life is educational! And to confirm my words, I present to you the top 10 most unusual schools in the world.

10. Trabajo Ya, Spain


The name of this school translates as "work now" and it is quite popular as a place for vocational training in the oldest profession.

Prostitution is legal in Spain and, according to some estimates, 400,000 men and women work in this field.

The Trabajo Ya program includes the history of commercial sex, introduction to erotic toys and Kama Sutra positions, as well as business tactics for working with clients. The educational process combines theory with practical classes.

9. Snake Charmer School, India


This school teaches children aged 2 and above the art of handling poisonous snakes. Such lessons are especially popular among the nomadic tribe known as the Wadis of Gujarat. By the time the children are twelve, they know all about snake charming and are ready to take up this dangerous trade professionally.

Boys are taught to charm snakes with a flute, and girls are taught to care for these cold-blooded creatures.

8. Brooklyn Free School, USA


This unique school was founded in 2004. There is no standardized curriculum, no mandatory testing, no grading. The idea of the school is to develop self-confidence and self-motivation for learning in children from 4 to 18 years old.

Students can decide what subjects they want to study and what classes they want to join. And if you don't feel like going to school today? Stay home, the teachers won't scold you!

The institution is funded through grants, sliding scale tuition, and donations.

7. Boat Schools, Bangladesh


During the rainy season, many children in Bangladesh are unable to attend classes and often drop out. In addition, schools are few in rural areas and students have to walk long distances, causing parents to worry about the safety of their children.

In Bangladesh, Shidhulai Swanirvar Sangstha operates 56 floating schools, libraries, and health centers year-round. Another 55 boats operate during the rainy season to provide transportation and emergency relief. For 10 years, the project has also been distributing eco-friendly lamps to families so their children can study at night.

The solar-powered floating school, a combination school bus and school, collects students from different villages along the coast. When the last student has boarded, classes begin. Each boat school has a classroom for 30 students, books, and a computer with Internet access. This unusual children's educational institution provides basic primary education up to grade four.

6. Dongzhong Mid Cave School, China


Although this unusual school is no longer in operation, its memory lives on. It was opened in 1984 in Miao Village, located in China's mountainous Guizhou region.

Guizhou is one of the poorest provinces in China, and the villagers did not count on the authorities to help them open a school. And the desire to educate their children was so great that the school was set up in a cave. There were almost 200 students for 9 teachers.

The school operated for 23 years, after which the authorities closed it with the statement that China is “not a community of cavemen.”

5. Salem School of Witches, USA


There is some irony in the fact that while Salem's reputation was shaped by the fear of witches, today the Massachusetts town is a place where witches gather openly. By witches, I mean those who practice the Wiccan religion, which traces its origins to pagan Celtic traditions.

Today, Salem is home to between 800 and 1,600 witches, according to various sources. A number of shops in the city center are run by Wiccans and sell herbs, amulets, talismans, and other magical accessories.

The Salem School of Witches is a large school campus that welcomes young witches (and warlocks) from all over America. Students study alchemy, divination, runes, the history of magic, and other subjects related to magic.

4. Elf School, Iceland


This unconventional institution is dedicated to the study of Icelandic folklore about elves and their relationship with humans. Since its founding in 1990, the school has enrolled more than 9,000 students, mostly foreigners.

The school offers an Elf Expert Diploma and the accelerated course takes only 5 hours.

3. Husband Hunting School, Japan


Founded in 2010, Infini offers a variety of courses for brides and grooms. Students learn how to move and behave elegantly to win the hearts and minds of potential partners and their parents, who are often a major obstacle to successful unions. The average age of students is 30.

Instructors critique students' clothing, posture, and even small details, such as how they cross their legs or get out of a car. Men and women are taught different skills, from how to set the table to how to be more emotionally free.

Currently, in Japan, men who fit the "4T" are trending:

  1. teishisei - modest and polite,
  2. teirisuku - those with stable employment, with a low risk of dismissal,
  3. teiizon - not dependent on their wives in doing household chores (ready to help around the house and with the children),
  4. teinenpi - thrifty.

2. Keneleken, Russia


This Yakut nomadic school is designed for children of reindeer herders in the Oleneksky District of the Sakha Republic. These schools are small - up to 8 students and 2-3 teachers. But they allow children to stay with their families, and the quality of education meets the state standard.

1. School under the railway bridge, India


Little beggars at railway stations are a sad sight, but if they are educated, their lives can change for the better. With this idea in mind, Rajesh Kumar from New Delhi has set up a mini school under a railway bridge.

It teaches students reading, writing and math, and gives them homework just like a regular elementary school. Children can join and leave classes as they please.