10 Snacks That Are Good for Your Figure

Fasting is one of the most common mistakes when trying to lose weight. You don’t need to eat less, you need to eat better; because to keep your body in good shape, it is important to eat right. This keeps our energy and concentration at an optimal level to carry out our daily activities. But beware, not all processed food is a good snack! So before you run to the nearest supermarket or fast food kiosk, read this list of 10 healthy snacks that you can eat without harming your figure.

It is worth remembering that our body is like a machine, constantly spending a lot of energy and requiring more fuel to function well. That is why experts say that there should be at least one snack in the first half of the day between breakfast and lunch, and another in the middle of the day between lunch and dinner. And you can’t skip breakfast, lunch and dinner. So start now! Take these healthy snack ideas that are quick and easy to prepare and depending on your tastes and possibilities!

1. Yogurt and fruits or porridge

Yogurt, like other dairy products, is a great source of calcium, magnesium and phosphorus, which are the most important minerals for our bones! However, some people prefer not to include it in their diet too often because of the high content of saturated fat. Therefore, the best option is to choose a low-fat or fat-free yogurt. Yogurt with muesli contains enough fiber. For example, oatmeal or muesli, yogurt as a dressing for fruit salads, and especially yogurt with almonds are great options for a healthy afternoon snack. It will satisfy your hunger without exceeding 200 calories!

2. Protein shakes with fruits

This option is not only one of the healthiest snacks you can eat. It is also a great snack for adults to lose weight and build muscle mass, which will help you get a flat stomach and abs. Protein shakes are very tasty and refreshing, in addition, they will help reduce water retention in the body, help get rid of swelling and constipation, which prevent you from getting a flat stomach. You can add fruits and yogurt to the protein shake, but you must remember that all this must be combined with regular exercise! Otherwise, your body will convert excess fuel into fat.

3. Wheat toast

Wheat toast can be a great snack when combined with other healthy ingredients. Plus, they are so simple and easy to prepare that they can also be great snacks at work, on the go or on a walk. Just not with sausage! Wheat toast can be prepared with the following products: tomatoes, avocado, fruits, light cheeses. Thus, it will be a snack that gives you quality carbohydrates, fats and proteins; perfect for following a balanced diet, looking after yourself and maintaining your weight.

4. Boiled eggs

Eggs, besides being the best option for breakfast, are also one of the best healthy foods to have as an afternoon snack. They are a great source of protein and vitamin D. And although some people think that eating more than two boiled eggs a day is dangerous, the truth is that with a normal and balanced diet, yolks in moderation will not affect heart problems. Cook them boiled and combine them with other vegetables. You can put them in a container and take them to work as a healthy snack, they will give you satiety for the whole day.

5. Airy rice cakes

Now let’s talk about rice cakes. Rice cakes are one of the most recommended snacks for keeping fit. This is because they are very low in calories and provide carbohydrates and fiber to your body. The list of ingredients is very simple: brown rice and olive oil or salt, as they are natural ingredients. If you add some peanut butter and fruits, such as bananas or strawberries, you will get the perfect snack: rich in protein and healthy fats. Take this snack to work and provide yourself with a healthy and original snack!

6. Colorful salads

The best option for a snack during a busy workday, and also a great idea for children, from a young age they learn the importance of healthy eating. The main colors of the colorful salad are white, green, orange, yellow, red and purple. Each group of colors in a certain combination of nutrients that help us to be better every day. You can even add yogurt to the salad to make it more delicious. The recipe for happiness is ready!

7. Fruit platter on skewers

As you know, fruits are a very important part of any diet! Eating them as a light snack during the day is a very interesting and simple option, especially when you string colorful fruits on skewers. Carbohydrates, proteins and good fats are provided. You can even pour peanut butter on them, sprinkle coconut flakes and other nuts. Simply delicious!

8. Apples

Of all the fruits, apples are one of the healthiest snacks you can choose! Apples are high in fiber, promote weight loss, and there are a variety of healthy, easy recipes to use them in. A great idea for kids to take to school or for yourself as a snack during the workday. Even if you don’t have time, you can make a beautiful snack by simply cutting apples into pieces, drizzling them with peanut butter, and skewering them. Your healthy snack is ready!

9. Protein bars

Of course, protein bars couldn't help but be included in the top 10 healthy snacks. This is an ideal option, especially if you have little time to prepare snacks. They are economical, healthy and tasty. They can be prepared once with a reserve, but they are convenient to store and use. Put them in your desk drawer and a healthy snack will come to the rescue when you feel hungry. But if you buy protein bars, you should pay attention to the composition, since in supermarkets they often hide candies under this name, and then a healthy snack will turn into an unhealthy one. On the Internet, you can find many simple recipes for protein bars that you can prepare for yourself on a day off for the entire work week.

10. Oatmeal

At the beginning of the article, we talked about how oatmeal and yogurt go perfectly together. But oatmeal itself is a very healthy food with many benefits and can be used to make a variety of great snacks. Oatmeal is rich in proteins, vitamins, fiber and minerals, making it ideal for both children and adults. Delicious recipes: oatmeal with fruit and milk, oatmeal with yogurt, oatmeal cookies and oatmeal pancakes with peanut butter.

As we wrap up this list of 10 healthy snacks that you can eat throughout the day without harming your figure, remember that the best way to take care of yourself is to create healthy eating habits. Snacks and snacks during the workday do not necessarily mean sweets, candies or cookies. You need to plan your shopping list in advance, choosing healthy, useful products. All you need is desire. And finally, do not forget to combine your diet with regular exercise!